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UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about the rabbits again, Dave.


Unconfirmed Member
Sir Fragula said:
Did I just see the Lib Dems get the same as the Scottish Pensioners Party in the Fife declaration?

Motherwell and Wishaw

Labour - 10,713
SNP - 10,126
Conservative - 1,753
All Scotland Pensioners Party - 945
Scottish Christian Party - 547
Liberal Democrat - 367


Meadows said:
bad day for Plaid :(

They're never going to get anywhere unless they can spread out from their heartlands, ala the SNP. But it never seems that they want to. They don't really bother campaigning where i live.


Chris Huhne is beetroot angry on the BBC atm. The other top Lib Dems have seems conciliatory towards the Tories today. Anyone think he's angling for Cleggs job? He's definitely not towing the party line.


Once And Future Member
JonnyBrad said:
Chris Huhne is beetroot angry on the BBC atm. The other top Lib Dems have seems conciliatory towards the Tories today. Anyone think he's angling for Cleggs job? He's definitely not towing the party line.
Clegg to EU and Huhne for leader is all but a certainty at this point imo.

Though we might see a good challenge from a more left-wing Steel/Ashdown/Kennedy/Campbell-style Lib Dem, since the Orange Book liberals and their (and it is fully their) coalition has brought the party to ruin. Huhne is one of those to blame.


Sage00 said:
Clegg to EU and Huhne for leader is all but a certainty at this point imo.

Though we might see a good challenge from a more left-wing Steel/Ashdown/Kennedy/Campbell-style Lib Dem, since the Orange Book liberals and their (and it is fully their) coalition has brought the party to ruin. Huhne is one of those to blame.

I think if they have force Clegg out the Government may fall too. Which I'm not sure they have the guts to do. I think they may try to soldier on for the 5 years and hope for the economic recovery. They MP's may well be thinking that if they downed the government now they would all lose their seats anyway so they might as well try to wait it out?

Purely politically (not talking about policies) the Tories have played a bilnder in dumping everything on the Lib Dems.


Once And Future Member
SNP take Kirkcaldy by 182 votes to gain 65 seats and a majority in the Scottish parliament (with still more regional seats to declare they'll also surely win some from). The first majority in the Scottish parliament, and a massive popular switch to the SNP defeating a system that is designed to prevent majorities. We said it was history in the making, and now it has definitely been made.


Sage00 said:
Clegg to EU and Huhne for leader is all but a certainty at this point imo.

Though we might see a good challenge from a more left-wing Steel/Ashdown/Kennedy/Campbell-style Lib Dem, since the Orange Book liberals and their (and it is fully their) coalition has brought the party to ruin. Huhne is one of those to blame.
Vince Cable. Any chance? Or too accident-prone?


Once And Future Member
Dambrosi said:
Vince Cable. Any chance? Or too accident-prone?
Personally I'd keep Cable as their economic spokesman. He's fantastic at that and one of the Lib Dems' few remaining strong points. I don't think there'd be any benefit to having him as leader when he still has such a visible role where he is (and you have the possibility of everything going wrong like Gordon Brown's move from chancellor to leader).


Interesting in the Welsh assembly is that Labour didn't get the 31 seats they needed. You need that many for a proper majority, at the moment it's 30 v 30, as it was in 2003, and that ended badly.

So, what will Labour do? Go it alone again? Or side with Plaid as last time, maybe an unofficial agreement? Or maybe even LD?


Haha, Vine just stepped behind something and his leg disappeared into the green-screen netherworld.

Why does the BBC do this 3D tripe? I thought Brass Eye had scared them into not being ridiculous years ago. It's like election nights makes the good design mask slip.


Is there actually a decent chance that Clegg will step down? I fucking hope not, the damage is done now, hopefully they can comeback in 2015 and argue they made a positive contribution.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
JonnyBrad said:
I think if they have force Clegg out the Government may fall too. Which I'm not sure they have the guts to do. I think they may try to soldier on for the 5 years and hope for the economic recovery. They MP's may well be thinking that if they downed the government now they would all lose their seats anyway so they might as well try to wait it out?

Purely politically (not talking about policies) the Tories have played a bilnder in dumping everything on the Lib Dems.

I agree with this. It isn't so much about whether they have the guts to do it, but having hung their flag on the claim that coalition government can be beneficial for the country it would look significantly petulant to run away at the first (OK, second or third) sign of poll drops, and well before the (supposed) benefits of policy feed through.

