Tamanon said:You'll go there later on, the train just isn't there yet.
McLovin said:x-play gave this game a 2 out of 5. Their opinion usually doesn't influence me that much but it is a low score. So Gaf.. what do you guys think? Is it worth a buy? What would you guys that played the game rate it?
McLovin said:x-play gave this game a 2 out of 5. Their opinion usually doesn't influence me that much but it is a low score. So Gaf.. what do you guys think? Is it worth a buy? What would you guys that played the game rate it?
bjork said:If the game industry were a shopping mall, x-play would be the Spencer's Gifts. A couple of things you might want to look at, but overloaded with stuff that tries too hard to be shocking.
Take them with a box of salt.
All I needed to hear. Gonna pick it up today if possible. I'll probably pick up god of war later as well.Hcoregamer00 said:I played the game for 16 hours and I would give it an 8/10 so far.
The missions could have been something great, but instead they recycle the same 4+ stages with the same mundane "kill the monster" quests.
It would have been pretty cool if they actually made this a traditional RPG, rather than an action RPG, complete with world map, a party, and a bunch of other stuff, but for what it is the game is quite great.
Amir0x said:yeah i just dont know about this game. i tried it out a bit at lunch today at work, and... I just don't know. It seems way too fucking easy, and I can't yet find any strategy. Right now Crystal Chronicles on DS is way better.
Amir0x said:yeah i just dont know about this game. i tried it out a bit at lunch today at work, and... I just don't know. It seems way too fucking easy, and I can't yet find any strategy. Right now Crystal Chronicles on DS is way better.
BuckRobotron said:Only had a few left at the local CC and amazingly I didn't have to explain to the employees what deal they had advertised. They grabbed a gift card immediately and knew what to do.
MechaX said:Starting off on hard mode will pretty much erase the "too easy" complaints. At least until you're past the first Behemoth.
Id. said:So is the DMW always so random? Lately I've seen Zack use Octaslash Lv5 about 20 times!
Hcoregamer00 said:I played the game for 16 hours and I would give it an 8/10 so far.
The missions could have been something great, but instead they recycle the same 4+ stages with the same mundane "kill the monster" quests.
It would have been pretty cool if they actually made this a traditional RPG, rather than an action RPG, complete with world map, a party, and a bunch of other stuff, but for what it is the game is quite great.
Id. said:So is the DMW always so random? Lately I've seen Zack use Octaslash Lv5 about 20 times!
Peronthious said:It hides behind randomness. There's numbers running in the background that determine what goes on with the DMW, mainly in relation to your equipped magica, accumulated soldier points, and likely many other variables.
Id. said:Ah okay. That makes a lot more sense considering I've been doing some of the missions prior to actually going through the game's main quest. Will doing all the missions net you some some unique, powerful Materia?
Id. said:Will doing all the missions net you some some unique, powerful Materia?
Tideas said:I might make an impulse psp buy today when I go buy this game.
I thought I could wait til July for the God of War pack, but nope, dont think I can.
Hopefully I can find a good 4gig memory stick deal online.
Himuro said:WHAT DO ANGELS DREAM OF?!!? :lol
jiggle said:IGN's top 10 FF7 characters
Amir0x said:I always start on the most difficult mode allowable, no matter what game I play, unless it's a RTS. I'm definitely going to put more time in it than the hour I did earlier today, but I'm not feeling it. Usually I can feel if a game is gonna click with me after an hour or two, but maybe this will be a late bloomer...
Tamanon said:Yeah, sorry, but random townsperson deserves to be on that list more than Cait Sith does.
Zoe said:I dunno,:lolI cared more about his "death" than Aerith's
jiggle said:he died? @.@ boy do i need to replay FF7 after.
Peronthious said:I would hope you made an impulse PSP buy when you buy the game; be a bit pointless to have the game sans PSP :lol
I've seen 4GB sticks go for around $40-ish, but you might be able to scrounge one up in the $30s some place.
Apparently they dream of overly melodramatic cutscenes filled with quotes from that god-awful LOVELESS.
In other words, Final Fantasy.
Amir0x said:yeah i just dont know about this game. i tried it out a bit at lunch today at work, and... I just don't know. It seems way too fucking easy, and I can't yet find any strategy. Right now Crystal Chronicles on DS is way better.
Peronthious said:The missions are what make it a portable game; bite size pieces you can do in your spare time when you don't feel like diving into the main story. If anything, I found the quest structure strikingly similar to Mass Effect, what with the almost meaningless side-quests with the same environments being recycled over and over again being completely separate from the main story. It works much better on a portable device, mainly for the reason that in a portable you want little bite size chunks to do in a few minutes time.
jiggle said:Found this picture while digging for some old scan. New PSP wallpaper get
Y2Kev said:Waiting for Red Blaster's ending impressions![]()
Red Blaster said:Looks like I'm right before the final boss.Was that the last we see of Cissnei, at Gongaga?
jiggle said:IGN's top 10 FF7 characters
Kagari said:Just saw a commercial for this on Discovery Channel (lol). Very nice.
Kagari said:IGN IS STUPID
Himuro said:MINE. Merci!
Zack is the best Final Fantasy lead in YEARS.