Yes, the lack of HD tonight is bugging me
CHEEZMO™;37537728 said:That screen's huge.
I bet it's the one they used in Stargazing Live.
Even in SD, there's something wrong with the graphics, everything's a bit blurry.
Now you can pretend to be David Dimbleby.
Who the fuck is on the sound desk
Wow, did Warsi really just lump me in with BNP voters?
What did she say?
What did she say?
She said the rise of the UKIP vote in London is down to BNP switchers, not Con switchers. Fucking cunt. I loathe the fucking cunt.
Lets not do a Meadows nowMind you, you should be fine until you call one of us a cunt.
Even worse for the Lib Dems is the fact they were always more of a party of local government than national parliament. It's totally dire for them.
She said the rise of the UKIP vote in London is down to BNP switchers, not Con switchers. Fucking cunt. I loathe the fucking cunt.
By the time we get to the General Election they are going to have no base at all.
From 3rd party to fringe party really, feel quite sorry for them as they didn't have much of a choice. The coalition has sunk the party, whipping boys for the Tories and with not enough of a voice to ever come out from that shadow.
Some of the southern Lib Dems might hold on in the con-ld swing seats but people like Clegg in student heavy urban seats are almost certain to lose their seat as things stand.
i don't understand what warsi brings to the tory party
it's not even a good smear, she delivered it in such a poor way on air that instantly stood out and the best way to bring back dissaffected members on the right isn't to attack them.
Jeremy Vine pointing at things he can't see is always amusing, but no cowboy hat yet?
I do a 'WHEEEY' every time Lincoln is mentioned on the telly.
There has to be a cabinet reshuffle after this, surely?
CHEEZMO;37539725 said:Bring back Knightmare, I say.
CHEEZMO;37539725 said:Do you live in a comedy club in Benidorm.
If there isn't then it will be confirmed that Dave has no balls.
My list would be:
IN Redwood, Rifkind, Davis, Shapps
OUT Lansley, Warsi, Letwin, May, Willets
Redwood, Rifkind and Davis are big beasts on the right wing and Davis would bring the common touch back to the Cabinet that it misses so much right now. I would move universities from BIS to Education and do away with Willets, move Ken Clarke to health and Grieve to Justice.
I get that he probably wants a consistent cabinet to do and complete their assigned jobs/bills, but if his ministers just aren't performing and negatively impacting his governments popularity, it makes no sense to not change.
Makes sense with the queen's speech as well, new legislation, new blood, new vibe. Get out the deadwood, they do them absolutely no good.
A couple of councils have only Labour councillors now. How terrible for democracy.
What is Jeremy doing.
He enjoyed that.