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The Order: 1886 |OT| Gears of Yore

Multiplayer with these graphics and gunplay would of been sweet. Im not really a person that needs MP in all their games but its a missed potential with this one. Just imagine if TLoU didnt have MP...you cant. Shit is the perfect package and would of been here as well.

I have owned both the regular and remastered versions of TLOU since release, I got Left Behind day 1, I even own American Dreams and got it when it released.... and I have never actually played the multiplayer. I should fix that.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I think they would probably go for some kind of a Human vs Lycan asymmetric multiplayer and it would be terrible, but I'm just cynical.
I've seen weirder ideas pulled off successfully.
That would be so incredibly generic.

It would just be bland human vs. human combat like in 98% of other games.
Well that's pretty much the majority of the main campaign anyway. :p At least we'd be able to thermite gun or arc gun someone if the face which would be interesting.

Xaero Gravity

Good lord, I'm still blown away by how amazing the
rappelling down the airship
scene looked. I had someone watching me and they legitimately thought it was CG. Is there anything else later on in the game that looks better?


Uhhhhh do you know what cliffhanger means? Because it's the the epitome of a cliffhanger.
Ermmmm, there is no cliffhanger. Galahad arc
ended by him taking the life of Lucan and mid credit scene indicated as much.
You should ask yourself if you know what cliffhanger means?
Ermmmm, there is no cliffhanger. Galahad arc
ended by him taking the life of Lucan and mid credit scene indicated as much.
You should ask yourself if you know what cliffhanger means?

Except London is now in a state of martial law and they're still looking for Galahad. There were various other aspects that weren't resolved. It's very much a cliffhanger ending.


Ermmmm, there is no cliffhanger. Galahad arc
ended by him taking the life of Lucan and mid credit scene indicated as much.
You should ask yourself if you know what cliffhanger means?

gallahad is kicked out of the order and is being hunted by the entire city in the epilogue. how is that not a cliffhanger?


Knights vs rebel MP, it's literally the perfect setup for MP.

That would be so incredibly generic.

It would just be bland human vs. human combat like in 98% of other games.

They could still try to spice things up instead of just Team Deathmatch sort of like what ND did with TLoU? Hunters vs Firefly on paper sounds stupid as shit but when you play the actual game, its one of the best MP experiences around. Granted ND had better gameplay with the resource management stuff but I feel RAD could have done something with Lycans and Blackwater being involved in MP.

In any case, Im just saying the gunplay in this game would fit for Multiplayer. It feels somewhat "tame" in the story because you only get to play a few sections here and there and some are really short. Lets not forget you are limited by the developers in the guns you can use. So to me even though I havent beat the game, I feel the gunplay is limited and could have more room to be great in MP modes.

I have owned both the regular and remastered versions of TLOU since release, I got Left Behind day 1, I even own American Dreams and got it when it released.... and I have never actually played the multiplayer. I should fix that.

Shit dude you are literally missing out on a great experience. You are better off playing with GAFers than randoms but its fun as hell. It can get really competitive at times which makes your heart rush. It reminds me a little of SOCOM when you were left by yourself and you still killed everyone off and won for the team. (only downside is the crew missions but it can still be fun if you ignore them)

Xaero Gravity

The next Chapter.


I don't think this game's mechanics would really support competitive multiplayer. More like a co-op kind of thing.

How would Melee work? Haha


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Considering that RAD's writers have a penchant for being predictable, (if this game is any indication), I would wager that
It's King Arthur.

Uhhhhh do you know what cliffhanger means? Because it's the the epitome of a cliffhanger.

When was this mentioned?

The Indian Queen mentioned it after the two of you walk out of the shack galahad was hiding up in. When he asks about her blackwater.


The way levels have been designed in this game makes it nigh impossible to convert 'em to MP maps. I mean the whole game is based on you moving from one long corridor to the next with gates/doors separating one from another.


My “review” of The Order, as well as hopes for a sequel. Played on hard with aim assist off.

