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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Some of you in this thread are just appalling. Honestly. I get that there has been a big tendency towards Remain on GAF, but the amount of you with this holier than thou attitude now that Leave won, the insults, the spite. So many of you boiling Leave down to pure racism, pushing this simplistic dialogue, this race to the simplest soundbite insult, deliberately ignoring the myriad other reasons to vote Leave.

When you say "you" are you talking about GAFers who are posting polls that show immigration and multiculturalism were the biggest drivers behind the majority of Leave voters? Or are you talking about the pollsters themselves?


A lot of people I've spoke to today who voted leave are saying they really don't know whether they made the right decision or not but would probably change their vote given the chance now. Liverpool did its part in favouring remain, that didn't do much good in the end though.

It's pretty clear a lot of people voted leave without really knowing what it meant, they all got on google last night/this morning to try and figure out what they've done


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Immigration is obviously a top factor in us leaving, but anyone that says that it is pure racism and not a genuine issue are kidding themselves

It's not a genuine issue if you look at the facts. Immigration is necessary for our country to develop economically and to maintain the quality of life for an aging population that will need care. Every rational person in government knows that, even Boris.

The understandable disenfranchisement of the people outside London is due to a lack of investment by successive governments, not by immigration. There are not enough houses being built and public services are being callously underfunded. Cameron cannot rebut the cartoon depiction of immigrants stealing jobs and houses because it's his own spending policies that are to blame. He was fucked from minute one, he had no means to respond to the xenophobia because telling the truth would just put people off him even more.
I definitely agree that simplistic dialogue and division is a force for ill in society and that we're better together, presenting a united front and working to find common interests and advance them.

I'm not an expert in UK politics or really any politics for that matter, but wasn't there a lot of immigration/taking our jobs rhetoric spread by Leave supporters and leadership? Seems like a lot of division on that alone.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Part of the reason they stayed, however, was that there was an implied threat from England that if Scotland left they would not be allowed in the EU easily. So the only way to stay was to remain in the UK. That however is exactly the opposite of what happened. I would say that is a large material change in agreement between the nations.

While true, it doesn't change the fact that if you continue to have referendums with generous 50 percent + 1 vote wins in Scotland every few years, they will eventually vote out when they otherwise wouldn't. The 2014 vote was a once in a generation at most sort of bone thrown from Westminster. What the SNP wants is exactly like double jeopardy, essentially.

Love fun facts, thanks.

I edited that one out because I might be wrong about the Union Jack name, apparently it's a mess.


But yes, that's how it started for sure, and Union Flag is certainly correct too otherwise.


The goal is to make the UK a "associated partner country" eventually, but the paper also details that 1) this is something the UK actually has to fight for and 2) that it is indeed planned to let the UK suffer so to speak in order to scare other countries from following into UK's footsteps.

I think this is probably correct in terms of intentions, but it could backfire on them in a spectacular way. We just saw what the politics of fear and and bullying result in. If they are seen to 'punish' the UK it simply bolsters the arguments of existing eurosceptic groups within the remaining 27. It's not like the UK was the only malcontent.


That is not what I'm talking about:

Deniying "democracy" lol
please check

France voted for Nicolas Sarkozy 2 years later and he made it pretty clear that he would pass much of the EU constitution into law if he got the chance.
France still voted for him so they tacitly rubber stamped what they refused 2 years prior.
You didn't want that? You had to vote against Sarkozy.
Don't cry a deny of democracy when it's actually democracy that happened.


Fair enough, you make us suffer, we make you suffer. Works both ways if thats the way germany wants to be friends.

You read back what you typed, does not look good on friendly Germany does it. You really think Uk will keep buying german cars if Germany hates us ? Really ?

Uk just asked to be autonomous and have free fair trade and friendship with its allies. Maybe thats too much for some countries...?

And why should people from the EU buy anything from the UK, or go there on vacation? We were supposed to build a future together, as brothers and sisters, and UK just showed us the middle finger.
I voted leave. It was not an easy decision to make, I spent a lot of time looking at the pros and cons. I read a lot of stuff on both sides from respected economists and commentators and decided, as a rational adult that leaving the EU was the best long term decision. It's in many ways a leap in the dark and extrication from the EU tangle will take years and may well not go smoothly. The balance will shift and be unstable for a while, but I believe that balance will be found again, in different ways to the current EU set up.

I genuinely believe that this is an opportunity for long term growth and change in so many areas, economy, controlled immigration, trade.

Or maybe I'm just a dumb racist.

Are you willing to share those statements of respected economists and commentators that said it would be a good thing for the UK to leave the EU, economically and trade-wise?

