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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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This is exactly all it comes down to for leave voters. They're fucking [/I]ecstatic[/I] at the fact that they've won something, and right now they do not give a shit that that 'something' is nothing more than a bleaker future for themselves and their kids.

Yeah, Leavers don't care about plunging themselves into more economic hardship - they just want to take everybody else down with them in the process.


German Minister of Economic Affairs wants to grant young Brits the German Citizenship.


This guy can STFU. Germany was one of the main backers of pushing strict austerity on south European countries that has caused unemployment, especially YOUTH unemployment to shoot up.

The notion that the EU is some bastion of hope for the young is a joke, just look at the youth unemployment stats: http://www.statista.com/statistics/266228/youth-unemployment-rate-in-eu-countries/


Gold Member
There is a lot of brushing off any negative from some leave people I know, I don't think they can actually admit we're going to be screwed and worse off when we really didn't need to leave at all and could achieve more staying in. When I calm down a little then listen to them brush off everything, absolutely infuriates me. These people need to lose their job, prices go up, shit from the fan in their face before realising....oh this was a bad idea.

I think that's the worst thing. A lot of sensible people have just accepted they've been misled and realise they've been lied to. However, you still have utter bellends like the guy on the first QT asking 'how does it feel to have a bloody nose'.

There's no point asking that question if you've just martyred yourself and everyone along with you. It's the absolute dunderhead refusal to reconsider their position that is most infuriating - and the lack of any understanding of what they even voted for.
There is a lot of brushing off any negative from some leave people I know, I don't think they can actually admit we're going to be screwed and worse off when we really didn't need to leave at all and could achieve more staying in. When I calm down a little then listen to them brush off everything, absolutely infuriates me. These people need to lose their job, prices go up, shit from the fan in their face before realising....oh this was a bad idea.

Even some reasonable people who believe leave is bad dismiss the short-run hyperbole. Shills and opportunists are going on TV and messing around in markets desperate to make a quick buck off the ignorant.





Lots of older people in their 50s and 60s will exit the German workforce over the next few years, that's going to be a golden opportunity for young people:

Yep. Its been eye opening in that degree

"EU Financial passport is likely first thing to go, Londons Financial hub is going to be destroyed"

"Yeah, those fucking bankers. Good job i don't live in London lol"

Truly insane

Some of my family members posted about the eu destroying U.K. Steel, and when I countered with two different sources that the uk actively tried to block regulations to protect steel they posted that dumb world war 2 picture and removed me from facebook. I really don't think leave voters give a fuck tbh.


This guy can STFU. Germany was one of the main backers of pushing strict austerity on south European countries that has caused unemployment, especially YOUTH unemployment to shoot up.

The notion that the EU is some bastion of hope for the young is a joke, just look at the youth unemployment stats: http://www.statista.com/statistics/266228/youth-unemployment-rate-in-eu-countries/

Germany and its neoliberal scumbag politicians is the main reason EU has such terrible reputation the last few years resulting to the raise of the far-right lunatics since they're the main euroskeptic force in the EU. The fact that pricks like this fuck have the audacity to act in this holier than thou attitude enrages me almost as much as liberals defending EU as this compassionate leftist monument instead of the neoliberal undemocratic organization that it is.

What a goddamn clusterfuck, it's almost impossible to find a reasonable side in this mess, mainly because neoliberalism has co-opted leftist parties and transformed them into an abomination devoid of actual ideology. The few rational left voices that exist are disorganized and left fighting an onslaught of corporate propaganda painting the EU as the saviour of humanity.



The sign of Boris and Farage in the cart is good art

I wish I could suck my own penis one - laaawwwwd


Like it or not, dress it up anyway you like, the majority of the people of the UK think we should leave the EU for whatever reason.

Save your breath. Too many fucktards (many of them currently
throwing a tantrum
demonstrating in London) fail to understand the importance of democracy or the dire concequences of denying it to 17 million people.


