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The US PSP Launch


I've come to the conclusion that I'm weak, and thus, if I can find THUG 2 Remix, I'll snag that...unless they've got Wipeout or Twisted Metal. A man's gotta budget!


Che Chou: No, there's a Mac version too I believe.

James Mielke: OMFG that's awesome!

The buzz on Twisted Metal isn't very encoraging, and I always perferred Black over anything else in the series. Hrm :/
BuddyC said:
The buzz on Twisted Metal isn't very encoraging, and I always perferred Black over anything else in the series. Hrm :/

Yeah, kinda what I was feeling after reading this article. TM was on my list of titles for consideration, but it's kinda moved down a bit with these thoughts, although I'm so tempted by Online Play. It's too bad WipeOut Pure isnt shipping with Online modes.


Damn, those TM impressions are bad. The odd thing is that they knock it for being similar to a 5 year-old game, but they praise Wipeout for the same reason. I was going to pick it up along with THUG 2 today, but now I'm not sure that's the best idea. They don't give many specifics on why they don't like it other than it's "bland."
I was thinking the exact same thing about them saying WipeOut was great and that TM was bland because it hasn't changed in five years. What's been added to WipeOut to make it different if anything? Maybe the WipeOut style of play has just aged better. *shrug*


Well, it seems the debate over TM is moot for me because it didn't come in today. My EB got their first batch and it only came with THUG 2, SM 2, and NFSUR.


Uh, well, okay.

GameStop.com is now listing a 3/21 ship date for Twisted Metal and Wipeout. Guess I'll be picking up THUG 2 later today, if I can find it.

edit: Tony Hawk is $50? Lame.


they call me "Man Gravy".
does anyone know what's going on for the ebgames website? I preordered the PSP system bundle and got 4 games, including THUG 2 and Wipeout Pure. The main website for the games lists the shipping date as 3/16 (today), but on my order screen the "expected ship date" is 4/02. What the hell is going on here? I'm going to be pissed if I don't get my games with my PSP, especially because I just got an e-mail the other day from EBGames telling me Wipeout would ship yesterday.
The End said:
ebgames is saying Ridge Racer is coming out 4/06, gamestop is saying 3/22


:lol Don't worry man, that's the new ship date for orders on EB's site. They've sold out of the first shipment.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Mrjellybeanct said:
:lol Don't worry man, that's the new ship date for orders on EB's site. They've sold out of the first shipment.

yeah, but that's also what it says on my order screen. My expected ship date for the PSP is 3/23, but all of my games are expected to ship 4/06. Does that mean that somehow I'm not going to get any of my games when I get my PSP? That's especially annoying as how some of them say an earlier ship date on the main website. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU EB?
Ah, I don't know what the deal is with that. I'm going to head up to the Gamestop where I'm getting my PSP and try and put money down on games later today. Hopefully they still have some Ridge Racers (I don't think there are many PSP preorders here) but if they give me some kind of "pre order for the 2nd batch" crap I'll just head to Best Buy or Target for the games. That really sucks if they end up shafting you with the shipping on the bundle thing.

Musashi Wins!

That 1up roundtable was good, thanks. It got me away from getting Twisted Metal.

My locked down opening day purchases:

Metal Gear Acid

And MVP baseball as fast as humanly possible.

One problem I'm having is getting a guarantee that I can get a 1GB duo anywhere near launch. Though I have been re-assured that I've made the launch window for the PSP (phew!).

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
A week before the launch, and no TV advertising. Does Sony want to go with soft launch on this one? Perhaps start heavily advertising at the fall, before the christmas holidays?


A soft launch would be smart, as it'll just gain more and more momentum throughout the year, likely culminating in the holiday season. Practically gurantees a successful holiday for Sony, regardless of what MS does. Oh, and there's really no reason to advertise the hell out of it now when they're likely to sell out of those first million rather fast.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Has anyone noticed that Ubisoft doesn't seem to have any PSP game officially announced in development? Weird?

Lumines is the only PSP thing they have on offer but that's just publishing deal.
Can PSP do multitasking? Play music and read ebook at the same time?

When you buy something from Visa card, how do you know whats the minimum payment per month for the product you just bought?


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Hehehe. I didn't realize there was a U.S. sticky thread (I always look away from stickies). Regardless, here's a few pics and my thread:






it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
AlphaSnake, where'd you get NBA and Wipeout at? I can't find them around the stores today :(

Wait... do you live in Canada? I don't remember...