Besides, there's a coalition agreement that they agreed to. Who wants to vote for a party that doesn't keep its agreements? Not me.

I've no comment to make on your final para - haven't been paying enough attention to take a view.


Meadows said:
Is there actually a decent chance that Clegg will step down? I fucking hope not, the damage is done now, hopefully they can comeback in 2015 and argue they made a positive contribution.

He won't quit. It would take a massive move from someone to force him out which i doubt will happen.


Once And Future Member
Meadows said:
Is there actually a decent chance that Clegg will step down? I fucking hope not, the damage is done now, hopefully they can comeback in 2015 and argue they made a positive contribution.
Nick Clegg is a toxic figure, so much so that tonight's stunning No to AV victory will come largely from fliers and ads that associated Nick to AV. He's gone. But probably not until the lead-up to the next election.


Sage00 said:
Nick Clegg is a toxic figure, so much so that tonight's stunning No to AV victory will come largely from fliers and ads that associated Nick to AV. He's gone. But probably not until the lead-up to the next election.

He's a fantastic politician, a great statesman and I hope that this ridiculous "toxicity" related to him will cease. I admit, he's probably better set as EU Commissioner though (also due to his multi-lingual skills, he speaks fluent English, French, Spanish, German and Dutch).


Mmm, BBC reporting that there were more votes on AV than were expected. 50% turnout in Scotland and top, 35% in London and bottom.

Dunno if that can tell us anything.
The Friendly Monster said:
can get 50 on Betfair on Yes

it's over :(

I half share your pessimism, but I'm still hopeful.

I mean, what possible insight can they have until the ballot boxes are opened?

We haven't had exit polls, there hasn't been a referendum of this nature (regarding electoral reform) in this country ever, they're going completely off the Guardian ICM polls and stuff. We know that turnout was low, the fact that more votes have come in over AV seems to suggest people felt in some way impassioned about it. I still think it will be close and / or could go either way.

actually: is the betfair price a bookmakers price or part of an exchange market?
Because 50 on the exchange would just mean that users of Betfair are laying Yes in droves and backing no -- which could be purely because of negative stories / polls.
I think it'll go No, but not as landslide as some think.

I wonder how many will be spoilt - not an overwhelming amount, but possibly more than you'd get an election normally...

When does our Lord and Dimblemaster return onscreen?


#AV REFERENDUM : First results come in from the Isles of Scilly - 288 votes for yes - 34.7%, 542 no votes, 65.3%


The Amiga Brotherhood
radioheadrule83 said:
I half share your pessimism, but I'm still hopeful.

I mean, what possible insight can they have until the ballot boxes are opened?

We haven't had exit polls, there hasn't been a referendum of this nature (regarding electoral reform) in this country ever, they're going completely off the Guardian ICM polls and stuff. We know that turnout was low, the fact that more votes have come in over AV seems to suggest people felt in some way impassioned about it. I still think it will be close and / or could go either way.

Don't know about anwyhere else, but referendum votes went in the same ballot box where I voted.

There's been tweets since last night from people about the tally votes, which ranged from 50-50 to 5-1 against AV. Everything is pointing to an overall result of 2-1 against, in line with the polls.

It's not going to be close, and after what's happened to the Lib Dems it could be a massacre. The referendum was completely politicised.


The Amiga Brotherhood
JonathanEx said:
I think it'll go No, but not as landslide as some think.

I wonder how many will be spoilt - not an overwhelming amount, but possibly more than you'd get an election normally...

When does our Lord and Dimblemaster return onscreen?

5pm BBC2, we are denied his glory in HD though :(


Once And Future Member
Orkney Islands - one of Lib Dems' 2 only remaining strongholds in Scotlands - AV result has been declared.

Yes: 40%
No: 60%

If it's that result there of all places, then that's the first sure confirmation of a total Yes vote wipeout.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Sage00 said:
Orkney Islands - one of Lib Dems' 2 only remaining strongholds in Scotlands - AV result has been declared.

Yes: 40%
No: 60%

If it's that result there of all places, then that's the first sure confirmation of a total Yes vote wipeout.

RIP electoral reform.

We won't be seeing you again for another decade :(

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Meadows said:
He's a fantastic politician, a great statesman and I hope that this ridiculous "toxicity" related to him will cease. I admit, he's probably better set as EU Commissioner though (also due to his multi-lingual skills, he speaks fluent English, French, Spanish, German and Dutch).

