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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Ok, so between SD Gundam G Generation Portable and G Generation World (both are in the PSP the Best line) which one would be the better one to start with? I'm leaning towards World but I can get Portable a bit cheaper.
Ok, so between SD Gundam G Generation Portable and G Generation World (both are in the PSP the Best line) which one would be the better one to start with? I'm leaning towards World but I can get Portable a bit cheaper.

World has a much bigger lineup and is actually an original G Generation game developed for the PSP.
Just like Code Geass, it sounds like Bandai Entertainment didn't negotiate for the Blu-ray rights when they licensed the series from Sunrise/Bandai Visual. Bandai has never given an official response, but this is pretty much what most people think.

Hopefully its picked up by someone and reattained. I also hope they release the Gundam Age Blu Rays here.

Oh and with Ban Ent going away will they be taking the Gundam Wing off youtube? Been afraid to buy it in the event its rereleased on blu ray.
Hopefully its picked up by someone and reattained. I also hope they release the Gundam Age Blu Rays here.

Oh and with Ban Ent going away will they be taking the Gundam Wing off youtube? Been afraid to buy it in the event its rereleased on blu ray.

Bandai Entertainment technically still exists in North America, they're just not releasing new anime properties. It is going to be interesting to see what happens with Gundam in North America going forward, but Gundam AGE's subtitled stream being region-locked for those outside SE Asia/Australia doesn't instill much confidence. I have a feeling that Sunrise/Bandai Visual wasn't happy with Gundam not being the huge money maker in NA like it is in Japan, so they took their ball and went home pouting.
Buy a Wing Zero Custom Perfect Grade off Ebay!
I actually considered it but at that scale and price I decided to do that later in my collection.

Bandai Entertainment technically still exists in North America, they're just not releasing new anime properties. It is going to be interesting to see what happens with Gundam in North America going forward, but Gundam AGE's subtitled stream being region-locked for those outside SE Asia/Australia doesn't instill much confidence. I have a feeling that Sunrise/Bandai Visual wasn't happy with Gundam not being the huge money maker in NA like it is in Japan, so they took their ball and went home pouting.
They need to go all out with it like it was with Wing, Not only was the show good/popular they had entire shelves in places like Toysrus with Gundam figures and model kits.

also AGE was a lost cause there was no way it would be that popular in America with the intended demographic.
an edited version of Gundam 00 on a Toonami style block at 4:30-6:30* on Cartoon Network and not freaking Syfy would have done amazingly well.

*probably not likely in this day and age, but their loss.

started 08th MS Team
Like it alot so far after 3 episodes.
Bandai Entertainment technically still exists in North America, they're just not releasing new anime properties. It is going to be interesting to see what happens with Gundam in North America going forward, but Gundam AGE's subtitled stream being region-locked for those outside SE Asia/Australia doesn't instill much confidence. I have a feeling that Sunrise/Bandai Visual wasn't happy with Gundam not being the huge money maker in NA like it is in Japan, so they took their ball and went home pouting.

I went to the Sunrise panel at Otakon and Shin Sasaki was pretty vague about any plans to get back into the NA market (beyond Unicorn), just the usual "we're looking into it" BS. Though I suppose the fact that they would come to the US to do a con panel shows at least some interest in the market.

DTL...don't hold your breath for anything domestically released anytime soon; I would go ahead and get the Wing DVDs. Given that Sunrise/Bandai Visual are including English subs on Gundam SEED HD and AGE BD's in Japan, I suspect the most they'll do is take an Aniplex style approach to NA.

And G Gen World it is...thanks for the input distantmantra.
I went to the Sunrise panel at Otakon and Shin Sasaki was pretty vague about any plans to get back into the NA market (beyond Unicorn), just the usual "we're looking into it" BS. Though I suppose the fact that they would come to the US to do a con panel shows at least some interest in the market.

They're only here because they're going to finish the Unicorn release in North America. And honestly, we should all breathe a sigh of relief that they didn't just stop after volume 4.
They're only here because they're going to finish the Unicorn release in North America. And honestly, we should all breathe a sigh of relief that they didn't just stop after volume 4.

True...I guess Sunrise is just continuing with their irrational decision making with regards to the western market. I keep thinking that they had said at the panel that they were looking at perhaps an Aniplex style approach but I can't remember for sure. If that's the best we're going to get here then I suppose I'll fork over my life savings to import a subbed Turn A BD collection if that ever happens.
They tried the Aniplex style release with their Honneamise line (Honneamise Blu-ray, Patlabor movies, Gundam MS Igloo DVDs, Gunbuster 1/2 DVDs, SRW OVA DVDs, etc.), but that didn't last very long.