Short story even shorter (heh), I liked The Order. A lot. But, there are more than a few flaws that had me shaking my head, wondering how a developer could possibly think no one would notice or care. I have no problems with tutorials, but the beginning of the game isn't so much an introduction to the universe and/or learning opportunity as it is a chance to ensure that you do, in fact, have the buttons on your controller memorized (“Press ‘X’ to free yourself”). These are not QTEs, as you really can’t fail. Yes, cutscenes get boring, but they’re downright obnoxious when you try to pass them off as gameplay. Actual QTEs are used (too) frequently, and they’re often done in the most anti-climactic way. For instance, your first encounter with
an elder Lycan consists of nothing more than pressing L2 or R2 between QTEs
. To make matters worse the final fight
(with a recently identified and ill-defined antagonist) is a repeat of this event, with a change in setting being the most significant difference between the two
. The other Lycan encounters are even worse, as they once again consist of nothing more than pressing a button at the right time and then getting off as many shots as you can before the next prompt. Granted, there is some strategy to getting the timing down when you have two Lycans coming at you simultaneously, but for the most part these encounters are boring affairs that are a far cry from what I imagined they would be after the reveal trailer.

Do you enjoy being treated like an idiot? If you answered in the affirmative, then oh boy, you will love The Order. Once you’ve learned how to perform an action (sprinting, for instance) you will be repeatedly reminded how to perform that same action throughout the entirety of the fucking game via tutorial notifications. And no, there are no options to adjust the HUD. There really aren’t many options at all, actually. Like the ability to skip cutscenes, for example.

Level design is limited by the cramped environments and what’s there is rarely destructible. Soft-body physics were touted as being used in abundance in the Game Informer article that was released more than a year ago, yet the final product is as sterile as a hospital. Very few branching paths can be found and you never have to go too far to find either a dead end or a connection to the desired path. The world you inhabit in The Order is so convincing, that to be denied the opportunity to explore its depths and discover its idiosyncrasies really does feel like a heavy loss. One of my favorite aspects of The Order is the quiet moments in which you can simply observe and take in the sounds and visuals and let your imagination construct details of the world that don’t exist in code. This enjoyment is limited by level design that’s far too game-y and has the effect of breaking the illusion that’s otherwise so easy to fall into.

Stealth sections can be annoying, not because of the instant-fail prompts that precede takedowns and kills, but because the contextual cover mechanic is far too sticky and it takes too long to detach to make the system feel anything other than cumbersome and counterproductive. As a side note to this, too often your movement speed is limited by the desire to make your journeys seem more cinematic. Many games have and will continue to use this same method to control pace and atmosphere, but I feel like it’s overused in The Order and will make subsequent playthroughs less enjoyable.

Now, let’s talk about what makes The Order a pleasant experience. First, and most important, the shoot-y bits; Gunfights feel great and it’s often the case that you want them to keep going, as the experience of firing a gun puts you in the mood to do some really violent shit. Even some of my recent favorites, such as Far Cry 4 didn't manage to provide the testosterone-and-adrenaline-fed urge to murder that The Order does. (Don’t worry GAF, these feelings are limited to the virtual world and subside quickly after each encounter.) I've heard complaints about the shotgun specialists, as they’re essentially suicide soldiers. All I can say to that is, “Werewolves and
, dude.” The world this game takes place in is fairly divorced from reality so I’m not particularly bothered by these fellas. In fact, they add a much appreciated level of immediacy to the fights, especially if feel like dropping back to turtle. And I really can’t blame them for being crazy, as the weapon they generally carry makes me feel invincible as well and I often find myself playing in a similarly haphazard fashion when it’s equipped.

I also enjoyed the few times in which you were put into a room that was being flooded with enemies. These scenarios always involved plenty of grenades and shotguns and necessitated clever use of cover, dodging and Blacksight use. A balancing act, to be sure, and one made more enjoyable by well-timed and executed headshots. I can’t say enough how much I wish there were more encounters like those I’ve just described, because if you got it just right they felt like ballets of violence, complete with missing limbs and ribs. Raptor would marry these scenes if he could.

Weapon feedback is great, as simply firing a shot into thin air gives you a good idea as to what its ideal use is. Powerful guns feel just that, and judging effective range quickly becomes intuitive. I could go on about how enjoyable it is to fire a gun in The Order, but it’s really something you have to experience for yourself. I will say, however, that the last game to make shooting your fellow man such an inviting and addictive experience was Wolfenstein: TNO.

