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The New Yorker: The Best Video Games of 2015

Great list. I've got Sunless Sea on my wishlist and have been waffling on it.

You guys going all ape shmidt over Ori doesn't make sense to me. It is just a very solid Metroidvania with amazing production values. I liked it a lot and forgot it the second it was over.

List is really good of the games I played and I now have to play all the ones on there I haven't heard of yet.

Just replace "ori" with "Uncharted" and "Meteoidvania" with "action-adventure" or "third-person shooter" and you have a post ready for next year!
Given the publication I'm surprised there were any AAA games on the list.
What the hell does the publication have to do with anything?
I still need to play Downwell and Kerbal Space Program but can definitely see the respect KSP gets, considering NASA approves of it.
Play itttttt.

Earlier today, I needed to visit the bathroom. It was one of those real nasty needs, the kind that makes you feel like your gut’s rotten. An uncomfortable necessity to void one’s bowels of unpleasant obstruction loomed viciously on the horizon. I figured I had enough time, however, for one quick round of Downwell before the burden became too great to bear.

That one session became two, then three, then more until I’d lost count. The discomfort dwelling deep within my organic catacombs knew no need to relinquish, and yet I played on. I can’t stress enough exactly how badly I needed to go – it wasn’t quite a red alert, but this was far from as confident “it can wait” situation. It is a miracle I did not paint the inside of my pants with a shameful landscape of semi-solid feculence, but this story stands as vile testament to the strength of Downwell‘s irresistible grip. -Jim Sterling


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
So many great smaller titles released this year. I know some can't beating the AAA-drum about Halo 5, Fallout 4, etc, but it's really nice with games like these. I like the list and I'm looking forward to playing them.


The lack of Ori and the Blind Forest, Rise of the Tomb Raider and Fallout 4 is disturbing.

Falllout 4 is a slightly better version of Fallout 3. That list barely includes sequels and seems to favour genuinely inventive and new experiences. It's not surprising that it didn't make the cut. Good game, but not a GOTY contender.
I agree with this - it feels like Fallen London/Echo Bazaar and Sunless Sea are both planting seeds and testing ideas for a larger game that builds upon the foundation and brings Failbetter's unique universe to life. I'm not sure if that's their intention or if the budget would even be there if they had an idea, but I definitely caught myself a few times during both games wishing that I could truly wander the Unterzee instead of reading about it (as evocative and lovely as the prose can be).

Definitely! I am with you wanting to see how they interpet it all in a fully realized 3D world, it's a prospect worth being excited about. It's slow steps towards expanding and Sunless Sea, as is, is great for the direction it was going in. What's going on in the game is brutal choices to survive and how weird the setting is on the distant shores.

I am really happy this critic rose the exposure of the game and saw fit to give it GOTY.


Undertale and Her Story are my one and two, so I think this is a good list.

The Lamonster said:
If that was the case they should've named it "our favorite video games of 2015"

not "the best"

not sure if sarcastic

I mean it's assumed when someone writes an opinion article about their subjective views on the rankings of videogames or movies or books or tvs, then they know it is presumed that every able minded individual can arrive safely at the conclusion that it is, in fact, their best game of the year list and not "THE" best as a literal fact.

Since, ya know, there is no such thing as a real "THE BEST" list.


Smh at people getting mad at the list for not including some popular games. That's like getting mad at a Taylor Swift album not in a top 10 album of the year list.
Smh at people getting mad at the list for not including some popular games. That's like getting mad at a Taylor Swift album not in a top 10 album of the year list.

Well it reads like they are upset because their favorite popular games didn't make the list and claim the editor only included his own personal favorite and snubbed others without objectivity. Also, in their opinion, it would have been better if this wasn't called a Best of List but a "Favorite Picks" list.

And then in conclusion, this clearly and objectively proves he is a hipster.

The levels of irony is palpable.
What the hell does the publication have to do with anything?

Play itttttt.

While I don't follow the New Yorker's game pieces, I do know that in general the New Yorker is very non traditional and, in my opinion, pretensious. So I was expecting an even more indie focused list than the LA Times top 10.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
It's all subjective. Personally a poor list I think.

Ori and the Blind Forest should be up in that top 10 minimum.

Rocket League should be there as well.
This is fucking literally like going into this guy's personal home, and bitching at him because he doesn't have the same furniture you do, and in your preferred layout. Christ, people.


