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UN: Marijuana-related health problems on rise in US

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It's all relative, of course smoking a zillion bongs a day will be bad for your health, but smoking a joint once every couple of weeks or so isn't going to do shit to your health.
Why not just google it? There's plenty of talk, and pretty recently about the affects of it possibly damaging long term brain functions.

lol ... So I should Google more intellectually dishonest articles for information about a substance that's had almost no real research done on it?

The best thing about legalization will be us actually studying the substance so I don't have to read crap online that was made for the soul purpose of perpetuating a failed drug policy.

There's a reason you used the word, "possibly"

It's because nothing has ever been linked to THC beyond correlation.


lol ... So I should Google more intellectually dishonest articles for information about a substance that's had almost no real research done on it?

The best thing about legalization will be us actually studying the substance so I don't have to read crap online that was made for the soul purpose of perpetuating a failed drug policy.

There's a reason you used the word, "possibly"

It's because nothing has ever been linked to THC beyond correlation.

Sure, let's just go with your word on it. I'm sure we'll all be better off.


Prime example of the illusion of correlation and causation.

Why are there more cases of cannabis-related medical emergencies? Because there are more people smoking it. The UN says at much. That doesn't mean that cannabis is any more dangerous than it was before, or whatever.
Sure, let's just go with your word on it. I'm sure we'll all be better off.

Well I at least have anecdotal evidence on my side. What do you got besides correlation?

In any case. I'm not trying to say herb is harmless. I acknowledged it needs to be studied more in the post you quoted. So I'm not sure what your point is.

What I do know is that this UN article is more of the usual garbage. Lots of claims with no receipts.

If your point was that our drug policy hasn't failed I would invite you to show me where it's succeeded.
Sure, let's just go with your word on it. I'm sure we'll all be better off.
What are you trying to say here? Do you think the drug war's credibility should be taken at face value?

I don't use pot, but this article is another form of scare tactic propaganda, likely to try to prop up the U.S.'s failing "War on Drugs".

Notice the vague references to adverse events, but then no specific references to what kind of adverse effects have been confirmed as relating to marijuana or even stats on what the percentage increase in adverse events was.


Once I get off work, ima go home, inject like 15 marijuanas and OD like a madman. I'll let you know if my brain gets severely fucked up or not.



guys don't joke about about weed like this, because my brother died of a weed overdose in the 7th grade.

he was just a normal kid, who also happened to be the star quarterback, and a straight A student in middle school, and he went to church regularly, and was a prophet for Jesus and George Washington,when he got invited by the "cool kids" to a party. He thought it was just going to be a nice game of "Ookie Cookie," one of his favorite past times, but instead, was forcibly injected with bong water straight from a joint. The death was apparently painful, as he apparently would regularly see the devil and see the3 constitution burned in front of his eyes. His poor 7th grade heart, liver, brain, and left foot all apparently failed on him and he died instantly. When the ambulance arrived at the house, all the other children had apparently eaten him in a fit of the munchies, and since there was no longer any evidence left of his body, they could not be charged with the murder of my brother.

Just thought I'd share this with you guys who think weed should be legal, do you really want more cases like what happened to my brother


guys don't joke about about weed like this, because my brother died of a weed overdose in the 7th grade.

he was just a normal kid, who also happened to be the star quarterback, and a straight A student in middle school, and he went to church regularly, and was a prophet for Jesus and George Washington,when he got invited by the "cool kids" to a party. He thought it was just going to be a nice game of "Ookie Cookie," one of his favorite past times, but instead, was forcibly injected with bong water straight from a joint. The death was apparently painful, as he apparently would regularly see the devil and see the3 constitution burned in front of his eyes. His poor 7th grade heart, liver, brain, and left foot all apparently failed on him and he died instantly. When the ambulance arrived at the house, all the other children had apparently eaten him in a fit of the munchies, and since there was no longer any evidence left of his body, they could not be charged with the murder of my brother.

Just thought I'd share this with you guys who think weed should be legal, do you really want more cases like what happened to my brother
guys don't joke about about weed like this, because my brother died of a weed overdose in the 7th grade.

he was just a normal kid, who also happened to be the star quarterback, and a straight A student in middle school, and he went to church regularly, and was a prophet for Jesus and George Washington,when he got invited by the "cool kids" to a party. He thought it was just going to be a nice game of "Ookie Cookie," one of his favorite past times, but instead, was forcibly injected with bong water straight from a joint. The death was apparently painful, as he apparently would regularly see the devil and see the3 constitution burned in front of his eyes. His poor 7th grade heart, liver, brain, and left foot all apparently failed on him and he died instantly. When the ambulance arrived at the house, all the other children had apparently eaten him in a fit of the munchies, and since there was no longer any evidence left of his body, they could not be charged with the murder of my brother.

