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Trump Refuses to Support Paul Ryan, McCain, in Primary

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Strap on your hooker ...
Good lord... If Ryan falls next Tuesday, it will be utter chaos, complete chaos. There will only be, effectively, one functioning national party left, the Democrats.

Even if Ryan doesn't fall, the fact that Trump is now at war against two of the highest ranking Republicans in the country is going bad news for the U.S.
Exposing Republicans as the paper tigers they are is the best possible outcome for the U.S.

They've made a platform of complaining that the government doesn't work and it somehow escapes their constituency that they're the ones proving the point. Dragging their do-nothing, stand-for-nothing, own-no-solutions fuckery out in the spotlight to shrivel is long overdue.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
This might actually hurt him. They already saw the writing on the wall and were biting their tongues for party loyalty.

But to go after the (popular) speaker is pure party suicide.

McCain can eat garbage though. Dude got absolutely punked by a draft dodging coward and STILL endorsed him.



Here's the thing. The GOP does not like racists.

However, the GOP needs racists.

Until now, it has always been dog-whistles. We'll stop illegal immigration, because that's a crime. Crime is bad, I'm not saying blacks are bad, but crime is bad, and you can fill in the blacks, I mean blanks. We'll take down the terrorists over there, the islamists, the radical ones. You know the ones I mean. If you see something, say something. Fuck Obama.

Trump is just putting it all out there. He is giving verbiage to what has always been left unsaid. What are the low-income, angry-at-the-world voters going to do, vote Democrat? They are a reliable GOP voting bloc and have been promised every election that NEXT TIME is when the GOP will fix their problems. You know, illegals, crime, islamists, Obama.

The problem is the greater electorate needs plausible deniability on this. They need to think the Republicans are not actively courting racists. So Trump is kind of opening the door to the secret meeting and saying "You guys won't believe what's in here!" and that's really, really bad for the GOP. Because now they can't admit they're courting racists and they can't repudiate the white supremenationalist candidate, so they're stuck taking his balls in their face while being unable to do anything about it.

I just hope it sinks in exactly what this represents. I want those that still support him going into November to know that any illusions that existed before have been torn away, and now everyone can see what dark taint on their soul is truly driving their politics.

I want this type of rhetoric to be repudiated on a national scale. For a very large chunk of the populace to say "Nope. Can't do it."

Preferably, I'd like to see a near clean sweep of states. Hillary to win each... but the likelihood of that... well they aren't good.

Still... even a 20% loss is too good of a showing for Trump. For exactly what he represents.
So what are the chances Reince Priebus just bails on being RNC chair before November?

Not forced out like DWS. But just up and says "I can't put out all these dumpster fires. This job is ruining my life."
Hopefully the next person on the list is Reince Preibus.

"Did you see the RNC? Such a poorly run show, I can't believe it. The RNC needs strong leadership but it doesn't have it at the moment. It's a shame."


Hopefully the next person on the list is Reince Preibus.

"Did you see the RNC? Such a poorly run show, I can't believe it. The RNC needs strong leadership but it doesn't have it at the moment. It's a shame."

Reince is more than enough of a yes-man to earn Trump's trust.


So what are the chances Reince Priebus just bails on being RNC chair before November?

Not forced out like DWS. But just up and says "I can't put out all these dumpster fires. This job is ruining my life."

He'll stay, if for no other reason that the unlikely event of a Trump win is the only thing that might save his career.
Uh, wow. This is all sorts of amazing. I honestly have no clue how Ryan is going to respond to this. McCain, I think this is it for him and Trump, but Ryan? Man. What an awkward fucking position to be in.

edit: not that I feel bad for him at all though, lolol
So what are the chances Reince Priebus just bails on being RNC chair before November?

Not forced out like DWS. But just up and says "I can't put out all these dumpster fires. This job is ruining my life."

Oh he already has a ticket to the next boat going where Steele went. This is end of the line for him, might as well collect a paycheck.


Good lord... If Ryan falls next Tuesday, it will be utter chaos, complete chaos. There will only be, effectively, one functioning national party left, the Democrats.

Even if Ryan doesn't fall, the fact that Trump is now at war against two of the highest ranking Republicans in the country is going bad news for the U.S.

Or is it good news? That house needs some pest control for the monsters they've been breeding in their basements.
Spectacular. I wondered why this guy was on the radio here in Texas this morning. While Ryan losing would be spectacular him winning and then living with trump for 3 months would likewise be phenomenal circus.


Professional Schmuck
With this I think it's inevitable that a large portion of establishment GOP withdraw support and go out with dignity. Don't believe the nth-dimensional chess Obama nonsense. It's a good theory but Trump is forcing their hand.

The real question isn't IF but WHEN. I say either Trump withdraws from the race (seriously) citing an 'unfair battle' and 'rigged election' OR establishment types burn their own fields to starve this frothing madman at their gates. They'll go hungry a cycle or two but this stops here.

My guess at when either he drops out or they withdraw support: October 1st.
Some credit where it's due, that's kind of a good burn, firing Ryan's words back at him.

And that was from three months ago. I didn't think Trump's memory was that good, and Ryan probably didn't, either.

Now they're all probably racking their brains trying to remember if they ever did anything to make Trump think they wronged him.


What are the odds Trump laughs this off and endorses Ryan in a day or two?

I hope he doubles down, but my fear is he'll walk this back.
Reince is more than enough of a yes-man to earn Trump's trust.

“And so, yeah, I mean, I think this family should be off limits, and we love them and I can't imagine being the father of a little girl and boy going through the unbelievable grief of them not coming home one day in battle,” he said.

I dunno.. He seems to be doing enough apologizing for Trump in that interview but he also says that the Khan family should be off limits. I guess it would also depend on whether he badmouthed Trump in the past, but yeah.


Now all we need is Romney or Jeb endorsing Johnson after Trump turned on his own and today will be perfect.

Romney's made it clear he doesn't support Johnson's policy positions and that he can't support someone who wants to legalize marijuana.


I dunno.. He seems to be doing enough apologizing for Trump in that interview but he also says that the Khan family should be off limits. I guess it would also depend on whether he badmouthed Trump in the past, but yeah.

Perhaps I stand corrected.
He never endorsed him, did he? Would love to see a prominent Republican disavow Trump.

His endorsement was pretty mild to begin with. It was one of those "I support the candidate the voters chose as our nominee" types of endorsements that went out of its way to avoid mentioning the candidate by name. Basically keeping him at a good distance while not setting himself up as an adversary of Trump and his supporters.


Or is it good news? That house needs some pest control for the monsters they've been breeding in their basements.

I'm with Obama in believe that, the very fact that the Republican Party has wilted down to Donald Trump and his followers, is bad news for the country. It's good news that it might finally put an end to the Republican Party as we know it, but bad news in that we are left with only one functional party, and Hillary isn't exactly the unifying figure, a la Obama, the country needs. Let's hope she can continue to rise to the occasion.


It was notable because it was so bizarre at the time. If the same thing happened this year it'd barely garner five minutes worth of news coverage.

We're talking about the Speaker of the House and a former candidate for the presidency.

Very, very, very different.


Is there any good polling on the primaries for Paul Ryan and McCain? Do they actually have a shot at losing? I keep hearing it may be hard for McCain but have not seen anything solid on than and I have heard nothing on Paul Ryan's primary.
Wait until the Dems unleash hell in the downticket races linking every R under the sun to this fucking buffoon. Would not surprise me at this point if Dems take the House. Holy shit.
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