Despite the lack of exploration, I did enjoy existing within the version of London that Ready at Dawn created. By the time I’d seen the credits, I’d put in more than a dozen hours. I had very little trouble with any encounter and died rarely, so there was a good deal of time just spent soaking up the atmosphere, which is plentiful. (I’d also taken over 600 screenshots, so that probably helped.) As for the story, I wasn't immediately taken but I did become attached to all four of the more familiar members of The Order as well as a couple other characters. Did I get the impression that sections of the narrative went missing? Yes, and revelations come on far too suddenly and without much explanation. You spend the first half of the game under the impression that something is amiss. When you’re finally clued in, the impetus for the grand conspiracy is glossed over. Worse still, the identity of a nemesis you barely got the chance to know is revealed late in the game, thus the impact is lessened. It’s supposed to be a “Gotcha!” moment, but plays as more of a “Wait, what?” However, I did feel betrayed and wanted revenge at the same moment the protagonist was probably experiencing those same emotions; I felt relief when a friend paid him a visit and offered moral support; And, I understood his erratic and seemingly uncharacteristic behavior late in the game after the man he was most loyal to died looking for the very answers he now sought. By the time the story was over, I was left wanting more and can only hope for a sequel. Speaking of which…

My hopes for another installment range from the simple to, “I dunno if they can even do all that at once.” The hand holding, lack of cutscenes that can be passed through, and most QTEs have to go in my opinion. Tutorials are a given, but to have them show up repeatedly for mechanics you've long since put to memory is just obnoxious. If you are determined to show off your cutscenes to everyone that purchases your product, then mandatory viewing should only exist on the first run, end of story. QTEs could be tough to get rid of, as you have to design gameplay mechanics to replace them. That’s a lot of work, but that’s also what sequels are for so I don’t feel like this is too big of a request, so long as RAD doesn't still see them as integral to their vision.

Bigger environments, destructibility and better enemy AI would be great, but I have to wonder if all of those can be done at once without reducing fidelity. A bar has already been set, so I can’t imagine RAD would be inclined to make that sacrifice. If much larger environments and destruction aren't possible, I’d be fine with a compromise between the two that allows for the occasional grandiose set piece, a little more room to roam during the quiet moments and destructible cover and physics objects (vases, furniture, etc.).

More importantly, I’d like a potential sequel to deliver on the promise of epic encounters with Lycans and perhaps other creatures of the night. I’m perfectly fine with another solo adventure and might actually prefer that to co-op, as I so enjoyed the pensive moments I've mentioned a couple times already. Single player games are unique in that they can provide an atmosphere that gives you the desire to seek solitude and The Order has this down to something resembling a science. And no, I don’t care if multiplayer is introduced. I know a lot of people are turned off by the lack of it, and probably even more of you will bring up studios like Naughty Dog as proof that it can add to a series without simultaneously subtracting from it, but I think The Order is at its best when it gives itself room to develop a rhythm, and a less abbreviated story mode would help it do just that. So yeah, single player only for the sequel, please. Give me a 12-14 hour experience that lives up to the promise of the reveal trailer and you will have my money once again, RAD.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. For the sequel co-op is a no brainer. Competitive MP would take a bit of a overhaul.

That's assuming they keep combat exactly the same as this game. Throw in a combat roll and get rid of the autocover and they are all set for comp MP.

Now you're splitting hairs here.
The Gallahad arc is complete, there are no loose ends.

Lol come on.

Purest 78

I just beat the game all I can say is wow what an experience. The only negative I have is to many cutscenes, although they where well done. Besides that it surpassed my expectations.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Ermmmm, there is no cliffhanger. Galahad arc
ended by him taking the life of Lucan and mid credit scene indicated as much.
You should ask yourself if you know what cliffhanger means?
You mean besides the fact that the vampires still have to be dealt with, and the fact that we have a shot where Galahad should've just aid "i'm batman." Or how isi plans to put an end to the rebels. And if Lord Chancellor knew about vampires, the identity of the hooded guy, how the city will be affected by martial law.
All of this is off the top of my head, it's a cliffhanger, there's no refuting that.

The Indian Queen mentioned it after the two of you walk out of the shack galahad was hiding up in. When he asks about her blackwater.
Oh ok. Must've missed that.


Now you're splitting hairs here.
The Gallahad arc is complete, there are no loose ends.

Well yeah, no shit.
He's no longer Sir Gallahad, so of course that's over. He literally says that he's "Gallahad no more." Now it's time for Grayson.