Save your breath. Too many fucktards (many of them currently
throwing a tantrum
demonstrating in London) fail to understand the importance of democracy or the dire concequences of denying it to 17 million people.

Protesting and arguing for what you think is best for you're country is anti democratic now? Get bent.

Its not like the europhobes gave up after 1975


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Is he a GAFfer? He even says the country shot itself in the foot.

I think some people really need to do some research on Campbell's political career, particularly his relationship with Blair and his intrinsic involvement in selling the big lie of WMD's in Iraq to Parliament and the British people.


Save your breath. Too many fucktards (many of them currently
throwing a tantrum
demonstrating in London) fail to understand the importance of democracy or the dire concequences of denying it to 17 million people.

OK, so never take you seriously since you think everyone should shut up and not protest despite that not being how democracy works and never has, got it.

The only way I wouldn't be up for doing shit like this is if UKIP signed a contract saying they would disband if Remain won. Their whole party has literally been "thowing a tantrum" since day 1.
Protesting and arguing for what you think is best for you're country is anti democratic now? Get bent.

Its not like the europhobes gave up after 1975

I second this guy getting bent.

Although I dunno if the more crass signs really help. Funny sure, but old people will use them to sneer at all this being about entitled young people.
I'd welcome all you lovely Brits to this beautiful country.

Even though I'm barely what you could class as young, I couldn't manage a move to Germany, no matter how much I wanted to.

It's for a stupid reason but a vaild one. I just simply cannot stand the language. Every native speaker ive heard sounds fucking angry all the time.
Save your breath. Too many fucktards (many of them currently
throwing a tantrum
demonstrating in London) fail to understand the importance of democracy or the dire concequences of denying it to 17 million people.

I assume the irony of calling what 48% of people wanted undemocratic is lost on you?

How about the fact that before the referendum even happened, Farage himself said
v "In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the Remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it."
Save your breath. Too many fucktards (many of them currently
throwing a tantrum
demonstrating in London) fail to understand the importance of democracy or the dire concequences of denying it to 17 million people.
So if you are not a majority, you can't protest for something you believe in?
Save your breath. Too many fucktards (many of them currently
throwing a tantrum
demonstrating in London) fail to understand the importance of democracy or the dire concequences of denying it to 17 million people.

So the 'fucktards' are the ones getting out there, trying to stop 17 million people suffering from suicidal ignorance from jumping off a cliff?

Fuck off with 'dire consequences'... what 'dire consequences' did the leave mob mete out when they found out all the bullshit they guzzled down about immigration and the NHS was just that? Oh yeah, they forgot about it and went back to watching Corrie.


Gold Member
I'd move to Germany in a heartbeat if I could. Loved Hamburg when I was there, but Dresden looks so picturesque from what I've seen.

The problem is though, that even though me and the missus don't have dependents, the immediate family just wouldn't move. So it becomes a case of up sticks and leave them to the catastrophe that's about to happen.I have my brothers just entering adulthood who'll need a bit of support, my folks who are as working class as you get (all voted remain for info), her mum is getting onto 70 and her brother suffers from mild autism.


Nope, his problem is with EU and its institutions some of which are highly undemocratic (the Council) and some are just plain illegal or immoral (troika participation)
How is the European Council, a council consisting of the elected leaders of the member states undemocratic.


They are free to demonstrate, I'm just pointing out that they look like entitled, whining children for doing so.

We had a fair, democratic referendum which everyone, from the Prime Minister downwards, agreed would be taken as direct instruction to parliament. Leave won by a million-odd votes.

Anyone calling for a second referendum because thay didn't like the result of the first one...

Trumpets said:
...fails to understand the importance of democracy or the dire concequences of denying it to 17 million people
Save your breath. Too many fucktards (many of them currently
throwing a tantrum
demonstrating in London) fail to understand the importance of democracy or the dire concequences of denying it to 17 million people.

