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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Joey Ravn

I don't think anyone's responded to you yet: no, I don't think you're fucked

The Leave won't happen overnight (it'll be a couple of years at least) and you should have more than enough time to establish yourself over here.

Thanks for the reply. I still have a few steps left before I have to make a hard decision. I'll keep doing them and see how all of this unfolds...
Wtf happened. I went to bed and was sure that bremain would win and now I just woke up and the British are leaving the EU?

Someone care to explain who were the bigger leavers? Was London part of it as well.


Maybe if Remain wouldn't have dismissed everyone voting for Leave as a xenophobic racist immediately but engaged in argumentative discourse we wouldn't be in this mess.

Errr, they did. Like, a lot. The response? "I think we've all frankly had quite enough of experts"
Imagine how much more damage could be done if and when we get another classic turd sandwich/giant douche situation between the Tories and Labour

Genuinely scared for the future of this country in a way I've never been before. Here's hoping it ends up being one of those seemingly paradigm shifts that ends up having surprisingly little impact on the average Joe, not holding my breath though.

Already feels like we just pulled the plug and are circling round a sinkhole.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Maybe if Remain wouldn't have dismissed everyone voting for Leave as a xenophobic racist immediately but engaged in argumentative discourse we wouldn't be in this mess.
Many arguments were offered and they were summarily ignored.


I'm starting in September in Cardiff. Doubting going right now seeing as I'll be basically going out of a frying pan and into a fire. My entire future is so fucking uncertain.
For a PhD? Or undergraduate?
I think job prospects for the likes of me would be unaffected more or less since it's a niche and technologically advanced field and I will be an expert in it. But the phd study itself looks to be in a different situation with regards to funding.


Maybe if Remain wouldn't have dismissed everyone voting for Leave as a xenophobic racist immediately but engaged in argumentative discourse we wouldn't be in this mess.

That's what really annoyed me. It was pathetic that anyone who wanted to vote leave was immediately branded as that, but I'm at the same time not surprised.


Wtf happened. I went to bed and was sure that bremain would win and now I just woke up and the British are leaving the EU?

Someone care to explain who were the bigger leavers? Was London part of it as well.

Scotland, Northern Ireland, London for Remain

Rest of England and Wales for Leave


I propose having a short quiz about the issue at hand on the ballots, and your vote only counts if you prove knowledgeable by answering all the questions correctly. It's too dangerous to let uneducated fools decide hugely important matters like this.

Yeah, we tried that in the US. Not a good look when your voter "literacy test" disenfranchises vast swathes of the poor and people of color.
Is that the £350m Clip? In his defence (ugh) Farage was part of Leave.EU, not Vote Leave and, to my knowledge, Leave.EU didn't run that figure.

They happily made hay off of it though. As if most people who bought into that idea gave a fuck who actually said it, it was a 'Leave' mantra, and was bullshit.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Wtf happened. I went to bed and was sure that bremain would win and now I just woke up and the British are leaving the EU?

Someone care to explain who were the bigger leavers? Was London part of it as well.

Wales turned and there was no swings on the coast, London had a low turnout compared to the rest of the country so even though it was remain, it didnt clock up nearly as much numbers as it should have done.


Wtf happened. I went to bed and was sure that bremain would win and now I just woke up and the British are leaving the EU?

Someone care to explain who were the bigger leavers? Was London part of it as well.

Leave outperformed everywhere, basically. Even in areas they lost, like London


Wtf happened. I went to bed and was sure that bremain would win and now I just woke up and the British are leaving the EU?

Someone care to explain who were the bigger leavers? Was London part of it as well.

London and Scotland voted to remain in, virtually everyone else was in favour of leaving.
I don't agree, if 60% voted to leave and the requirement was 66% there would be hell to pay. Unfortunately 50%+1 is the only fair way to conduct a vote like this.

I fail to see the difference between an uproar about 6%, and one about 1%.

I am in full agreement that referendi should be held to a 2/3 mandate on all occasions.


OléGunner;208203651 said:
It's the domino effect.
This will not be an isolated incident.

Just a question of who is next?

Yep. Have to wonder if this is the start of the end of the EU, and if getting out first on our own terms I better than being the last ones at the party awkwardly talking to the pot plant.


London and Scotland voted to remain in, virtually everyone else was in favour of leaving.

I'm still shocked at the amount of grassroots support from Labour strongholds for leave. Labour were really AWOL this referendum. I had assumed that Labour voters would guarantee a Remain result.

After Le Pen's statement, here's another one!

Man, some really glowing endorsements the Leave decision is getting from respected leaders.


Meh, stopped caring now.
You guys shot yourself in the foot. Now I'm going to just wait for the pound to drop further and then raid Amazon for cheap stuff.


Wtf happened. I went to bed and was sure that bremain would win and now I just woke up and the British are leaving the EU?

Someone care to explain who were the bigger leavers? Was London part of it as well.

England, all over the place. Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and London were the biggest Remain votes IIRC.


For a PhD? Or undergraduate?
I think job prospects for the likes of me would be unaffected more or less since it's a niche and technologically advanced field and I will be an expert in it. But the phd study itself looks to be in a different situation with regards to funding.

Undergraduate. Turned 18 this year, this was in fact the first time I've voted. And nope, never been clever enough to do STEM so I'm doing a Business degree. Considering what kinds of firms will be leaving Britain because of this I'm seeing it become more and more useless everyday.

