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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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Here we go, typical Scot wanting to leave the union and have a referendum to post in the original OT when things don't go their way. We need unity right now!!


Another image for the first post of the thread. Please don't make my three minute photoshop be in vain.



While they are no full members, they are all tightly integrated in the Union through different organisations and they notable mostly pay using Euro. London is bigger than all of them combined population-wise. It would be the 14th biggest nation.
Sure, they also have no say and no voting rights. I don't think London would like this deal.


The timing of the attempted coup was always happening straight after the referendum (regardless of the result), it's been planned for a while.

Yes, they planned to have people accept jobs in Monday then quit on Wednesday.

This was not planned. Whilst some people in it have clearly been out to get Jeremy from the start, the vast majority of MPs doing this are doing so because they are facing electoral Armageddon and he betrayed the party over Europe. We know that nearly a third of traditional labour voters will refuse to vote for Jeremy in a general election, and they just watched him deliberately undermine a key plan of the Labour Party platform.

If remain had won this wouldn't be happening now. For goodness sakes they didn't even challenge Ed despite the fact he was doomed and everyone knew it. Labour hates to take out leaders. The sheer scale of Jeremy's incompetence at leading a party plus the deliberate failure over Europe was too much.
Not from me.

So, let me get this straight... the leader of the opposition campaigned to stay but secretly wanted to leave, so his party held a non-binding vote to shame him into resigning so someone else could lead the campaign to ignore the result of the non-binding referendum which many people now think was just angry people trying to shame politicians into seeing they'd all done nothing to help them.

Meanwhile, the man who campaigned to leave because he hoped losing would help him win the leadership of his party, accidentally won and ruined any chance of leading because the man who thought he couldn't lose, did - but resigned before actually doing the thing the vote had been about. The man who'd always thought he'd lead next, campaigned so badly that everyone thought he was lying when he said the economy would crash - and he was, but it did, but he's not resigned, but, like the man who lost and the man who won, also now can't become leader. Which means the woman who quietly campaigned to stay but always said she wanted to leave is likely to become leader instead.

Which means she holds the same view as the leader of the opposition but for opposite reasons, but her party's view of this view is the opposite of the opposition's. And the opposition aren't yet opposing anything because the leader isn't listening to his party, who aren't listening to the country, who aren't listening to experts or possibly paying that much attention at all. However, none of their opponents actually want to be the one to do the thing that the vote was about, so there's not yet anything actually on the table to oppose anyway. And if no one ever does do the thing that most people asked them to do, it will be undemocratic and if any one ever does do it, it will be awful.


This legitimately needs an infographic to show how much of a shit show this all is.


Cheers for the condescension. As this referendum has clearly shown, perception trumps reality. Your statistics don't change the fact that in the eyes of many, Corbyn has been ineffective in his campaign stance. It's not a coincidence that this leadership challenge has come now, when Labour had a golden opportunity to capitalise on a government in disarray but instead chose to voice their displeasure at how they thought the vote was lost.
It's also not a coincidence that it's taking place shortly before the Chilcot Inquiry is due to report.

The main thing to remember about the 'fact' that in the eyes of many Corbyn has been ineffective, was that the majority of press coverage of the referendum was focused on Cameron, Johnson and Farage. I didn't see bugger all during the campaign from Tim Fallon either, but apparently he did okay.

If Corbyn was turning out his supporters then why was youth turnout only 36%? Do we even know what Labour turnout was like in total? If Labour didn't run a campaign what do you think the breakdown would have been? That doesn't prove anything about how well Corbyn turned out the Labour vote.

On the other hand, there are reams of evidence that Corbyn deliberately sabotaged the Remain campaign because his heart wasn't in it.

Reams you say? Please post away. Funny I haven't seen, just reams of innuendo and speculation.

For the record, I don't have any particular strong feelings towards Corbyn, but I do think the New Labour remnants are a shower of arseholes. Enemy of my enemy, etc.


It's also not a coincidence that it's taking place shortly before the Chilcot Inquiry is due to report.

The main thing to remember about the 'fact' that in the eyes of many Corbyn has been ineffective, was that the majority of press coverage of the referendum was focused on Cameron, Johnson and Farage. I didn't see bugger all during the campaign from Tim Fallon either, but apparently he did okay.

Reams you say? Please post away. Funny I haven't seen, just reams of innuendo and speculation.

For the record, I don't have any particular strong feelings towards Corbyn, but I do think the New Labour remnants are a shower of arseholes. Enemy of my enemy, etc.

How about my post at the top of this page?

