Hey, I don't make the rules here, I'm just the messenger. Point is the vast majority of the PLP don't care what the membership think. As far as they care, the party's been hijacked by the left to far-left, who fail to realise that the lack of compromise from Corbyn, which is crucial in all walks of life not just politics, has made the party very unappealing to their usual voting blog, who could easily flock to the Tories or ukip even. If that happens, they're gone, end of story.
The left in the UK simply doesn't appeal to the working to lower middle class, who only care about getting money in their pockets and a roof over their heads, the same voters who voted leave in the European referendum because they felt that was the best option that was given to them regardless or whether it was correct or not. They don't give a rat's arse about solidarity with this third world country or stopping this latest war in middle eastern country no.457, they only care that their representative in the house of parliament will get them what they want, not what's in the interest of global peace or being friendly to some country in middle of south America or even for the good of the country. That's it. The PLP who don't support corbyn recognise where their voting base traditionally is, and they fear a wipeout in the next GE if their voting blog continues to dwindle underneath them. But that's their thinking, not mine. I'm too busy watching this all with morbid curiously about what happens next.