So right now I have a vote for e7, a vote for casshern sins, a vote for gxp, and a vote for not casshern sins from mik. Lol
Can I vote more than once?So right now I have a vote for e7, a vote for casshern sins, a vote for gxp, and a vote for not casshern sins from mik. Lol
Wow, that was weird. I accidentally edited a post instead of making a new one.
Maybe it was because I wasn't expecting it to be so....serious, but I think I just recall so much of it being a downer & such. It's been a while, but I just remember that I tried to get into it, but I just couldn't. Perhaps it's just the fact the more serious talky stuff (this, Ghost in the Shell, etc) has a harder time grabbing my attention. I think like GitS, I can see the potential & how others like it, but it's not for me. I wouldn't really call it "bad", but "eeh".
So right now I have a vote for e7, a vote for casshern sins, a vote for gxp, and a vote for not casshern sins from mik. Lol
So right now I have a vote for e7, a vote for casshern sins, a vote for gxp, and a vote for not casshern sins from mik. Lol
So right now I have a vote for e7, a vote for casshern sins, a vote for gxp, and a vote for not casshern sins from mik. Lol
So right now I have a vote for e7, a vote for casshern sins, a vote for gxp, and a vote for not casshern sins from mik. Lol
Nah, I get what ya mean. I don't mind a more serious anime from time to time, but I guess my impression of Tatsunoko was they were more of a "fun" company. I mean, this was the company that did Speed Racer, Samurai Pizza Cats, Gold Lightan, Yatterman, & more. Maybe I just went into the series with the wrong mindset.I think at the time Casshern Sins started to air, I was in the mood for a more no-nonsense show, maybe a little less happy/fun, and Casshern hit the spot nearly perfectly - like how a glass of water can taste like the best thing ever on a hot day, but perhaps plain or boring otherwise. Probably a terrible analogy.
Like I totally understand if some people weren't feeling the humor in the first half of Space Dandy but reading some of the related threads I have no idea what some people's objections to the "fanservice" are. I regularly see similar stuff in plenty of American TVs shows and movies; shows and movies I have had no problems watching with my father or even former/current employers. Like what kind of shows/movies do these people watch?
To be fair, in US animation, you don't usually see it or it's the set-up for a joke. Though again, could be because of said logic above.Anime has a certain stigma to some people that separates it from live action television and film.
T&A in an animated show: Nerdy, weird, embarrassing
T&A in a live action show: Perfectly fine
Not saying I think this way, but I certainly know individuals who follow this line of reasoning.
wait Amikami is participating in weekday ToonamiGAF
To be fair, in US animation, you don't usually see it or it's the set-up for a joke. Though again, could be because of said logic above.
Edit: Now that I think about it, it kind of bugs me that US animation either falls into "It's for kids" or "grown-up comedies like Family Guy or Simpsons". There's no real "middle ground", which I feel anime kind of has a wider range.
One Piece 236-241 impressions
It just really isn't Luffy's day.Gotta fight Usopp during the night, then he gotta take on Franky during the day. Not to mention five shipwrights and the rest of the town are trying to whoop his ass on account of Iceberg getting shot and that bitch Robin being there at the scene of the crime.
And we see finally Franky behind the mask: loud and obnoxious. And can't sing worth a damn either. But a cyborg that needs cola for fuel? That's pretty cool. And so was that air attack. Please don't hurt Usopp again! He's been through enough dammit
And then there's Robin. Oh Robin, trying to be so cold. I'd say Zoro's hunch that you're trying to get the others to meet the others at Iceberg's place during the storm is right on the money. It's clear you want them to save your sorry ass. Personally, I would let this CP9 nonsense be exposed and then let you and the rest of the CP9 bozos rot somewhere. Then we would be rid of you for a very long time. But it's clear that won't be the case. It's fun to dream sometimes
to celebrate amikami joining weekdaygaf I will post the rouroni kenshin ending
It gave me a excuse to post it.
to celebrate amikami joining weekdaygaf I will post the rouroni kenshin ending
It gave me a excuse to post it.
This gives me a further excuse to post literally my favorite dub opening of all time.
That was the shit man, so good. So pissed off they never animated the final arc.
people post Rurouni Kenshin endings other than this one?![]()
people post Rurouni Kenshin endings other than this one?![]()
A very subtle thing about Robin (that's easier to notice in Japanese) is that she almost exclusively refers to the crew since joining them by their roles on the ship and not by name. She's creating distance between herself and the crew for some reason! Watch and find out, true believers!
