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The Wii U Speculation Thread VI: The Undiscovered Country

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Third party support leaves me nervous. I can see some big winter releases coming to WiiU but I'm dreading the 'excuses' that will inevitably come from developers.
New Nintendo games has got me pretty excited, I'm hoping for a new 3D Mario game in particular.


So what's the 1 single thing people are most hyped about, and the 1 single thing you're most nervous about when it comes to Nintendo's conference?

Most hyped - Retro's game - if I was sure monolith's would be shown I'd say them instead
Most nervous - Mario game - I have a feeling if it's going to be an hd wii game with questionable art it will suffer major backlash. And I don't just mean backlash toward the game, I mean the game, the console itself, the perception, etc....

Runner up for most nervous is 3rd party support (good support).

Most hyped: OS capabilities, services. Something Metroid.
Most nervous: 3rd party launch support.

Overall I believe this will be a fantastic E3; the good will outweigh the bad.
Third party support leaves me nervous. I can see some big winter releases coming to WiiU but I'm dreading the 'excuses' that will inevitably come from developers.
New Nintendo games has got me pretty excited, I'm hoping for a new 3D Mario game in particular.
I feel you on the 3rd party support. I'm sure it'll be decent too great at launch but that doesn't mean much in the long run.

I'm hoping for 3rd party commitments/partnerships. I don't want a sizzle reel of developers stating how great and innovative it is and then have them never make a game for it. I want (for instance) Square to say "mainline FF will come to the console" or Kojima "future MGS games will come to wiiU", etc...I have zero hope for those specifically, but they're just examples.
I'm trying not to get too excited simply because I remember being overwhelmed at the 3DS showing and assuming all of those games would be available somehwat near launch (namely Paper Mario GRRRR).
I feel the same regarding Paper Mario. But on the plus side, the comment Nintendo put in the tease on their Wii U facebook page - "Guess what the initial game releases will be for Nintendo’s new home console, Wii U? Soon we’ll scratch off to reveal the names!" - suggests they will make clear which games are launch/ launch window titles. Possibly. Actually as I'm typing this I am beginning to feel less confident...


I feel you on the 3rd party support. I'm sure it'll be decent too great at launch but that doesn't mean much in the long run.

I'm hoping for 3rd party commitments/partnerships. I don't want a sizzle reel of developers stating how great and innovative it is and then have them never make a game for it. I want (for instance) Square to say "mainline FF will come to the console" or Kojima "future MGS games will come to wiiU", etc...I have zero hope for those specifically, but they're just examples.

I don't know man, Final Fantasy games have a decent presence on Nintendo systems. Unlike Kojima, I don't think Square has something against Ninty's platforms.






It begins


I'm going in with no expectations at all.

I'm just happy we're getting some info after a year. Everything else is a nice bonus.

And man I'm happy about the MM images getting posted: it's finally here.
I don't know man, Final Fantasy games have a decent presence on Nintendo systems. Unlike Kojima, I don't think Square has something against Ninty's platforms.
meh, we just have to see if Square's new luminous engine runs on the wiiU or not. If it does then all is fine, if it doesn't then it might be relegated to final fantasy spinoff console. When is the last time a nintendo console had a mainline final fantasy title? Was it SNES? lol. I seriously can't even remember, and I wouldn't call that a good presence.

Nintendo gonna have to pull a microsoft.


So what's the 1 single thing people are most hyped about, and the 1 single thing you're most nervous about when it comes to Nintendo's conference?

Most hyped - Retro's game / the graphic style of any non-Mii first party games
Most nervous - Details about the NiN - Seriously, the services of Wii U will be as important by the end of the next generation (I think) as the graphical prowess.


I'm going in with no expectations at all.

I'm just happy we're getting some info after a year. Everything else is a nice bonus.

I never expected there to be such a drought of information, Ignoring some leaks. I think it'll have to be good this year considering everything they have to show. We know almost nothing about software for the WiiU for example.


Where does this "Kojima has something against Nintendo" stuff come from?
His comment regarding why Project Ogre isn't on Wii U.

