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The Official Gundam Thread of Gunpla, Origins, and 35 Years of GUNDAMUUUU!

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Beth Cyra

Hopefully in 1-2 weeks after all of you have gotten it out of your systems, I'll never have to hear about AGE ever again! :D

Edit: Gotta say, it feels good to be fucking vindicated.

Not saying you were wrong, but the second post is even more sad because AGE didn't seem to be a hit even with the demographic they were targeting. Or at least from the outside looking in.
G Gundam episode 1
well now I remember exactly how much I disliked it, but there is some nostalgia there and hopefully this time I can enjoy it.
I think the main thing I deslike is the world it's set in.
Gundam AGE 49 END

God that sucked. The premises are quite good but the execution was so, so poor. Flit's arc had the mystery of whether the Vagan were human or something else, Asemu's arc had the bog standard ex-friend rivalry but Asemu had inferiority complex to his father that could've carried the arc, and Kio's had a missing father, a genocidal grandfather and his time in Vagan. Give a half decent writer the basic outline of this show and we would've had a masterpiece.


Man... where does Sunrise go on from AGE? (besides Unicorn)

Do that Gundam The Origin adaptation they teased years ago? New AU? Give Gundam a bit of a break for a few years?

Beth Cyra

AGE 49

Spoilers below:

This was the worst fucking show I've seen in a long time. I swear to god, I got more enjoyment out of G-saviour than this piece of crap. There are so many problems with this show that it'd take me forever to go through them, but my main issue is how incredibly naive everyone INCLUDING the show runners are. It's like NO SHIT war and genocide is bad, you need to develop deeper conflicts than that for a compelling story. It's compounded by the absolutely ridiculous lack of any motivations that make sense for any of the characters. So Old man Flit wants to commit genocide because they killed a girl he knew like for a week? And all it took for him to snap out of his bloodlust was her coming back in ghost form and telling him to not do it? LOL

That brings me to the next problem. Yeah we all know genocide is bad, but the show goes to absolutely no lengths to show us why the Vagan are even worth saving. As far as I can tell, they're just a bunch of morons and dicks who instead of trying to solve their own problems, attack civilians in the earth sphere. You can't tell me on one hand that they couldn't solve an affliction caused by proximity to Mars, while on the other hand having the ability to develop super advanced war machines, colonies and superlasers capable of travelling the distance between Mars and Earth. The one time they tried to make them relatable with the two kids ended up with one of them inexplicably joining the military and helping invade Earth. What the fuck. Seriously I can't think of a single Vagan character that was worthy of redemption. Even Zeheart's motivations make no sense. Why would he even accept Space-Hitler's plans without questioning them? Is he just a character that is incapable of thinking for himself? And then died with no resolution? The fuck?

The worst is Kio, probably the worst gundam protagonist yet. At the beginning of this arc I imagined that his naivety would be treated as a source of conflict. Instead, he's just this naive kid all the way to the end and the show doesn't deal with it AT ALL. Aside from that, he's also got no other notable attributes.

It's a great shame because the premise of this show is actually really good. A story that spans several generations? That sounds exciting! However the show fails to have characters aside from the gundam pilots that transition through the generations rendering the whole concept utterly useless. There's like only two other characters with any development, Wolf and Grodek and surprise, they're two of the only good characters on this show.

I have other problems with this show, but I'm just not going to bother, meh.

So in the end, fuck you Level 5, go back to your matchsticks.

Also, fuck you Sunrise, when is the next Unicorn episode?

I agree with most of what you said, with this being the problem, specifically Zeheart.

Zeheart has Asemu down and dead at least 4 times during the second arc and in no way would Space Hitler be happy with the fact he let him live, in fact Zeheart had the entire war won multiple times because with the good old Super Pilot dead no one would have been there to stop Zeheart or the Vegan's in general.