Also, it says it all that you are still hung up on fighting "New Labour remnants" rather than the Tories and UKIP who have just wrecked the country.


Not from me.

So, let me get this straight... the leader of the opposition campaigned to stay but secretly wanted to leave, so his party held a non-binding vote to shame him into resigning so someone else could lead the campaign to ignore the result of the non-binding referendum which many people now think was just angry people trying to shame politicians into seeing they'd all done nothing to help them.

Meanwhile, the man who campaigned to leave because he hoped losing would help him win the leadership of his party, accidentally won and ruined any chance of leading because the man who thought he couldn't lose, did - but resigned before actually doing the thing the vote had been about. The man who'd always thought he'd lead next, campaigned so badly that everyone thought he was lying when he said the economy would crash - and he was, but it did, but he's not resigned, but, like the man who lost and the man who won, also now can't become leader. Which means the woman who quietly campaigned to stay but always said she wanted to leave is likely to become leader instead.

Which means she holds the same view as the leader of the opposition but for opposite reasons, but her party's view of this view is the opposite of the opposition's. And the opposition aren't yet opposing anything because the leader isn't listening to his party, who aren't listening to the country, who aren't listening to experts or possibly paying that much attention at all. However, none of their opponents actually want to be the one to do the thing that the vote was about, so there's not yet anything actually on the table to oppose anyway. And if no one ever does do the thing that most people asked them to do, it will be undemocratic and if any one ever does do it, it will be awful.


If only Shakespeare was still around to make a play out if this


Anyone else fearing shit will hit the fan even more next week when the Chilcot Report is released?

At this rate it will a welcome distraction.

Bombs dropped. The fallout from this will be insane. The front pages of several papers will be interesting come tomorrow and the weekend.

Sadly not. This happened on Saturday and was swept up in the general disdain for all of the leave pledges being dishonest, which half of the country already knew. I'd love for MPs to be grilled like this more vigorously, more often and relentlessly, but this appears to be as good as it gets for now.

Links back to the campaign itself and how journalists demonstrated a dereliction of duty by not challenging the 'facts' more and instead tripped over themselves to appear neutral.


Conservative Party leader preference:
T. May: 36%
B. Johnson: 27%
A. Leadsom: 7%
S. Crabb: 7%
L. Fox: 4%
(via YouGov / Con members surveyed)

Conservative Party leader voting intention, May vs. Johnson runoff:
T. May: 55%
B. Johnson: 38%
(via YouGov / Con members surveyed)

The BoJo NoShow paying off for him, he might dodge the bullet after all.


This was recorded a few days ago. I remember watching it the morning after the referendum.

I like how even his spindoctored version still implies we will have a Norway+ model, when we know now that it is very unlikely.

Yes, I remember watching this too. Wasn't it on CNN or maybe Sky? The moderator made a great job. I even congratulated her on Twitter because of that.

Oh no wait it was another interview. But the same idiot.


How about my post at the top of this page?

Also, it says it all that you are still hung up on fighting "New Labour remnants" rather than the Tories and UKIP who have just wrecked the country.
Innuendo and speculation, coming direct from the people trying to oust him. Not reams of 'evidence'.

We're talking across threads here, but this was my response to your video in the Corbyn thread:
Corbyn insiders struggled to get the UK Labour Party leader to fight Brexit campaign in a style that is known not to be his campaign style, video reveals?
They're talking about subjective campaign tactics here, not Corbyn secretly turning up at Leave events waving the Union Flag.

EDIT:Labour, New and Old, should be fighting the Tories and UKIP not pissing about with their House of Cards antics at the time the country needs a united and focused opposition. Every single person that has resigned this week should be deeply ashamed of themselves.


Conservative Party leader preference:
T. May: 36%
B. Johnson: 27%
A. Leadsom: 7%
S. Crabb: 7%
L. Fox: 4%
(via YouGov / Con members surveyed)

Conservative Party leader voting intention, May vs. Johnson runoff:
T. May: 55%
B. Johnson: 38%
(via YouGov / Con members surveyed)

The BoJo NoShow paying off for him, he might dodge the bullet after all.

So instead of this whole thing being all for Boris, it may well truly be all for nothing.
How has Johnson got so much support from the Tory members? The guy is a charlatan, an absolute clown. Are they passing a cursed chalice so to speak? i.e. you got us into this mess, you get us out? Setting him up to fail? I can't decide at the moment.

Rupert Murdoch hates the guy apparently. He's in for a tough run.


Innuendo and speculation, coming direct from the people trying to oust him. Not reams of 'evidence'.