I'm just so fucking scared. I already had no clue what I was doing with my life, and now it's uncertain whether the next 3 years of it and my recent exams will actually mean anything.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I'm starting in September in Cardiff. Doubting going right now seeing as I'll be basically going out of a frying pan and into a fire. My entire future is so fucking uncertain.
I don't think there's been a better time to have an undergraduate degree, if that's what you're doing. With a recession likely in our immediate future, university is a good place to shelter on a guaranteed income (albeit a loan). And in the longer term future, with the economy likely to be smaller relative to where it would be if we stayed you're better off in a more competitive job market with a degree than without one.
No, not London. Wales.

Scotland, Northern Ireland, London for Remain

Rest of England and Wales for Leave

Wales turned and there was no swings on the coast, London had a low turnout compared to the rest of the country so even though it was remain, it didnt clock up nearly as much numbers as it should have done.

Leave outperformed everywhere, basically. Even in areas they lost, like London

London and Scotland voted to remain in, virtually everyone else was in favour of leaving.

Goddamn. I did not see that coming. The prime minister just announced his leave as well. This news came as a legitimate shock.
Part of my work deals with PG funding at one of Britain's tippety-toppety elite unis. Gonna be an interesting, and probably saddening, few years. But hey, we don't need experts.

I don't think there's been a better time to have an undergraduate degree, if that's what you're doing. With a recession likely in our immediate future, university is a good place to shelter on a guaranteed income (albeit a loan). And in the longer term future, with the economy likely to be smaller relative to where it would be if we stayed you're better off in a more competitive job market with a degree than without one.

Damn straight. 3 years to weather a storm is a gift 99% of people don't get.
After Le Pen's statement, here's another one!

Man, some really glowing endorsements the Leave decision is getting from respected leaders.

I don't understand how you can look at the vast majority of people supporting this and come to the conclusion that you're on the right side of history. I genuinely can't.


Undergraduate. Turned 18 this year, this was in fact the first time I've voted. And nope, never been clever enough to do STEM so I'm doing a Business degree. Considering what kinds of firms will be leaving Britain because of this I'm seeing it become more and more useless everyday.

I'm just so fucking scared. I already had no clue what I was doing with my life, and now it's uncertain whether the next 3 years of it and my recent exams will actually mean anything.
Learn German


Today is a very sad day for UK. Hope that this decision will at least open eyes for the rest of us and a process of federation will starts.


Maybe if Remain wouldn't have dismissed everyone voting for Leave as a xenophobic racist immediately but engaged in argumentative discourse we wouldn't be in this mess.

They tried. Leave ran on a campaign of anti-intellectualism, lies, and handwaving or bypassing most of the arguments actually presented to them. Their counterpoints to the economic arguments every single time they were presented with one was literally "well, I disagree", even in the face of overwhelming expert consensus, but when broadcast rights ensure you have a equal platform to spout that nonsense, and print media is dominated by those with a vested interest in not being in the EU, there's not really any end of argument you can make to counter outright, head-in-sand dismissal.

Daffy Duck

I dread to think what this means for the digital future of the UK what with the snooping law and all that, now the government have free reign to do whatever they want with no regulation.


Can you guys salty over the out come can at least remain civil ?

Insulting all people who disagree with you is embarassing and doesn't help elevate the debate.

What debate? The economy is tanking right before our eyes. This isn't salt. This isn't prediction. We lost as a country. Not opinion. Objectively speaking the economy is tanking.


I don't think there's been a better time to have an undergraduate degree, if that's what you're doing. With a recession likely in our immediate future, university is a good place to shelter on a guaranteed income (albeit a loan). And in the longer term future, with the economy likely to be smaller relative to where it would be if we stayed you're better off in a more competitive job market with a degree than without one.

That is reassuring, but as said above it's not STEM so it's not like it's that amazing of a degree. Though yeah, it would be better than being out of a job. I'm equally as worried about my brother losing his London law recruitment job because of this.

Maximus P

And? How much respect have the old paid to those younger than them over the past 12 hours?

It doesn't matter. I don't see them on here calling you a 'young fuck'.

The majority of voters voted leave. We don't have to agree with the decision but we need to live with it now. I don't see how name calling and looking for demographics to blame is going to do or change anything.


Congrats to the leave campaign, they obviously hit the right notes. I can understand middle England being disenchanted even if their grievances with the EU may be misplaced.


Maybe if Remain wouldn't have dismissed everyone voting for Leave as a xenophobic racist immediately but engaged in argumentative discourse we wouldn't be in this mess.

Yes, the blame should be pointed at the people who voted Remain for not enlightening Leavers in a nicer manner.

Lego Boss

I was sad (as a Swede) to find this out waking up. Really thought Remain would win. Bye guys, we'll miss (some of) you.

I propose having a short quiz about the issue at hand on the ballots, and your vote only counts if you prove knowledgeable by answering all the questions correctly. It's too dangerous to let uneducated fools decide hugely important matters like this.

What now? An exodus of giver nations (those that give more than they get back) from the EU, until only taker nations remain and the union crumbles? Maybe not, but this doesn't inspire confidence in the union's future.

Don't be surprised if there's SWEXIT DENXIT and NEDXIT now.

It's not just the UK that is fucked, but the whole European project. It just lurches from one crisis to another. It has resilience, but for how much longer can it take the divorce from the rich northern nations and the econmically distraught southern ones.

We need Churchill and we get . . . . BLOJO.
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