Just thought I'd share this with you guys who think weed should be legal, do you really want more cases like what happened to my brother



guys don't joke about about weed like this, because my brother died of a weed overdose in the 7th grade.

he was just a normal kid, who also happened to be the star quarterback, and a straight A student in middle school, and he went to church regularly, and was a prophet for Jesus and George Washington,when he got invited by the "cool kids" to a party. He thought it was just going to be a nice game of "Ookie Cookie," one of his favorite past times, but instead, was forcibly injected with bong water straight from a joint. The death was apparently painful, as he apparently would regularly see the devil and see the3 constitution burned in front of his eyes. His poor 7th grade heart, liver, brain, and left foot all apparently failed on him and he died instantly. When the ambulance arrived at the house, all the other children had apparently eaten him in a fit of the munchies, and since there was no longer any evidence left of his body, they could not be charged with the murder of my brother.

Just thought I'd share this with you guys who think weed should be legal, do you really want more cases like what happened to my brother

did he turn black and gay


Fear of a GAF Planet
"911. What's your emergency?"

"There's no food in the house and we're too stoned to drive!"

"Sir, this is an emergency line."

"Oh... I mean I'm having a mild cardial infarction and need doritos, stat!"
Increased pot use by Americans is partly fueled by a misperception of the health risks, the UNODC report said. It cautioned that although the public may perceive marijuana to be the least harmful of illicit drugs, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of people seeking treatment for cannabis-use disorders over the past decade.
So wait, is that perception wrong? Or are there even less harmful illicit drugs out there that people could use instead?

Don't hold out on us UN. Spill the beans.


The UN is doing fantastic research and work I see.

How about this, look at the habits and lifestyles of Americans that smoke weed versus looking at the drug itself. People that are depressed, mentally ill and/or obese and smoke weed are having more heath issues as time goes on? Holy shit guys, its that new and more powerful marijuana!
I love the, "Guys, we need more time to do testing." bit.

It's not like whole cultures of people have used marijuana for 1000s of years or anything like that, right?

Meanwhile, alcohol is A-okay because, even though it has both worse acute and chronic adverse events associated with it, it has long been part of white people's culture, am I right?


Man, some of the reactions in here. I get it, weed is great, and you're not going to die from a joint. But the stance that there are no negative effects to the drugs at all (the increase in THC is well known and has been the centre of a lot of political debate in my country for years, although the problem is that pot has never been legalised, it's just been decriminalized, so they can't do much about the dangerous THC-levels without actually legalizing it, which they don't want to do for a lot of political reasons (mostly related to relations with other EU-nations). Sure, you can come up with comparisons to alcohol or smoking or gambling or whatever, but that's not what this discussion is about. This isn't about how society views these issues, it's about actual scientific fact. No one is trying to judge you or your hobby personally. It'd be fairly interesting to actually have an honest discussion about this on Gaf, but this just isn't the place for it apparently. I know from experience that it's almost impossible to have an adult discussion about this stuff with someone who uses and enjoys smoking weed, but a stance like that is just insulting to people who did suffer some serious consequences.

Source: I was heavily dependent when I was going through some very tough years myself. It made me apathetic to the real world to the point where I contemplated suicide, tried and failed two times. I still suffer from serious memory problems after two years of being sober, it's much harder for me to pay attention to something for long periods of time compared to before I started doing drugs, and I still can have paranoid(bordering on schizophrenic) anxiety attacks during stressful periods at work. Sure, you could argue that that's just because I was weak myself and probably had some latent psychological issues that enabled themselves through my drug use, and I wouldn't argue with that conclusion. But doesn't the fact that that can happen mean that a healthy, non-judgmental discussion about this topic is essential? I visited a bunch of Narcotics Anonymous meetings, and I met a lot of people (who in their everyday lives would come across as very normal and well adjusted people) who were of far worse than me. Even after everything that happened I'm pro-legalization for a variety of reasons, and I'm sure that people can enjoy it without destroying their lives like I did. But some people can't, and the way in which some people who enjoy pot react when you cast even a slight bit of doubt at the claim that pot is not harmful - reacting with incredulity/anger/disdain to the notion - is just more than a bit sad. Legalisation is great, but that really needs to come with a proper level of education about what you're actually doing to your body.

