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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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The Eastern EU bloc would be furious if everything went to Business as Usual after this.

It won't really go back to business as usual. The UK made itself a laughing stock. It will have a pretty weak standing within the EU for a long time. It also can't use a Brexit as a weapon anymore, because we all know now that it can only use it to selfdestruct itself.


I honestly can't believe that. It seems completely irresponsible to play with such important matters with such a small margin of error. That's Bond villain level or ridiculous. Like "I triggered a nuclear crisis as a diversion for a bank robbery".

unfair to gove who is a true brexit believer

but it's the worst kept secret that johnson was using this referendum as a leadership bid. he was very pro-eu as a mayor of london.

he's also an absolutely horrible human being, his behaviour has a pattern

In before Doctor Who was secretly funded by the EU.
fitting reference
"hey, who turned off the light ?"

In all seriousness , i like the way some shows were made in england. hopefully that won't shake them up too much.

What are we going to do with the next james bond plot ?


unfair to gove who is a true brexit believer

but it's the worst kept secret that johnson was using this referendum as a leadership bid. he was very pro-eu as a mayor of london.

he's also an absolutely horrible human being, his behaviour has a pattern


And people want him in number 10 , even if we leave he shouldn't get within a mile of the job.


unfair to gove who is a true brexit believer

I don't believe that for a second. He jumped into bed with his best buddy Boris for journalist politic fun and since leave has won, he's been just as quiet as Boris. Don't get it twisted, him and Boris were on the same page.
I don't believe that for a second. He jumped into bed with his best buddy Boris again for journalist politic fun and since leave has won, he's been just as quiet as Boris. Don't get it twisted, him and Boris were on the same page.

Agree -Gove is just as opportunistic, he's just managed to hide it behind the veneer of the robotic bureaucrat intellectual better than Boris has hid it behind his comedic buffoonery.

Actually, there could be a Spock/Kirk quality about the pair...


I honestly can't believe that. It seems completely irresponsible to play with such important matters with such a small margin of error. That's Bond villain level of ridiculous. Like "I triggered a nuclear crisis as a diversion for a bank robbery".

I thought too initially until i saw this


Boris johnson is a guy who got fired for lying twice. Trashed the people of liverpool in one of the worst ways anyone could have done. Don't fall for his thick buffoon act. The guy is a snake in the grass. Willing to play with people's lives just to be PM

Here is his shoddy apology when he was a pathetic journalist trashing liverpudlians



you know something, why risk this over a leadership challenge?

Cameron was leaving anyway >_<

I thought too initially until i saw this


Boris johnson is a guy who got fired for lying twice. Trashed the people of liverpool in one of the worst ways anyone could have done. Don't fall for his thick buffoon act. The guy is a snake in the grass. Willing to play with people's lives just to be PM

Here is his shoddy apology when he was a pathetic journalist trashing liverpudlians


oh yeah, make no mistake, the mask on Boris has slipped a couple of times.

The bafoon thing is a total act, he's actually really quite intelligent supposedly.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
you know something, why risk this over a leadership challenge?

Cameron was leaving anyway >_<

I guess Boris just couldn't wait any longer, when he wants to whip his dick out he doesn't mess around. He plonks it on the table and gets on with it.



While it may be one thing for an investment banker to understand that they ‘benefit from the EU’ in regulatory terms, it is quite another to encourage poor and culturally marginalised people to feel grateful towards the elites that sustain them through handouts, month by month. Resentment develops not in spite of this generosity, but arguably because of it. This isn’t to discredit what the EU does in terms of redistribution, but pointing to handouts is a psychologically and politically naïve basis on which to justify remaining in the EU.

this is important but i still don't feel bad for the ultra nationalists and racists.
It's becoming increasingly clear that a small group of schoolyard pals have just unwittingly fucked an entire nation and messed up the global economy, and never had any plan for how they were supposed to deal with it.

What the fuck is going on?


One things that hurts most through all this discussion - as being part of the 48% Remainers that are being met from people all round the world with 'Oh Well, too bad fuck all the UK, self important pricks'

As a remainer I will remember this kind of compassion when other nations are in need of some :(



It's becoming increasingly clear that a small group of schoolyard pals have just unwittingly fucked an entire nation and messed up the global economy, and never had any plan for how they were supposed to deal with it.

What the fuck is going on?

I doubt a plan exists either, if it isn't being talked about on Monday they have fucked the nation. At least hint they have something.



It is ridiculous that even the people behind leave don't know what the fuck to do.

