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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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"hello?" "this is vagina"
It also isn't the EU that fucked up your work/life balance, in fact they try to protect it. Yet the first contract that was ever put in front of me included a mandatory opt out of the European Working Time Directive. I didn't sign it.


With the way the £ has tanked I don't think it is that big an issue now.

Floating a Scottish £ seems like the preferred option of financiers so there is still a conflict even if we vote for Independence.

I don't think that the way the £ is now would be that much of a detractor, however I would be extremely surprised if the £ didn't go down quite a bit further when they push article 50, which would probably also be the ideal time to push for Scottish independence, since not only is the moment that the UK government "betrays" the will of the Scottish people, but also at that point the effects of loss of jobs and stagnation will be far more apparent than they are now.

many people in the UK perceive the EU as a massively inflexible political machine, controlled by mostly unelected and unaccountable EU bureaucrats.

You also have the same feeling from at least a few politicians from the UK, as could be well seen with the house of commons today, but ofc as all things flexibility goes both ways.
More importantly though I suspect a lot of that feeling isn't particularly based around the truth, and more that much like immigrants the EU is an easy scapegoat to problems created by someone else that might be harder to solve.


[Guardian] Of course the Brexiters didn’t plan. Arsonists never carry water - Rafael Behr
Here stands Britain on the world stage, the sound of cracked glass in the air, economic springs unwinding, political cogs rolling across the floor, riffling through a manual that ought to have been mastered before the act of destruction.

The flaw in this analogy is its flattery of politicians who incited the hammer blow. Boris Johnson’s career is founded on a Paddington myth – the creature of kindly intent whose bumbling charm excuses chaotic misadventure. But there is nothing cuddly about voracity for power, allergy to responsibility and infidelity to any cause besides personal advancement. Yet that is the constellation of traits that forms the former London mayor’s character, exerting such narcissistic gravity that no passing truth escapes unbent.

Johnson is the incarnation of a campaign that within hours of victory sought to absolve itself of accountability for the outcome. Brexiter Tory MPs ask with straight faces why they should be expected to describe Britain’s future relationship with the EU. For that they look instead in cowardly dudgeon to a lame duck prime minister who spent months arguing that the best model for a relationship with the EU is membership of it. But we should not be surprised that the Vote Leave crew have no new response to questions they refused to answer during the campaign, nor that they take no blame for turmoil they dismissed as scaremongering fiction when the remain side accurately foretold it. Arsonists do not fetch water.
Wow this guy turned into a outwardly talking racist cunt overnight

I'm assuming you can understand why these halfwits feel empowered by the recent election results right? No-one is saying that they were created by the referendum... but it's sure as hell made them think that a lot more people share their opinions.


"hello?" "this is vagina"
I'm assuming you can understand why these halfwits feel empowered by the recent election results right? No-one is saying that they were created by the referendum... but it's sure as hell made them think that a lot more people share their opinions.
If leave voters were as condemning of racists as they were to the accusations of racism amongst them, it might have been the mythical clean campaign they seem to think it was.


For what it's worth, I wrote a long email to my MP earlier explaining a lot of things. Just about everything from the lack of funding that I'm about to face due to us leaving, to companies leaving the country, to the rise in abuse and the fact that I now don't feel that my partner and I are entirely safe in this country.

I got an email back just a little while ago:

At least it's much better than this:

Well at this point I suspect quite a few of them are a bit too busy to issue a detailed respond to emails, so acknowledging that he received the email isn't that bad, the other response on the other hand is just hilarious, claiming that a second referendum (which comes after a change of facts and quite a new information and circumstances) isn't democratic for some reason, while at the same time dismissing a petition by over 1 million people.
Wow, 8pm on Wednesday and I can't believe that the only news for the day is the sole runner for Tory Leader is Stephen Crabb. Not even another also run as announced yet. Presumably May and BoJo are waiting to the last second tomorrow lunch time?