I seriously think Sunrise/Bandai Visual cannot accept the fact that the North American anime market is not identical to how things run in Japan. People just aren't willing to pay R2 prices here.
Good point...I had forgotten about Honneamise...that was a period where I wasn't buying too much so I didn't pay much attention to it. I guess they'll never learn, unfortunately.


Bandai had their moment where the cultural forces of the late 90s/early 00s aligned to give Gundam a breakthrough.

Wing was huge. Then they followed it up with G, which I personally like, but it wasn't exactly a logical successor.

But MSG blew the momentum. They were noble in their intentions to try and bring the UC over, but the original Gundam is way too dated for kids these days. The abridged airing due in part to 9/11 didn't help either.

They gave SEED a shot, but the damage was already done by that point.
Bandai had their moment where the cultural forces of the late 90s/early 00s aligned to give Gundam a breakthrough.

Wing was huge. Then they followed it up with G (which was good, but not exactly a logical follow-up).

And MSG killed it (along with its abridged airing due in part to 9/11). They were noble in their intentions to try and bring the UC over, but the original Gundam is way too dated for kids these days.

They gave SEED a shot, but the damage was already done by that point.

Yep, I think Gundam had it's shot in North America. Wing merchandise sold like gangbusters, but then they flooded the market with UC/0079 stuff which sat on store shelves until it was clearanced. They even made a valiant effort by releasing a ton of PS2 Gundam games (Journey to Jaburo, Encouters in Space, Fed vs. Zeon, Gundam vs. Zeta, MS Saga, Zeonic Front, Never Ending Tomorrow, etc.). It just didn't work.

OG Gundam 0079 is HUGE in Japan, but here it's nothing. It's such a sacred property that I don't think they can accept the fact that it's not a big moneymaker in America. North America and Japan sharing the same Blu-ray region coding probably doesn't help matters.


I agree; that split between West/East on the relevance of the UC is huge.

The UC releases were an essential part of building the brand (at least for its future), because half of Gundam revolves around it. And I appreciate MSG, and stuck through it because the mythology's interesting and pays off later with some of the spin-offs, movies, and OAVs.

But it badly needed a remake for American audiences. There's too much time investment to get to the newer stuff.

I think the course of history might have been a little different if Bandai/Sunrise had taken the opportunity seriously and commissioned a Wing follow-up or localized X/Turn-A before getting into the UC.


I seriously think Sunrise/Bandai Visual cannot accept the fact that the North American anime market is not identical to how things run in Japan. People just aren't willing to pay R2 prices here.

I think this is the real problem although it's clearly not limited to Sunrise/Bandai as I'm sure you'll agree. A lot of the Japanese digital/physical media distributors need to wake up to the fact that the old way of doing things just doesn't work in these modern times. The passing of that Draconian law that will make illegal downloading a criminal offense in Japan isn't going to help change minds there anytime soon though...
Bandai Visual licensed Eureka Seven AO to Funimation, which will more than likely have an affordable Blu-ray release. I think this issue, at least with BV/Sunrise, has to do with Gundam and Gundam alone.
08th MS Team END

felt a little rushed, overall really enjoyed it though.
tied with 0080 as my second favorite.

Went ahead and ordered the MG Ez8.
My favorite non Wing Gundam design.


Yeah, the thing that benefited DBZ was its longevity, being 4-5x the length of Wing. There were multiple points there to "jump into" the series, so it could cultivate a fanbase.

Wing came and went in about a year, so the momentum had to be sustained in similar (yet still very different) subseries. And that wasn't as easy a transition for the audience as simply moving on to another story arc in a series that ran for about 5 years straight, every night.

Beth Cyra

Wing came and went in about a year, so the momentum had to be sustained in similar (yet still very different) subseries. And that wasn't as easy a transition for the audience as simply moving on to another story arc in a series that ran for about 5 years straight, every night.
True, however it needs to be said pushing a Wing follow up could have easily been done and on the air shortly after the time Endless Waltz aired in America.

Despite what alot of us want to believe Wing did pretty well in Japan all things considered, and Japan/Sunrise already had Turn A finishing up and likely SEED staring to be planned when EW had it's massive spike here.

If they had been willing AC could have been America's UC, and they could have had a giant fanbase here all the while SEED was blowing up in Japan.

At times I really do wonder if their failure to turn over the west, and a follow up Wing project played in them pushing out Destiny so hard and fast.