Smh at people getting mad at the list for not including some popular games. That's like getting mad at a Taylor Swift album not in a top 10 album of the year list.
Seems that just as many are upset that the winner was a game that wasn't talked much about.

Sunless Sea is a really cool game. Glad I played it, apparently more content has been added since, I'll have to go back to it.
I swear, the lack of cultural awareness of some of the posters on this board is STAGGERING. Not being aware of The New Yorker or assuming they're publishing clickbait Top 10s is amazing to me.

I feel like gaffers, of all people, should generally know who Simon Parkin is. He's one of the best games writers out there and has been for a while.

Edit: Can someone explain why Prune keeps showing up on GOTY lists? I've played it through the first set of levels and about half the second, and I dig the design, but I'm finding it a little dull.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Well it reads like they are upset because their favorite popular games didn't make the list and claim the editor only included his own personal favorite and snubbed others without objectivity. Also, in their opinion, it would have been better if this wasn't called a Best of List but a "Favorite Picks" list.

The levels of irony is palpable.

Everyone who disagree with this list should sit down and write a proper list that we all can agree on. Please share, fellow objectivists.
No Life is Strange. No Witcher. No Fallout. No Ori.

So after these 4, and I'm presuming Bloodborne since people seem to flip the fuck out if Bloodborne isn't mentioned in every thread, I get.. what, 5 games to choose on my own?

I just want to make sure because the GAF GOTY voting is coming up and I want to make sure everyone has valid lists.
Hipster click bait list.

ugh. Doesn't everyone want more game criticism, not less? The New Yorker is something I read weekly and have done so for many years. when they do cover games their writing has been quite good. But sure go ahead and call it 'hipster' whatever because you want to sound contrarian...


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
A democratically decided list of agreed upon best of games for 2015. I'm down.

No. Not democratic. Objective! Not stuck with the biases of people with wrong opinions.
SS definitely isn't for everyone. There's a ton of (very good) writing and the gameplay is pretty slow and unforgiving. And not everyone likes rogue-lite games, even if they have succession systems to have some meta progress.

That said I think it's an incredibly realized setting with plenty of agonizing decisions to make. I personally enjoyed the slow pace as well, as it doesn't seem like the type of world where things happen quickly and easily. I also think it's quite pretty especially if you're into Lovecraftian stuff.

I'll definitely pick it up soon. I love roguelites and Lovecraftian things. Your description sounds really interesting. I'm imagining there's going to be another Winte Steam sale, so that'll help.


So what I'm understanding is that people think that the Top 10 Best Video Games of 2015 should just be a ranked list based on NPD numbers for the year?

This is like watching the reactions on Twitter when Arcade Fire or Daft Punk or whoever else beats Justin Bieber at the Grammys.
This is fucking literally like going into this guy's personal home, and bitching at him because he doesn't have the same furniture you do, and in your preferred layout. Christ, people.

If you seriously have a problem with aygomyownroad's comment, what is the point of having threads about lists? Or even having a message board to begin with?

The dude said he doesn't agree with the list and then gave his opinion of what games should've been included.

And you (and many others) have a big problem with that? I think a lot of this is projection, like the guy calling me "sensitive" when I have no dog in this fight. I disagree with the list. Big whoop, doesn't mean I'm sensitive or pedantic.

Personally, I've played a ton of games this year, and there are a couple that stood out high above the others and when I don't see them on top ten lists, I am left to assume that they either didn't play these games or simply have bad taste :p


Anyone who's claiming the list maker has an agenda want to point out what it is? Because these games have a tremendous breadth in terms of production size, genre, platform, and penetration.

My favourite game of the year is Life is Strange, and since I totally forgot Sunless Sea existed, instead of bitching about the lack of the former I'm now going to try to play the latter because of this list. Ooh, look at me, taking a positive away from a list celebrating games and trying to expand what I've experienced. Guess I have an agenda of not being a bitter cynical baby.

Grow up.

That's Prune (sort of) on two mainstream GotY lists. Seriously, guys, the game is super zen. Sit in a dark room with some headphones and play it.


I believe any game made before 1997 is "essentially cave man art."
So what I'm understanding is that people think that the Top 10 Best Video Games of 2015 should just be a ranked list based on NPD numbers for the year?