Goddamn QTE...I dont understand what to do in the fight near the end...do I dodge with the left analog or the right one...why are some prompts red right from the start...? why is one prompt flashing with a R in it but is on the left side...?when it does that,what do I do...just gave up out of frustration for now...


pip pip cheerio you slags!
You mean besides the fact that the vampires still have to be dealt with, and the fact that we have a shot where Galahad should've just aid "i'm batman." Or how isi plans to put an end to the rebels. And if Lord Chancellor knew about vampires, the identity of the hooded guy, how the city will be affected by martial law.
All of this is off the top of my head, it's a cliffhanger, there's no refuting that.

Oh ok. Must've missed that.

It would appear
that the hooded man is the dude who gave the India Queen her blackwater and presumably tipped her and Percival about all the corruption within the Order. But we gotta wait about 2 years to find out for sure lol.

Also, for the mid-credit scene, seems Galahad and crew are gonna flee the city. The Order: 1887 India here we come?

Goddamn QTE...I dont understand what to do in the fight near the end...do I dodge with the left analog or the right one...why are some prompts red right from the start...? why is one prompt flashing with a R in it but is on the left side...?when it does that,what do I do...just gave up out frustration for now...

You flick the right analog stick the direction that it appears on the screen. So if it shows up on the right side of the screen, flick it in that direction. If it appears at the top of the screen, flick it there. You shouldn't be using the left analog stick at all. Basically it should be you doing a light or heavy attack, then flicking the right analog stick to dodge, rinse and repeat.


Goddamn QTE...I dont understand what to do in the fight near the end...do I dodge with the left analog or the right one...why are some prompts red right from the start...? why is one prompt flashing with a R in it but is on the left side...?when it does that,what do I do...just gave up out frustration for now...

It's the exact same as the fight mid way through the game. If you got through that I don't know how you can't get through this.


Goddamn QTE...I dont understand what to do in the fight near the end...do I dodge with the left analog or the right one...why are some prompts red right from the start...? why is one prompt flashing with a R in it but is on the left side...?when it does that,what do I do...just gave up out frustration for now...

It's like GOW3's QTEs. If the prompt is on the left side of the screen, that's the direction you push the right stick.


Finally got to play a bit of this. I'm liking it for the most part, though the first encounter with the
was fucking garbage and a half. Seriously who the hell designed that encounter?

Really want to play more, but I guess my download didn't finish... 10 gb out of 31, and so it stopped me pretty early on.


It's like GOW3's QTEs. If the prompt is on the left side of the screen, that's the direction you push the right stick.

So all the evade prompts are done with the right analog...? and its harder then the one in the middle of the game,it lasts longer...


And I think some percentage of the reason people are talking about how good the game is is because its an exclusive.

You really think if it wasn't a Sony exclusive it would have reviewed differently?

I think a lot of the review scores on the bigger sites would've remained close to what they are now, but I think a lot of smaller sites out there try to pull in traffic with harsher scores to be "edgy" and get fanboy clicks. But I was mostly thinking about the GAF reaction. We have a 100+ page thread about this game and I don't think we would if it weren't for it's exclusivity.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. For the sequel co-op is a no brainer. Competitive MP would take a bit of a overhaul.

I think they need a dedicated melee button but other than that, button use is similar to TLoU. No blacksight and a dedicated button for shoulder view switch on the fly though.

Co-op Im never too hot about. It get repetitive way more than regular MP. Say co-op on SP...that would make the game even shorter. (ok jk!!) But i never liked that idea.


So all the evade prompts are done with the right analog...? and its harder then the one in the middle of the game,it lasts longer...

If you see a prompt at the edge of the top, bottom, left or right side of the screen, then you're going to have to push the right stick in that direction. There are also events in which you have to move the cursor over to a highlighted area before pressing a face button.
Just finsihed the game. I am going to focus just on the gunplay cause everything else has been talked to death, yes it's the most beautiful game ever and the story is good. The Order is one of the most basic cover shooters I have played in years. I do not understand how someone could design levels and areas with no regard for compelling gameplay. I would say about half the gunfights don't even allow you to be in the same area as your enemies, they are basically you covering in a spot and shooting at enemies who pop out their head on the other side of the screen, the very definition of a shooting gallery.

The ones that do allow you to move around, and *gasp* actually use tactics,are also super basic cause there are like three enemy types the whole game. Galahad can climb and jump but is any of that ever used in the combat, nope. There is not one section where you can climb to higher ground, where you can make use of verticality.