So I caved, as I knew I would, and picked up THUG 2 Remix.

My initial impressions are that it seems to be a very lazy port.

Load times - load to see the intro, load to see the main menu. Why did they keep the exact same 3D menu from the console versions? I don't know, but the load to get to it is annoying. Each load is 5-7 seconds, with at least 3 sets of loads before you can start skating. This is the most disc-intesive PSP game I've played yet.

Graphically, it's almost identical to the console versions, but I've already run into some choppiness in Barcelona, specifically off the ramps covered in foilage when the height of my jump is about the height of the trees. Makes building up speed really hard or when trying to do the C-O-M-B-O at the start of the level.

There's also some odd graphical glitches that make the game seem "shaky" during the cinematics. Story sequences are letterboxed, which is slightly confusing to me as the PSP's screen is, you know, ideal for cinematics like that.

As for the gameplay, well, that remains intact. The controls are adapted well, R is used to flatten out in the air, L to get off the board. That leaves mid-air rotating to the D-Pad. Analog nub is camera control when on the board. Overall, the game felt slightly sluggish at first, like it wasn't moving at the right speed, but I that seemed to disapper after about 45 mintues of play.

There's a lot of music on that little disc, and thankfully it retains the playlist function of being able to pick which songs you hear. Wish there was a way to play .mp3s from the memory stick though.

From what I've played, it's not a bad title, but it just seems to be a little rushed, a little rough around the edges.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Dsal said:
AlphaSnake, where'd you get NBA and Wipeout at? I can't find them around the stores today :(

Wait... do you live in Canada? I don't remember...

I got it from Sony. I'm with the media.
Can someone with a US and JPN PSP do a quick screen quality comparison so we can shut up the stupid Sharp vs Samsung rumor up once and for all?


krypt0nian said:
Can someone with a US and JPN PSP do a quick screen quality comparison so we can shut up the stupid Sharp vs Samsung rumor up once and for all?

I don't think that's something that is going to meaningfully be shown in still images unless we get

a.) a video
b.) images where they take apart both PSPs and show the brands on the screens.
Amir0x said:
I don't think that's something that is going to meaningfully be shown in still images unless we get

a.) a video
b.) images where they take apart both PSPs and show the brands on the screens.

I can take someone like AlphaSnake's word for it. :)


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Amir0x said:
I don't think that's something that is going to meaningfully be shown in still images unless we get

a.) a video
b.) images where they take apart both PSPs and show the brands on the screens.

I'd really like to know about the red bleeding. Anyone got Ridge Racers for their US PSPs? It's easy to check it out in Rally X.


well not really...yet
My local gamecrazy said a midnight opening would be a possibility.

Would work for me since Im working on the 24th.....
According to Gamespot's US hardware report:

We were able to configure our network settings and immediately log onto our internal wireless network. The network-configuration options are fairly robust. Anyone who has configured a PC with a wireless card will recognize all of the available options. The unit also offers an "easy" configuration mode that allows the PSP to automatically detect and connect to an open wireless network. Our CNET office building offers free wireless connectivity, but as with most public hot spots, you first have to click through a terms and conditions HTML page before getting Internet access. Using the PSP, we were able to reach the page and click on the "I agree" button.

So does it have a bit of a built in browser for hotspots or what?!?
I assume that when the 24th comes there will be lots of GAFfers using one of the tunneling software to do some Wipeout and Lumines multiplayer right?? Cause I will be down for that. Which actualy brings to mind a better question, how have the other Wi-Fi local area games worked out over those services? Stable enough to game on?

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
FUCK YOU SONY....seriously this launch is rediculous. These bundles are a god damn rip off, and good luck getting a system. Are they planning on selling PSP's online like they did with the PS2. I really want one, but god damn 400 bucks on a handheld is a little too much. Especially during tax time :)


Doc Holliday said:
FUCK YOU SONY....seriously this launch is rediculous. These bundles are a god damn rip off, and good luck getting a system. Are they planning on selling PSP's online like they did with the PS2. I really want one, but god damn 400 bucks on a handheld is a little too much. Especially during tax time :)

Hit up Wal-Mart or Target at midnight on the 24th. One million will be available at launch.
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