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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.


venison crêpe
The BBC guy wearing a helmet looks over the road:


"Oh no, it's a protester who has been injured being helped by fellow protesters."
Raxel said:
When our generation is in government, we should have our sights aimed at this line item in the budget under pensions:

Old age 85.3 billion

It's only fair we reduce it to a third.

When our generation is in government i'm sure we will be thanking the current government for the progressive decisions they took


Once And Future Member
I can't tell if half the people here are on the wind-up or if they've actually bought the Tory propaganda about this policy being progressive. :lol


Sage00 said:
I can't tell if half the people here are on the wind-up or if they've actually bought the Tory propaganda about this policy being progressive. :lol
after the election alot of the people have turned quite pro tory. it sucks but most of these people here refer to buses as poverty wagons so just take the good with the bad.
Wes said:
The BBC guy wearing a helmet looks over the road:


"Oh no, it's a protester who has been injured being helped by fellow protesters."

The damage and missiles are bad, the defacing of statues are bad, but the BBC seems dubiously like its trying to make it all out as worse than it is.

That report with that guy in the helmet seriously made me question if the BBC just always has a pro-government slant.


Sage00 said:
I can't tell if half the people here are on the wind-up or if they've actually bought the Tory propaganda about this policy being progressive. :lol
These proposals affect lots of different factors, so I'd be willing to change my mind if an argument is displayed with evidence and logic.


Once And Future Member
Subliminal said:
No. Its just called being mature and looking at things objectively.
And the only objective benefit to this bill is a boost for private business. That's so conservative you couldn't make it up if you tried.

Does it help students? Uh, no. A flat rate tax increase of up to 3x per year regardless of income. The most regressive thing you could actually do. How long it takes you to pay it back is completely irrelevant. It would be like having income tax set for everyone at the same rate, except giving the poorer people an lifetime extension on their repayments. It does not constitute fair in any manner.

Does it help society? Drop in student numbers, no cost saving due to having to eat the interest on these massive loans. Absolutely no benefit, unless you're a university dean.

The entire thing is a sham. Have any of you actually read the treasury documents, or are you just going on what Baroness Warsi tells you on the politics show? It expects graduates to earn on average almost £100k in order to balance this. The only reasons this exists are all ideological. They are decisions that the Conservative would be making regardless of any economic or education sector situation (and, might I add, the right of the Lib Dems like Clegg, Cable and the other Orange Book authors). Please don't fall for the distraction.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Sage00 said:
I can't tell if half the people here are on the wind-up or if they've actually bought the Tory propaganda about this policy being progressive. :lol

I wouldn't say it was progressive, just seems like an extension of the current system - higher fees on one side, balanced by higher threshold to start repayments at a lower rate. All this done to plug the hole caused by cuts to education as a result of the fucked economy.

No party comes out of it looking good. The main reason Universities are so stretched is because of Labour pushing everyone to go through University as a political bullet-point, whether it was appropriate or beneficial to them or not. So University is now seen as an automatic right and something everyone should have, which it was never designed for.

It was unsustainable, the state of the economy just made it break quicker.

The Lib Dems got caught out making promises they would have struggled to deliver even if they'd been the largest party. The Tories have hung them out to dry on the issue, and most of the protests are a reaction against the feeling of being betrayed/lack of trust in politicians with little understanding of the policy itself.

Labour's alternative of a graduate tax is ill-considered, and would hit people at every income level for the rest of their life. A worse proposal that what they are complaining about at the moment.

Education is just in a mess, and none of the parties come out of it good. If blame had to be placed anywhere though it's the changes Labour made which were unsustainable.
Chinner said:
oh god i hope theres a youtube of this. more details?

He was right next to a couple of guys watching a window being broken. They came in front of the camera dancing around like prats, their version of beating their chests after their conquest of the window. The cameraman was trying to get them out of the picture and so panned back to the reporter who made a statement about their behaviour to the News Room, not the actual protesters - although they were only a few yards away.
Sky news reporter on Churchill statue:

"it does have a lot of graffiti on it now, some of which is not too polite"

(meanwhile camera pans past base of a statue with a crudely drawn dick on it)


The police need to start letting some out now. The longer they keep them contained, the more damage that'll get caused, although you have the problem of the more excitable groups banding together and going on the rampage again.

Also, +1 for the who gives a shit about Charles and Camilla brigade.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤

Charles and Camilla are now in the palladium watching the royal variety performance!

All is well.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Topshop now under siege.

Protesters break window and throw a can of paint on car with Prince Charles and Camilla inside.


curls said:
Topshop now under siege.

Protesters break window and throw a can of paint on car with Prince Charles and Camilla inside.
good. fuck topshop. fucking fed up of people walking around with the exact same tshirt. (that grey/light blue one).


GAF's Bob Woodward
Chinner said:
oh god i hope theres a youtube of this. more details?

Masked protestors were around the reporter, sort of jumping around and waving, and started to follow the camera when it turned away. The reporter remarked that 'unfortunately there are idiots trying to get on camera' - after that the cameraman and reporter tried to move closer to people bashing in a window, but they seemed to be being pushed about, and the cameraman was pushed back. They cut away then, saying that the reporter was going to move elsewhere.

Probably doesn't help the reporter that he looks young-ish and posh-ish...
I can understand the violence. I wouldn't get involved with it personally, but everyone feels that vote would have passed. Violent protests in the City (presumably to continue throughout the next few weeks and months) is one thing ministers wouldn't have expected, and it is a way of keeping the subject on the front pages of the national media.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
radioheadrule83 said:

they just slapped a sticker with the word 'fuck' on the BBC correspondent
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