The change of pace moments are pretty bad as well, instead of a boss battle or a unique action setpiece, the game removes abilities. Some areas take away your ability to take cover. Some areas force you to stay in one place and shoot. Any moment that seems to have a different objective than shoot a guy is incredibly spoon fed to you.

Weapons are actually great but are never used in interesting ways. In games that actually care about gameplay new and unique guns get put to good use. In Gears when you get the hammer of dawn you don't just use it on the same grunts. An entire boss fight is built around it. There is nothing like that in Order.

Then there is the battles against the lycans which are somehow the worst fights in the game. An enemy with one attack, that's it one pattern that is repeated endlessly. Not only that the IDENTICAL fight is repeated three times, in locations that are designed exactly the same way. It is literally a cut and paste job with a new wallpaper. Same with the elder fights, same exact fight twice, they don't even attempt to hide it.

The Order is what I call a painless game, it is designed to be the most basic of gaming experience to allow players of all kinds to enjoy the story. There will be many people who don't have time for giant games or to really deal with games that may be more complicated and thus become frustrating. Anyone can play and enjoy the game without much fuss. That is fine, but that is not what I am looking for in my games. I want to be challenged, I want to be wowed from a gameplay design perspective.

The game is a 6 for me, all the other elements are so good that it made the overall experience a positive one but it could have been so much better.
Just finsihed the game. I am going to focus just on the gunplay cause everything else has been talked to death, yes it's the most beautiful game ever and the story is good. The Order is one of the most basic cover shooters I have played in years. I do not understand how someone could design levels and areas with no regard for compelling gameplay. I would say about half the gunfights don't even allow you to be in the same area as your enemies, they are basically you covering in a spot and shooting at enemies who pop out their head on the other side of the screen, the very definition of a shooting gallery.

The ones that do allow you to move around, and *gasp* actually use tactics,are also super basic cause there are like three enemy types the whole game. Galahad can climb and jump but is any of that ever used in the combat, nope. There is not one section where you can climb to higher ground, where you can make use of verticality.

The change of pace moments are pretty bad as well, instead of a boss battle or a unique action setpiece, the game removes abilities. Some areas take away your ability to take cover. Some areas force you to stay in one place and shoot. Any moment that seems to have a different objective than shoot a guy is incredibly spoon fed to you.

Weapons are actually great but are never used in interesting ways. In games that actually care about gameplay new and unique guns get put to good use. In Gears when you get the hammer of dawn you don't just use it on the same grunts. An entire boss fight is built around it. There is nothing like that in Order.

Then there is the battles against the lycans which are somehow the worst fights in the game. An enemy with one attack, that's it one pattern that is repeated endlessly. Not only that the IDENTICAL fight is repeated three times, in locations that are designed exactly the same way. It is literally a cut and paste job with a new wallpaper. Same with the elder fights, same exact fight twice, they don't even attempt to hide it.

The Order is what I call a painless game, it is designed to be the most basic of gaming experience to allow players of all kinds to enjoy the story. There will be many people who don't have time for giant games or to really deal with games that may be more complicated and thus become frustrating. Anyone can play and enjoy the game without much fuss. That is fine, but that is not what I am looking for in my games. I want to be challenged, I want to be wowed from a gameplay design perspective.

The game is a 6 for me, all the other elements are so good that it made the overall experience a positive one but it could have been so much better.

Great analysis Wesker. Really agree with a lot of that.


Well yeah, no shit.
He's no longer Sir Gallahad, so of course that's over. He literally says that he's "Gallahad no more." Now it's time for Grayson.

The Gallahad arc was complete by the killing of Lucan, and now the Grayson arc begins. The whole premise of the game is based on Gallahad involvement and interaction within the confines of The Order. He identified the traitor within its rank and he was dealt with. East India Trading company and Indian queen plays a secondary role to it all.


The Gallahad arc was complete by the killing of Lucan, and now the Grayson arc begins. The whole premise of the game is based on Gallahad involvement and interaction within the confines of The Order. He identified the traitor within its rank and he was dealt with. East India Trading company and Indian queen plays a secondary role to it all.

but how is that not a cliff hanger?
the game is "the order" not "the gallahad"


Just finsihed the game. I am going to focus just on the gunplay cause everything else has been talked to death, yes it's the most beautiful game ever and the story is good. The Order is one of the most basic cover shooters I have played in years. I do not understand how someone could design levels and areas with no regard for compelling gameplay. I would say about half the gunfights don't even allow you to be in the same area as your enemies, they are basically you covering in a spot and shooting at enemies who pop out their head on the other side of the screen, the very definition of a shooting gallery.