I never expected there to be such a drought of information, Ignoring some leaks. I think it'll have to be good this year considering everything they have to show. We know almost nothing about software for the WiiU for example.
Nintendo is pretty amazing when it comes to secrecy.


meh, we just have to see if Square's new luminous engine runs on the wiiU or not. If it does then all is fine, if it doesn't then it might be relegated to final fantasy spinoff console. When is the last time a nintendo console had a mainline final fantasy title? Was it SNES? lol. I seriously can't even remember, and I wouldn't call that a good presence.

Nintendo gonna have to pull a microsoft.

Oh I forgot about the luminous engine. How beefy is it supposed to be?
We really have no idea where they're going in terms of XV, so its up to Ninty to deliver.


Where does this "Kojima has something against Nintendo" stuff come from?

I'm not saying Kojima all out disregards Nintendo, its just obvious that something makes him hesitant to develop for their platforms. It could very well be Nintendo's fault, but I like to know why.
I don't see why it wouldn't run on the Wii U. Hell, I heard they were trying to scale it to the 3DS, even.
apparently also the wii, trying is another thing from doing. But even if they could, to that I argue "lol nintendo". Anything is possible when it comes to this company.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I do think 3rd party support is going to be impressive next week. Obviously the key is for those games to sell well.


But even if they could, to that I argue "lol nintendo".

I don't understand the meaning of this argument.

I'm not saying Kojima all out disregards Nintendo, its just obvious that something makes him hesitant to develop for their platforms. It could very well be Nintendo's fault, but I like to know why.

Until the reason for this is divulged, I don't think it's fair to say that he has something against Ninty. This isn't aimed at you, though, but to the people who think he does.
I feel you on the 3rd party support. I'm sure it'll be decent too great at launch but that doesn't mean much in the long run.

I'm hoping for 3rd party commitments/partnerships. I don't want a sizzle reel of developers stating how great and innovative it is and then have them never make a game for it. I want (for instance) Square to say "mainline FF will come to the console" or Kojima "future MGS games will come to wiiU", etc...I have zero hope for those specifically, but they're just examples.

Future mainline FF's seem like a lock for the Wii U. It's a multiplatform series now. But the Kojima issue is very important for them to crack. Same thing with Crystal Dynamics and Tomb Raider. Their reasoning for not releasing those games on the Wii U is the same reason that people gave for not releasing games on the Wii. Nintendo needs to put a stop to the "I'd prefer to make a game that takes specific use of the systems unique capabilities instead of porting games to it" mentality. And the best way to do that is by getting support from two developers that have already brought that up.
So what's the 1 single thing people are most hyped about, and the 1 single thing you're most nervous about when it comes to Nintendo's conference?

Most hyped - Retro's game - if I was sure monolith's would be shown I'd say them instead
Most nervous - Mario game - I have a feeling if it's going to be an hd wii game with questionable art it will suffer major backlash. And I don't just mean backlash toward the game, I mean the game, the console itself, the perception, etc....

Runner up for most nervous is 3rd party support (good support).

Most Hyped: The possibility of porch/throne gaming (et al) being confirmed.

Most Nervous: The danger that we won't see announced the ability to play with four classic controllers that aren't tethered to other controllers. This seriously would make gaming with my local group awkward, as they're getting set in their ways and don't want to really touch anything that isn't essentially a standard, unmodified sixth generation¹ controller.



that's the essence of the argument. It doesn't make sense, it simply is.

Well, in any case, there doesn't seem to be any technical reason the engine wouldn't run on the Wii U, at least.

By the way, did Kojima have anything to do with ZoE: The Fist of Mars on the GBA? If so, I would be eternally in his gratitude for that alone. :D


I do think 3rd party support is going to be impressive next week. Obviously the key is for those games to sell well.

Yeah, I'm fairly confident about 3rd party support for the first year or so. If games are selling well during that time then we shouldn't need to worry about excuses down the line.

With regards to Kojima, we don't really know the circumstances. Perhaps his team simply does not have the resources right now to add an extra platform, particularly a next gen one that will require some learning curve from the staff. It sounded like Konami was interested in bringing the title to the WiiU at least, so perhaps it will come by way of an outhouse studio sometime in the future. I'd be more concerned if they decide not to bring ZOE HD collection or LoS2.
Future mainline FF's seem like a lock for the Wii U. It's a multiplatform series now. But the Kojima issue is very important for them to crack. Same thing with Crystal Dynamics and Tomb Raider. Their reasoning for not releasing those games on the Wii U is the same reason that people gave for not releasing games on the Wii. Nintendo needs to put a stop to the "I'd prefer to make a game that takes specific use of the systems unique capabilities instead of porting games to it" mentality. And the best way to do that is by getting support from two developers that have already brought that up.