Seed managed to pull the same thing Wing did but in Japan and they have said how they rushed to get Destiny out because SEED had become so popular. I do wonder at times what it would be like if they allowed AC to be the western UC.

Sometimes I wonder if they are tempted to retry and capture it with stuff like FT. As it stands Transformers held in America for 20 years, so maybe they would have a shot.

Beth Cyra

A Wing revival for North America wouldn't interest me in the slightest.

Wouldn't do a whole lot for a good amount of Gundam fans who have moved on and loved other seires.

Thing is, Wing remains the most popular Gundam meta series even to this day, and if Bandai/Sunrise ever really wanted to have any shot of getting Gundam to go over well here again a Wing series that does decently well in Japan and then brought here is their best bet.


A Wing revival for North America wouldn't interest me in the slightest.

This. I want a G Gundam revival.



Wouldn't do a whole lot for a good amount of Gundam fans who have moved on and loved other seires.

Thing is, Wing remains the most popular Gundam meta series even to this day, and if Bandai/Sunrise ever really wanted to have any shot of getting Gundam to go over well here again a Wing series that does decently well in Japan and then brought here is their best bet.
Probably. But that will never happen. After the massive failure of AGE Bandai is sure to double down on universal century because UC is doing so damn well for them.
A Wing revival for North America wouldn't interest me in the slightest.

Not even a Frozen Teardrop adaptation? :p

Just looking at some of character bios for that made my head spin...

By the way, I picked up an HG GM and am going to try to start on it this weekend. Never done any Gunpla or real modeling period before. Any last minute advice before I screw this up (lol)?


By the way, I picked up an HG GM and am going to try to start on it this weekend. Never done any Gunpla or real modeling period before. Any last minute advice before I screw this up (lol)?

Read the instructions before you even touch a runner. Take your time when building and don't worry too much. Remember that everything you learn on this build can be used to improve on the next one. I'd recommend using some decent nippers/cutters to clip each part from the runners also. The real important thing is just to enjoy it but beware my friend, you're on the slippery slope to plamo addiction here!

Is this a straight build or are you going to be painting as well?
Not even a Frozen Teardrop adaptation? :p

Just looking at some of character bios for that made my head spin...

By the way, I picked up an HG GM and am going to try to start on it this weekend. Never done any Gunpla or real modeling period before. Any last minute advice before I screw this up (lol)?

I was actually enjoying Frozen Teardrop alot until I watched Endless Waltz again and think it kind of ruins it.

Read over the instructions a few steps in ahead, sometimes it can be tricky about order.
Do all the extra stuff people do with Gundams. panel lines, paint markers to touch up clipped parts etc.
I had never done panel lines until recently and it looks so much better.

Beth Cyra

Probably. But that will never happen. After the massive failure of AGE Bandai is sure to double down on universal century because UC is doing so damn well for them.

I don't think we will see this.

Granted Origin is coming, but that was going to happen regardless of AGE. Wing isn't suddenly losing out or having Glory or Frozen dropped, and neither have they stopped with the SEED HD series.

I dont expect a Wing anime follow up, but the failure of AGE I would wager has little to zero chance of effecting it either way, well unless they were going to Fire Sumizawa again and hire Hino to do it, then sure.

Lastly if Sunrise continued with AU after the massive failures that were X and Turn A back to back, they aren't going to throw away AU when they had SEED/OO back to back. We will probably see a better balance going forward instead of just AU or just UC.

I was actually enjoying Frozen Teardrop alot until I watched Endless Waltz again and think it kind of ruins it.

Read over the instructions a few steps in ahead, sometimes it can be tricky about order.
Do all the extra stuff people do with Gundams. panel lines, paint markers to touch up clipped parts etc.
I had never done panel lines until recently and it looks so much better.

Wait, out of all the things that could ruin FT it was EW that did it for you? May I ask how?

Honestly though, Past AC and Mars Era have been total garbage but he has expanded and really made Preventer 5 awesome. If we could have had that level of quality all they way through then overall I would have been as happy with FT as I'm with Glory.

This. I want a G Gundam revival.




Start of the downward trend in America, less popular then Wing in Japan. Yeah, should totally go with G again, perfectly logical.
I don't think we will see this.

Granted Origin is coming, but that was going to happen regardless of AGE. Wing isn't suddenly losing out or having Glory or Frozen dropped, and neither have they stopped with the SEED HD series.

I dont expect a Wing anime follow up, but the failure of AGE I would wager has little to zero chance of effecting it either way, well unless they were going to Fire Sumizawa again and hire Hino to do it, then sure.

