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The Wii U Speculation Thread VI: The Undiscovered Country

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What? Is is that bad, really? I guess I'll need to check the Microsoft conference after all.

Hey, what? I didn't say it was bad. I just didn't think it was spectacular. But if it turns out to be more nonlinear than what they showed in the trailer, it could potentially be a successor to RE4.

I do wish the aiming didn't look so awkward, though.
No GTA V at MS. Hmm....

I've been saying for some time that I expect GTA5 to be announced at Nintendo's conference. The lack of it as the MS conference just confirms that to me. I don't expect it to be at the Sony conference because everyone expects it to be on the PS3 (just like they expect it to be on the 360). So, it really wouldn't be a big deal for them to announce it. For Nintendo it would be a huge deal.
Resident Evil 6, Tomb Raider, and Splinter Cell were all the same damn game.

Brown as hell
Blam blam boom explosions


Halo 4 was good, even on Easy mode for E3 purposes. GOTY confirmed

Everything else?



Resident Evil 6, Tomb Raider, and Splinter Cell were all the same damn game.

Brown as hell
Blam blam boom explosions


Halo 4 was good, even on Easy mode for E3 purposes. GOTY confirmed

Everything else?


Halo 4 reminded me of Metroid Prime.


I thought the Leon part would be more horror oriented... Oh well... RE:Revelation the last good RE. :(
I wasn't impressed with Halo4... until I saw the rest. Yeah. xD
Tomb Raider seems good, even if there is NO WAY a woman her stature could survive THIS. O_O

Halo 4 reminded me of Metroid Prime.

It's because of the hub. ;)

[EDIT] Damn! I forgot South Park! I'm... HYPED! I love it! I really can't wait! :D

[EDIT2] Woo! Avatars GONE!
Hm. So the Nikkei rumour floating around now (I read it on Go Nintendo) says Wii U is currently expected to be 30k¥ (also karaoke service, ebooks, et al, as well as a 50% larger 3DS revision perhaps in the Summer).

So for the folks who haven't gotten it yet: If the 3DS revision turns out to be magically capable of being a Wii U controller, would this affect your interest in buying it?
I don't want Resident Evil 6 on Wii U any more.

Yeah... what happened? The animations are horrible. I hope that this was just a bad bad demo, but seriously... This and the new Contra:Blacklist with the Sam Fisher skin have me fairly depressed now. I was looking forward to both these games, but now?

I'm sad.

I thought South Park was good. Plus Matt and Trey's jab at the Smart Glass stuff was great.

That game was actually the only one that I absolutely liked. Hopefully it's as good as it looked.


Death Prophet
Awful lot like CoD? Granted I've not played any CoD in a while and no Splinter Cell for years but if you ask me that whole gameplay session felt like Assassin's Creed to me, with a touch of V.A.T.S in the form of assigning shots to be carried out in session.

I meant in the beginning. In the first minute of the demo everyone thought it was CoD until Ubisoft was shown on the screen. Seemed intentional, but obviously CoD Blops 2 was shown.


Every time I look at that Miiverse screen I want to throw up. It looks a complete mess, especially the in game Mario stuff. Can't wait to see the other 1/2 of the main menu.


Do you think we will see Metroid Prime 4 tomorrow? It should look even better than Halo 4, which reminded me a lot of Metroid Prime.

Would be an amazing response from Nintendo ^^
Every time I look at that Miiverse screen I want to throw up. It looks a complete mess, especially the in game Mario stuff. Can't wait to see the other 1/2 of the main menu.

I hope I can turn that shit off. I don't care that you got over a 100 coins, Catherine.
Halo 4 reminded me of Metroid Prime.
Their demonstration of the Xbox SmartGlass definitely did, yes. Scanning things and having that much more data show up on the touchscreen would be ace.

Beyond that, not really? Still looks like fun, mind, and I know my family will be purchasing it by virtue of them buying every other Halo game in the past...


And then after that it was a parade of brown third person shooters with QTEs and guys trying to sell me Nikes. At a games show.
Regarding Select hate--on its own, pretty useless. But anymore it is part of a pair, so I liked the Wii naming convention of -/+.