The ones that do allow you to move around, and *gasp* actually use tactics,are also super basic cause there are like three enemy types the whole game. Galahad can climb and jump but is any of that ever used in the combat, nope. There is not one section where you can climb to higher ground, where you can make use of verticality.

The change of pace moments are pretty bad as well, instead of a boss battle or a unique action setpiece, the game removes abilities. Some areas take away your ability to take cover. Some areas force you to stay in one place and shoot. Any moment that seems to have a different objective than shoot a guy is incredibly spoon fed to you.

Weapons are actually great but are never used in interesting ways. In games that actually care about gameplay new and unique guns get put to good use. In Gears when you get the hammer of dawn you don't just use it on the same grunts. An entire boss fight is built around it. There is nothing like that in Order.

Then there is the battles against the lycans which are somehow the worst fights in the game. An enemy with one attack, that's it one pattern that is repeated endlessly. Not only that the IDENTICAL fight is repeated three times, in locations that are designed exactly the same way. It is literally a cut and paste job with a new wallpaper. Same with the elder fights, same exact fight twice, they don't even attempt to hide it.

The Order is what I call a painless game, it is designed to be the most basic of gaming experience to allow players of all kinds to enjoy the story. There will be many people who don't have time for giant games or to really deal with games that may be more complicated and thus become frustrating. Anyone can play and enjoy the game without much fuss. That is fine, but that is not what I am looking for in my games. I want to be challenged, I want to be wowed from a gameplay design perspective.

The game is a 6 for me, all the other elements are so good that it made the overall experience a positive one but it could have been so much better.
Well said, I concur wholeheartedly.


Man I just love reading stuff in this game and just looking at things dont know why :p

Me too! It blows my mind seeing the lighting react in realtime when I manipulate the object or seeing the ink refract light and shimmer. I also love how certain flyers, sound clips and articles give you a bit of insight into certain character. They are so well done. I just wish they didnt put a symbol over every single one. I'd have much preferred a shimmer like they do with weapons.

Reposting my thoughts from the review thread after finishing the game

Having just finished the game I really enjoyed it. I'll be starting my secoond playthrough on hard to wrap up the trophies later today but the following are my takeaways from my roughly 11 hour playthrough one


  • Stunning art direction especially given the setting.
  • Voice acting is great. Incredibly well done across the board. Right up there with the best I've heard in a game.

  • Really enjoyed the story and it has me excited at the prospect of followup game

  • Sound direction (OST, ambient noise, weapon feedback etc) are all incredibly well done. Hands down among the best I've heard in a game.

  • Lighting and shading is way beyond anything I've ever seen in any other game. When inspecting flyers the ink and contours of said material reflect 100% realistically in realtime when manipulated by the player. The lighting is so good that I found myself gawking and screen caping even the most mundane of things (lantern on a barrel etc) because it blew my mind every single time. I have som 40 odd screenshots from my first playthrough uploaded t my twitter acct (@rexnovis for anyone who wants to look)

  • Gunplay is excellent. The shotgun and the thermite rifle are both an absolute blast to use. Also the secondary fire on the falchion that stuns enemies with a blast of air was quit fun to use on advancing enemies.

  • I really enjoyed the werewolf encounters. It managed to avoid the tendency in these games to make boss fights into bullet sponges and make them feel unique from all other encounters in the game. The half breed fights managed to capitalize on the speed and ferocity of the enemy instead of just being a big bad thing that you shoot until you die. The sort of guerrilla attack from all sides and angles aspect had me panicking to fire back. The Elder lycan fights were absolutely brutal. I do however think that they could relinquished a bit more control of the situation to the player, They still get a positive from me for not being a bullet sponge fight though.


  • Depth of Field sometimes causes sighted enemies to appear out of focus causing them to look blurry.

  • Disorienting and seemingly unnecessary loss of camera/character control (descending/climbing ladders, intermittent short scenes that could have easily played out while maintaining control)

  • Immersion breaking button prompts. Some of them really aren't necessary. After you establish the proper button or control element to use in a situation you really dont need to constantly remind the player. Why does it need to display a symbol over ever inspect-able item instead of just a slight glow or something? It immediately reminds you "oh yeah I'm playing a game"

  • Some chapter breaks that make the story feel unnecessarily disjointed. These were especially puzzling because it just felt like the transitions were very sudden or jarring when providing just a smidge more context or a bit more content prior to the transition wouldve eliminated the problem.