Hey, I agree with the protest and the protesters. I was just pointing out to the post I replied to that the government did judge the will of the people, in the single most democratic way possible, and that's what got us into this mess.


Some of my family members posted about the eu destroying U.K. Steel, and when I countered with two different sources that the uk actively tried to block regulations to protect steel they posted that dumb world war 2 picture and removed me from facebook. I really don't think leave voters give a fuck tbh.

Great example. I've used that one about Steel too and it just doesn't register. They should be complaining to the Government for sucking up to China on their knees for that one and even the civil engineering industry for not buying UK steel, Government should step in there and they'll be licking the boots of everyone they trade with now being all alone with no collective EU, stronger together.
So how does a separate UK actual help or bolster any individual industry?

I just see the leave vote hurting everyone and everything across the board.


I think some people really need to do some research on Campbell's political career, particularly his relationship with Blair and his intrinsic involvement in selling the big lie of WMD's in Iraq to Parliament and the British people.

Takes one to know one and he isn't an MP or anything really now. Not like his opinion is far fetched either. Still a dick though.
I think it speaks volumes that the architects of all this disaster seem to merely get away with some public mocking and 'stepping down' rather than facing any legal consequences for the sociopathic level of irresponsibility they displayed in leading us all down this path, while some people would rather busy themselves fighting each other because of which way or the other someone voted.

I get that people are bitter but I don't think ramming people into some weird collective hivemind stereotype based on which way they voted and then proceeding to vent on this fictional construction is really going to accomplish anything outside of maybe making those who indulge in said behaviour even more angry. I certainly don't think our Prime Minister or his party members who both gave us this vote and proceeded to make absolutely no effort to prepare for one of the only two options on it, should it happen, are going to feel any hurt from people attacking each other while they slink off to live on their offshore panama funds... such a 'terrible' fate for peeps who have sacrificed a nation's future for their own petty power struggles don't you think? :/
They are free to demonstrate, I'm just pointing out that they look like entitled, whining children for doing so.

We had a fair, democratic referendum which everyone, from the Prime Minister downwards, agreed would be taken as direct instruction to parliament. Leave won by a million-odd votes.

Anyone calling for a second referendum because thay didn't like the result of the first one...

Irony must be lost on you.
Surely that's the very definition of 'gauging the peoples opinions' though?

It's just we now have a vocal minority of the 48% minority wanting to let the world know that they think the decision by the 52% majority was epically stupid.

Like it or not, dress it up anyway you like, the majority of the people of the UK think we should leave the EU for whatever reason.

What I'm saying is that it should have essentially been a glorified opinion poll, not an actual choice with repercussions. This decision shouldn't be made by a small majority that doesn't actually base that decision on fact.


thanks for the laugh
I think it speaks volumes that the architects of all this disaster seem to merely get away with some public mocking and 'stepping down' rather than facing any legal consequences for the sociopathic level of irresponsibility they displayed in leading us all down this path

hogdson has a lot to answer for.
They are free to demonstrate, I'm just pointing out that they look like entitled, whining children for doing so.

We had a fair, democratic referendum which everyone, from the Prime Minister downwards, agreed would be taken as direct instruction to parliament. Leave won by a million-odd votes.

Anyone calling for a second referendum because thay didn't like the result of the first one...

I know it must be hard to reconcile the fact that the entire world thinks you are nothing but a joke (well, except for Putin & ISIS) but Jesus Christ, you really seem to be doing your best to prove them right.


What I'm saying is that it should have essentially been a glorified opinion poll, not an actual choice with repercussions. This decision shouldn't be made by a small majority that doesn't actually base that decision on fact.

It is a glorified poll that they are stupidly taking seriously.


How is the European Council, a council consisting of the elected leaders of the member states undemocratic.

How on earth isn't it? They're representatives of representatives deciding pretty much everything in the EU. The EU Parliament is just a front that has little power so that the European public thinks it has a choice while the Council makes all the important and unpopular decisions. Not to mention that after they make these decisions they blame a vague EU while the scumbag politicians avoid any accountability for their actions.

