I was talking to economist mate of mine, who is naturally on the pessimistic side.
I asked him, at least in terms of buying luxury goods, where he think we are going to end up.
He said one word and it chilled me to the core.
I wonder how long a diving pound will effect prices. If prices on food and luxury goods go up by December then people will almost immediatly notice the difference.
Who would you even vote for at this point? Everyone seems bad.
I was talking to economist mate of mine, who is naturally on the pessimistic side.
I asked him, at least in terms of buying luxury goods, where he think we are going to end up.
He said one word and it chilled me to the core.
Could it get that bad?
I was talking to economist mate of mine, who is naturally on the pessimistic side.
I asked him, at least in terms of buying luxury goods, where he think we are going to end up.
He said one word and it chilled me to the core.
Could it get that bad?
What's Brazil like?
I was talking to economist mate of mine, who is naturally on the pessimistic side.
I asked him, at least in terms of buying luxury goods, where he think we are going to end up.
He said one word and it chilled me to the core.
Could it get that bad?
There was a spreadsheet (don't know where the data came from) earlier showing Crabb was in 2nd place among MP support. May is sounding more pro-Leave with every breath. I think that's your ballot. I don't think Gove is a serious contender, not really.
already posted? Been avoiding this thread today - had a job interview and didn't want to go in all depressed.
We are further down the road than brazil, already had the expenses scandal etc. Only reason it is not as violent is because the country stopped having guns readily available.
Yeah, I thought he came across well against BoJo during the EU Referendum debate. If someone like May gets in and Corbyn clings badly to opposition then he's got a good platform to success where BoJo just failed by becoming leader of his party and then the next PM in 2020.
I'd be very surprised if it went to a ballot of the members. Baring some scandal coming out in the next few days, May's got it in the bag, and I think everyone knows it. Crabb will step down for a decent position in the cabinet, Leadsom will probably head up May's Brexit task force, and Gove will be given some vague backroom promises about being welcomed back into the fold at some point in the future.
The expenses scandal was the most embarrassing, British scandal in history. It was (for politics) tiny amounts for doing stupid things to bump up their pay packet. No-one was bribed, no corruption occurred beyond a pack of greedy MPS making money off out-dated rules to clean their moat.
I had a Spanish friend at the time who was all "I don't get the big deal?! A few hundred pounds for a duck moat? Who cares! Our defence minister literally stole 25 million Euros! This is nothing!"
I think it's to our credit that it was such a big deal despite the - in the grand scheme of things - small numbers involved.
Hey, don't bring our national misery to this thread. This is the UK Mockery OT.
Is there a reason that UK Labour is both buying into the anti-immigration sentiment and further entertaining the delusion that this will somehow be achieved while securing the latter demands."When Britain leaves the European Union, free movement of labour and people will then come to an end," he said, adding "a range of options" would then need to be debated "on the nature of the relationship we have with regard to the movement of people and workers".
He outlined five guidelines which he said should be followed in the UK's exit negotiations with the EU.
These were: freedom of trade for UK businesses with the EU and for EU businesses with the UK, protection of residency rights for EU citizens living in the UK, and UK citizens living elsewhere in Europe, existing protections at work, the UK's role in the European Investment Bank and the rights of UK financial services to win business across the EU to be maintained.
I had a Spanish friend at the time who was all "I don't get the big deal?! A few hundred pounds for a duck moat? Who cares! Our defence minister literally stole 25 million Euros! This is nothing!"
I think it's to our credit that it was such a big deal despite the - in the grand scheme of things - small numbers involved.
Neo £959.99Just imagine the price of a console. MMM Brazilian prices (probably not that bad).
Is there a reason that UK Labour is both buying into the anti-immigration sentiment and further entertaining the delusion that this will somehow be achieved while securing the latter demands.
They are doing it because, going by recent events, here is the list of things British politicians understand about the EU:Is there a reason that UK Labour is both buying into the anti-immigration sentiment and further entertaining the delusion that this will somehow be achieved while securing the latter demands.
I still can't believe it's the conservative party that's doing this.
already posted? Been avoiding this thread today - had a job interview and didn't want to go in all depressed.
Is there a reason that UK Labour is both buying into the anti-immigration sentiment and further entertaining the delusion that this will somehow be achieved while securing the latter demands.
Worth a read for those wanting to understand the nitty-gritty of the situation, a Civil Service document on the process of withdrawal from earlier this year.
A considerably larger proportion of the UK economy is dependent on the EU than vice versa. This would have an impact on the dynamic of the negotiations. The EU is by a wide margin the UKs biggest trading partner. Some 44 per cent of our exports go to the EU. The UK is more reliant on exports to the EU than the rest of the EU is reliant on exports to the UK. Taken as a share of the economy, only 3.1 per cent of GDP among the other 27 Member States is linked to exports to the UK, while 12.6 per cent of UK GDP is linked to exports to the EU
The wing of the Labour party which have now taken it over hold the EU in contempt anyway.
They also are against the free movement of labour. Such is their muddle that they think free movement of capital is fine, but not of people.
It's strange, but until you mentioned this I haven't even thought about it. I guess in the end it's not too surprising as all of the parties just seem completely skewed at this point. When was the last time Labour was actually focused on labour?
The Milford Mercury said:Pembrokeshire county councillor Vivien Stoddard said the evidence shows that the EU isn't working for the country's economy.
"Six billion pounds of EU funding has been given to West Wales and the valleys over the years. But the cash has done little to improve the economy of Pembrokeshire," she said.
The media have been saying labour need to become anti immigrant for years or they will never win again, corbyn specifically is portrayed as way too lax on immigration to ever appeal to labour voters
Hey you know how Remain failed to inform Welsh voters of the significant funding that Wales receives from the EU? Fortunately, this Leave campaigner had their back:
Because we don't have enough party infighting right now, Farage is attacking Carswell:
Also, utterly bizarre that McDonnell and Corbyn are taking credit for the Tories dropping the fiscal rule. Truly batty, I don't know who they think will believe that outside of their already slavishly devoted base.
I think in their ideal world they would get rid of free movement of capital, services & goods before movement. They are just too cowardly to actually admit that.
OK. It's time GAF started a political party.
I might post a new thread: If NeoGAF had a political party what would its policies be and who would be its members.
KMAG as head of the Civil Service?
I might post a new thread: If NeoGAF had a political party what would its policies be and who would be its members.
OK. It's time GAF started a political party.
I might post a new thread: If NeoGAF had a political party what would its policies be and who would be its members.
KMAG as head of the Civil Service?
OK. It's time GAF started a political party.
I might post a new thread: If NeoGAF had a political party what would its policies be and who would be its members.
KMAG as head of the Civil Service?
Might pre-order everything I could possibly want this year on a site that doesn't charge in advance and just cancel the ones I don't want. UK retailers don't charge RRP yet, but I'm sure they'll slide closer with the pound where it's at.
I would ban anime.
Vote for me.