Because as I see it, the UK just lost its special status within the EU and its right to give input into trade regulations it will have to adhere to anyway. It is already losing its place as an international financial center, and will do so even more in the future once monetary flow between it and the EU is going to be much more heavily regulated. It will be losing it's beneficial position within the EU's massive economic muscle and will have to solely rely on its own economy to negotiate trade deals - i.e. it will be much harder to find nations and organizations willing to hammer out agreements in the UK's favour. Underdeveloped areas of the UK will now be losing their much needed funding. Various branches of the economy, such as the science sector, will heavily decline in funds, support and thus revenue without the support of the EU.
All of this does not seem to benefit the UK economically in ANY way.


I'm disappointed, as much as I feel the UK has full entitlement to not want to move towards an ever closer EU.

Scotland cannot have referendums every few years until they vote out. It's exactly like double jeopardy, you try something until you get the result you want. I can understand the disillusionment, however.

correct me if i'm wrong, but the previous referendum of leaving UK fell through because of politicians in london making statements that leaving the UK would also mean leaving the EU, so them being dumbfounded with this whole debacle is completely understandable

i dont know the situation in NI, but i reckon their sentiments are basically the same as the scotish people, and the whole gibraltar thing is spain taking advantage of britains fuckup, spain is also waiting for an opportunity to do the same stuff to some territories in portugal as well


Some of you in this thread are just appalling. Honestly. I get that there has been a big tendency towards Remain on GAF, but the amount of you with this holier than thou attitude now that Leave won, the insults, the spite. So many of you boiling Leave down to pure racism, pushing this simplistic dialogue, this race to the simplest soundbite insult, deliberately ignoring the myriad other reasons to vote Leave.

So many of you refusing to acknowledge the point of view of millions of your fellow countrymen, instead choosing to label them as fools, idiots.

Worst of all are the spiteful, pathetic children among you willing chaos upon the country just so you can say 'told you so!'. That appalls me.

I voted leave. It was not an easy decision to make, I spent a lot of time looking at the pros and cons. I read a lot of stuff on both sides from respected economists and commentators and decided, as a rational adult that leaving the EU was the best long term decision. It's in many ways a leap in the dark and extrication from the EU tangle will take years and may well not go smoothly. The balance will shift and be unstable for a while, but I believe that balance will be found again, in different ways to the current EU set up.

I genuinely believe that this is an opportunity for long term growth and change in so many areas, economy, controlled immigration, trade.

Or maybe I'm just a dumb racist.

Probably ;) We know there are sane Leave voters making a decision they thought was best like you have but the campaign was centred on immigration so talk about xenophobia etc was expected and goes with the territory of voting leave.
And why should people from the EU buy anything from the UK, or go there on vacation? We were supposed to build a future together, as brothers and sisters, and UK just showed us the middle finger.
52% did. The others cared about the EU, but yet still have to abide by the decisions of the gutter dwelling right wing scumbags.
Immigration is obviously a top factor in us leaving, but anyone that says that it is pure racism and not a genuine issue are kidding themselves

I agree it's not racism. It's mostly tabloid misinformation being spouted as fact. Seriously the immigration numbers don't stack up they way a lot of people seem to anecdotally believe they do. If anyone actually believes kicking 3m people out of a country of 65m will have any real term effect on NHS or School waiting lists they are more deluded than I am.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Which includes Schengen.

The UK and Ireland are both outside that region, that's how they can share completely free travel between the countries. The UK is not getting the Norway model entirely, for sure, especially since they voted that they wanted to control immigration themselves.

correct me if i'm wrong, but the previous referendum of leaving UK fell through because of politicians in london making statements that leaving the UK would also mean leaving the EU, so them being dumbfounded with this whole debacle is completely understandable

i dont know the situation in NI, but i reckon their sentiments are basically the same as the scotish people, and the whole gibraltar thing is spain taking advantage of britains fuckup, spain is also waiting for an opportunity to do the same stuff to some territories in portugal as well

Oh, they have a right to be dumbfounded I'm sure. I don't think this is a good result in any way, shape, or form, and it has divided the UK more than before.

Spain can talk, but it's all talk, and it's incredibly hypocritical.


I'm sure Gibraltar wants to stay with the UK, and the people have the right to self-determination:


And why should people from the EU buy anything from the UK, or go there on vacation? We were supposed to build a future together, as brothers and sisters, and UK just showed us the middle finger.

Because business want and need money to run, its all about money at the end of the day, trade is not suddenly going to stop and not everyone is childish, like some of the comments in this thread.
Jokes on the brits. Now that the UK and EU won't have an immigration agreement, there will be no way to get the pakistanis out of the country. They're stuck there, and they're just going to multiply until UK is an isolated, Muslim majority country. Anglos will try to white-flight away but since Scotland and Ireland will be gone, too, there will be nowhere for them to go. Delicious, delicious irony.