Granted from everything I've read they completely fucked over Zeheart in the 3rd arc, mostly trying to make people buy into the fact his mind had been poisoned so much if what I'm reading is true. Still Vegan's had compasion and love as Zeheart showed multiple times so there is good reason to save them.
Gundam Age 49 (end)

The conclusion was much better than I expected, definitely perhaps one of my favorite of the Gundam's Ive seen. I enjoyed each of the developments as well as the final boss.
Never would have thought it would be Zera Gin's combined with SID. I guess people who called that SID would come back before the show as done were right on the money.
. They really know how to appeal to me with all the flash and stuff, and even the way they had it all played out worked well, just the camera position during the most intense part of the fighting and even the location. Really well done. The resolution was actually satisfying even if the hints were laid out pretty heavily over the past six+ episodes.
I did crey when Lord Ezelcanto sama gave his final wish to Kio, forking over his ideal for Kio's one of making a world in which people can just be human. I was so glad when both sides made pleas for everyone to work together towards the various goals, as well as disconnecting La Gramis from Second Moon and all three Gundams working in unison, teamwork is always win!
. Excellent.

Overall Id have to say Gundam Age was just a really wonderful ride for the past 50+ weeks Ive been following it. The art style and character design initially interested me in trying it out and I liked mechas and was looking for a way to get into Gundam, so I thought to start here, and it worked. During the time I did follow this, and then picked up 00, Seed HD, and even Wing. The characters for gAGE were just really good and right in my interests for stories I like to follow. Each generation saw them receive considerable amounts of development, and them working towards their goals and motivations, with their own keystone moments. Flit was awesome as a lead and second favorite of the three.
I liked how he turned out over time, shaped by the things that affected him in his age. Desil was a good rival of sorts for him.
Then Asemu was an excellent second one who was my favorite. I think for the three he was given the best Gundam. The Age 2 Gundam Normal just looks amazing and I always like the ones with wings and are slimmer. Age 1 had some pretty bulky modifications, such as the Titan form of it.
Even if he wasnt an X-rounder, I liked how a normal human could still have relevance even against his rival of sorts, Zehearto. And for Zehearto too he had good development over time. I believe he liked having the company of Asemu and friends during his teenage years and was grateful for it, even if he couldnt ever express it to Asemu well. The memories he had later in life were touching and just the photos we occasionally saw and their robot stuff. The gens big two moments were amazing especially Zehearto and Asemu having to work together at the Battle at Northrum, and such, and working to from causing too much harm to earth, that entry to earth was awesome. I love teamwork. The Battle at Big Ring was good too, and liked the Magicians 8
. And lastly third gen was good too. Kio may not be as good as Asemu and Flit, probably just due to age and being less experienced or not having time to be experienced, but his desire for peace was a nice change of pace for the mains, and I loved that he wanted to see things from the Vegans point of view.
Being captured and meeting upclose with Lord Ezelcanto sama and Deen and his sister was a good set of episodes, and it gave us the glorious Gundam Legilus. And then further from this moment I liked that he received the best modified suit, the Age FX Normal with Burst Mode and C-funnels, that was epic and like he shot lasers from his eyes and all those glowing thrusters. The Vegan suit, FaunFausia is also another suit I liked from this. I guess I love bits, and even if it is kind of girly, it was still a cool suit! Favorite moments were with the stuff around Exa DB SID and Asemu and Zehearto with that issue, really good fight it was, as well as Rostroulan, OliverNotes, the MoonBase, and the fall of Big Ring. Final battle was amazing just for the sake of Digmazenon and my last Asemu/Zehearto moment and battle. I felt bad for Zehearto he was always ahead and finally let Asemu pass him and then to pass away :(

I think Im probably in the minority (well at least at mal, that 6.94 rating, ouchie) but Gundam Age was worth giving a shot and was vastly rewarding week after week. I liked the ever deepening plot and the intense action, as well as the visuals and music (nary a bad song on the OST). Side characters like Desil, Fram, Leil, Seric Abis, Wolf, Ezelcanto-sama, Deen, Algrieus, were well done and interesting and actually worth mentioned, and the main characters were all good, like Zehearto, Flit, Asemu, Kio, were good. 10/10.