It will still have strong symbolic meaning the first time this happens, though. Some people will even call it a "Megaton". Remember that it was Final Fantasy that symbolized the "downfall" of Nintendo's grip on third party developers and the market.

The series has far less clout than it used to, but it will still be seen as substantial when¹ it happens.



Good afternoon folks! Wakey-wakey for me!

Most hyped: We finally get to see what first-party titles will be coming out over the next year - and how they demonstrate the controller's reason for existence.

Most nervous: No cheesy scripting on-stage, no technical difficulties.. just a smooth, well put-together show. {In a nutshell: I don't want Sony E3 2006, Part Deux.}


Most Nervous: The danger that we won't see announced the ability to play with four classic controllers that aren't tethered to other controllers. This seriously would make gaming with my local group awkward, as they're getting set in their ways and don't want to really touch anything that isn't essentially a standard, unmodified sixth generation¹ controller.


I agree...as much as nintendo wants to be "innovative" the best experiences with mario kart/party/sports/etc is just picking up a regular controller and playing it with a bunch of friends on the couch. this is pretty much why so many people QQ and want nintendo to go third party or whatever.
slow slow news day?

Welcome to days ending in 'y'.

I agree...as much as nintendo wants to be "innovative" the best experiences with mario kart/party/sports/etc is just picking up a regular controller and playing it with a bunch of friends on the couch. this is pretty much why so many people QQ and want nintendo to go third party or whatever.

I should note that I am massively concerned that there is a thing that is considered a "regular controller". Controllers were changing every single generation, and it was cool to see how games were fundamentally altered each time, and it was accepted as completely normal that an alteration in tactile interface was just something that you get with a new system. All of a sudden, this completely stopped, games arguably¹ as a whole didn't change much from the prior generation, and it was suddenly considered a terrible thing to make any change to what you're holding in your hands.

¹ this part is my subjective opinion based on the PS2→PS3 and the XBX→360 transitions
I'm gonna guess Shikamura is talking about Fire Emblem. He's talking about duel releases, and Fire Emblem Awakening just came out and did really well in Japan. Another possibility could be Pilotwings (not sure if they can patch back the 3DS version for this).

Edit: Looking through the Wii release list, I could see Punch-Out or Endless Ocean being other possibilities to sorta fit his criteria.

Wouldn't that kind of put a strain on IS? I mean they just finished up Fire Emblem: Awakening, and they still have Paper Mario 3DS that has not even been given a release date yet.


Most hyped- To finally have the curtain pulled back on the whole she-bang.

Most Nervous- Reactions. It seems like either side of the aisle have kind of made up their mind about the show, but curious to see if momentum swings one way or another at the end of it.


Most hyped- To finally have the curtain pulled back on the whole she-bang.

Most Nervous- Reactions. It seems like either side of the aisle have kind of made up their mind about the show, but curious to see if momentum swings one way or another at the end of it.

Actually, it seems like a lot of folks have already made their minds up about the console as well, both good and bad. I really do see parallels to politics, where you have your stalwarts on each side and the "candidates" are competing for that comparatively small sliver of flexible "voters" in the mushy middle.


Has problems recognising girls
I'm keen to see what Retro have in store despite not being a huge fan of their output. I enjoyed Metroid Prime of what I had played, I even have the Trilogy sitting there with a majority of it untouched, and Donkey Kong Country Returns is still on the list to be bought. Yet despite all that I feel that they are talented enough to wow a lot of people and it is going to be interesting to see what they can do.
The title change still bothers me.

Well, a similar, more clever title would have been nice ("The Undiscovered Console", "The Undiscovered Controller"), as we now have a title that was just made by some Star Trek nerd saying "Hey, I like Star Trek!". It almost feels like this Nintendo fan thread on a video game enthusiast forum on the Internet was somehow co-opted by nerds.

No idea how that could have happened.

edit: disclaimer: Tuvix was the only consistently interesting and well written character on Voyager, just sayin'…

…your reaction to my post is boobs? I… have no logical rebuke.
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