WTF? How would leaving Europe make people of Pakistani descent leave the UK? Why would we want that?


Dictatorships with uncontrolled borders?


Hilariously enough the people that cry about dictatorship of the EU are usually in favor of a dictatorship closer to home.
They also forget that the population voted for the officials who actually decide on the matters they cry about, most of the time much more directly than for the assholes who run the individual country.
But heh, crying about dictatorship is easy.
We have French posters here that are for leaving the EU?
We have English speaking/writing French people that are stupid enough to not know that the biggest partner France has is Germany?
WTF is going on?
No idea, Like people have forgotten about François Mitterrand & Helmut Kohl and how they heavilly benefitted from each other from that point on ..but hey sometimes i'm lost on the internet.

LOL I went to school, I work in an area which has been shaken upside down by a European policy so I know my lesson and I also know what the EU is all about, I know who Robert Schuman is and I know the Germans, UK or even Spain don't have the same interests as us thus making this Chimera completely useless and unatural.

Wonder how long before someone comes and tells me how EU or EEC has been maintaning peace across the continent.
I work in an area that has befenitted from European policies. Like my diploma is a DEESINF , an european certificate.
It allow me to have a clean base for me to work in eu countries and allowed me to experience many things.
Heck I was born in martinique , and that place can't expand itself or live without european funds
They don't the same as me so they're just ignorants right ? EU is good for nobody except traders, drug dealers and rich people spending their weekends in a new capital every month thinking they're the masters of this world : Try to look at things outside from your perspective.

See above for what i think about this sentence.
Again , you're free to believe what you want , but it's total nonsense for me.


People who voted Leave have to deal with the fact that they voted the same as the racists and bigots.

It's not our fault and it's not made up. Trump, Putin and Le Penne are on your side. That's your company.

If the majority of your voters are racists and/or xenophobics it's not our fault.


The UK and Ireland are both outside that region, that's how they can share completely free travel between the countries. The UK is not getting the Norway model entirely, for sure, especially since they voted that they wanted to control immigration themselves.
There is no reason for the European union to suggest a deal that doesn't start with this. It would be the most beneficial for the economy while pissing off the leave campaign. Same reason fishing quota will be in there.
While true, it doesn't change the fact that if you continue to have referendums with generous 50 percent + 1 vote wins in Scotland every few years, they will eventually vote out when they otherwise wouldn't. The 2014 vote was a once in a generation at most sort of bone thrown from Westminster. What the SNP wants is exactly like double jeopardy, essentially.

Scotland dosn't want to have referendums every few years, they just want to have another one ofter such a socialeconomic change like is UK leaving the EU (first country leaving the EU since it's fundation), which was also a key part of the last one.

It wouldn't be fair otherwise, because this event basically invalidates the last one.


Depends. No one really knows exactly how things are going to shake out; there is a reason everyone is continually touting the 'This is unprecedented! line. That said, the UK is going to have to renegotiate a whole host of trade deals and some such. How these deals effect migration, etc, are still unknown. Despite that, I'm actually not so doom and gloom about the UK as many others here.

The EU? It depends on not just their negotiations with the UK. The EU still has massive issues; while it is not getting the coverage it was years past, Greece is still a ticking time bomb. Portugal, Italy, and Ireland have massive debt issues, among other things. With the UK stepping away, this means more pressure on states like Germany and France to keep the cycle going. With the UK gone, will anyone else step up? Can anyone else do so?

It's sort of a strange situation with the EU I think. Take a hard stance with the UK in negotiations, and you have to devote extra energy towards it and by not having a deal in place, you take resources away when the aforementioned debt and demographic issues with several of the Euro members come to bear. Which means extra pressure on Germany and France when they can ill afford it; they also have to deal with negotiating trade deals with the US and others, as well as deal with a resurgent Russia on the other side.

Take a softer stance and you risk other nations having their own exit if the UK comes out decent after all this. Which may or may not be the worst thing; depending on who leaves and who you ask.

Then again, I was already bearish on the future prospects of the EU irregardless of a Brexit. This just makes me more bearish about the continent over the next 10-20 years.

This is a good post, the posters who say lets punish Brexit will probably be asking for our help given so many EU members are effectively broke....The posts dont seem to acknowledge the absolute financial mess that has been created in EU with so many countries in turmoil.