On my Gundams, definitely close to being tied with Wing for my favorite.


Not saying you were wrong, but the second post is even more sad because AGE didn't seem to be a hit even with the demographic they were targeting. Or at least from the outside looking in.

It's true that Hino's fucking failure here was beyond even my wildest imagination!

Beth Cyra

for everyone saying how bad Age is,
is it hilariously bad or just bad.


AGE-2 has some legitly decent moments, but overall AGE Arc 1 and 2 are just boring and poorly written nonsense that makes pretty much any Gundam seem good when compared to it.

Edit: And I include both G Gundaam and Destiny. Award winning character and writting compared to what we see in AGE.
I've been wondering throughout the thread if you've been deliberately trolling, but this might have sealed it for me.

I dont know, I liked the characters and mobile suits and flash and thats what sell me on the series. I guess I just put more focus on these things than what the other gAGE viewers did, like writing?
I think Im probably in the minority (well at least at mal, that 6.94 rating, ouchie) but Gundam Age was worth giving a shot and was vastly rewarding week after week. I liked the ever deepening plot and the intense action, as well as the visuals and music (nary a bad song on the OST). Side characters like Desil, Fram, Leil, Seric Abis, Wolf, Ezelcanto-sama, Deen, Algrieus, were well done and interesting and actually worth mentioned, and the main characters were all good, like Zehearto, Flit, Asemu, Kio, were good. 10/10.

On my Gundams, definitely close to being tied with Wing for my favorite.

Man... where does Sunrise go on from AGE? (besides Unicorn)

Do that Gundam The Origin adaptation they teased years ago? New AU? Give Gundam a bit of a break for a few years?

Personally I would like if the show had some maturity again. I was shocked when I saw
female breasts
in 08th MS team. :p


I've been wondering throughout the thread if you've been deliberately trolling, but this might have sealed it for me.

I thought it was just assumed that DTL is always in troll mode.

Oh come on guys, don't always think the worst of people. Poor Dedication's clearly suffering from Gundam Opinion Disorder, not trolling!
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, even when it's objectively wrong :p

I'll save my rant for when I've watched the episode, but the
Flitler/Lalah Expy
spoilers have already raised my hackles a little. Prepare for incoming meh.
Gundam AGE 49
Another ugly Vagan suit with a supposedly super X-Rounder gets trashed by the power of friendship. And where have I just seen the whole "let's all stop fighting and work together to stop a bunch of people from dying" plot point before? Oh yeah, Gundam 00.
Weak ending to a weak show, how appropriate.

One of my bigger problems with AGE (among many) is that there were parts of the show especially in Gen 1 where there was quite a bit of potential and some potentially good ideas, but the series time and time again fell back on the same old boring tropes and cliches. And that's not to mention Gen 3 and all of the nonsensical character decisions especially with Kio and Zeheart.

This show was an absolute disappointment and pretty much a total mess by the end. I think Destiny might have been unseated as my least favorite Gundam TV series.

Hopefully in 1-2 weeks after all of you have gotten it out of your systems, I'll never have to hear about AGE ever again! :D

Edit: Gotta say, it feels good to be fucking vindicated.


Yes, you were absolutely right. I hope this is the end of the AGE universe...Sunrise needs to get as far away from Hino as possible.


Gundam AGE 49 And where have I just seen the whole "let's all stop fighting and work together to stop a bunch of people from dying" plot point before? Oh yeah, Gundam 00.
And Gundam Wing (Libra).

...and Victory Gundam (Angel Halo).

...and Char's Counterattack (Axis).

Yeah, it's a standard Gundam trope, not even worth spoiler-tagging. The over-reliance on which is just one of this series' major problems, as well as Gundam 00 Season 2's fatal flaw. lolSunrise.

This show was an absolute disappointment and pretty much a total mess by the end. I think Destiny might have been unseated as my least favorite Gundam TV series.
Yes, definitely. Kio making Shinn look well-developed and sympathetic is a bloody sin.

