After just finishing "Okami-san and her 7 Companions", seeing SAO's Dengeki-lookin' style was actually.. pleasant. Plain drawing / animation / art wise, I find Suguha / Leafa so much easier to look at than TImeskip Nami / Robin in "modern" OP, lol.
biting someone's boob (and not the just the nipple) I've seen everything
By the time I'd seen this GIF, I'd already seen the Rock-Guy on Ninja Scroll engulf a full boob years ago... I'd been desensitized by that, ha.
And thanks to
BassForever, and
BBboy20 too!
Shippuden was... Shippuden. I will say I did not expect
to sound like Dr. Claw.
The Ultimate Ninja games prepared me for this, ha.
SAO.... I swear this show is trolling me.
What kind of dumb MMO requires you to speak for magic to work? MMOs are usually played by people all over the world, all with varying dialects and accents. I don't care if it's the future, there's no speech recognition software advanced enough to do that!
Also I love inconsistent writing!
"I won't let anyone die again! Even though nothing will happen this time!" "It's just a game, who cares what happens?" Fuck this!
The first thing I thought about was... Skyrim + Kinect. Requiring a made-up language actually seems like something Nintendo X Microsoft would do!
And after the trauma of watching people DIE in front of you, I totally understand Kirito's over-reaction. The cost might not be there, but no one wants to watch the image of someone they care for going through agony and acting as if dying, even if it's a fake death.
So dirty... yet... so beautiful!
Maybe it was such a long break, but to me the Luffy/Usopp fight made no sense, or at least the escalation didn't make sense. I don't know why Luffy just kept being cryptic about why the Merry wasn't being repaired.
I didn't like this when I saw it in flashbacks / Pirate Musou 1. It just seemed like "Someone should say something!" Like Nami was saying. But Luffy isn't fighting just Usopp's momentary thought... he's fighting against his complete inferiority complex. If he keeps thinking like that, he's worthless to the crew. I actually respect Luffy making, and STICKING WITH the tough call in this situation. He's a goofball in life, but he's suppose to be a combat genius; this is one of few times were that crosses into every-day life for him.
Space Dandy didn't get off to a great start, I was pretty underwhelmed the first 20 minutes or so. The show started off at a glacial pace and didn't do a great job introducing the characters and explaining their motivations; it seemed barebones and rushed. The whole 'boobies' gag was incredibly cringeworthy and seemed like something a 12 year old boy would come up with. In fact I found most of the comedy to be pretty juvenile and didn't crack a smile until QT beamed that large alien up into the ship.
I feel like I'm watching early Bebop again. It's suppose to be great, sure, but I wasn't sold by any of this. It's trending close to what people hate with SAO at this point, and I refused to be charmed simply by the production cast...
Bleach Kageroza continues to troll while Ichigo screams WHY!? At least the animation is nice to look at. The whole Momo thing wasn't as stupid as people were making it out to be. Hitsugaya is traumatized after being tricked by Aizen into stabbing his childhood friend and is hesitant to attack her regai. Kageroza comes up with a good plan of making 2 Momo clones and has them both stab Hitsugaya when he's off guard. The only stupid part was both of them being taken out in one kick by Yoruichi, that was really anti-climactic.
I actually liked the dual Momo bit too. Kageroza learned from his failures! He took advantage of the "everyone expects the real one to show up and deal with their clone!" issue, and cashed in on it. Awesome!
I'm glad Yoruichi took them out so fast. They served their purpose, it wasn't drawn out, and it makes her look awesome and powerful, which I'm always OK with.
I honestly can't remember much of what happened in Soul Eater. I think Stein was hallucinating the whole episode and then the gang played basketball. Boring.
I like episodes which are excuses to dress the main cast in alt outfits, develop the plot some, and have fun mind-bending. It's classic "SE style downtime episode", which I really don't mind. The show brings the action and excitement when it wants, so I appreciate it's slow-but-dynamic stuff when it happens.
Some really great sketches. Like the space Dandy refrences and the One Piece one is so well drawn. :O
So great to get to concentrate on Linework with One Piece pictures, haha. It's SO GOOD at those scenes, And it just feels great to take a stab at them. I'd rarely think to draw One Piece if not for Toonami... so it always feels good to do.
Great stuff. I wonder if Space Dandy being new is gonna make it difficult for you to decide what to sketch.

Looking forward to it.
For now, it'll be easy, since there's SO LITTLE of it online, I only have a few things to pick from! Which actually makes me want to do some original, less-directly-based-on-scenes stuff.
I'll be growing that Dandy Cover, and partnering updates on that with classic Pre-Art-Academy style covers as I try and build up awesome tributes to Dandy's doings. Rerun-Ep Dumps will suddenly turn into "Hey, I digested Dandy, lets see if I can capture any of it!" excuses, lol.
It's SO ODD drawin' off something I feel like I know... nothing about. Even after watching episode one... I feel like I barely have a bead on who these characters are, lol.