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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Everything I've seen on the news today from leave voters has been the same. I haven't heard any rational, well-thought out reasons sadly just talk about "getting our England back".

It's unreal that such people have decided the fate of this country's future. I don't even understand what they mean by "take back our country". Life's only going to get harder for them and future generations.


UK has recently been cozying up with China. Don't think this will be a huge deal.

China doesn't give a flying fuck about the UK if we aren't in Europe. Their state mouthpiece newspaper already called Britain a small country with no future after this vote.


I'm french with African roots and would glady leave the EU in a heartbeat : Does that make an ignorant racist xenophobic bigot ?

Things are not that simple : I bet you wouldn't said the same if some kind of obscur organization was dictating every do's and don'ts of your country beyond what the people has voted and elected people for.

You can be French with African descent, German, Chinese, American and still be Xenophobic, nationalistic and downright stupid.

My country is actually worse. Large well known organizations with nothing to do with the actual government dictate what my country does.


Have nothing against Greeks even they should never have been part of the Euro consortium, they knew damn well they could not.

If they had the guts to do the same things as the British a few years ago maybe things would have been better now : As soon as Papandreou proposed a referendum, the EU threathened them : So much about democracy...

Greece couldn't survive on it's own. Nobody can.

This way they can. The elitism doesn't help anyone. It's only damaging.

France also can't survive on it's own.


Ignorance and xenophobia won this vote. Pretend as much as you want that this wasn't the case, but the campaigns prove otherwise. Yes, some people voted out for other reasons but these are the two big ones. Almost every claim made by the out campaign has been a lie.


UK has recently been cozying up with China. Don't think this will be a huge deal.

I mean, we fucked over our entire steel industry to please them and stopped the EU from passing legislation that could have helped. But everyone wants China, they don't give that much of a fuck.
The UK was attractive because many companies could use the money that was better than euro while being in a territory that was in the EU and invest massively as a result.

With that advantage gone , other places might be more attractive

Completely wrong. Nobody invests in GBP outside of the UK.

London is an attractive place because of lower regulations, which is not going to change anytime soon.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
The EMU isn't such a great issue - the advantage that we had in being in the free market was huge.

Supposedly 60% of non EU companies have their EU headquarters in the UK. This will end up hurting us a lot.

What about the deregulation of the financial markets under Thatcher? That was always trumpeted as the "big bang" that suddenly escalated the LSE into a true world-leading financial center.

I'm no expert, but I kind of think that all it'll take to redress any losses is the imposition of tax/business incentives in the City favourable to the biggest international players. Capitalists like money more than politics.


Listen, I'm not the most super knowledgeable guy, but this sounds like some hot baloney to me. What does this have to do with anything? The fact of the matter is that the EU is the second biggest economy in the world, and they vote as a bloc. The UK is now entirely on its own. The UK is dependent on its income from the EU. The EU on the other and, not so much, bigger number or not. From where I'm sitting, I doubt the UK has as much bargaining power as you're implying it having.

EU is a group of countries, it is not 1 economy. Germany mainly exports in Eu to UK, we are the biggest customer by far and away.

There is 2 ways to do trade, free trade or tarriffs. Either way, if we buy 100 and we sell 90, then if you add 20 % we are still fine. Its not that hard to understand.

We are not beggars at any table like you seem to think in your strange view on the world.



Scotland will be free at the end of the year or soon thereafter, mark my words.

Should've clarified - if they find support somewhere such as the EU they could pull it off - the voting aspect they can easily but the gap between leaving the UK and joining the EU will be very tough. And if the EU breaks down after leaving the UK they're screwed.

They survive due to resources and their financial services. No EU = low amount of financial services = low revenues = doom.

None of this accounts for the cost of upkeeping their eventual military, bolstered customs, intelligence agencies, EU contributions etc. especially the military since Defence is a major part of employment and if Britian won't be paying the bills how will Scotland fund it all without borrowing money? And importantly they'd be using the Euro and not the Pound as was the case during the first referendum.

I doubt the UK would take them back unless extremely harsh terms were set. Ironically the UK would be the EU in this scenario but Scotland would be Greece xD


Anyone watching channel 4 news? Asking ppl why they voted leave - "stop Muslims coming here", "get all foreigners out". Can't help but feel most people who voted leave did so because of some nostalgic desire for an all white England.

Heard about an Asian woman copping abuse from an elderly man in a supermarket on the radio today. He said "we've got our country back and now we can get ppl like you out". It's fucked up. It really is all about foreigners for leavers.