We have strong rumours that Liam Fox his putting is name forward as an also run - but 4 hours after that broke, nothing official.

Does nobody want the job?

And on the other side of the political fence - strong rumours that Angela Eagle is going to cry an announcement tomorrow and stand against Corbyn.

Hopefully the story will pick up a bit tomorrow because todays been a bit of a damp squib.


I'm assuming you can understand why these halfwits feel empowered by the recent election results right? No-one is saying that they were created by the referendum... but it's sure as hell made them think that a lot more people share their opinions.
I'm sure the guy (with the bulldog tattoo on his leg) didn't need any encouragment.


Are you (and your friends) still planning to stay in Europe?

Yep. We all feel European (British unis are good at building this feeling imo) and I think long term that's where we will stay. Some people have the idea of going to an Asian financial centre for a few years, exploring that part of the world, and then coming back to Europe to raise a family. Within the EU most people are hoping the majority of jobs move into Germany and not France.

It seems like Canada has the biggest pull outside of the EU.


So sad for Sturgeon not getting much help from Bruxelles and being even outright rejected by Spain and some other countries. :( Doesn't look as if there's any way for Scotland to stay in the EU without seceding from the UK.
I really hope Spain and others won't be dicks if Scotland would indeed secede after this and apply to the EU. I know Spain is worried about Catalonia, but the EU would never support a memberstate breaking up. The UK however won't be inside the EU's borders anymore and Spain and others have imho no reason or right to make a new sovereign country's life miserable.


So sad for Sturgeon not getting much help from Bruxelles and being even outright rejected by Spain and some other countries. :( Doesn't look as if there's any way for Scotland to stay in the EU without seceding from the UK.
I really hope Spain and others won't be dicks if Scotland would indeed secede after this and apply to the EU. I know Spain is worried about Catalonia, but the EU would never support a memberstate breaking up. The UK however won't be inside the EU's borders anymore and Spain and others have imho no reason or right to make a new sovereign country's life miserable.

Sturgeon got exactly what she wanted from her Brussels trip. She got a warm welcome from Juncker and others while being told Scotland is Out when the UK invokes article 50.

It makes the case clear, Europe is sympathetic but to Remain we NEED independence, there is no third way.


We know for sure it won't happen but what if there is only one person running for Tory Leadership? Will he become PM right away or at least waay before September?

Just curious really.

In any case, the dead line is 12pm tomorrow yeah? To find out who is running for Tory leadership.


Wow, 8pm on Wednesday and I can't believe that the only news for the day is the sole runner for Tory Leader is Stephen Crabb. Not even another also run as announced yet. Presumably May and BoJo are waiting to the last second tomorrow lunch time?

We have strong rumours that Liam Fox his putting is name forward as an also run - but 4 hours after that broke, nothing official.

Does nobody want the job?

There will undoubtedly be announcements tomorrow but yes, basically nobody wants it. The PM job after this one, maybe, but the next one is screwed whatever he or she does.
You know, there's Alien Theory on TV right now, and it sounds less outrageously stupid than it did a week ago. That's how much my scale of stupidity has evolved these past few days.

I'm not saying it was migrants, but it was migrants.

(They're currently explaining the covenant ark was an alien nuclear weapon)


Yep. We all feel European (British unis are good at building this feeling imo) and I think long term that's where we will stay. Some people have the idea of going to an Asian financial centre for a few years, exploring that part of the world, and then coming back to Europe to raise a family. Within the EU most people are hoping the majority of jobs move into Germany and not France.

It seems like Canada has the biggest pull outside of the EU.

Yeah, Germany keeps cropping up a lot among people who want to leave post-Brexit
And I agree on Canada.
I think we'll see a significant brain drain from the UK.


Sturgeon got exactly what she wanted from her Brussels trip. She got a warm welcome from Juncker and others while being told Scotland is Out when the UK invokes article 50.

It makes the case clear, Europe is sympathetic but to Remain we NEED independence, there is no third way.