I am sure if we posted the mess of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy...probably Spain as ell not to mention the new Eastern blocs with their hands out....its a bloody mess of a social experiement.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
so if the rest of the eu really wanted to trigger article 50 as soon as possible but the uk would try to delay, who exactly gets to decide what counts as a notification? earlier there were some rumours/speculation that eu lawyers are already working on it, but does it actually have to go through a court or can rest of the eu just say "yep, this counts"?


You keep saying ratification. I really don't know what you're talking about with respect to this referendum.

I feel like I've explained it as well as I can at this point, but if this helps think of it this way: if the EU Commission invokes Art. 50 now, or takes Art. 50 to have been invoked somehow, wouldn't that amount to bypassing the UK government, i.e. the democratically elected government of a member state? Do you really believe that is a reasonable reading of the text?

I mean the Electoral Commission, the body "in charge" of this referendum, has confirmed and determined the referendum results as valid and final.
The referendum itself has been ratified. Whether the government will accept the validated opinion of their people it is a different issue.

As for bypassing the government, I believe it is open to interpretation depending on how EU laws apply. But if you're asking me if I personally think it is possible: no.
so if the rest of the eu really wanted to trigger article 50 as soon as possible but the uk would try to delay, who exactly gets to decide what counts as a notification? earlier there were some rumours/speculation that eu lawyers are already working on it, but does it actually have to go through a court or can rest of the eu just say "yep, this counts"?
Probably a court. At least I hope so. I'm for dealing with this mess as soon as possible, but we can't have the member states themselves deciding this without a legal basis.


Are you willing to share those statements of respected economists and commentators that said it would be a good thing for the UK to leave the EU, economically and trade-wise?

Sure. Here's a link to one paper I read by some independent economists that hit home for me:


As I say, I was thinking long term in seeing some change. Time will tell if I was right to vote Leave or very wrong, but I used my vote after thought and for genuine reasons.
Regarding this non-racist, non-xenophobic problem with immigration. What is it? What is UK's problem with immigration that was EU's fault?


is it a good idea to visit london now since the pound is low?

Regarding this non-racist, non-xenophobic problem with immigration. What is it? What is UK's problem with immigration that was EU's fault?

there was no problem lol, UK wasn't even in schengen. Voting leave doesn't stop the demand for immigration, there's going to be less immigrants from European countries, and more from outside Europe. I'm sure the non-racist leavers are fine with that.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
so if the rest of the eu really wanted to trigger article 50 as soon as possible but the uk would try to delay, who exactly gets to decide what counts as a notification? earlier there were some rumours/speculation that eu lawyers are already working on it, but does it actually have to go through a court or can rest of the eu just say "yep, this counts"?

Courts. European ones, admittedly, but they're relatively independent and have often done things the Commission doesn't want. I don't think the case for Article 50 is very strong; I think the Commission is just doing it to make a point (e.g.: you done fuck up, son).


And why should people from the EU buy anything from the UK, or go there on vacation? We were supposed to build a future together, as brothers and sisters, and UK just showed us the middle finger.

No, we said we wanted more control....a bit less EU superstate please.... we came begging for more before the election, and were told no, thats all you get, no way will you leave anyway attitude. EU just got too big.

We can all try and co exist nicely or all fight, we dont have to be in Euro or be in EU club to be friends. Or maybe its like the sithe, with us or against us lol

is it a good idea to visit london now since the pound is low?

About average, 1.23 Euro to GBP is not as low as in 2003 when it was you got 1.15 to GBP, that was the cheapest time.

1.4 was a really bad time recently, pound far too strong, good for Uk its come down a bit imo. Over 5 years pound is not that low really, about average, just low for this year.


France voted for Nicolas Sarkozy 2 years later and he made it pretty clear that he would pass much of the EU constitution into law if he got the chance.
France still voted for him so they tacitly rubber stamped what they refused 2 years prior.
You didn't want that? You had to vote against Sarkozy.
Don't cry a deny of democracy when it's actually democracy that happened.

What are you talking about? We (The french people) were robbed .



No!! since 2005
Regarding this non-racist, non-xenophobic problem with immigration. What is it? What is UK's problem with immigration that was EU's fault?
The arguments seem to be:

1) Cheap labor undercutting British workers
2) Limited housing
3) Services like healthcare too busy now
4) Abuse of welfare and benefits

But I don't think any of those are actually true, and at least not to an extend it would hurt the UK that much.


52% did. The others cared about the EU, but yet still have to abide by the decisions of the gutter dwelling right wing scumbags.

I know, this is all a huge mess, and i feel so bad for young people suffering because of some idiots.

But this "if you make us suffer, we will make you suffer" mentality doesn't work. I mean, we are all europeans... this is all soooo stupid.

But UK needs to be punished, or everything will go down the hill.
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