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The Official NeoGaf Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Thread

Himuro said:
is a pathetic villain. He's flaming on every inch of his body, reading poetry and crap.

There is no such thing as dreams or honor, for we are monsters!

What?! :lol Horrible. Just horrible. :lol

Heh...that's not the worst of it. Keep playing.


In the brady guide for crisis core it says there's a secret cutscene in dirge of cerberus
where it hints at genesis awakening after the events of dirge of cerberus. Dirge was the last game within the ffvii compilation timeline, iirc. So what does this mean? a possible FFVII-2? remake with additional content after dirge? Or am I pushing it?
Alex said:
I'm going on Hard mode right off the bat...

I keep dying like left and right. :( Things hit so hard, and I'm trying to roll all over the place trying to get my sad little cures off bah. I am bad at this

So needless to say I dont understand the easy complaints, at least early on.

O is your best friend to quick swap back to attack.

I didn't realize that Shop was available anytime so I kept replaying the same area with the same amount of Potion and Ether :lol
ichigo kurosaki said:
Dilemma... buy the US game now (at half the price) or wait for the euro collector's edition (which will also be localized into more languages)? Mmm what to do, what to do...
Both, and play trough it both of the times aiming at 100%.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
That's so stupid. Why would they obfuscate such a critical plot point like that? By hiding it in a optional sidequest of all things and in Nibelheim, of all places?
It would be like making a character unlockable by having them be the prize in one of the game's many slow and frustrating mini games and having that mini game be a lost forever.

I'm going on Hard mode right off the bat...

I keep dying like left and right. :( Things hit so hard, and I'm trying to roll all over the place trying to get my sad little cures off bah. I am bad at this

So needless to say I dont understand the easy complaints, at least early on.
I don't know, they playing on normal? Maybe this "tacked on" for America hard mode has something to do with it being hard.

You're wrong, the Rocket Town incident happened a year after Nibelheim.
They also say Red XIII is 50 something years old. I took the 46 in the manual as dog years or something because bugehandgasdgsg says RED is more like 16 during your first visit to Grand Canyon.


"industry expert"
Chiggs said:
Everybody is clamoring for a FF7 remake on the PS3, but I would honestly take one on the PSP with Crisis Core graphics. Seriously, it would be a lot cheaper for Square to go this route. Also, Square seems to have a habit of remaking their older games for handhelds.

I don't think the price of production is that big a deal, seeing as the PS3 remake will sell gang-busters, and the fact that they are remaking an older game will cut down on some of the costs as well.

And Square sold ports of Final Fantasy games on the PS1, so doing it on consoles wouldn't be unprecidented.
Chiggs said:
Okay, this game is fucking awesome. Level 9 right now and loving the 2 hours I've played so far. In a lot of ways, this and God of War are really the first killer-apps for the system. Feel free to disagree, but I will beg to differ.

For all of you that don't own a PSP: GET ONE!

Seconded. I just started Crisis Core last night, and couldn't put it down. But, I've promised myself that I'd finished GoW before I really got into CC. So, I only brought GoW to work today. I can't even believe that I enjoyed the first two hours of CC as much as I did. After Dirge, I expected to be let down.

How wrong I was.

The music is phenomenal. The cutscenes are incredible and the gameplay feels like an evolution and alteration of familiar territory. I have pretty much zero complaints thus far.

And please, when someone finds the soundtrack to this one, post a link for all of us --- I'd actually consider buying it. It's that damn good.


hide your water-based mammals
Skilletor said:
Whew, just beat second Ifrit challenge on Hard. It was a Very Hard mission and I'm only level 7. :lol
I actually started missions about 2 hours in. By the time I got far enough to unlock that mission I was around lvl 15. He was relatively easy.
Superblatt said:
Seconded. I just started Crisis Core last night, and couldn't put it down. But, I've promised myself that I'd finished GoW before I really got into CC. So, I only brought GoW to work today. I can't even believe that I enjoyed the first two hours of CC as much as I did. After Dirge, I expected to be let down.

How wrong I was.

The music is phenomenal. The cutscenes are incredible and the gameplay feels like an evolution and alteration of familiar territory. I have pretty much zero complaints thus far.