Yep, if I was living in Scotland there would be no doubt in my mind on a vote for independence after this, and I would have been on the fence in 2014.

Another Scottish referendum would be a slam dunk for the SNP at this point


While labour is imploding, it looks like the LDs are going the SNP route sans independence - all in on reversing course

I like the Lib Dems, but I think getting back into the EU straight away is far less important versus having robust home policies, and that it would be a mistake to push it as a front and centre objective, least of all for the next election. Doing so simply marginalises them to around 17 million voters straight away, which is foolhardy given there are likely tremendous gains to made given the political upheaval taking place amongst the Conservatives & Labour.

In all likelihood, there's a good chance that the next government could be a coalition, and if they as a party can make up the ground necessary to form part of that, they can probably push for full PR going forward (unlike Clegg who caved) which would be far better for UK politics going forward in the long term.
I like the Lib Dems, but I think getting back into the EU straight away is far less important versus having robust home policies
There is way more to gain by increasing revenue (rejoining EU and assuaging the market) than there is to gain by increasing programs (home policies). These are desperate times, friend.

Except I'm not in the UK so I don't care! Lol
This is the pound, today was the first day its worth more than friday, but barely.


The FTSE is close to being back were it was before the crash.


Both are over 5 days.

Can someone say something about those in more detail. I'm not really an expert.


I like the Lib Dems, but I think getting back into the EU straight away is far less important versus having robust home policies, and that it would be a mistake to push it as a front and centre objective, least of all for the next election. Doing so simply marginalises them to around 17 million voters straight away, which is foolhardy given there are likely tremendous gains to made given the political upheaval taking place amongst the Conservatives & Labour.

In all likelihood, there's a good chance that the next government could be a coalition, and if they as a party can make up the ground necessary to form part of that, they can probably push for full PR going forward (unlike Clegg who caved) which would be far better for UK politics going forward in the long term.

I think it's an interesting tactic from them, certainly right now it's gaining them a lot of goodwill from a certain crowd as membership is up, and it's not like the party has a lot to lose. Farron was at the rally last night and I wonder if we will see him at the march come saturday.

If there isn't another GE until 2020 and by then we've triggered article 50, running on a 'let's rejoin the EU!' platform would be a bit silly though.


If we leave the EU and then tried to rejoin again, would the whole UK be forced to adopt the Euro if we want back in? I don't know how we kept the pound originally but I can imagine that the EU would be far less accommodating to the UK reapplying to join the EU again.


If we leave the EU and then tried to rejoin again, would the whole UK be forced to adopt the Euro if we want back in? I don't know how we kept the pound originally but I can imagine that the EU would be far less accommodating to the UK reapplying to join the EU again.
I would assume so. If we leave we won't be rejoining for a very, very long time

I'll predict The Union of England and Wales being absorbed by the United States of Europe by 2075

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It's nice to think things

Isn't it theoretically true that the word cloud just means a lot of Leave supporters were tweeting "Immigration ISN'T the reason I'm voting leave"?

But in all honesty I don't think it's fair to attribute that to all Leave voters, especially since it wasn't limited to a single demographic or party. The euro-skeptics couldn't have done it without the racists but that's also true vice-versa, sort of like how you can get vastly different poll results from asking the same question different ways. As far as I can tell the leave campaign's success was based on muddling the context around a very simple question and throwing so many random ideas and half-truths into the conversation that enough people found some reason to vote leave.

That nazi refugee poster and the 350 million NHS bus are such separate ideas (neither of which really has anything to do with the EU, apparently) but ended up both being stuff people voted for.
This is the pound, today was the first day its worth more than friday, but barely.


The FTSE is close to being back were it was before the crash.


Both are over 5 days.

Can someone say something about those in more detail. I'm not really an expert.


Over 2 Trillion $ was lost since it has began...

