Turin Turambar
The thing with Sunless Sea, it's that even lots of people who liked the game (they love the lore, the writing, the idea of the game) say it's flawed, being too slow and grindy.
I swear, the lack of cultural awareness of some of the posters on this board is STAGGERING. Not being aware of The New Yorker or assuming they're publishing clickbait Top 10s is amazing to me.
Cool list -- lots of stuff I'm not familiar with. I like seeing a variety of things get recognition.
The thing with Sunless Sea, it's that even lots of people who liked the game say it's flawed, being too slow and grindy.
Lol mb, I think it's funny either wayI was trying to be sarcastic but after re-reading it clearly didn't come off that way.
I had never heard of Sunless Sea before it was cool.
Wha? No Prune?
It's honestly been the best year for videogames in my memory, and I've been playing videogames for nearly 30 years.The other thing is that there's been an insane amount of high quality games. Each of those games listed have a legitimate claim to a best of list.
I loved the slow speed of the game, hahJust use the mod an awesome gaffer made to make ship movement faster and it is quite a fun little game.
Witcher 3 is this year's Fallout 3. It is a fantastic game in many respects and it will definitely be the most popular and mainstream Witcher game in the series, but it also has glaring flaws that harm the game in some people's eyes. From my perspective, I'd place Batman AK, Mario Maker, MGS5, Bloodborne, and possibly Xenblade X (haven't played yet) above Witcher 3 in the AAA category.
Witcher 3 got Best Game, Best Dev, and Best RPG from The Game Awards. How shameful that it didn't get #1 at yet another publication....
Yeah, the slowness is part of the point. The voyages are meant to feel long and arduous.I loved the slow speed of the game, hah
Here, instead, are what I consider the year’s truly inventive offerings.
Just use the mod an awesome gaffer made to make ship movement faster and it is quite a fun little game.
Just use the mod an awesome gaffer made to make ship movement faster and it is quite a fun little game.
I think he's been writing about games for the magazine/site for a couple of years.Witcher 3 snub yipes. Never expected that would happen. Didn't even knew New Yorker did gaming. And I'm a subscriber LOL.
No Life is Strange. No Witcher. No Fallout. No Ori.
This is a bad list that reads like someone has an agenda.
Nah he doesn'tHis list seems pretty genuine although I don't care for the top 3 games on his list. Nothing wrong with having different tastes. I do find it a bit odd though that a game he gave 5/5 stars isn't even an honorable mention for his GOTY. However, I'm not familiar with this writer at all. Does he give out those types of scores often?
By those metrics, Fallout 4 is also this year's Fallout 3.
No Ori![]()
"they don't like the same games i like! must be an agenda"
It's not wrong on any level. Not every big game resonates with every player.
Anyone who claims to have sampled a majority of this year’s new games is either a liar or a shut-in.
This should be bolded in the OP
I love Witcher 3, but it's not particularly innovative.
Also sounds like he gave it 5 stars and said it's brilliant. So I'm good![]()
No Life is Strange. No Witcher. No Fallout. No Ori.
This is a bad list that reads like someone has an agenda.
Wild how the "agenda" line always pops up in threads like these? Why on earth would they have an agenda? What would the point of that be?
People like different things. I thought this was a really fun list to read through.
Not to mention he might just not have gotten around to playing it.
From the article:
it's just one dude's list. I doubt even on GAF anyone has played everything that's in contention for a top 10 list. I could easily make a list with 50 good PC games this year alone.
Yeah, you're on to something there. Sometimes, reviewers equate "best" with "most innovative." I don't think that's a terribly fair stance to take. A grand refinement of established mechanics has as fair a claim to "best" as something innovative but ultimately flawed. However, if you read the list as the top 10 most innovative games of the year, it makes much more sense.
This is a shockingly awesome list out of The New Yorker, which istypicallyliterally the last place I'd ever look for an opinion on video games. At least one person on staff has good taste confirmed! Fine, it's far more likely someone just has a teenage child with good taste, and they deliberately asked for a wide variety of platforms in an attempt to make everyone happy. Their child doesn't own an XB1, unfortunately.