The members of an organization with so much power should be elected directly from the public. Everything else is a clever ruse to bypass the will of the people and the Council is exactly that.
Some of my family members posted about the eu destroying U.K. Steel,

Off on a tangent, but I do wonder how much industries like Steel are worth saving in this country and how much the government should be getting involved to bail them out/retain them? I know it unfortunately means job losses, but didn't we loose the manufacturing fight decades ago?

Personally I've always thought the government has failed to properly invest in new technology and education where we can easily rule the world. The disconnect between education and employment is particularly disturbing.


How on earth isn't it? They're representatives of representatives deciding pretty much everything in the EU. The EU Parliament is just a front that has little power so that the European public thinks it has a choice while the Council makes all the important and unpopular decisions. Not to mention that after they make these decisions they blame a vague EU while the scumbag politicians avoid any accountability for their actions.

You just described one of the most sensible and sane government bodies around.

What was displayed in the Brexit is not a hallmark moment for democracy. It is actually a shining example of why a direct vote is a horrible idea. And with the horrendous outcome of the referendum vote, the scumbad politicians in the UK are also avoiding any accountability.
They are free to demonstrate, I'm just pointing out that they look like entitled, whining children for doing so.

We had a fair, democratic referendum which everyone, from the Prime Minister downwards, agreed would be taken as direct instruction to parliament. Leave won by a million-odd votes.

Anyone calling for a second referendum because thay didn't like the result of the first one...

I think your own childish attitude says it all. lol. Especially:

How on earth isn't it? They're representatives of representatives deciding pretty much everything in the EU. The EU Parliament is just a front that has little power so that the European public thinks it has a choice while the Council makes all the important and unpopular decisions. Not to mention that after they make these decisions they blame a vague EU while the scumbag politicians avoid any accountability for their actions.

What the hell are you talking about? The European Council is made up of the heads of state of each member country...


What the hell are you talking about? The European Council is made up of the heads of state of each member country...

I think he meant that in most countries, the primary leaders are elected by the parliament, and thus are representatives of representatives .
They are free to demonstrate, I'm just pointing out that they look like entitled, whining children for doing so.

We had a fair, democratic referendum which everyone, from the Prime Minister downwards, agreed would be taken as direct instruction to parliament. Leave won by a million-odd votes.

Anyone calling for a second referendum because thay didn't like the result of the first one...

While I agree with the general point you are making - until the situation materially changes, there's substantial new information - the result needs to be respected. It's far too early in the process to think about second referendums, etc.

However, I do believe in the freedom of speech and agree whole heartily with the stance of those protesting today. I also know had the vote gone the other way it'd be the Leave campaigners on the streets today asking for a re-run not the Remain camp.

What's good for the goose, is good the gander - so they tell me.


Off on a tangent, but I do wonder how much industries like Steel are worth saving in this country and how much the government should be getting involved to bail them out/retain them? I know it unfortunately means job losses, but didn't we loose the manufacturing fight decades ago?

Personally I've always thought the government has failed to properly invest in new technology and education where we can easily rule the world. The disconnect between education and employment is particularly disturbing.

The main problem with skills in the UK is over the years, you went to University or you sucked attitude whereas before if you didn't fancy that, you got an apprenticeship which still does happen to be fair but there is a disconnect between school and skills. People fall through the gap and a lot have the attitude of fuck that wage, not working for that while training or are just lazy. We should be proud of skilled jobs and help some young school leavers make the jump and make sure companies get with it.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Theres a great write up on such behavior becoming more common.

It’s Time for the Elites to Rise Up Against the Ignorant Masses

Hmmm, this quote from that article really struck me:

The Brexit forces won because cynical leaders were prepared to cater to voters’ paranoia

Not disagreeing with that statement, but considering the politics of fear has actively cultivated paranoia in the populace in order to legitimize itself, its hardly an unforseeable outcome that things have come to this.
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