And at least Destiny had some standout qualities (the music, Lunamaria's zettai and ahoge, Meer's tits, some battle scenes). AGE had nearly nothing to its credit - a couple characters here, a single smexy mecha design there, but ultimately, everything else was just so mediocre. And that's a far worse crime for an entertainment product to commit than being bad, but interesting, or bad with some good parts like Destiny was.

Oh, and what the fuck was that CG abomination
that barely served as ZA FAINARU TEKKI at the end
? They couldn't even hand draw
the final boss
? Disgusting. I've said it before - it's as if the whole production staff saw the ratings, threw up their hands and gave up near the end.

Hopefully in 1-2 weeks after all of you have gotten it out of your systems, I'll never have to hear about AGE ever again! :D

Edit: Gotta say, it feels good to be fucking vindicated.


Not saying you were wrong, but the second post is even more sad because AGE didn't seem to be a hit even with the demographic they were targeting. Or at least from the outside looking in.

It's true that Hino's fucking failure here was beyond even my wildest imagination!
All True Dat. Keep that fucking hack Hino and his motley crew away from anime forever. Let them stick to making video games from now on, it's clearly all they're good at*.

Actually...if anyone here has seen Inazuma Eleven's anime, is that as bad as AGE was? Hard to believe.


Canadians burned my passport
I like how the FINARU BOSSU was roughly the same size as the gundams at first, then somehow scaled up to be like ten times their size at the end.


Fucking CG - how does it work?

In other news, I prefer G-Savior to AGE
, especially the CGI work
. Completely unironically.


Finished AGE. Pretty much agree with most of whats been said about it so far. Didn't like the show a whole lot before and these last 8 episodes solidified that for me.


I like how the FINARU BOSSU was roughly the same size as the gundams at first, then somehow scaled up to be like ten times their size at the end.

That's the power of Deus Ex Machina for you!

I was more disappointed that they brought back SID just for this fight, it was my favourite character in all of AGE! It had more personality than most of the cast combined and at least its goals made sense (until the last ep).
And Gundam Wing (Libra).

...and Victory Gundam (Angel Halo).

...and Char's Counterattack (Axis).

Yeah, it's a standard Gundam trope, not even worth spoiler-tagging. The over-reliance on which is just one of this series' major problems, as well as Gundam 00 Season 2's fatal flaw. lolSunrise.

Lol, I just spoiler tag as a reflex. Yeah, you're right, it is an overused trope but I guess it stuck out to me and bothered me more here because the rest of the series felt so weak. Which reminds me I should get some alcohol and go rewatch Victory :p.

Oh, and what the fuck was that CG abomination
that barely served as ZA FAINARU TEKKI at the end
? They couldn't even hand draw
the final boss
? Disgusting. I've said it before - it's as if the whole production staff saw the ratings, threw up their hands and gave up near the end.

That...thing...was utterly repulsive, and the whole thing felt tacked on and pointless. Perhaps you are right and the staff just gave up and phoned it in.

Beth Cyra

Well I decided to watch the O8Th team because of all the love it's been getting lately.

I got to say after Eps 1 I can't say I'm a huge fan. The relationship between Shiro and the other character happens way to fast even more so because it seems like the other character is so weak.

Maybe it will pick up, but I really can't see me getting behind this relationship.


Well I decided to watch the O8Th team because of all the love it's been getting lately.

I got to say after Eps 1 I can't say I'm a huge fan. The relationship between Shiro and the other character happens way to fast even more so because it seems like the other character is so weak.

Maybe it will pick up, but I really can't see me getting behind this relationship.

First episode sucks. And the relationship is typical Gundam "moving way too fast, even for star-crossed lovers" kind of crap.

But the rest of the series is much, much better.

Beth Cyra

First episode sucks. And the relationship is typical Gundam "moving way too fast, even for star-crossed lovers" kind of crap.

But the rest of the series is much, much better.