Regarding the right stick on top on the Pro controller... well, yeah. It's supposed to be a Wii U Gamepad without the screen, not go wildly rearranging things.
Nickovic said:
Does the new Wii U pro controller have motion control too?
IceDoesntHelp said:
I don't believe it was mentioned.
But I wouldn't expect it.
I'd hope so. Losing the screen makes games that use that impossible, but losing motion control would even make it fall behind Dual Shock 3. Even the cheapo Nunchuk had motion control.
Shadow Hog said:
I'm kind of hoping we do, at least one set. I do like that we have SOME digital triggers, though. I just tried F-Zero GX for the first time this weekend, and the mushy GC triggers combined with the fast-paced action... not sure they mesh as well as one'd like.
F-Zero GX is one of the great GCN shoulder showcases, I think. Varying levels of press to get varying levels of sideways motion, with the ultimate click at the end for a sideways bump.


After the travesty that was the Microsoft conference, i'm completely on-board for Nintendo again.

At least Nintendo shows actual games, not cutscenes with quicktime events. Bah.


The game I most want to come to Wii U now is easily South Park.

Never thought I'd say that coming from a conference which featured Resident Evil 6.


May I have a cookie?
Hm. So the Nikkei rumour floating around now (I read it on Go Nintendo) says Wii U is currently expected to be 30k¥ (also karaoke service, ebooks, et al, as well as a 50% larger 3DS revision perhaps in the Summer).

So for the folks who haven't gotten it yet: If the 3DS revision turns out to be magically capable of being a Wii U controller, would this affect your interest in buying it?

3DS XL that doubles as a Wii U controller?

I've never said this in my life, but:

Halo 4 did look very prime-ish, no surprise though considering a lot of Retro exodus went to 343.

Other than that, from what I was able to catch during the MS Presser, they'll probably lose E3 if Sony brings out the big guns. Tomorrow can't get here soon enough. I'm taking off work!


The ability to use the WiiU gamepad as a remote while the system's powered off seems to indicate the controller has its own GPU and/or CPU built in, and the new rumour pointing to a "car navigation" app echos this; what could this potentially mean for the system?

I'm not sure how much processing power would be needed for a car nav, nor what kind of hardware would be needed to achieve it. Then again, maybe it's just a hint to how the gamepad'll be used in GTAV?
Well, I think 90% of GAF hated MS' conference overall. Of course, this won't stop all the crying tomorrow about "waaaah GAF hates Nintendo, everyone's out to get me, biased, waaaaah" when Nintendo doesn't get unanimous praise, but there ya go.
The game I most want to come to Wii U now is easily South Park.

Never thought I'd say that coming from a conference which featured Resident Evil 6.

It's a shame really, but what threw me off about RE6 are simply the animations and how they structured the game... I mean, Black Ops looked like a god damn open world sand box shooter compared to it.

The ability to use the WiiU gamepad as a remote while the system's powered off seems to indicate the controller has its own GPU and/or CPU built in, and the new rumour pointing to a "car navigation" app echos this; what could this potentially mean for the system?

I'm not sure how much processing power would be needed for a car nav, nor what kind of hardware would be needed to achieve it. Then again, maybe it's just a hint to how the gamepad'll be used in GTAV?

I think the car navigation is going to be a remote control app. Where your passengers could plan out routes and stuff while the main navigation screen remains at the same place updating in real time.
MS conference was pretty horrible, nowhere to go but up. What did they do to tomb raider/resident evil. Bah.

Really hope Nintendo's doesn't bomb like that. Sony's will be what it is, we already know 90% of it, and I'm looking forward to it.


I don't understand the comparisons between Smart Glass and the Wii U.

Are they even doing the same things? Smart Glass looked like it was doing very little other than Madden plays and some very boring information display for Halo 4. I mean Smart Glass isn't a controller, it isn't streaming your 360 games to your iPad and it isn't going to be the main way you communicate with your games, right?

Have I missed something?
That was really really dull, hopefully the rest do better. MS has been so bad these last 3 years.

It's like when they say "Scrappy Nintendo is Best Nintendo". For any company, when you're on top you don't struggle quite so hard to ascend. Microsoft has been able to coast, because they've been pulling ongoing profits and holding onto massive mindshare.


I require a Nintendo bomb after that Microsoft conference.
Nintendo could announce Wii Music 2 and it'd be more exciting than the MS one :) Out of their entire conference Tomb Raider looked the most interesting to me and if I was in the US I'd be pretty into their content delivery services for movies etc.

Overall, when watching it I got quite sad for the industry. I felt like I was watching a "movie where you press the odd button" show.
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