Just spoke to my parents. Both leave voters, both over 60. They're delighted because they think the immigrant hordes have been stopped and the NHS will have more money now. Had to bite my tongue, no point in arguing over it now.



Just as one example, my companies EU headquarters is in London because its English speaking and falls under EU data privacy regulations. Presumably the second won't apply in a couple of years, so we're going to have move jobs to Amsterdam and, its rumored, open an office in Prague. We're only talking 100 - 200 jobs but go across the IT sector its thousands of high-paying jobs leaving. I'm sure other industries will have similar challenges.

An interesting it point is the number of schools and local authorities who have moved to either Google or o365 for email provision. as long as the servers are in the eu there's no data protection issue but in 2 and a bit years time that cover will be gone requiring new legislation
I'm french with African roots and would glady leave the EU in a heartbeat : Does that make an ignorant racist xenophobic bigot ?

Things are not that simple : I bet you wouldn't said the same if some kind of obscur organization was dictating every do's and don'ts of your country beyond what the people has voted and elected people for.

i'm french with african roots and i really , really disagree with you.
I have no idea in what little word you live in , but i'm really advising you to learn a little more about both sides of the argument instead of spouting the ridiculous radical idea of marie le pen.

Tu te rends compte de ce que tu dis là ?Je sais que la majorité des français s'en foutent des élections européenes mais eduque toi , va chercher des infos , au lieu de dire des conneries
"obscure organisation" <-- what nonsense


The UK was attractive because many companies could use the money that was better than euro while being in a territory that was in the EU and invest massively as a result.

With that advantage gone , other places might be more attractive

Not to mention the huge draw to London of all the best talent from across the EU in multiple industries and that's in jeopardy now.


Of course it isn't mind blowing to believe that, but you're deliberately ignoring the communities with a lot of black and Asian people that voted Leave in big numbers. Birmingham. Bradford. Bolton. Nottingham. Barking and Dagenham. Blackburn. I could name more...

This isn't a white people vs brown people thing at all. It's time people like you dropped that stance.

Anecdotal and all, but...

Anyone watching channel 4 news? Asking ppl why they voted leave - "stop Muslims coming here", "get all foreigners out". Can't help but feel most people who voted leave did so because of some nostalgic desire for an all white England.

Heard about an Asian woman copping abuse from an elderly man in a supermarket on the radio today. He said "we've got our country back and now we can get ppl like you out". It's fucked up. It really is all about foreigners for leavers.

I get that there are non-racial/non-immigrant reasons for voting leave. I'm not saying there aren't, and I'm not arguing that 100 percent of Leave voters are driven by xenophobia and anti-immigrant sentiment. What I am saying, though, is that it's the centerpiece.


An interesting it point is the number of schools and local authorities who have moved to either Google or o365 for email provision. as long as the servers are in the eu there's no data protection issue but in 2 and a bit years time that cover will be gone requiring new legislation
Not really. It has been quite clear these protections will be gone.



Thank you fellow Britains! Don't worry you've made really a ballsy move, merci.

I hope that YOU not get fucked like us the FRENCH in 2005

Please stay strong, this isn't about immigrants, it's about our salary.

Can I live?


Not to mention the huge draw to London of all the best talent from across the EU in multiple industries and that's in jeopardy now.

Totally, I imagine there being a fairly significant brain drain as people leave the country for other opportunities.


Unreason has been percolating within the organism for a very long time. All it takes is the right sequence of events for it to metastasize.

Quite true. But it seems this year, the worldwide meme virus isn't flies or mosquitos, but unreason. A mental virus, much like how Alzheimer's might be.

The bacteria in this case is fear, division, isolationism, and nationalism.


Not sure why the leave sentiment in the post thinks they are going to renegotiate and things are going to go back to being the same.

1)Like its been mentioned before, the negotiations must be tough because an example must be made and you're dealing with other strong economies in Germany/France

2)While the UK was a powerhouse economy within the EU, its now by its lonesome. That tough guy talk goes away when you're no longer in a gang

Like, as an American thinking globally, one of the benefits the UK has is its seat at the EU. Them walking away makes them a less important power to our national interest because their normally powerful sway in the EU has gone to nil.
It's unreal that such people have decided the fate of this country's future. I don't even understand what they mean by "take back our country". Life's only going to get harder for them and future generations.

I think there's legitimately a fairly large portion of misinformed people who are under the impression there will be a mass deporting and full lockdown of the border, since I've also seen a lot of arguments today that result in similar thought processes. I have no idea what the hell some of these people are expecting, but they sure won't be getting what they thought they signed up for.