And please, when someone finds the soundtrack to this one, post a link for all of us --- I'd actually consider buying it. It's that damn good.
Thirded...(?) I just picked up my copy yesterday, being that this game was the reason I bought my girlfriend a PSP for Christmas.:D

I only played a little bit too, and I promised my cousin (and myself) that I would finish Lost Odyssey first, which I am also loving by the way.

But FFVII:CC is impressive. I had to rip myself away. The cut scenes are beautiful, the music is great, the composer stuck with Uematsu's recipe, he just added the quality instruments it should have had back in '98 (which was midi for the most part).

The gameplay was also nice. It's still turn based fighting, just without the turn based part. Anyway, I like it. It's no more shallow than a Zelda game.

I also like that I can play on my TV. It messes up the resolution a little and even if you have a 60" TV, it's still better to keep the size reduced to around 32" so you can see their faces somewhat clearly. But when I'm not on the road, I'll be playing through my TV. I really like that feature about the PSP.

I remember playing FFVII back in the day and wishing I could play Zack's story. This is a nice treat for us FFVII fans.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

I'm not typing it again, so save your mantears for the ending.

So as the world's biggest Final Fantasy VII fan, I felt the need to marathon this biotch. I got it very early Tuesday morning and I played basically through to early this morning. I did basically only the story missions. I think I completed 4% of the sidequests...and there are a fuckton of them. Holy crap. This review contains spoilers. Read at your own discretion.

First, the technical stuff. Graphically, the game looks really, really great. Cutscene animation is high quality PS2 level stuff (or higher even, really excellent attention to detail and facial expression). The characters have better hair than Lost Odyssey's characters, which I find funny. Anyway, the environments are all pretty detailed. They do a good job of recreating most of the Final Fantasy VII landmarks, which I found really, really endearing. Midgar looks really great-- sure, it's a bit plain and honestly a little barren compared to the really detailed and busy prerendered stuff of the original game, but it's to be expected. It nicely captures the major features of the city though. The Sector 5 Slums are really nicely recreated. The park where Aeris and Cloud (and Zack) hang out is done really nicely. The FMV cinemas are all absolutely amazing. Highest quality Advent Children level stuff without the obnoxious camera pans, though I was absolutely shocked to discover some cinemas had been ripped from Advent Children directly. This was asstacular. Also, some cutscenes are prerecorded like Ratchet and Clank on PS3 or Uncharted. You can kind of tell this very obviously.

The score makes me feel three very distinct ways: 1) nostalgic 2) blissful and finally 3) please turn that down. I don't like a lot of the seriously heavy metal rock that Ishimoto does. On the other hand, I don't like some of the quieter themes he does too. What is with the Shinra building music? It's like elevator music. The battle themes are kind of repetitive musically and I don't really think there are enough of them, either. I don't like heavy metal. The Sector 5 Slums music is also way too cheery and totally out of place. On the other hand, the various Crisis Core themes that are acoustic guitar or string-based are fabulous. Fantastically great. They are all sort of iterative on one another, but they all are really appropriate for the scenes they accompany. Truly great stuff; emotionally moving and beautiful. The Price of Freedom is my favorite of the set, probably. Great electric guitar backing up the acoustic guitar and string synth. Speaking of moving, the FFVII themes that are here are superb. SUPERB. You don't really hear the FFVII music all the time, but when you hear a familiar tune or a familiar chord, they are that much more powerful. Great, great arrangements of the battle theme from FFVII, the boss theme, Bombing Mission (excellent arrangement), Aeris' Theme (excellent arrangement), Shinra Theme, and others, including a kick-fucking-ass arrangement of One Winged Angel. The music that plays during the credits is without a doubt the most beautiful piece of FFVII music that has come out of this entire franchise. It's a tear jerker. It brings the game (and perhaps the series?) to a beautiful close. If nothing else, Crisis Core contributes this superb, superb theme to the disastrous compilation.

