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Toonami |Jan14| See you, Space Cowboy. Hello, Space Dandy

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Sketchbook Picasso
@Jexhius - Every time a Jigen of some sort pops up, I have to smile XD ANYway...

Generally, I think "AnimeGAF", "ToonamiGAF", or "Dandy!" or whatever, are just a nice way of saying "The main posters in the thread share this opinion." To think anyone really believes that every person in the community thinks that way (especially when they're just split topics on the same message board) is just naïve really. No one should think sweeping generalizations hold much weight beyond expanding the conversation into a "I saw something, now go look for yourself!" zone.

Personally, I just love watching the mindset of oldschool fans, newer anime fans, and "those guys who just known anime from toonami!" all show off their various viewpoints.

It's interested me ever since I went to anime cons
(Probably more like since when I used to read Animerica, MIXXzine, and Fansites...)
, and noticed the different perception from the "sub VS dub VS buy DVDs VS watch torrents VS VHS from my Cousin's Buddy" people face off. These debates NEVER go away, even as anime becomes SO MUCH easier to obtain, so much cheaper per episode to own, and so much more moe easier to see in all available forms at a fraction of the cost and time...

So, thanks for dropping in, it's nice to see a view from a non-regular! ^_^


Who gives a fuck? Toonami isn't going to show subs.

Of course I'm not arguing they should show subs and I would never want them too, but I would hate to see some of the meaning is lost. Its one of the reason part of E7 was so damn confusing. Has nothing to do with subs or dubs, but the fact that we may miss something important.


Yeah, I'm going to bail out of the Space Dandy OT, since there seems to be too much hostility to the dub preferring people from several folks in there. It's really weird, it almost smells like fear.
I did watch, and I did notice the distinct lack of Ichigo this episode. However, when Kageroza's explanation of why he was getting rid of Ichigo is simply for the fact that he can't create a clone of Ichigo due to him being a hybrid of everything, it's a clear example of a convenient excuse for Ichigo to save the day for the filler arc.

What made you think Ichigo WASN'T going to save the day? He's the main character of the show, of course the hero is going to defeat the villain in a filler arc.

It makes perfect sense for Kageroza to trap Ichigo in the precipice world, he's the strongest shinigami (outside of maybe Yamamoto) who just defeated Aizen. If you can't clone the most powerful combatant, you might as well try to trap them for enternity.

I really don't get your complaint.


Dub apologists is the silliest term I've heard in this community thus far.
Dubs are bad man, I'm sorry I enjoy consistency in voice-acting as opposed to having only 1-2 good voice actors for the leads and amateur everything else. ;)

Of course the dub of Space Dandy doesn't even have that! :p


The dub vs sub argument is usually the same and it's always boring to observe. Who cares. Watch want you want and what you enjoy.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Dubs are bad man, I'm sorry I enjoy consistency in voice-acting as opposed to having only 1-2 good voice actors for the leads and amateur everything else. ;)

Of course the dub of Space Dandy doesn't even have that! :p

I guess you must hate Hollywood movies with the same actors in various films. Or must not watch a lot of anime because actors get reused there as well and it can be just as noticeable/distracting if you let it. The only bad dub va in all the toonami and pre toonami shows I watch is Sensui's va from Bleach. It's not that he's a bad va but the voice doesn't match the character at all.
Dubs are bad man, I'm sorry I enjoy consistency in voice-acting as opposed to having only 1-2 good voice actors for the leads and amateur everything else. ;)

Of course the dub of Space Dandy doesn't even have that! :p

Not sure if you're joking or not, but are you fluent in Japanese? If you are, cool.
It's difficult to critique acting ability in a language you don't understand. I doubt that all Japanese seiyuus are good. There's no such thing as "across the board" good voice acting.

It's very silly to generalize dubs as just flat-out bad.
If a dub has a good script writer and a good director and good voice actors, then you're more than likely going to get a good dub.
I guess you must hate Hollywood movies with the same actors in various films. Or must not watch a lot of anime because actors get reused there as well and it can be just as noticeable/distracting if you let it. The only dub va in all the toonami and pre toonami shows I watch is Sensui's va from Bleach. It's not that he's a bad va but the voice doesn't match the character at all.
I think he was kidding...
What if Space Dandy's sub is garbage, but no one knows it because no one speaks Japanese?

On a serious note, I've had people try to tell me they can tell the difference between good and bad Japanese voice acting without knowing the language. Check the HunterxHunter thread.
So dub watchers who actually enjoy dubs and think dubs can be just as good if not better then the original Japanese, what is the last series that was actually good that was ruined by a bad dub that you watched recently?


What if Space Dandy's sub is garbage, but no one knows it because no one speaks Japanese?

This is the thing. Unless the dub is utter garbage, then I'm not sure how people can honestly say the sub sounds better when they know nothing about the language and its intonations.



On a serious note, I've had people try to tell me they can tell the difference between good and bad Japanese voice acting without knowing the language. Check the HunterxHunter thread.

This reminds me of a girl I knew. She's was way into anime and she gets into this mode when she just goes anime on everyone around her. Everything from her intonation to her body language is imitating anime. Creeps me the fuck out. Last I knew she was taking Japanese courses. She was cool though.

From what I've seen from movie month, a couple VAs in the Bleach cast aren't as bad as I imagined. It must be the source material or they just stopped caring.


So dub watchers who actually enjoy dubs and think dubs can be just as good if not better then the original Japanese, what is the last series that was actually good that was ruined by a bad dub that you watched recently?

End of Eva. I know you said earlier that you thought it was similar in quality to the other Evangelion shows/movies, but I particularly thought it was a significant step down.

I watched Rebuild 1.11 first when it aired on Toonami. When 2.22 Toonami airing approached a few months later, I marathoned the original series, then End of Eva, followed by 2.22

I think the dubs in the the Rebuild movies are fine, and the original series was okay too, although it's clearly a dated dub. But I found End of Eva's voicework to be detrimental to the production. Professor Fuyutsuki especially sounded like a poor fandub (and he wasn't a small part) and several of the voice changes to the minor control room characters were poor performances as well. Even the returning lead actors mispronounced "Eva", which was also distracting. I haven't seen the Japanese voicing and I'm not saying it's automatically better, but I would probably enjoy it more regardless.


The dub vs sub argument is usually the same and it's always boring to observe. Who cares. Watch want you want and what you enjoy.


Fake edit: End of Eva was definitely the only time I've had a dub be detrimental to enjoyment.


So dub watchers who actually enjoy dubs and think dubs can be just as good if not better then the original Japanese, what is the last series that was actually good that was ruined by a bad dub that you watched recently?

Tegen Toppa Gurren Lagann. The dub doesn't ruin it at all but its a recent series that jumps to mind that has a significant gulf in quality between the dub/sub in favor of the sub. IMO of course.


I dunno, that doesn't quite fall below the "so bad" mark.

I know it's not anime but Chaos Wars is still the hilariously badgoodbad dub for me.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
From what I've seen from movie month, a couple VAs in the Bleach cast aren't as bad as I imagined. It must be the source material or they just stopped caring.

We had a throwdown about this a few months ago. Bleach legitimately has most of the best US voice actors doing a role or two yet has some of the most bland voice acting imaginable. Everyone phones it in.

Naruto has most of the same VAs and is a radically better dub.
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