Gold Member
Next up: Scotland splits from United Kingdom and joins the EU.

Every single region in Scotland bar none voted to remain in the EU..


Anecdotal and all, but...

I get that there are non-racial/non-immigrant reasons for voting leave. I'm not saying there aren't, and I'm not arguing that 100 percent of Leave voters are driven by xenophobia and anti-immigrant sentiment. What I am saying, though, is that it's the centerpiece.

People can only see it in foreign countries they don't like to admit it about home.


It's predicated on the decision to withdraw having been made by the member state. That hasn't happened in the UK.

I still believe the wording is too open to interpretation... If, at the eyes of the EU

1. the constitutional requirement was merely to hold a referendum (regardless of it being non-binding in the UK Parliament), and
2. the will of the people (which themselves are the Member State) being ratified itself counts a decision by the Member State

they can argue (not sure how feeble that argument will be though) the Member State has decided and notified them.

I don't think they'll have a strong argument though. And it depends on which laws are applied and where (UK is still bound by supremacy of EU laws). It'll be interesting to watch, either way.


Was getting caught part of your plan?

Thank you fellow Britains! Don't worry you've made really a ballsy move, merci.

I hope that YOU not get fucked like us the FRENCH in 2005

Please stay strong, this isn't about immigrants, it's about our salary.

Can I live?

Let's not kid ourselves here. A lot of it had to do with immigrants.


As a spanish and pro-european I'm really happy NATO is still a thing and we can still have security and military cooperation with the UK even when they leave the EU
That's just a silly argument, terrorists cross external and internal borders all the time without any trouble, and that's not because of Europe, that's because we're at peace and controls are light. It's not like old border controls would have solved the issue. Heck, Abdeslam was controlled the day after the attacks and let go, while everybody was on high alert and looking for him.
If anything, the best counter-measures against terrorism would come from more cooperation between countries. You would have had more chances to prevent the Paris attacks with a better cooperation between Belgian and French intelligence, rather than pretending to control all cars crossing the border all year long.

Pretty much. I cant seem to understand why some people thinking cutting connections is the way to go. This world is so interconnected and becoming more so by the day. More dialogue and deeper relationships are needed to solve today's problems, not the other way around. Even if the UK leaves the EU, they will be back one day eventually out of sheer necessity. All this vote did, if they go through with it, is cement Scottish sovereignty and possibly Irish unification. Pretty much the UK fucked itself over for pretty much no reason.

Bold One


Thank you fellow Britains! Don't worry you've made really a ballsy move, merci.

I hope that YOU not get fucked like us the FRENCH in 2005

Please stay strong, this isn't about immigrants, it's about our salary.

Can I live?

what here?

sorry m8, no immigrants, its like you havent been paying attention


i'm french with african roots and i really , really disagree with you.
I have no idea in what little word you live in , but i'm really advising you to learn a little more about both sides of the argument instead of spouting the ridiculous radical idea of marie le pen.

Tu te rends compte de ce que tu dis là ?Je sais que la majorité des français s'en foutent des élections européenes mais eduque toi , va chercher des infos , au lieu de dire des conneries
"obscure organisation" <-- what nonsense

"Nonsense". What a powerful argumentation! Ever heard of TAFTA? Just an example.


What about the deregulation of the financial markets under Thatcher? That was always trumpeted as the "big bang" that suddenly escalated the LSE into a true world-leading financial center.

I'm no expert, but I kind of think that all it'll take to redress any losses is the imposition of tax/business incentives in the City favourable to the biggest international players. Capitalists like money more than politics.

Well, the Big Bang was a while ago and it did have a big part in propelling London to a leading position in finance. But the world has changed since the Big Bang and there are many places dying to take the City's place. They have great tax/business incentives too. London maintained the lead from the Big Bang due to a number of reason and many of them are tied to being part of the EU. There's not going to be another Big Bang in the City.
Completely wrong. Nobody invests in GBP outside of the UK.

London is an attractive place because of lower regulations, which is not going to change anytime soon.

Nobody ......If you say so , it must be true , then !

i'm talking from personnal experience and knowledge , but you must be right , of course /s

No investment in GBP ? really ? What dimension are you living in ?


Next up: Scotland splits from United Kingdom and joins the EU.

Every single region in Scotland bar none voted to remain in the EU..

I am Scottish. I think when they people the numbers with the oil price and Euro adoption, Scotland will probably be even worse off.....It will be interesting to see if opinions change. when the net benefit becomes a net cost..
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