A show with filler so mediocre it assassinated the show.
Not like they haven't tried reboots either; Japan loves RK, they just can't get that right either.
I would argue that US animation is pretty much devoid of 'fanservice' in the traditional, sexualized, Japanese sense. I can't pin this on an exact cause but I'll try to take a stab at it.To be fair, in US animation, you don't usually see it or it's the set-up for a joke. Though again, could be because of said logic above.
did the new one that came out suck?
did the new one that came out suck?
you can find tons of japanese animated porn, yet how much american animated porn do you know about, that should tell you something
Wow guys. I'm honored. So many Rurouni Kenshin endings dedicated to me. <3
I would argue that US animation is pretty much devoid of 'fanservice' in the traditional, sexualized, Japanese sense. I can't pin this on an exact cause but I'll try to take a stab at it.
now it is your burden to campaign and get it back on toonami ;p
I sure wouldn't mind it being on toonami because I've never seen it all. Just a stray episode here and there.Harrassingcampaigning is what Q&A is for.
Straying from the topic, I just got my netflix subscription back. Think I going to re-watch Samurai Champloo.
This gives me a further excuse to post literally my favorite dub opening of all time.
What a disappointment Casshern Sins was, ESPECIALLY after being excited to see it after playing Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom. Such a dull series.
;--------------------------;Hey, composers have to get paid too. Hell, Akira Senju worked on Victory Gundam before he went on to write music for FMA: Brotherhood and Tetsujin 28.
Money talks, and personal tastes walk.
They did? It looked like an absurd tribute to Buck Rogers and that was what we got. =/I think everyone just expected something entirely different, despite all the previews telling them not to expect those things.
Reading over the last pages of "Fanservice" discussion... I really have to wonder how the creators of shows view some of their decisions. If looked at by the content of each half of the show, Dandy looks like a mess, and a juvenile one at that. As if some execs said "Guys like this stuff, right? Lets put that in there, that'll get their attention!"
At it's core, fanservice isn't purely sexual. It's ANYTHING done in excess as a service to those watching, that has no purpose to the story.
Fanservice includes things like
- Transformation sequences
- Overly detailed brandishing of weapons
- Insanely well drawn pans over cityscapes, landmarks, etc
- stupid-fluid animation on actions that could be illustrated much more simply
- Highly detailed drawings during closeups, that are obviously of a quality above the usual art
- Making references to other shows, with background characters and art.
- Scriptwriting that calls out to anything the creators or viewers are passionate about.
Looking at it in that way, I think Dandy was pure "fanservice".
The first part of the episode was kinda lax in animation, and basically just did enough to get by. But we jumped between a lot of minimally-animated stills of various styles and personality. It was all about vocal jokes, a few "sexy" scenes, and blowing your expectations out of the water with it's ridiculousness. "Boobies" wasn't just a space station... It was a space station trapped witin 2 huge flesh-colored spheres with pink lights on the ends. The girls weren't just human... they had aliens with multi-boobs. They ranged from extremely pretty and charming, to extremely butch and masculine (to the human eye). It just got that "man's first desire in space... is to find hot alien women, and ogle them!" bit out of the way, but in a bit of a fun way. Meow and Dandy, being 2 vastly different beings, but with a similar passion for the ladies, is a nice bridge between 2 distinctly different characters.
In between this, we're introduced to a possible antagonist, who'se oddly riding around with a Statue of Liberty-inspired ship mass, is a giant ape, speaking to a skeleton-guy, while acting as if Dandy is the best main character ever. Someone forgot to tell him what show we're in, because as far as he's concerned, Dandy is Sasuke, and he's awesome, and needs to be stopped! For some reason, there was a space war in this sequence, too. A large scale battle, reduced to the most insignificant of things within this episode...
And then we get to the next part, which is pretty much action-fanservice. The animation and designs went crazy, and no expense was spared on ANYTHING. We got more beast designs in these few minutes, than exist in some entire series. The animations for Dandy and Meow being on fire, drowning, and Dandy swinging around and shooting his gun were just off the charts. There were pocket references to everything space and sci-fi related that they could get their hands on.
I feel like this first episode was basically trying to tell me "regardless of what you like in your anime, or shows... we can handle it, and we'll do it big... but in our own way! Hope you enjoy the ride!"
The whole show just seems to be a big spoof of classic and modern space and sci-fi themes, rolled into a show with just enough plot glue to let them reference whatever the creators fancy. It's not taking itself seriously at ALL yet, and I have to think one might be missing the point of the whole thing, if they try to read too far into what's been presented.