Lastly if Sunrise continued with AU after the massive failures that were X and Turn A back to back, they aren't going to throw away AU when they had SEED/OO back to back. We will probably see a better balance going forward instead of just AU or just UC.

Wait, out of all the things that could ruin FT it was EW that did it for you? May I ask how?

Honestly though, Past AC and Mars Era have been total garbage but he has expanded and really made Preventer 5 awesome. If we could have had that level of quality all they way through then overall I would have been as happy with FT as I'm with Glory.

Start of the downward trend in America, less popular then Wing in Japan. Yeah, should totally go with G again, perfectly logical.

I thought (having not seen EW since its release) that FT was a logical continuation/sequel(minus a few character things here and there) but after seeing it again the other day it just seemed like EW was the right place to end that story. Earth was pretty much peaceful, heroes didn't want to fight anymore.
Just feels like an episode 7 of Star Wars would to me now.

I really think 00 was their chance to get back to into the NA market. it was squandered by two things.
1. SyFy, coming on a channel that the driving demographic wouldn't be watching, especially at that time.
2. Merchandise, you loose alot of potential fans with only having stuff in specialty stores or ordered online from Japan. 'Kids' seeing an awesome looking Gundam/MS on a store shelf can get them to tune into the show.

Beth Cyra

I thought (having not seen EW since its release) that FT was a logical continuation/sequel(minus a few character things here and there) but after seeing it again the other day it just seemed like EW was the right place to end that story. Earth was pretty much peaceful, heroes didn't want to fight anymore.
Just feels like an episode 7 of Star Wars would to me now.

Haha fair enough. I kinda feel similar to FT and SEED Destiny. However I do think that Preventer 5 presented a good way to take Wing forward, sadly the rest of FT is such a mess that it threw away most of it's potentail in my eyes.
2. Merchandise, you loose alot of potential fans with only having stuff in specialty stores or ordered online from Japan. 'Kids' seeing an awesome looking Gundam/MS on a store shelf can get them to tune into the show.

UC and SEED stuff was all over Target, Toys R Us, etc. back in the mid-00s. Totally bombed.
Wing was huge. Then they followed it up with G, which I personally like, but it wasn't exactly a logical successor.

But MSG blew the momentum. They were noble in their intentions to try and bring the UC over, but the original Gundam is way too dated for kids these days. The abridged airing due in part to 9/11 didn't help either.

They gave SEED a shot, but the damage was already done by that point.

? no, Bandai followed up Wing with MGS which is what killed it. G didn't come out till much later in the US. They also followed up MGS TV with the UC movies and OVAs before they attempted G. If they had followed Wing directly with G and X, Gundam would have likely had more longer term success and not the sharp fall off it got by following Wing directly with OG MGS
? no, Bandai followed up Wing with MGS which is what killed it. G didn't come out till much later in the US. They also followed up MGS TV with the UC movies and OVAs before they attempted G. If they had followed Wing directly with G and X, Gundam would have likely had more longer term success and not the sharp fall off it got by following Wing directly with OG MGS
they did also drop MSG because of 9/11
and none of the other UC stuff was given the important 4-7PM timeslot.

UC and SEED stuff was all over Target, Toys R Us, etc. back in the mid-00s. Totally bombed.
UC just wasn't going to do that well coming off of Wing.
I don't know what Seeds problem was, I personally I found all the suits dull or generic but everyone seems to really like them.
though I did buy the MG Turn A and I absolutely hate its design.
they did also drop MSG because of 9/11
and none of the other UC stuff was given the important 4-7PM timeslot.

The shows ratings were dismal, it was going to get pulled either way. 9/11 became an easy "excuse" to not bring it back, yet they had no problem soon airing other violent cartoons afterwards. MGS failure wasn't due to the show being taken off the air, it was already doing poorly and the toys were not selling which they did put out in force at the time. The other UC stuff had to be given adult swim time slots due to the higher violence of the UC OVAs or otherwise be heavily censored. Wasn't till G which they could put Gundam back to a prime time slot.

UC just wasn't going to do that well coming off of Wing.
I don't know what Seeds problem was, I personally I found all the suits dull or generic but everyone seems to really like them.
though I did buy the MG Turn A and I absolutely hate its design.