I don't know, maybe it was because I know how short the series will be it just feels worse.

I will keep going, the first ten minutes and the crew on the ground was a nice if slow opening and I want to see why it gets love. Just that particular part and given how much play it had in Ep1 had me down on it.


The relationship in 08th, while pretty hokey, always worked for me because the series was pretty self-aware about how hokey it was. If they played it completely straight, then I'd probably be as down on it as other people are.

Beth Cyra

Maybe that happens in follow up eps? They didn't seem like they were selfaware at all in the first. Not to mention the female totally drops personality for no reason in like 1 minute. It's just terrible to me.

Starting Ep2, hopefully I enjoy it a bit more. Also I hate the orage haired kid.
I was more disappointed that they brought back SID just for this fight, it was my favourite character in all of AGE! It had more personality than most of the cast combined and at least its goals made sense (until the last ep).

I think they just realized at the last minute that they teased they were going to do something with it a few weeks ago so this got slapped in there. SMH at this whole series.


I think they just realized at the last minute that they teased they were going to do something with it a few weeks ago so this got slapped in there. SMH at this whole series.

One thing I was wondering was
where did the bazooka for the AGE-FX come from? We see the AGE-Builder getting destroyed with the Diva and from the way everyone bailed out I don't see how they had time to transfer it to the Baronoke.
Well I decided to watch the O8Th team because of all the love it's been getting lately.

I got to say after Eps 1 I can't say I'm a huge fan. The relationship between Shiro and the other character happens way to fast even more so because it seems like the other character is so weak.

Maybe it will pick up, but I really can't see me getting behind this relationship.

The other character won't matter until after the middle of the series, and in my opinion the 2nd half of the show went downhil with each episode. Too much pacifist and ideologist drama. Its still my 2nd favourite series.

Beth Cyra

Well got half way through 08th MS Team.

Well it does pick up, and at least 2-6 are improvements over Ep1. I still have my issues with it, specifically Mikelle or whatever his name is. Honestly he kinda takes me out of it and I really do hate this guy.

Love Karen and Mr. Reaper. Both are fairly enjoyable and Karen is probably in my top three Gundam females. Neither are perfect but her kicking him straight in the junk made me laugh and she has been more bad then good so far. Shiro isn't a bad lead, but then I rememebr his shit with the Iza or whatever her name is and the preview for Ep7 seems like it will be more of that and that will pretty much tank my opinion of him again.

Not my favorite Gundam, but I don't think it will live up to the hype. Enjoy the Ground Gundam's and the team dynamic though more then the usual Gundam Team/Badass pilot plots though.


Canadians burned my passport
One thing I was wondering was
where did the bazooka for the AGE-FX come from? We see the AGE-Builder getting destroyed with the Diva and from the way everyone bailed out I don't see how they had time to transfer it to the Baronoke.

It was so useless too. He fired it like three times at pylons then it got blown up. Like wtf, that's awful even for AGE standards.


In the end, AGE was as bad as it looked like it'd be when it was first announced, worse even.

It's the worst Gundam series in my mind, and I've seen them all. Some series may be seen as worse, but they weren't as long. AGE was a full 49 episodes of sucktacular garbage from any way I try and look at it, and that's why I think its the worst ever.


In the end, AGE was as bad as it looked like it'd be when it was first announced, worse even.

It's the worst Gundam series in my mind, and I've seen them all. Some series may be seen as worse, but they weren't as long. AGE was a full 49 episodes of sucktacular garbage from any way I try and look at it, and that's why I think its the worst ever.

Seed and DESTINY were 50 episodes long.

Beth Cyra

So did AGE hurt the Gundam brand?
Gundam had the biggest show since Zeta with SEED and Destiny coming off of X and Turn A.

The franchise has it's ups and downs, this is just a new down.

Also let's not forget the high that is UC and that they have Origins on the way. Gundam is going to be just fine and in two years this will be nothing but a joke and AGE defenders will likely be given a hard time over it
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