If you read carefully, it says:
Ah yes, well pointed out!
Still, £25 isn't a small fee!
If you read carefully, it says:
If she puts together a solid cabinet and gets a good sense of post-brexit unity in the next couple of weeks then I think it's a really good chance we will see a snap election called.
If Theresa May goes for an election now, it could be a massacre like never before. I reckon she would be foolish not to take advantage of Labours state of affairs, just like Gordon Brown hesitated while ahead in the polls.
I disagree strongly. There's a lot of really important and quite urgent government stuff to be done in sorting out the aftermath of this Brexit vote.
It would be the equivalent of Brown going to the polls immediately after the 2008 crash when the government was busy doing government things.
Let 'em stew instead.
I disagree strongly. There's a lot of really important and quite urgent government stuff to be done in sorting out the aftermath of this Brexit vote.
It would be the equivalent of Brown going to the polls immediately after the 2008 crash when the government was busy doing government things.
Ed Miliband was 8 points ahead of Corbyn in the polls at this cycle (before May gets a boost).
Corbyn is performing *terribly* - historically badly. And you can't put that down to infighting, given that both Blair and Miliband suffered worse and did better.
(worse up until this point that is!).
If Theresa May goes for an election now, it could be a massacre like never before. I reckon she would be foolish not to take advantage of Labours state of affairs, just like Gordon Brown hesitated while ahead in the polls.
Oh THIS is interesting:
George Eaton ‏@georgeeaton 4m4 minutes ago
Labour NEC votes for six month membership freeze date and two days for registered supporters with £25 fee.
Even more interesting:
Craig Woodhouse ‏@craigawoodhouse 10m10 minutes ago
Only members who joined before Feb will be allowed to vote in Labour leadership election.
Craig Woodhouse ‏@craigawoodhouse 8m8 minutes ago
Corbyn's army of £3 supporters will need to re-register and pay £25 fee. And huge number of new arrivals can't vote.
Who's that Labour MP?!
Why it's someone to split the vote against Corbyn!
They have barely any chance of winning unless Eagle steps down. It'll be a mess if there's not just one contender.
This is likely to prevent right-wing entryists from fixing the vote against Corbyn, so good.
I was on the verge of joining Labour with the £3 a month thing.
Not now. Fuck this.
This is likely to prevent right-wing entryists from fixing the vote against Corbyn, so good.
Corbyn voters surged into the party when he won, this scuppers any Blairite plan for last minute shenanigans, Corbyn would have won without his £3 army, and a lot of those are now fully fledged members anyway.
Out of interest, are you pro or anti-Corbyn?
I'm hearing Smith is announcing his bid tomorrow.
the guy wants to privatize the nhs, right?
True, but if Brexit recession hits the pockets of those key swing voters she may well lose very badly if Labour somehow get rid of Corbyn. It's a tricky balancing act and I think the outcome of the Labour leadership election might make her mind up sometime next year.
You think right wing entryists are going to vote AGAINST Corbyn? ? ?
Corbyn is the greatest gift the Tory party have had in the last 20 years. They pray everyday that he remains leader. You understand that absed on current polling Labour are facing electoral wipeout with him in charge?
Pro-Corbyn. I would have signed up for Labour months ago, but I'm saving for a mortgage deposit and trying to manage my money as best I can.
Interesting. And the £25 one-off fee to vote if you're not a member doesn't interest you?
I was thinking this would be a walkover for Corbyn, but even though he won last time without the votes of supporters, he'll likely need them this time. And if a lot of the pro-Corbyn supporters didn't join the party as full members after he became leader (or balk at paying £25 to vote), then maybe it'll be closer than it first appears. He's still the runaway favourite, no doubt, but the other contenders may have a chance.
You have to be an existing member from before January 12th too, so I'm screwed regardless the price.
Only if they replace Corbyn with somebody sane, competent and persuasive such as ...
... er, um ...
and even then Labour will split and dissolve over the next couple of years. Earliest GE I can see would be May 2019, after the Boundary Commission has done its work and the opposition has shredded itself twice.
No. To vote as a member, you have to have had membership since Jan 12th. To vote as a registered supporter, you need to pay £25 by July 20th, according to that timetable.
McDonald and Corbyn are big fans of Cuba and China, so they'll be happy with this latest move to a one party state.
Is Corbyn really a fan of China? I though Osborne was.
Dan Jarvis, the one man the Tories are scared of. He won't stand yet but if labour survive and have him in place in a few years, the Tories will be struggling.
People saying that it is possible to join Unite (community membership) and register as a labour supporter to vote in the upcoming leadership election without having to pay £25.
Does this sound accurate?
That's exactly what the tories want you to think. They're damned good at this manipulating the public business.
He's to blame a little, yeah. But he is way, way, way down the line of people whose fault the referendum result is.
Right now, that's a really big if.
Oh, we all must have missed that poll.He has huge popular support among the wider public
Come on everyone, invest £25 in the future of our democracy.
Oh, we all must have missed that poll.
He has huge popular support among the wider public - they had huge numbers of people signing up to the labour party just to vote for him. They connected with his everyman story and the idea that he could bring something new to the table that wasn't just the same old establishment bullshit. The sort of entrenched middle ground politics that many leave voters feel removed from.
If he'd have campaigned hard for remain I fully believe he could have swung the result for remain
3) will any of the Labour PLP jump ship? How soon will the Labour party split? Is Corbyn such a dire electoral millstone that 112 of the PLP could be persuaded into the LibDems to oust Labour as the official opposition?
Lib dem leader is Tim Farron though, he's a plonker. :/
Please stop using the term 'one party state' when you clearly don't know what it means. We already get enough of that lazy rubbish in the Scottish media about the SNP.Yeah I know your right a very big if indeed, but damn if we end up in a one party state I fear for the future.
This, at least, was in the form of a joke with implied understanding of the proper meaning.McDonald and Corbyn are big fans of Cuba and China, so they'll be happy with this latest move to a one party state.
The national union of students...?It seems kind of bizarro to me that a trade union have a membership type for those who are "student, carer, retired or unemployed" - in what capacity are they represented by a trade union?!
I was referencing Unite. Also I'm not sure the NUS count as a trade union, do they? What trade are they representing, drinking jagerbombs at Alternative Night?The national union of students...?
I was referencing Unite. Also I'm not sure the NUS count as a trade union, do they? What trade are they representing, drinking jagerbombs at Alternative Night?
I was referencing Unite. Also I'm not sure the NUS count as a trade union, do they? What trade are they representing, drinking jagerbombs at Alternative Night?
Please stop using the term 'one party state' when you clearly don't know what it means. We already get enough of that lazy rubbish in the Scottish media about the SNP.
Thanks very much.
I was referencing Unite. Also I'm not sure the NUS count as a trade union, do they? What trade are they representing, drinking jagerbombs at Alternative Night?
A police state, absolutely.No I will not, I'm well aware of what it means and considering I'm from Scotland(oh and an Snp voter now) I do not use the term in the sense you clearly think, Theresa May has some pretty dodgy policies regarding privacy, spying etc and I could easily see the similarity between her ideas and a police state, if you cannot make that connection then that is fine it's how I see it.