Next is the gameplay. The battles are all realtime and flow really smoothly and quickly. The game will autotarget an enemy and Zack will run up to them to position himself. You can change your plan of action with the shoulder buttons, which allows you to select a number of spells or actions that you can use with the materia you have equipped. The biggest component to the battle system is the Digital Mind Wave (DMW) that basically spins constantly in the top left part of the screen. Everything revolves around the DMW, and it's kind of a mixed bag, but overall I really like what it contributes to the pace of the battles. You have three columns of rotating portraits with the numbers that spin independently. Match three portraits and get a limit break (these are all very helpful and have beautiful graphical animations), and match the numbers and get effects like leveling up materia, leveling up Zack, or refilling magic or action points. You can also get a number of status effects, like No MP cost if you roll a 7 in the proper slot, for example. You need SP to roll, but I never, ever was anywhere near lacking SP. It's not always entirely clear exactly what's going on, but I figure that's sort of the intention. Seems like the limit meter indicates how likely the DMW is to fudge the actual results to favor you, and if you're struggling, it'll help you out a little too. The game's not really hard, but the difficulty is enjoyable on normal mode I thought. I'll say quickly that the bosses do have a lot of HP, but none of them are really all THAT tough if you are the least bit dexterous and can get to your cure materia quickly. 

There's also fairly deep systems here revolving around materia fusion, but I really don't care. I want to talk about the story.

My favorite parts of the story were the bits that overlapped with Final Fantasy VII. There is only a little retconning going on, but overall you get the same general tale that you saw in Cloud's Kalm flashback and then that is expanded upon to create a 12 hour main questline or so. This means you hit up locales like the Shinra HQ, Nibelheim, Gongaga, etc. There are many parts in the story where you might find moving, and the FFVII bits are some major parts of that. Zack's interactions with Aeris are really nicely done in particular. Zack dragging Cloud along with him to Midgar is great, and I will just say the ending is spectacular. The last line of dialog in the game is fabulous (Nojima is good at this) and the music and visuals all combine to leave a very powerful lasting impression.

The good lasting impression is kind of necessary. I have a problem with is the original story. I'm going to be downright honest: I don't think it's very well told, or maybe I don't think the translation of the game is very good. Genesis is constantly quoting from LOVELESS, but at no point is it ever really explained what significance LOVELESS has for the FFVII world-- at first I thought it was just some trashy book of romance poems with a stage production in Midgar, but in reality it seems to be some kind of foundational text like the Iliad or the Odyssey. The lines from LOVELESS often seem needlessly complex and overly poetic; they frequently don't make any sense (often intentionally) and they get really confusing. Only after watching a lot of the cutscenes on Youtube did I go, "Oh, THAT'S what he was talking about." For much of the game I was waiting for that like unifying epiphany where it becomes explicitly clear how everything is related thematically, but I don't think it happens until far too late into the game.

Second, I'm not sure the tone and themes of the game really meld well with FFVII at all, or if they make sense individually. The whole thing with copies spawning from Genesis and Angeal, Angeal becoming basically a dog, Angeal fighting Zack and supporting him at the same time, Angeal basically possessing Lazard towards the end, it seems kind of strange. It's like the Sephiroth clones in FFVII, except these clones don't have some kind of Hojo experimentation to explain their existence. I guess it wouldn't be FFVII if the sci-fi wasn't nine hundred layers thick and poorly translated, but for a large portion of the game I just didn't know what was going on. Just when I thought that Genesis was a crazy wacko like Sephiroth who believed this book LOVELESS for no real reason other than he was a crazy wacko, the final boss battle reveals that there really IS a Goddess and she's displeased with him. But she still heals him in the end, so that was a little confusing.

I'd say the biggest problem I have with the original story is the relationship between Zack and Angeal. It's very confusing and frequently in a state of flux. Is it just that Angeal goes kind of crazy and then is able to see the error of his ways afterwards (and therefore he begins to support Zack?) What's up with him dying and then becoming a bird dog anyway-- how does that work? We see very clearly that he does die. At least with Genesis we don't really see his death the first time you fight him.

To complicate matters, I don't think the translation is well done. Conversations do not always flow naturally or well, and frequently a character will say something completely unprompted that you want explanation for that the other character won't even question. There's a few messy grammatical structures that kind of make you cringe when you hear them spoken (the voice acting is really good, I think. Aeris finally doesn't blow. Thanks Mena for getting it right on take 4). Furthermore, I don't think a lot of dialog really makes sense in English the way it is written. In the opening cutscene, they tell Zack to take it seriously or something before he jumps out of the helicopter and he responds with something that doesn't even really make sense. He says like "oh yeah!" or something retarded. 

