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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Yeah, he shows remarkable self constraint throughout the video. He looks like he's two seconds from blowing a fuse.

Indeed. As the master of PR and bollocks I'm sure the Irony that PR and bollocks more than likely at least made up 3% of the final vote swinging it to Leave is not lost on him
Is "bollocks" really much more offensive than "crap"? Legit asking since as a non-native speaker it's kind of trial and error regarding the order of profanities on the offensiveness scale (and then you run into things like "cunt" being common in Australia and the UK but super taboo in the States.)

Toilet humour isn't considered to be something that is a problem for broadcasting guidelines but bollocks could be seen as being a sexual reference and kids could be watching. I don't think that it's an especially strong swear. Cunt is definitely on the top tier of bad words for broadcasting in the UK although people on the internet might throw it around like it's nothing.


It just boggles the mind how the Scots are pretty much the only Brits with politicians worth a damn.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm sure they have their own fair share of idiocy, but I'm not talking abut that. Shit happened, and the English politicians just started self destructing and backstabbing each other like a bunch of bloody savages. Meanwhile Scotland has had a politician up front and center clearly defining a plan on how to proceed next, outlining what she has done to react to the impending crisis and clearly stating her intention to deal with it with the best of her voters in mind. It's just such a stark contrast.

To be fair Gove is also Scottish, as was the likes of Brown and Blair.


To be fair Gove is also Scottish, as was the likes of Brown and Blair.

Yeah we've had some of the best, and also some of the worst. Blair was only born here though, I think, I don't think he's actually Scottish. Well god I hope not. He's literally a war criminal in my eyes and should be rotting in a jail somewhere, evil evil man.


Some interesting Ipsos Mori data:

Ipsos MORI - Leave voters:

Should Britain:

Accept EU migrants to access single market 18%

Give up single market to block EU migrants 66%

Ipsos MORI- Remain voters:

Should Britain:

Accept EU migrants to access single market 67%

Give up single market to block EU migrants 16%

Not convinced this is a clear mandate to ditch free movement of labour at all.


Yeah we've had some of the best, and also some of the worst. Blair was only born here though, I think, I don't think he's actually Scottish. Well god I hope not. He's literally a war criminal in my eyes and should be rotting in a jail somewhere, evil evil man.
So your tactic to gain independence is to export the idiots to the British parliament until it implodes, while keeping the good ones in the national parliament so you can swoop in at the right time and make a deal? This is some nth dimensional chess stuff. Bravo, Scots. Very cunning.


Some interesting Ipsos Mori data:

Not convinced this is a clear mandate to ditch free movement of labour at all.

Doubt most people even know how dependant the UK is on single market at the moment.

Not having access would be a disaster


Some interesting Ipsos Mori data:

Not convinced this is a clear mandate to ditch free movement of labour at all.

Government: 'derp but Leave won, they get to choose - fuck the consequences'!

Do those people know that 'single market' doesn't mean people who don't have a date on Tinder


I doubt most people know what the single market is tbh. :/

Direct democracy everyone.

Many people didn't even know what the EU was... "What is the EU?" query on google saw a large increase as well after the referendum. Along with "what happens if we leave the EU?".

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Some interesting Ipsos Mori data:

Not convinced this is a clear mandate to ditch free movement of labour at all.

A "what is the single market?" would be very interesting here.


The financial drop we are going to see is going to hit societies most vulnerable in terms of welfare and care support to a massive degree

It's downright manslaughter if they govern and do this.

Fuck them. Votes have consequences. All the polling data suggest they opted for this mess if they're the ones who'll see the worst of it then I'm not going to cry about it and I say that as someone who's been on marches against austerity. If the Tories get free rein to screw the vulnerable over in the face of an economic recession then I'm sorry but that's essentially what they voted for.

There's only so many times you can try to mitigate against apathy and stupidity, and I'm about done.


Any links for this news in english?
Give it some time, this was a major party convention of our SPD, the social democrats, so it probably will show up eventually, but they talked for hours on end so it's probably going to take a while until it is properly disseminated, especially since the EP prez gave some speeches.
Fuck them. Votes have consequences. All the polling data suggest they opted for this mess if they're the ones who'll see the worst of it then I'm not going to cry about it and I say that as someone who's been on marches against austerity. If the Tories get free rein to screw the vulnerable over in the face of an economic recession then I'm sorry but that's essentially what they voted for.

There's only so many times you can try to mitigate against apathy and stupidity, and I'm about done.

Agreed, they made their bed let them lie in it, maybe next time they won't fall for the rancid pish that Farage and Co. spouted. We cannot keep making excuses for people who keep saying, we didn't realise out meant out..... sigh.


Agreed, they made their bed let them lie in it, maybe next time they won't fall for the rancid pish that Farage and Co. spouted. We cannot keep making excuses for people who keep saying, we didn't realise out meant out..... sigh.

The problem is, and my biggest fear is, that if things get worse from here they will only be further radicalised. These areas sorely need major investment or it will become a beast that can't be controlled.


Doubt most people even know how dependant the UK is on single market at the moment.

Not having access would be a disaster

Government: 'derp but Leave won, they get to choose - fuck the consequences'!

Do those people know that 'single market' doesn't mean people who don't have a date on Tinder

A "what is the single market?" would be very interesting here.

If the political class had any courage they would be out there right now explaining why we should be in the single market and what leaving it would mean. What is the point of representative democracy if you just cater towards peoples ignorant views rather than actually try to inform them?
The problem is, and my biggest fear is, that if things get worse from here they will only be further radicalised. These areas sorely need major investment or it will become a beast that can't be controlled.

