It gets worse really when you have a proper look at the numbers, Smith has a big lead in the pre May 15 support but the opposite is true after that, when the Corbynites started to join up.
Now, imagine if Corbyn makes it to 2020, which is likely if he indeed wins the leadership election by a margin suggested by Yougov. Who will be the ones leading up to the election knocking on doors, handing out leaflets and making sure the vote gets out on the day? You would say those pre-May 15 supporters would be the ones, they are probably the members who have been with the party for years. Only 32% of them support Corbyn, you would have to assume a large chunk of those members would simply not bother to help the party by knocking on doors and asking people to install a man they don't like as PM.
So, who would step up to fill that gap? The post May 15 Corbynites? How many would actually do the leg work? Would Labour really want people who go to picket Tory party conference to spit at journalists representing the party at the doorstep?
The more you analyse the situation the more fucked up it looks.