There is one point after the final boss' first form where the end of the story where Genesis is babbling garbage to Zack and Zack says, "So this whole time, you knew?" or something to that effect. I have literally know idea what Zack was talking about. There's a lot of lines like this too that were made very clear only after reading a summary or someone else filling in the missing bits. Later, Genesis tells Zack that his "dream" has been fulfilled, but you will only catch what the dream that has been fulfilled is if you pay close attention. The sentiment itself is really touching, though, once you figure it out. :D

With the frequent use of terms like "honor" and "pride," I thought I was listening to Shawn Elliott make fun of morons on message boards. It's just hokey.

I read a Crisis Core Wiki just before, though, and now it is actually all clear to me. I really like the story itself, I just think the delivery is more than a little hairy. I basically understand it as a quest by Genesis to stop his degradation, and along the way we learn how the three men (Genesis, Angeal, Sephiroth) give up their dreams and how Zack must hold on to his to hold on to his humanity. It's a really nice story. I don't think it's translated well or told clearly at all. That said, there are definite scenes that made sense and were emotionally moving-- mantears will happen. Get the hankerchiefs out. 

It's entirely possible I just wasn't paying TOO close attention, but the whole relationship between Zack and Angeal and whether or not Angeal was actually dead (after friggin fighting Zack...) confused the hell out of me. There are too many vague or confusing lines in the story. This isn't Final Fantasy VII-- there isn't a TON of text and it's just as involved a story.  The primary failing of the story is, IMO, the game's failure to establish LOVELESS as some sort of important document. I just thought Genesis was a fucking nutbag. And what's with Zack making his hair into like Goku's? Shiteous.

Like I said, there are definitely moments of clarity. The last line is one of them. Such a great last line. Reminds me of FFX a lot. The whole dialog before that though really threw me for a loop. I can't tell if Nojima is just crazy or if the translation is not as clear as it could be...why would Zack want wings? It would make more sense if he said he wanted to spend time in the lifestream with his friend Angeal or something. Angeal's hand coming out to pick him up...:'( :'(

There's some really neat symbolism at work too, like Genesis and the Banora Apples (apples being a very classic symbol of seduction and such). Somes you just feel like they are trying too hard...white vs. black wings. I think it's a pretty neat story overall that's really confusing. In that way, I guess it's pretty compatible with Final Fantasy VII. Great if you want to do a little legwork. After doing the legwork, I'm very satisfied with the story. They really should have put their top localization team on this. I don't think they did. :\ Can't blame them with PSP sales in the condition they're in.

So I'd basically sum up my thoughts by saying I'm very happy with the gameplay and, retrospectively, happy with the original story. I was really frustrated while playing it and if anyone else felt this way, please let me know. I don't think it's very clear at all, but I could just not have been paying close enough attention. I really feel like Genesis in particular is not a deep enough character with enough exposition to build a convincing relationship with Zack...I guess that's why you can be so easily confused by his position vis-a-vis Angeal/Sephiroth/Zack at any given moment.

Still, really enjoyed it. Liked it enough to marathon through it....and start a new game already. :D


Lightning said:
Is it actually wise for Square Enix to do that though? The PSP piracy is already bad outside Japan. Something like FFVII remake would be a piracy bullseye. It wouldn't get that much sales as a result.

PS3 is the only way to go or not done at all. Besides, it would take at least 3 years to do and I very much doubt the PSP will be around come 2011/2012 with current software sales.

I am weeping on the inside because a PS3 remake of Final Fantasy VI is not going to happen, it's going to get the shit job chibi remakes like IV.

VII does have a chance though, and I'll be rooting for it.


Junior Member
Do you ever buy a new sword in the game? I'm only a few hrs in but it doesn't look like you can equip new weapons. Not that this is a problem, just seemed out of place at first.


Alright picked up game the other day for my flight back home. Now I have a question. Are the people enjoying this game the same people who enjoyed Advent Children?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
SanjuroTsubaki said:
Alright picked up game the other day for my flight back home. Now I have a question. Are the people enjoying this game the same people who enjoyed Advent Children?

VegaShinra said:
Do you ever buy a new sword in the game? I'm only a few hrs in but it doesn't look like you can equip new weapons. Not that this is a problem, just seemed out of place at first.

There's a very important reason for this.


"industry expert"
SanjuroTsubaki said:
Alright picked up game the other day for my flight back home. Now I have a question. Are the people enjoying this game the same people who enjoyed Advent Children?

I enjoyed Advent Children, but my enjoyment of that was more forced, and based ONLY on the fan service.

