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The UK votes to leave the European Union |OUT2| Mayday, Mayday, I've lost an ARM

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It makes the most sense for Gibraltar, don't you think? It wouldn't be "on it's own", it'd still be a component of the United Kingdom, just like Greenland is a part of the Kingdom of Denmark, but it'd be in the EU.

It would hit them hard not being in the EU (or the EEA, rather) but realistically there's no outcome where they'd become part of Spain. They'd rather go back to the Franco years of being a de facto island with a tiny air corridor than that.

We finally get Corbyn's nuclear weapons policy?



I can read, thanks.

Everything we thought about... anything really, was based on an assumption that now turns out to he wrong.

Yep, we're more fucked than we realised. I seriously thought that we would be able to use to two years to hush out a somewhat decent deal whilst still receiving the benefits of being in the eu, now we learn we actually have to leave first before we can do anything.



thanks for the laugh
And that is at all relevant to anything I said how? Good news she can't invoke it again that's your own useless shower of cunts.

but isn't an ideal even for the truest of scotsmen keeping the UK together and in the EU? we get to keep our frankenstein status where our financial clout gives us a deal that an independent scotland couldn't dream of, we get to keep our currency, you don't have to rely on the plummeting value of your oil reserves to keep you afloat.

should the sturg help to achieve this then i'm all for her, but an exit followed by a renegotiated scotland in the EU would have all the problems the UK's departure is currently facing and more.


Quite. A sociology student could use this forum as an object lesson in mass hysteria and how it matures over time.

Typically I'd agree, but in context of everything I'm not convinced hysteria is an unreasonable reaction.

The Government are in freefall, we face losing London as a financial hub, Scotland are walking and we face being booted out with fuck all terms agreed, or at best pretty shit terms.

I am scared for our future

Daffy Duck

Yep, we're more fucked than we realised. I seriously thought that we would be able to use to two years to hush out a somewhat decent deal whilst still receiving the benefits of being in the eu, now we learn we actually have to leave first before we can do anything.


What? Really?

So we have to invoke article 50, leave, then go and ask what deal we can get?



thanks for the laugh
Yep, we're more fucked than we realised. I seriously thought that we would be able to use to two years to hush out a somewhat decent deal whilst still receiving the benefits of being in the eu, now we learn we actually have to leave first before we can do anything.


i greet every piece of damning news in regards to UK leaving the EU as a friend. it's not a tenable resolution and the opinion polls, when they come, will speak volumes.
Typically I'd agree, but in context of everything I'm not convinced hysteria is an unreasonable reaction.

The Government are in freefall, we face losing London as a financial hub, Scotland are walking and we face being booted out with fuck all terms agreed, or at best pretty shit terms.

I am scared for our future
Not that it magically fixes anything, but it's worth remembering that while the EU don't seem to want to do any actual trade deal discussion during the 2 year period, it doesn't prevent hashing stuff out with countries outside of the EU, like New Zealand, Canada, etc.


Not that it magically fixes anything, but it's worth remembering that while the EU don't seem to want to do any actual trade deal discussion during the 2 year period, it doesn't prevent hashing stuff out with countries outside of the EU, like New Zealand, Canada, etc.

It would be rather pointless to start negotiations with other countries without knowing your standing with the EU first.

Tommy DJ

So... it's likely we'll get a second indy ref by 2017?

If so and it fails then yeah, Scotland will be attached to the UK until the UK dies or until England decides to take over and call Scotland part of England officially.

You really think the EU is going let England even attempt to conquer Scotland, not a hope in hell, plus I'm pretty sure that pretty much every Scottish serviceman will not accept the order to invade their home country.

Plus there would be massive resistance from Scotland itself.


i greet every piece of damning news in regards to UK leaving the EU as a friend. it's not a tenable resolution and the opinion polls, when they come, will speak volumes.

I'm hoping the civil service snarls it all up, blame the faceless mandarins of Whitehall.
Is Corbyn actually Anti Semetic himself or is he just so tolerant he might as well be?

I think it's more than there are a lot of people in "his circle" of politics who basically view capitalism as the enemy, ergo the US is the largest single negative actor in the world and most things can be designated good or bad by virtue of their closeness to the US and its aims. Because its existence is so a) beneficial to the US and b) reliant on the US, Israel's actions - all of them - are inherently negative. This is made all the easier by the fact that Israel does do a ton of rubbish stuff, but ignores the fact that it's one of or the most liberal, democratic and human-rights driven country in the Middle East. This tacit idea that "Israel's always on the wrong side" means that it's very much a safe space for people who, as well as having an anti-zionist, anti-Israeli viewpoint, are also anti-semitic. I've got no reason to think Corbyn is.
It would be rather pointless to start negotiations with other countries without knowing your standing with the EU first.
How so? Wouldn't having deals mostly hashed out with others before dealing with the EU better inform what we'd need from our dealings with them? We apparently can't do any deals with the EU trade wise for 2 years anyhoo so it seems preferable to just sitting on our hands :eek:



Oh UK, what have you done.

I don't think it is "yes".

There is no reason both the UK and the EU couldn't be working on the deal before the UK is out. (Look, they even mentioned roughly the same thing regarding Scotland - how they will prepare the framework for it to remain in advance.)

It looks to me that the EU just says that they won't do it. That's an understandable starting position for further negotiation.


but isn't an ideal even for the truest of scotsmen keeping the UK together and in the EU? we get to keep our frankenstein status where our financial clout gives us a deal that an independent scotland couldn't dream of, we get to keep our currency, you don't have to rely on the plummeting value of your oil reserves to keep you afloat.

should the sturg help to achieve this then i'm all for her, but an exit followed by a renegotiated scotland in the EU would have all the problems the UK's departure is currently facing and more.
England voted out, even if it was her responsibility it wouldn't be democratically right again when you have your own bloody politicans and more powerful politicans at that.


I don't think it is "yes".

There is no reason both the UK and the EU couldn't be working on the deal before the UK is out. (Look, they even mentioned roughly the same thing regarding Scotland - how they will prepare the framework for it to remain in advance.)

It looks to me that the EU just says that they won't do it. That's an understandable starting position for further negotiation.
They like Scotland, they like that Scotland has a clear position, they like that Scotland hasn't undone any deals.
So, who are going to war with for a distraction in 2017?

Lol, I thought this early when BoJo stepped down and comparisons of May being Thatcher 2.0 surfaced.

Thatcher was pretty unpopular during her first term. Then she had the Falklands and won 2 more terms off the back of it before the EU question finally finished her off half way through her third term.

You kind of expect May to want a war of distraction so the country can rally behind a new iron lady in the 2020 elections.


Australia, New Zealand and Canada would like clarification on your position as we share a head of state.

Psssh head of state.

Her country burns. But she doesn't intervene because it's not the etiquette or process. Just like it's not right to ask the public 'are you absolutely sure you want to blow your brains out' via a 2nd ref.

I weep.


thanks for the laugh
England voted out, even if it was her responsibility it wouldn't be democratically right again when you have your own bloody politicans and more powerful politicans at that.

no, but how many times have you heard the sturg warn of the difficulties facing a renegotiated independent scotland? the very real difficulties that will be at least the equal of little england's present chaos, and that we'd all be far better off unifying against the insanity of a UK wide exit?

honest nic is being pretty quiet on those.


Dunno what I'm looking at there but The World Bank claims a figure of 78.02% for the year 2013.


Probably was confused with the fact that services represent 78% of our GDP.

The number that we need is the percentage of services in exports. (And even that is immaterial because the freedom of movement that the tweet is talking about is not the one that is the culprit.)
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