We're talking across threads here, but this was my response to your video in the Corbyn thread:

They're talking about subjective campaign tactics here, not Corbyn secretly turning up at Leave events waving the Union Flag.

Just want to be clear that you are totally deluded. This is the REASON people are ousting him, because he is an utter failure. You really think the entire Labour party and media has developed some conspiracy to pretend that he is incompetent. Isn't the more reasonable explanation that he IS incompetent?

What possible evidence could I present to you that would convince you?


Well, 51st state is a bit much, but a free trade agreement with the US wouldn't hurt (and is perhaps expected). Same as a free trade agreement with Canada (which the EU don't have), agreements with China (same), etc, etc, etc.

Why would we risk upsetting our EU partners by giving a preferential deal to the UK? What is it they have to offer us these days other than a headache?

No shit.

As if Poland or any other EU member from Eastern Europe would EVER agree to any kind of trade deal with UK which does not include free movement for their own people...

The remaining EU countries just cannot agree to any kind of special treatment for the UK, as they are very well aware that other countries might start to develop a taste for a more ... individual? approach concerning migration.


Can you guys help me understand this, Spain and France are against Scotland remaining in the EU regardless of what UK does. For this to happen Scotland needs Scottish independance, Spain is apparently against this because of the situation in Catalonia, they don't want the idea to spread, but why is France against Scotland going rogue and remaining?


JP Morgan reports they expect a new Scottish currency and withdrawal in the next two years, can Scotland really pull that off?



Labour MPs have been forced to call in the police over death threats in the last 48 hours after they refused to back Jeremy Corbyn, The Telegraph has learnt.

Vicky Faircroft, a Labour whip, received a call to her constituency office which said: “If she doesn’t support Corbyn I will come down to the office and kick the f*** out of you.”

Police officers had to rush her office, close the shutters and attempt to trace the call after the man said he was on his way and hung up.

Another MP who resigned over Mr Corbyn’s leadership has received an email naming their child and threatening to kill them. Police have been passed the message and are now investigating.

Lucy Powell, the former shadow education secretary, received a message telling her to kill herself after announcing she would leave the frontbench over frustrations with the leadership.


Can I ask something? What is the deal with that Corbyn guy anyway? Why is there so much passion surrounding him? I saw a rally of people who expressed their support for him while his party members seem very eager to see him go. Why is he so popular? Something about him tells me he isn't your typical politician. Otherwise there wouldn't be such a fuss.
Can you guys help me understand this, Spain and France are against Scotland remaining in the EU regardless of what UK does. For this to happen Scotland needs Scottish independance, Spain is apparently against this because of the situation in Catalonia, they don't want the idea to spread, but why is France against Scotland going rogue and remaining?


JP Morgan reports they expect a new Scottish currency and withdrawal in the next two years, can Scotland really pull that off?

Corsican, Basque and Breton nationalists

Self-interest always comes first.

Funky Papa

Can you guys help me understand this, Spain and France are against Scotland remaining in the EU regardless of what UK does. For this to happen Scotland needs Scottish independance, Spain is apparently against this because of the situation in Catalonia, they don't want the idea to spread, but why is France against Scotland going rogue and remaining?
I don't know if France has spoken about Scotland yet, but they have similar issues with Basque and Corsican nationalism.

You seem to be enjoying this.
I laugh at the ridicule, but I'm not enjoying it. Brexit is awful news for the Spanish economy.
Can you guys help me understand this, Spain and France are against Scotland remaining in the EU regardless of what UK does. For this to happen Scotland needs Scottish independance, Spain is apparently against this because of the situation in Catalonia, they don't want the idea to spread, but why is France against Scotland going rogue and remaining?

JP Morgan reports they expect a new Scottish currency and withdrawal in the next two years, can Scotland really pull that off?

I think France's objection is specifically while it remains a part of the UK - ie, while Scotland's internal 'border' with England works in terms of UK administration its fundamentally impossible to resolve in relation to the EU. As mentioned, this actually adds fuel to Sturgeon's fire for a second independence referendum.

Edit: Nevermind, I forgot there were some regions of France at odds with their central government.


Can I ask something? What is the deal with that Corbyn guy anyway? Why is there so much passion surrounding him? I saw a rally of people who expressed their support for him while his party members seem very eager to see him go. Why is he so popular? Something about him tells me he isn't your typical politician. Otherwise there wouldn't be such a fuss.

he's like a shite bernie sanders basically


Can I ask something? What is the deal with that Corbyn guy anyway? Why is there so much passion surrounding him? I saw a rally of people who expressed their support for him while his party members seem very eager to see him go. Why is he so popular? Something about him tells me he isn't your typical politician. Otherwise there wouldn't be such a fuss.