The fan service is justthe icing on the cake here. The recreation of familiar scenes, and cameos of familiar characters are a lot fo fun, but the gameplay itself is genuinely enjoyable. The battle system feels like a traditional FF game, only in real time, and honestly could be compared to that of KotOR. The characters, even the new ones, feel like them have some level of depth (God dammit, do I love Angeal.) And the protagonist is a welcome change from the traditional "moping while I serve the world" character, in that he is just a young guy who wants to do good, but also is pragmatic about it (He isn't blind to the fact that Shinra can be a bit shady, but recognizes that without them a lot of people's lives would be worse off, so he has no qualms about working for them.) While I get a little annoyed when Zack makes a decision that I TOTALLY would not have made, and then I have to deal with the consequences of it, he is still quick becoming one of my favorite FF characters of all time.


"industry expert"
VegaShinra said:
Do you ever buy a new sword in the game? I'm only a few hrs in but it doesn't look like you can equip new weapons. Not that this is a problem, just seemed out of place at first.

Personally, I hate this trend of RPGs limiting equipment as of late. I understand that it may be a bit complex for people who just want to play the game, but couldn't they just impliment an option for them that works like the Bard's Tale game on the Xbox, where it automatically equips new weapons, and sells your old ones? That way folks who don't want to deal with it don't have to, but those of us who do still have the option.


Evander said:
I enjoyed Advent Children, but my enjoyment of that was more forced, and based ONLY on the fan service.

The fan service is justthe icing on the cake here. The recreation of familiar scenes, and cameos of familiar characters are a lot fo fun, but the gameplay itself is genuinely enjoyable. The battle system feels like a traditional FF game, only in real time, and honestly could be compared to that of KotOR. The characters, even the new ones, feel like them have some level of depth (God dammit, do I love Angeal.) And the protagonist is a welcome change from the traditional "moping while I serve the world" character, in that he is just a young guy who wants to do good, but also is pragmatic about it (He isn't blind to the fact that Shinra can be a bit shady, but recognizes that without them a lot of people's lives would be worse off, so he has no qualms about working for them.) While I get a little annoyed when Zack makes a decision that I TOTALLY would not have made, and then I have to deal with the consequences of it, he is still quick becoming one of my favorite FF characters of all time.

That sounds great. Advent Children was the equivalent for me as walking through Disneyland and seeing all the characters briefly as you walk by them. I'm very nostalgic and people on the plane will probably see my hard on if the game is as you described.


"industry expert"
SanjuroTsubaki said:
That sounds great. Advent Children was the equivalent for me as walking through Disneyland and seeing all the characters briefly as you walk by them. I'm very nostalgic and people on the plane will probably see my hard on if the game is as you described.

I won't say too much, but Yuffie's cameo (which occurs early on in the game) is particularly charming.

And seriously, keep an eye out for the "call back" scenes. I tend to lose a bit of focus during cut scenes, and mainly just pay attention to story points, but even in the opening of the game, you get scenes that you will IMMEDIATELY recognize.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Oh and as for the ending:
superbly well done. The interactivity steals a page from Kojima (lol), makes it that much more effective. Wonderful camera pans and framing. Excellent shot of Aeris knowing something is wrong. Way too much cleavage though. Awesome pan of Cloud carrying the buster sword. Midgar in the background. Tears flow.


Not pure anymore!
Y2Kev said:
PS Genesis looks like a Korean tranny

:lol.. I thought he looked alright during CGI cutscenes but during gameplay scenes he looked totally different.. and weird looking.. Same goes for Sephiroth. PSP graphics limitations?


Look at those eye lashes!! :lol


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The art style is inconsistent. I think Sephiroth looks okay and actually has a good voice. But you can tell how they've toned it down during the one cutscene they rip from Advent Children.

Genesis just looks like a woman in game footage. Looks okay in the CG I think.


Gold Member
SanjuroTsubaki said:
Alright picked up game the other day for my flight back home. Now I have a question. Are the people enjoying this game the same people who enjoyed Advent Children?

Advent Children was a crapfest, and yet I'm enjoying Crisis Core.


Not pure anymore!
I agree, Y2Kev. But Sephiroth's english VA sounded too much like Vincent Valentine. I dunno for some reason I just kept imagining Vincent instead of Sephiroth :lol


Not pure anymore!
It really bugged me how different the characters looked in CG and gameplay scenes.