Thats as much detail as I can give you..
Why would that many people regret voting remain? Surely the only negative effects are due to leave right now. Is the poll accurate ;)

I think with a second referendum, the leave regretters and more younger people would win. Don't know why the government doesn't hold it to get themselves out of this mess when they don't really want to leave either.

You can call up or email Survation's PoC with any questions about their methodology. Or alternatively, ask FiveThirtyEight why they're promoting trash on their website. They do occassionally. ; )

I have no idea why so many regret their decision but my expectations are low in any event for whatever the reasons were.
I would assume so. If we leave we won't be rejoining for a very, very long time

I'll predict The Union of England and Wales being absorbed by the United States of Europe by 2075

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2016 - UK votes Brexit
2018 - Scotland votes Independence
2019 - UK leaves EU, Scotland Leaves UK
2020 - Scotland Joins EU, EU Army created
2032 - United States of Europe formed after a decade of treaties and talks
2039 - Europe invades England and turns over the day to day running of the territory to the U.S.E. state of Scotland. England no longer exits and we all live in a single united Scotland in a federally united EU.


None of which are EU member states, except for Malta which is considerably more than a "city".

While they are no full members, they are all tightly integrated in the Union through different organisations and they notable mostly pay using Euro. London is bigger than all of them combined population-wise. It would be the 14th biggest nation.


There is way more to gain by increasing revenue (rejoining EU and assuaging the market) than there is to gain by increasing programs (home policies). These are desperate times, friend.

After all the scaremongering and the initial shock, the markets are balancing out. I expect in another week or so, they'll be back where they were. I voted remain, but in all seriousness Project Fear was equally as BS as the $350 million Bus. I honestly don't know WTF Cameron etc were thinking with that campaign approach. Sell the benefits of membership, not stay in the EU or the puppy (maybe) gets it. Complete Assclowns.

I think it's an interesting tactic from them, certainly right now it's gaining them a lot of goodwill from a certain crowd as membership is up, and it's not like the party has a lot to lose. Farron was at the rally last night and I wonder if we will see him at the march come saturday.

If there isn't another GE until 2020 and by then we've triggered article 50, running on a 'let's rejoin the EU!' platform would be a bit silly though.

Certainly, it will get people talking, but I don't think it's worth campaigning on until we're actually are officially out, and facts are established about where we stand on things.

Assuming it happens before the next GE, we'll at best have been out for 18 months/2 years, which likely isn't enough time to gauge whether being out is quite the disaster it's being made out to be. So that's pushing us to 2025, maybe 2030, and who knows what state the worlds going to be in then.

Stephen Colbert on how mind-bogglingly stupid Brexit was.

I'm with Auctopus on this one. I doubt whether Colbert even have any understanding of how the EU operates, so it's a bit rich for him to lecture us about what is or isn't right.


This is the pound, today was the first day its worth more than friday, but barely.


The FTSE is close to being back were it was before the crash.


Both are over 5 days.

Can someone say something about those in more detail. I'm not really an expert.

FTSE 100 = Mostly multinationals with limited UK presence
FTSE 250 = Mostly UK companies trading in pound which is still 2K points lower, on top of the pound being worth less.


After all the scaremongering and the initial shock, the markets are balancing out. I expect in another week or so, they'll be back where they were. I voted remain, but in all seriousness Project Fear was equally as BS as the $350 million Bus. I honestly don't know WTF Cameron etc were thinking with that campaign approach. Sell the benefits of membership, not stay in the EU or the puppy (maybe) gets it. Complete Assclowns.

Certainly, it will get people talking, but I don't think it's worth campaigning on until we're actually are officially out, and facts are established about where we stand on things.

Assuming it happens before the next GE, we'll at best have been out for 18 months/2 years, which likely isn't enough time to gauge whether being out is quite the disaster it's being made out to be. So what's pushing us to 2025, maybe 2030, and who knows what state the worlds going to be in then.

The Puppy is busy drinking arsenic at the moment. He's not going to keel over straight away but don't be surprised if the place starts stinking of dead dog in 6 months time.