But hey, this is Gaf, so this will probably just fall on deaf ears.


What the fuck are they talking about? You get these sentences about general emergency room visits on the rise, but literally none of the information you want: why? What are they going to hospitals for? Are they just super high and think they're dying when they're totally fine?

"Marijuana-related health problems" is just an easy scare. Give us the meat.

That's exactly what it is. And I say that with confidence because it happened to me.

I've smoked pot very infrequently for about 15 years. When I say infrequently, I mean once every 3 years or less. Most jobs I worked involved drug tests, and I wanted to stay honest - so I avoided pot. Then I started working for a company that does not drug screen and has a more reasonable drug policy. The policy basically states "Don't show up to work drunk or high. We will test you if we suspect either. But your life outside of work is your business." A friend gave me a joint as a housewarming present. One evening I was bored and lit it up. Like I said, I'd smoked before, I'd been high before. But this time around it hit me like a train. I was having trouble thinking and speaking, I could hear a high pitched electrical buzz. My perception of time became completely distorted. It freaked me out pretty badly, I thought that either the joint had been laced with something else or I was having a bad allergic reaction.

I ended up getting a friend to take me to the ER. I realized that the situation wasn't bad because absolutely nobody in the ER was the least bit concerned about me when I told them what was wrong. In fact, they laughed and thought it was adorable. Meanwhile, I was gripped with inner panic because I thought I'd fried my own brain. After I'd calmed down a bit they told me that they have never, ever encountered an allergic reaction to pot, and that I'd simply smoked too much good stuff. They said this was something they were seeing happen more and more often - people who infrequently smoke get hookups from friends with dispensary cards and the high quality weed knocks them for a loop. They gave me an Ativan to help with the anxiety, a lollipop, a pat on the head, and sent me home. I was fine the next morning, lesson learned. The next time I smoked I took fewer hits and didn't hold it in as long. I still got more high than I was accustomed to, but now it felt great because I knew what was up.


I love the, "Guys, we need more time to do testing." bit.

It's not like whole cultures of people have used marijuana for 1000's of years or anything like that, right?

Meanwhile, alcohol is A-okay because, even though it has both worse acute and chronic adverse events associated with it, it has long been part of white people's culture, am I right?

What? What a bizarre comment, I don't know what posts you're specifically referring to but there is a big difference between cultures using something for 1000's of years and actual research on the substances effects positive or negative.

The fact is as a substance that has been demonized and criminalized for the last century there is a lot more misinformation about it going around than there is factual information. The more we are able to educate people on this substance the better and until it is allowed to be researched that's not going to happen. Just because people have used it for thousands of years doesn't mean it couldn't have any negative properties.

This isn't about how society views these issues, it's about actual scientific fact.

Scientific fact? You mean like this UN article that goes into no detail whatsoever? The only FACT here is that no one has any concrete facts.


Be careful of this sort of generalization; the mods are watching.

I didn't say anything with that remark that goes against Gaf policy, and I'm not taking it down. Every time I've posted something like that it was either ignored to make way for more stories about how great using weed is and how old fashioned and ignorant people who are even a little bit concerned about that attitude are, or I've been ridiculed for it, outside of a couple of nice PM's from people who experienced something similar with themselves or a loved one. The fact that out of everything I posted you just decided to try and scare me with a possible ban because of something silly kind of proves my point.


Man, the UN should've jumped on the Spice/synthetic weed train in 2011-2013. Legal and sold in gas stations everywhere, would fuck you up a lot more than weed, god damn it would fuck you up. Some people turn white and vomit/convulse. The high is a mix of euphoria and heaviness, doing anything after a spice bong rip is next to impossible. Couch or nap city. I smoked a embarrassing amount of spice when it was legal and sold. Easily over 200 grams.

There will probably never be a spice age in this country again, because the fact that spice was legal and so easily available is astonishing.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I've had a couple severe panic attacks as a result of smoking weed. Not fun.

I support the nation wide legalization of marijuana but while it's definitely less dangerous than most drugs, including alcohol, it's not without its cons. Like with booze and smokes, people just need to know the dangers involved and make the decision for themselves. The most the government should provide here is the regulation that already comes with alcohol and cigarettes and a warning label.


Well I at least have anecdotal evidence on my side. What do you got besides correlation?

In any case. I'm not trying to say herb is harmless. I acknowledged it needs to be studied more in the post you quoted. So I'm not sure what your point is.