If it weren't for the same clothes, VA and sword I'd think they were two completely different characters.

And it's not just Genesis; Sephiroth, Angeal and Zack all look so different.

Ah maybe it's just me, I didn't like Sephiroth's VA.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
looks kinda bad at the
very end....
His face looks like he got run over by a train
ilanna said:
It really bugged me how different the characters looked in CG and gameplay scenes.



Yeesh, I'm rarely in favor of the cg and in-game mismatch such as seen most egregiously in FFX-2 where they always should have used those great higher-quality in-game models for some cutscenes. But here the cg looks entirely for the better over these lesser PSP in-game models.

What bugs me a little bit this time is that apparently (from checking on Youtube) the summons are separate cg until a final attack effect ends it. No real-time animation which allows say Bahamut in FFIX to look down on exactly the in-engine enemy he is about to fry.

Nothing of great import though. Will be making a post-2pm CC visit.


Wow, this game is blowing me away with it's awesomeness. Thought Advent Children was a steaming pile, but wow...just wow. Crisis Core is like Kingdom Hearts and Rogue Galaxy without all the suck. The production values are through the roof. Minimal loading is a real plus, especially after ripping to MS.

I've already put 6 hours into it since last night, most of which doing side missions. Still not too sure about the DMW, but it's starting to open up more. I'm in a warehouse dungeon early on and I'm level 11 though...Definitely not a tough game so far, but it really is enjoyable. I didn't expect to like it this much at all.


Hah. I love Zack.

Genesis: [Reads Poetry] Zack: Shut. UP! Genesis: ... [Continues reading poetry]

That, and I got backhanded by
and died. This is going to be an interesting boss battle...


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I don't understand what SP is. I have a ton of it, and according to the manual if it "runs out" the slot machine thing stops spinning. However, you get more of it by fighting monsters. I've never seen it go down, I just keep gaining more and more of it.

Is there a way to spend it, to cause break moves and other special moves to occur during combat?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
FlyinJ said:
I don't understand what SP is. I have a ton of it, and according to the manual if it "runs out" the slot machine thing stops spinning. However, you get more of it by fighting monsters. I've never seen it go down, I just keep gaining more and more of it.

Is there a way to spend it, to cause break moves and other special moves to occur during combat?
materia fusion, I think
Is there any problem with spending SP? I just got to the part where I can start doing materia fusion, but I don't know if I should save the SP for something else.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
TheGuardian said:
Is there any problem with spending SP? I just got to the part where I can start doing materia fusion, but I don't know if I should save the SP for something else.

You'll have a ton. Don't worry about "wasting" it.
AkuMifune said:
This might help, a little anyways: FFVII Plot FAQ

Ok, I've come around on the combat a bit, but I HATE the DMW. I just went up 3 levels in one battle, in a row, and it always interrupts the battles 'to help you out'. Just makes everything feel so arbitrary rather than earned.
It's even more frustrating on Hard where you're trying to level because you're getting owned and you end up just performing a limit break, nothing, or have your Fire leveled up.

Ifrit was a pain.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Evander said:
While I get a little annoyed when Zack makes a decision that I TOTALLY would not have made, and then I have to deal with the consequences of it, he is still quick becoming one of my favorite FF characters of all time.

Agreed. Zach is awesome! I was :lol the first time you meet
who is being his mopey, usual self.


I'm only up to where
you're supposed to hook up with Tseng, right after Wutai
, but I was trying to go see Sector 5 and the train never came.

As for Genesis, those all look like Gackt enough to be consistent to me. :shrug:


Gold Member
SnowWolf said:
Agreed. Zach is awesome! I was :lol the first time you meet
who is being his mopey, usual self.

Who could you be referring to?!!!! My oh my, I'm so torn. Do I highlight the spoiler or just wait to see for myself? Decisions, decisions! :D


bjork said:
I'm only up to where
you're supposed to hook up with Tseng, right after Wutai
, but I was trying to go see Sector 5 and the train never came.

As for Genesis, those all look like Gackt enough to be consistent to me. :shrug:

You'll go there later on, the train just isn't there yet.


The BB I went to to price match against Fry's only had one copy left. But the Target I went to afterwards though didn't even have a spot marked for the game :\
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