He's very progressive, at least compared to his peers. He wants genuine financial and economic reform.

Oh, and he can't be easily bought.


Can I ask something? What is the deal with that Corbyn guy anyway? Why is there so much passion surrounding him? I saw a rally of people who expressed their support for him while his party members seem very eager to see him go. Why is he so popular? Something about him tells me he isn't your typical politician. Otherwise there wouldn't be such a fuss.

A number of people were annoyed at "new labour", and see Corbyn as a return to a hard left labour party. He was the only real candidate who was heavily anti-war, anti-media, and wants a lot of reforms.

His style of politics ended up with him getting a lot of youth support in a similar way to how Bernie Sanders gained support in the US, but existing labour MP's don't like him and never supported him from the start.
Why would we risk upsetting our EU partners by giving a preferential deal to the UK? What is it they have to offer us these days other than a headache?

I don't think they are thinking of giving a better deal than the EU has,
Just the same deal.
And why not. The world is not as it was with high trade barriers everywhere. The UK is not awash with state supported industry why would any country want to penalize all imports from it.


Can I ask something? What is the deal with that Corbyn guy anyway? Why is there so much passion surrounding him? I saw a rally of people who expressed their support for him while his party members seem very eager to see him go. Why is he so popular? Something about him tells me he isn't your typical politician. Otherwise there wouldn't be such a fuss.

Your last couple of lines pretty much nailed it. He's a bit of an outsider. Those that like him admire that he's a staunch man of principle and has the streak of an activist in a good way. Those that don't consider him too principled (i.e. stubborn), crotchety, a socialist and wholly unelectable. He tends to be more popular with younger voters due to his anti-establishment lilt.


Corsican, Basque and Breton nationalists

Self-interest always comes first.

I don't know if France has spoken about Scotland yet, but they have similar issues with Basque and Corsican nationalism.

I laugh at the ridicule, but I'm not enjoying it. Brexit is awful news for the Spanish economy.

I think France's objection is specifically while it remains a part of the UK - ie, while Scotland's internal 'border' with England works in terms of UK administration its fundamentally impossible to resolve in relation to the EU. As mentioned, this actually adds fuel to Sturgeon's fire for a second independence referendum.

Edit: Nevermind, I forgot there were some regions of France at odds with their central government.

Ah, ok, thank you. More reading to be done there, this thread has required 4 - 8 additional browser tabs through most of it, very interesting stuff. I mean, tragic, not making light of your problems, but very interesting.

Funky Papa

He's very progressive, at least compared to his peers. He wants genuine financial and economic reform.

Oh, and he can't be easily bought.
He is also a well known eurosceptic and somebody unable to work with people with different opinions, apparently.

He seems like the kind of person you put in front of outreach programmes instead of leading a political party.


Just want to be clear that you are totally deluded. This is the REASON people are ousting him, because he is an utter failure. You really think the entire Labour party and media has developed some conspiracy to pretend that he is incompetent. Isn't the more reasonable explanation that he IS incompetent?

What possible evidence could I present to you that would convince you?

Any evidence of incompetence might convince me. Do you have any?
A video of him struggling to tie his shoe laces perhaps?
All we have so far is the cross-party failure to secure a Remain vote in the EU referendum, which Corbyn is clearly not solely responsible for.

As far as I'm aware Labour have been doing fair-to-middling under his very short leadership, did I miss something? Is it normal for political leaders to be voted in with an unprecedented majority of members then given less than a year and zero general elections to prove their worth?
Can't find the article because my Facebook crapped out but the facepalm guy in EU Parliament was facepalming when Farage said they'd never done a proper job because he's a trained surgeon.


Any evidence of incompetence might convince me. Do you have any?

His entire campaign for the UK to remain in the EU for one thing.
Corbyn may not be solely responsible, but he sure as hell has a big chunk of fault for the failure to engage with many Labour voters.


Can't find the article because my Facebook crapped out but the facepalm guy in EU Parliament was facepalming when Farage said they'd never done a proper job because he's a trained surgeon.

It's in this thread. Somewhere. Let's say 5 pages back or something. Maybe 10. I don't know.

I don't think they are thinking of giving a better deal than the EU has,
Just the same deal.
And why not. The world is not as it was with high trade barriers everywhere. The UK is not awash with state supported industry why would any country want to penalize all imports from it.
They won't.

But Frankfurt and Paris sure like the look of that financial services sector. And the respective governments the £20+ billion in tax receipts it generates and the net trade balance of FS.
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