This is like watching the reactions on Twitter when Arcade Fire or Daft Punk or whoever else beats Justin Bieber at the Grammys.
Nah, it's just that these lists (including this one) are missing some major releases while including some meh indie games.
While I don't follow the New Yorker's game pieces, I do know that in general the New Yorker is very non traditional and, in my opinion, pretensious. So I was expecting an even more indie focused list than the LA Times top 10.
Did you even bother to check who wrote the piece? And find out anything about his history of gaming?

I mean, come on. The fact that you don't know Simon Parkin says more about you than your silly perception of the New Yorker.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
If you seriously have a problem with aygomyownroad's comment, what is the point of having threads about lists? Or even having a message board to begin with?

The dude said he doesn't agree with the list and then gave his opinion of what games should've been included.

And you (and many others) have a big problem with that? I think a lot of this is projection, like the guy calling me "sensitive" when I have no dog in this fight.

I disagree with the list. Big whoop, doesn't mean I'm sensitive or pedantic.

Personally, I've played a ton of games this year, and there are a couple that stood out high above the others and when I don't see them on top ten lists, I am left to assume that they either didn't play these games or simply have bad taste :p
This is someone's subjective picks which are all pretty airtight according to his own preferences, and the discussion always seems to veer towards this guy's list being objectively wrong because it's missing this or that. I can see discussion being about how the actual choices on the list are left field, but to substitute your own favorite game is just boring and childish discussion.


Simon Parkin is by far the best game critic in the industry. He's always right, even when he isn't. In this case I don't really agree with the list as I did in the past, but his is always a great list of things you might have missed and really need to check out. Like I only have a few weeks left to play Her Story and Kerbal Space Program. So much to do, so little time.

I believe he's friends with the guy that made Sunless Sea, so not sure what to think of that.
This is someone's subjective picks which are all pretty airtight according to his own preferences, and the discussion always seems to veer towards this guy's list being objectively wrong because it's missing this or that. I can see discussion being about how the choices are left field, but to substitute your own favorite game is just boring and childish discussion.

Boring and childish would be a simple "this is a bad list." But giving examples promotes discussion. Honestly I don't know what else there is to talk about in these GOTY list threads besides how we would personally change the lists or how we personally agree with the choices. There just isn't a ton of content here and I think that's why the discussion usually sours into this kind of bitterness. It is fun to talk about the "best" video games of the year, though :)

Holy shit I can't believe it! One of the best RPG/adventure games I've ever played minus some quest quibbles, fucking great news for that team!

Aaron D.

Smh at people getting mad at the list for not including some popular games. That's like getting mad at a Taylor Swift album not in a top 10 album of the year list.

This is an interesting dichotomy that occurred to me recently.

Like, in hardcore music circles, if you listen to Top 40 then you're a poser-ass Taylro Swift-loving sellout. TRUE street cred comes from finding those artists who are so off the radar that they don't even have a publishing contract. The really obscure stuff makes you a hardcore audiophile.

BUT it's like the the compete opposite with gaming enthusiasts. If you're not listing the most popular, top-grossing AAA titles in your GOTY debates then you're a click-baiting hipster who's looking for attention.

It's so strange. You'd think that people who are in DEEP, those with enough passion to land themselves a 'Gaf account, would celebrate diversity and unsung gems. You would think they're discerning enough to honestly appreciate small productions that will never see a TV advert during Sunday football.

Where is that passion and excitement to discover something new? To experience groundbreaking games that most will never even hear of? That's what being in DEEP grants you. A ticket to savor hidden gems, and celebrate courageous developers with creative spark & passion.

Just open your mind and enjoy!


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Boring and childish would be a simple "this is a bad list." But giving examples promotes discussion. Honestly I don't know what else there is to talk about in these GOTY list threads besides how we would personally change the lists or how we personally agree with the choices. There just isn't a ton of content here and I think that's why the discussion usually sours into this kind of bitterness. It is fun to talk about the "best" video games of the year, though :)
I know man, I just think the aspects of this hobby that extend to being weirdly competitive even outside of the games themselves (review scores, salesgaf, yearend list bitching) are getting old for me finally.
Good list. Different to my opinion, but that's awesome, more for me to play :D
Exactly! This means people get to play different games that they might not have checked out by themselves. That's what's great about GOTY lists, finding out someone loved some game so much and explained why well enough to convince you to try it out. That's what's great about the Giant Bomb GOTY lists, which has input from devs or other industry people. Aside from one AAA game, most of my GOTYs are smaller titles. Different games connect with different people. If every list is the same picks, the same games you've already played, then that's just fucking boring!
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