SEED did well in ratings but it also was being played at a very very late night time slot, so it never had the chance to reach the level of success of Wing. While it did well for it's time slot and was replayed in it's entirely several times, it just had the time slot against it. That level of niche success was not going to sell enough toys to justify long shelf life in big retailers.
The shows ratings were dismal, it was going to get pulled either way. 9/11 became an easy "excuse" to not bring it back, yet they had no problem soon airing other violent cartoons afterwards. MGS failure wasn't due to the show being taken off the air, it was already doing poorly and the toys were not selling which they did put out in force at the time. The other UC stuff had to be given adult swim time slots due to the higher violence of the UC OVAs or otherwise be heavily censored. Wasn't till G which they could put Gundam back to a prime time slot.

SEED did well in ratings but it also was being played at a very very late night time slot, so it never had the chance to reach the level of success of Wing. While it did well for it's time slot and was replayed in it's entirely several times, it just had the time slot against it. That level of niche success was not going to sell enough toys to justify long shelf life in big retailers.
oh ok didn't know about the ratings.

Wonder why CN hasn't tried a 4-7PM toonami style slot again. guess it would probably be hard without an anchor with the episode count of DBZ.
The other thing about Wing's success was the timing. It came just right at the start of the big anime boom at the time in the US. It became harder on other gundam series to compete as suddenly the market was being flooded with product. Every publisher wanted their show to air on CN or somewhere on TV so getting any prime slots was difficult at the time. They got lucky that they were able to get G on at a prime slot originally after the troubles they had with the other Gundams before that, but that of course was short lived since once the show ended, all they could do was rerun it a few times before CN would eventually pull it, and it was back to nothing for the franchise.

Wonder why CN hasn't tried a 4-7PM toonami style slot again. guess it would probably be hard without an anchor with the episode count of DBZ.

CN is more interested in their own IP's and original programming now, since they often get more control over it and also rights to make money off merchandise.


? no, Bandai followed up Wing with MGS which is what killed it. G didn't come out till much later in the US. They also followed up MGS TV with the UC movies and OVAs before they attempted G. If they had followed Wing directly with G and X, Gundam would have likely had more longer term success and not the sharp fall off it got by following Wing directly with OG MGS

Whoops, got my dates confused.

But, you're correct: the focus on MSG and UC stuff immediately after Wing killed whatever momentum the franchise had.

Total missed opportunity.

Also, I read some summaries on FT and... Jesus Christ it's terrible-sounding. Hope that's never adapted.
The other thing about Wing's success was the timing. It came just right at the start of the big anime boom at the time in the US. It became harder on other gundam series to compete as suddenly the market was being flooded with product. Every publisher wanted their show to air on CN or somewhere on TV so getting any prime slots was difficult at the time. They got lucky that they were able to get G on at a prime slot originally after the troubles they had with the other Gundams before that, but that of course was short lived since once the show ended, all they could do was rerun it a few times before CN would eventually pull it, and it was back to nothing for the franchise.

CN is more interested in their own IP's and original programming now, since they often get more control over it and also rights to make money off merchandise.
They are doing a terrible job at that, especially after what they did to Mystery Incorporated which was one of their best original shows.

Finished the Alex. Not my favorite suit model wise, but it does look good. the included armor is pretty cool and I can't decide whether to display with or without it

Beth Cyra

They are doing a terrible job at that, especially after what they did to Mystery Incorporated which was one of their best original shows.

Finished the Alex. Not my favorite suit model wise, but it does look good. the included armor is pretty cool and I can't decide whether to display with or without it

I've always kinda liked the look of the Alex (well more so then the RX-78-2) but the combo of the shoulder pieces and the age has kinda made me hold off.

Plus I would never use the armor so one of it's big selling features is worthless to me.


I've always kinda liked the look of the Alex (well more so then the RX-78-2) but the combo of the shoulder pieces and the age has kinda made me hold off.

Plus I would never use the armor so one of it's big selling features is worthless to me.

I'd love to see a 2.0 of the Alex as the original MG is essentially a scaled up HG (mostly) due to the lack of an inner frame. It is a pretty old kit by modern standards though.
I've always kinda liked the look of the Alex (well more so then the RX-78-2) but the combo of the shoulder pieces and the age has kinda made me hold off.

Plus I would never use the armor so one of it's big selling features is worthless to me.
its my favorite UC suit after the Ez8(don't know why probably the more military look)
but it just feels pretty stiff and bulky as a model.

anybody that still has them willing to sell the old 1/20 pilot figures?
I only need Relena, Rain, Ple Two, Elpeo Ple, Lacus, Cagalli(militia) and maybe Nina.
Wouldn't even ask but I know some people don't care about them.
Had a Relena already but when I got the Serpent out of storage only Mariemaia was still in the box for some reason.
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