Really? I don't buy into all this anti-Clegg movement but I really don't think he is a fantastic politician. He has played the coalition all wrong and made himself and the Lib Dems into a massive punching bag for the Tories. They were always going to lose some support (especially from protest-voters) as they were forced into aligning with the Conservatives but there hasn't really been any identifiable benefit that they have brought to the coalition.. Yes there were some tax breaks for lower earners but no real marquee success and a whole lot of compromise (which was always going to happen).


The Amiga Brotherhood
vcassano1 said:
Really? I don't buy into all this anti-Clegg movement but I really don't think he is a fantastic politician. He has played the coalition all wrong and made himself and the Lib Dems into a massive punching bag for the Tories. They were always going to lose some support (especially from protest-voters) as they were forced into aligning with the Conservatives but there hasn't really been any identifiable benefit that they have brought to the coalition.. Yes there were some tax breaks for lower earners but no real marquee success and a whole lot of compromise (which was always going to happen).

He has played it all wrong, and his handling of tuition fees was a giant clusterfuck that really did the damage. He's allowed the Lib Dems to be the coalition's whipping boy, and been too quiet and subservient on the things the Lib Dems are meant to stand for. As such people don't think they stand for anything anymore and can't be trusted.

It was also Clegg's choice to have the referendum on the same day as the local elections, which was a very foolish gamble indeed.


Once And Future Member
SNP picks up another 3 seats from the Highlands & Islands regional list. 68 seats now, and that looks like the final total. (1 region left but an SNP seat there unlikely)
vcassano1 said:
Really? I don't buy into all this anti-Clegg movement but I really don't think he is a fantastic politician. He has played the coalition all wrong and made himself and the Lib Dems into a massive punching bag for the Tories. They were always going to lose some support (especially from protest-voters) as they were forced into aligning with the Conservatives but there hasn't really been any identifiable benefit that they have brought to the coalition.. Yes there were some tax breaks for lower earners but no real marquee success and a whole lot of compromise (which was always going to happen).

I don't know, the tax breaks for low earners is a really good plus that people will have only felt for one single payday... it might be cancelled out by a tougher cost of living for some, but I'm getting £20 a month more than I used to after tax (£240 a year).

This referendum was something the likes of which Labour promised for 13 years and never delivered..

They're bringing in the right to sack MPs as they promised, they've instated fixed term parliaments as they promised, reform of the House of Lords is still on the cards, they've invested in big rail projects in the South West and Leeds etc, they're going to go ahead with modernising Royal Mail, silly Labour plans were reneged (ID cards / next gen biometric passports / Identity register), they're going to extend the Freedom of Information act, remove innocent people from the DNA database, try and get compensation for Equitable Life victims, cut the number of Quangos (a tory policy overlap there)....

I think at the end of this parliament, they'll have helped ensure a lot of good was done. People don't want to give them credit though, like others have said, they've just become the punching bag for taking out everybody's frustrations for the coalition. They could never have joined up with Labour, and things were going to be shit no matter what -- I don't know what people expected -- if they didn't want this, then people shouldn't have voted Tory in 2010.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Empty said:
those percentages for av are brutal. crushing loss incoming.

There's worse to come as well.

Tory strongholds are said to be 5-1 against if the tweets from last night are accurate, which they seem to be.


The Amiga Brotherhood
killer_clank said:
genuinely don't get it. just pure confused.

So was the electorate.

The Yes campaign was poor, the No campaign was dirty and the inaccurate soundbites and bad analogies stuck. When faced with that, and a system that hadn't been well explained, people were either going to vote against or vote for no change because there was no convincing argument they understood. I only got my mum to vote yes by explaining it to her personally.

The Yes campaign had no gravitas, you needed someone to put an argument with weight to cancel out the onslaught. Even more so when you have the Prime Minister speaking against it with the clout he naturally has.

Instead you got a MIA Clegg, a bumbling Ed Milliband who can't even lead his own party, and Eddie Izzard. It was a fiasco, and Clegg's decision to have the referendum on the same day as the local elections was suicidal.
JonathanEx said:
Can we have the thread title changed to "UK PoliGAF thread of tell me about voting reform again, Dave"

No, because it's not funny

I feel like going out and punching someone. If it ends up at this kind of ratio, the British people are a gang of cunts. Cunts that buy into cheap lies. Cunts that are easily manipulated.
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