Problem with that is if we focus purely on leave voters and invest in poorer areas we neglect the rest of the country, not sure how that will go down given the split in the UK. A lot of these places had a lot of investment from the EU they clearly didn't want it anyway. What a shit storm this is going to be.


Unconfirmed Member
EU stealing our smart people.
Any links for this news in english?
If stuff started to go bad, I'd take it happily.
I love pretzels.
I've always contemplated about moving to Germany...
I'd welcome all you lovely Brits to this beautiful country.


I wonder what the border will be like when France just lets people pass through. Leave people will love it. Need to spend a few hundred million on that.


Agreed, they made their bed let them lie in it, maybe next time they won't fall for the rancid pish that Farage and Co. spouted. We cannot keep making excuses for people who keep saying, we didn't realise out meant out..... sigh.

Yeah agree. Lots of noise coming from all over talking of the referendum being illegitimate because of the lies. I felt the same way about the Scottish referendum because from my perspective I'd seen a literal avalanche of media propaganda against it, the original and best (worst) Project Fear. Still, there was little appetite amongst the average Yes voter to declare the result illegitimate. Most of us just accepted it, next time we'll be even better prepared and make our case.

The main problem above all else in this country is the very poor state of our politics and our media covering those politics. If people can start to see the cracks appear and get motivated to change that, then there's hope.
All of this would have been avoided if Cameron simply said that they were gauging the people's opinions, rather than actually voting for staying in or out. Everyone fucked up massively - the public, the media, the government, the campaign leaders - but chief among them is Cameron. More than a week later, I still can't believe how massively that guy has bungled it all up.
Moving to Germany could be fun!

Maybe i could support a football team that regularly wins things but also has that fan community >_>

Not sure i'd fall into their definition of young britan but hey ho :p



*sigh* Yes, people's ego's about losing are causing this.....

There is a lot of brushing off any negative from some leave people I know, I don't think they can actually admit we're going to be screwed and worse off when we really didn't need to leave at all and could achieve more staying in. When I calm down a little then listen to them brush off everything, absolutely infuriates me. These people need to lose their job, prices go up, shit from the fan in their face before realising....oh this was a bad idea.


thanks for the laugh
Yeah agree. Lots of noise coming from all over talking of the referendum being illegitimate because of the lies. I felt the same way about the Scottish referendum because from my perspective I'd seen a literal avalanche of media propaganda against it, the original and best (worst) Project Fear. Still, there was little appetite amongst the average Yes voter to declare the result illegitimate. Most of us just accepted it, next time we'll be even better prepared and make our case.

aren't you glad no won in the end?

you'd have been out both your primary fiscal union and your secondary one, basing your economy on tumbling oil prices. the chaos we're in now would've been mild compared to what scotland would've had to go through. all based on the same flag waving take my country back bollocks that the leavers are spouting.

like i said to that other fella, if this utter circus somehow gets resolved and we all go back to how we were before, no sane scot will vote to go through similar (or worse).


There is a lot of brushing off any negative from some leave people I know, I don't think they can actually admit we're going to be screwed and worse off when we really didn't need to leave at all and could achieve more staying in. When I calm down a little then listen to them brush off everything, absolutely infuriates me. These people need to lose their job, prices go up, shit from the fan in their face before realising....oh this was a bad idea.

Yep. Its been eye opening in that degree

"EU Financial passport is likely first thing to go, Londons Financial hub is going to be destroyed"

"Yeah, those fucking bankers. Good job i don't live in London lol"

Truly insane
I'd welcome all you lovely Brits to this beautiful country.
If Gernany does this, I can see all the British wrinklies complaining about Germany 'trying to take over Europe again'.

So... what's the best language-learning thing these days? Rosetta Stone?

Yep. Its been eye opening in that degree

"EU Financial passport is likely first thing to go, Londons Financial hub is going to be destroyed"

"Yeah, those fucking bankers. Good job i don't live in London lol"

Truly insane
I've seen some of this too, it's actually insane.
Yep. Its been eye opening in that degree

"EU Financial passport is likely first thing to go, Londons Financial hub is going to be destroyed"

"Yeah, those fucking bankers. Good job i don't live in London lol"

Truly insane
When I told one of the leavers that my industry (film and tv) could be destroyed by lack of EU funding they responded with "I don't care. My industry will be fine."

Thatcher did a hell of a job on British society.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
If the London jobs go, who will make up for the lost income tax.

Oops. Looks like you're taxes are going up again!
All of this would have been avoided if Cameron simply said that they were gauging the people's opinions, rather than actually voting for staying in or out.

Surely that's the very definition of 'gauging the peoples opinions' though?

It's just we now have a vocal minority of the 48% minority wanting to let the world know that they think the decision by the 52% majority was epically stupid.

Like it or not, dress it up anyway you like, the majority of the people of the UK think we should leave the EU for whatever reason.

*sigh* Yes, people's ego's about losing are causing this.....

This is exactly all it comes down to for leave voters. They're fucking ecstatic at the fact that they've won something, and right now they do not give a shit that that 'something' is nothing more than a bleaker future for themselves and their kids.

I've seen all the gloating memes on Facebook. I've tried reasoning with some of these people and I've deleted others who are still guzzling down the Ukip sauce.

If there had been a 3rd choice on the slip which read 'I dunno lol (claim my free Big Mac & fries)' we'd have seen a different result. If we had a referendum asking whether or not to abolish all tax, 'No more tax' would have won.

This was a stupid fucking question to ask people. The only thing stupider would be to actually follow through with it.
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