  • No gun draw control. Gun may only be drawn when combat scenario starts. This is more of a pet peeve of mine. I'm the sort that likes to shoot the environment to see how it reacts so anytime I couldnt draw my gun to shoot a vase or a painting the arbitrary limitation reminded me that I was playing a game and immediately removed me from whatever immersion I had at that point.

  • Oddly reflective white areas on the eyes and lack of shaders on and around them in some heavily lighted scenes make them stick out like a sore thumb when everything else looks damn near real.

All that said I dig the game a lot. Gunplay is fun albeit hard as I tend to suck at TPSs in general but it's really the atmosphere and the story that steal the show for me. While the story is a bit predictable at parts there are some unexpected twists and the characters themselves make it for me. The use of discover-able items and sound logs to provide insight into certain characters is really well done. I specially liked the flyer where Tesla drew demon horns on Edison.

Overall the game is very indicative of inexperience thanks to some odd design decisions. But given that this is RADs first AAA title it's nothing that really surprised me. It's not likely to be anyone's Game of the Year but at the same time it's not by any means a bad game. I certainly don't think it's deserving of the reaming it's received in reviews especially since it's released with a rock solid Framerate and no glitches that I've seen or heard of outside of a friend reporting a solitary crash to system menu but that was while using the share function.

It's a shame when games that release stuffed to the gills with DLC and plans for countless more or patently broken games that don't work as advertised or intended receive stellar scores (9s and higher) while a solid contained game like this one is rated so dismally by so many. I guess maybe I just don't see eye to eye with most reviewers any more. We clearly have different priorities/desires when it comes to games. I really enjoyed the game. I'm looking forward to my second playthrough and am excited and hopeful whatever follow up RAD might have planned.


Just got to the hospital, I don't think the black bars get in the way in shooting, it's how close the camera is behind galahad, should be moved back a tiny bit more.

No complaints with the story so far
This shit is right up my alley

Still saying this game is a 7 so far, knocking points off for giving me freedom but not giving me freedom, then I remember it's supposed to be like a film and I just shrug it off
All of the complaints with the story come in the second half of the game. The first half sets up interesting ideas, and then the game proceeds to do nothing at all with them.
Resident Evil fans, tell me there werent areas in this game that made you imagine what a RE with these graphics would be like. Could you imagine a mansion that looked like that. Remember the RE1 full model viewer in the item screen, when you held items to look at them I was reminded of that. I would just faint if a RE game looked like this.
Resident Evil fans, tell me there werent areas in this game that made you imagine what a RE with these graphics would be like. Could you imagine a mansion that looked like that. Remember the RE1 full model viewer in the item screen, when you held items to look at them I was reminded of that. I would just faint if a RE game looked like this.

Sure, but I wouldn't want a RE with as little gameplay as this game has. They had to make this tradeoff.


Resident Evil fans, tell me there werent areas in this game that made you imagine what a RE with these graphics would be like. Could you imagine a mansion that looked like that. Remember the RE1 full model viewer in the item screen, when you held items to look at them I was reminded of that. I would just faint if a RE game looked like this.

I waiting for a "Wesker" enemy to show up. Never happened. :|
anyone have a list of collectibles? I missed one newspaper and have no idea where I missed it.


Hope you have a good memory though; I don't think there's any way to see what you've already collected.

It's a tease, not a cliffhanger. This story arc was wrapped up, that's why it was not a cliffhanger. They merely teased the next story arc.

It's not a tease when important story threads are dropped completely.


heres my 2 cents....

AMAZING graphics, the facial animation, the streets the whole game looks mind blowing... one of the best looking games ever made imo

the characters were good i liked them even if most came off as a bit generic but its a world id love to revisit, the story was meh it wasn't anything great but its about what i expected

the gameplay.... ugh very very repetitive and generic down right frustrating at times (stealth take downs mini game overcharge) this game had amazing potential if you just had better gameplay this could of been a GOTY contender

story length was a tad bit short but i felt it was fine, id rather it been shorter then trying to pad it out with just adding a few extra waves of npcs ect.... but the lack of replayability was disappointing im glad they didnt tack on MP but honestly i dont think it would of been that hard (GoW style) this is a good game not great, worth a rental but no reason to own a copy imo
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