WHY are we leaving if it's the case? Because if we don't it's political suicide? WHO is going to come out of this with their political career fully intact? The government has tied the proverbial noose around their necks and now they're getting cold feet about kicking it out from under themselves (whether that be through leaving or not, the result is the same).
it's a sad day for our standing in the world but this is quite common

remember all the grief americans got around the globe when they re-elected george w bush

by a 51%-48% margin....

Yeah, I do feel sorry for Americans, its quite bad how they all get tard with the same brush.

Thing about the UK though is I feel about 20% of liberal minded people have been sold a nice story and lets not hide that the EU is facing troubling times. Many countries have this 30% who want out.

This Brexit campaign have given these 30% who normally keep their views to themselves for the most part or just ignored for being bonkers or right wing minority prime time viewing around the world and makes it look like half the UK is like this when it isn't.

It's a real shame after the 2012 Olympics, UK had a feel good factor, the flag was being worn by people around the world. The racist past was being eroded but has now been given a leg up. This could set the UK back quite a lot over the years.

The English Football League is the biggest market and has this year attracted all the best European coaches. If this Brexit carries on, markets slide more and we look like some xenophobic back water, people will look elsewhere, other EU cities and sports will be more attractive. These billionaires will go to Spain or France and our league will be small time instead of being bigger than other European leagues combined.


And to cap off this shit Sunday for me, I've just argued with my taxi driver who had a thick Indian accent because places where I am are nice, but go to Harehills and you can't walk down the street because of the Romanians.

Fucking hell.


Unconfirmed Member
you know something, why risk this over a leadership challenge?

Cameron was leaving anyway >_<
It was probably because he wanted the anti-EU faction within the party on his side when Cameron eventually left.

It's blown up is his face because I imagine more than a fair few Conservative MPs are livid at his deceit.


No-one can force Cameron to do anything now.

He's not dictator in chief. A vote of no confidence and few cabinet resignations and he's no longer the leader of the Tory party. Um no all want, but this idea that he's impervious to political persuasion is for the dogs.


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For whatever reason anyone has voted Leave, they have enabled and emboldened these racists.

So you are saying that the majority that voted to leave have enable this behaviour?

I can see your point of view but this idiots would use any excuse for their actions. It's probably happening every day and every hour but now it's highlighted due to the referendum.


Let's say that the United Kingdom would be able to stay in the EU. What likely conditions would France and Germany impose to allow the Brits to stay? Would we likely see them adopting the Euro as a condition?

Not happening. Out is out, they say.

To go back on it now would be insane.

Unless article 50 is triggered, there's nothing the EU can do. If tomorrow everyone comes out, holds their hands up and says "we should never have allowed this, sorry guys, lets have a general election and if you want to leave the EU, vote UKIP in, if you don't, we're staying in" then again, the EU can't do anything or make us accept things like the Euro or lose our veto.


So you are saying that the majority that voted to leave have enable this behaviour?

I can see your point of view but this idiots would use any excuse for their actions. It's probably happening every day and every hour but now it's highlighted due to the referendum.

You're right, they would use any excuse. But now they've been handed the biggest excuse they've ever had and they think the country agrees with them. That's the problem.


Junior Member
Would they though? In the UK? If somehow we manage to not leave, sure some sections of the public would be pissed but Boris, Gove and hell even Farage - I can't imagine they'd be game at all for a rerun of this shit show when in the last two days theyve been absolute shits and lie after lie has unraveled

52% of people voted to leave. Boris may well distance from this, but others would take up the mantle. Farage for sure will continue, this is his entire career and identity.

£7bn hole out of a £140bn pot

Ok, £7B a year less to bail out Greece with.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Unless article 50 is triggered, there's nothing the EU can do. If tomorrow everyone comes out, holds their hands up and says "we should never have allowed this, sorry guys, lets have a general election and if you want to leave the EU, vote UKIP in, if you don't, we're staying in" then again, the EU can't do anything or make us accept things like the Euro or lose our veto.

Well, they can force us out of absolutely all important positions.


you know something, why risk this over a leadership challenge?

Cameron was leaving anyway >_<

Because if Cameron left on positive terms then his protege (Osbourne) would stand some chance at running for Leader. As is, between the disaster of Osbourne's last budget and this referendum he is effectively out of the running.


But now they've been handed the biggest excuse they've ever had and they think the country agrees with them. That's the problem.

Agreed. But we don't (agree with them). This open racism shit needs to be nipped in the bud quickly. Arrests need to be made. Examples need to be made. This isn't what the leave vote was about for a lot of decent law abiding Britons.
I wonder what how our cousins in Australia and New Zealand think. The British flag is under huge threat with Scotland leaving. It will be time to redesign even if Scotland don't leave such is the stigma developing. I know there is some pressure to redesign but there was some respect to keep the British flag and recognize the history. We're looking at everything being torn apart here.
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