After all the scaremongering and the initial shock, the markets are balancing out. I expect in another week or so, they'll be back where they were.

What people were saying is that *if* we leave the EU and do what the leave suggests, then bad things will happen.

At this point, not much has happened, because the UK hasn't actually done anything!
- we haven't even started the process of pulling out of the EU. Some people are suggesting we may never actually do it.
- it even seems that even if we do leave the EU, we may not actually achieve anything that the leave campaign wanted. (basically just swap the EU for the EEA).

And yet somehow despite nothing happening, we've still managed to lose over 13% of the value of "UK plc" o_O.
Shit . Was walking outside with my daughter . Loud African lady on her phone.

Older Guy opposite fixing his car (Bulldog tattoo on his leg) about fifty -sixty years old

Conversational level I hear him say "shut up "

"Shut up , silly monkey woman"

Then walk inside. Wtf?!?

Yet you didn't bother phoning the police. Played.


As a northerner who is disillusioned with South ran South centric politics and feels like the North get a raw deal consistently I often ponder how a North South split could benefit my local area but then I remember that my entire area is a racist hell hole ready to spew forth at any moment.

It genuinely boggles my mind how people in the North decided to vote Leave when we benefited greatly from things like the EU agriculture rebate. Now the farming industries of the country face overwhelming odds to stay afloat unless Brussels decides to send £3bn our way.

Maybe I should just move to Sweden or Canada, Those seem like nice level headed places. I just worry about finding work there.

Well I was laughed at on GAF for saying when push would come to shove Germany would be the ones wanting out before any countries of southern Europe.

It is inevitable that for the EU to work it needs to move toward a federal model, and that means the Germans, and a few others but especially Germany, would want out at that point. It would be as if California had been a separate country and was now asked to join the US, it would never accept as Californians wouldn't want to foot the bill for the "poor states", like Germany and Greece.

I still stand by it; Germans will want out of the EU before the south.


About the whole "We may never actually do it (trigger article 50)"

Won't that just cause a lot of this to be brought up over and over again so we can't really ignore it? As in, if the Tories stay in power, each interview with them, it will be brought up and never forgotten about.

And if a party gets in and comes out and says they don't be doing it, the narrative until they are out of power will be "(party) isn't democratic and ignores the will of the people"

Doesn't seem like anyone will win in these situations either. Especially because I don't think the EU will let us forget about it that easy either.


About the whole "We may never actually do it (trigger article 50)"

Won't that just cause a lot of this to be brought up over and over again so we can't really ignore it? As in, if the Tories stay in power, each interview with them, it will be brought up and never forgotten about.

And if a party gets in and comes out and says they don't be doing it, the narrative until they are out of power will be "(party) isn't democratic and ignores the will of the people"

Doesn't seem like anyone will win in these situations either. Especially because I don't think the EU will let us forget about it that easy either.

Hahaha yeah.


This is the pound, today was the first day its worth more than friday, but barely.


The FTSE is close to being back were it was before the crash.


Both are over 5 days.

Can someone say something about those in more detail. I'm not really an expert.


Bank of England came in to stop the bleeding :


This is but a temporary and makeshift solution to stabilize the pound, this is not something that can hold the economy "long-term" but for short term effect, it can help.

It doesn't make it less dramatic, just more practical to operate with less risk, market is not fooled, UK stocks are plummeting in value still.


About the whole "We may never actually do it (trigger article 50)"

Won't that just cause a lot of this to be brought up over and over again so we can't really ignore it? As in, if the Tories stay in power, each interview with them, it will be brought up and never forgotten about.

And if a party gets in and comes out and says they don't be doing it, the narrative until they are out of power will be "(party) isn't democratic and ignores the will of the people"

Doesn't seem like anyone will win in these situations either. Especially because I don't think the EU will let us forget about it that easy either.

There will be parties running on the platform of not leaving if the UK has not left by the next election. They will get the will of the people by winning or losing.
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