What I do know is that this UN article is more of the usual garbage. Lots of claims with no receipts.

If your point was that our drug policy hasn't failed I would invite you to show me where it's succeeded.
Anecdotal evidence? Like what? People you know who have smoked all their life and don't have issues? I got plenty of those too.

I'm not trying to say weed doesn't have benefits or should be illegal. I don't think many drugs should be illegal. Whoever the fuck brought up alcohol as some sort of counter point to what I was saying about weed possibly affecting the brain wasn't paying attention either. If one is legal, the other should be as well. They both can have negative effects. Let the individual decide what they want to do.

My point, bolding what you said, was to say basically that it sounds like something a conspiracy theorist would say. As if peer reviewed articles from cancer institutes, or really anything that's widely regarded as a decent source of scientific information is in someone's pockets is a way to think. The word "possibly" is a the word you want used when it comes to data. There's always variables. better to err on the side of caution, no? Of course I think the drug policies in place are a failure, but you pretending like anything online is full of shit concerning research seems a little goofy to me.
Man, some of the reactions in here. I get it, weed is great, and you're not going to die from a joint. But the stance that there are no negative effects to the drugs at all (the increase in THC is well known and has been the centre of a lot of political debate in my country for years, although the problem is that pot has never been legalised, it's just been decriminalized, so they can't do much about the dangerous THC-levels without actually legalizing it, which they don't want to do for a lot of political reasons (mostly related to relations with other EU-nations). Sure, you can come up with comparisons to alcohol or smoking or gambling or whatever, but that's not what this discussion is about. This isn't about how society views these issues, it's about actual scientific fact. No one is trying to judge you or your hobby personally. It'd be fairly interesting to actually have an honest discussion about this on Gaf, but this just isn't the place for it apparently. I know from experience that it's almost impossible to have an adult discussion about this stuff with someone who uses and enjoys smoking weed, but a stance like that is just insulting to people who did suffer some serious consequences.

Source: I was heavily dependent when I was going through some very tough years myself. It made me apathetic to the real world to the point where I contemplated suicide, tried and failed two times. I still suffer from serious memory problems after two years of being sober, it's much harder for me to pay attention to something for long periods of time compared to before I started doing drugs, and I still can have paranoid(bordering on schizophrenic) anxiety attacks during stressful periods at work. Sure, you could argue that that's just because I was weak myself and probably had some latent psychological issues that enabled themselves through my drug use, and I wouldn't argue with that conclusion. But doesn't the fact that that can happen mean that a healthy, non-judgmental discussion about this topic is essential? I visited a bunch of Narcotics Anonymous meetings, and I met a lot of people (who in their everyday lives would come across as very normal and well adjusted people) who were of far worse than me. Even after everything that happened I'm pro-legalization for a variety of reasons, and I'm sure that people can enjoy it without destroying their lives like I did. But some people can't, and the way in which some people who enjoy pot react when you cast even a slight bit of doubt at the claim that pot is not harmful - reacting with incredulity/anger/disdain to the notion - is just more than a bit sad. Legalisation is great, but that really needs to come with a proper level of education about what you're actually doing to your body.

But hey, this is Gaf, so this will probably just fall on deaf ears.

Dangerous THC levels? Lol

What is that? At what level do they become dangerous? What happens to the body at these "dangerous" levels?

Why even use that word?


It's amazing to me really... like american teens couldn't get any lazier, and be less competitive worldwide, they need the apathy Marijuana provides. The fact that gay marriage and marijuana legalization seem to be the height of young peoples political priorities just shows how unserious of a people the next generation of americans will be.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Sounds like America got this info just in time because dangerous cannabis use is on the rise!
It's amazing to me really... like american teens couldn't get any lazier, and be less competitive worldwide, they need the apathy Marijuana provides. The fact that gay marriage and marijuana legalization seem to be the height of young peoples political priorities just shows how unserious of a people the next generation of americans will be.



It's amazing to me really... like american teens couldn't get any lazier, and be less competitive worldwide, they need the apathy Marijuana provides. The fact that gay marriage and marijuana legalization seem to be the height of young peoples political priorities just shows how unserious of a people the next generation of americans will be.
Hahaha, what?


Man, some of the reactions in here. I get it, weed is great, and you're not going to die from a joint. But the stance that there are no negative effects to the drugs at all (the increase in THC is well known and has been the centre of a lot of political debate in my country for years, although the problem is that pot has never been legalised, it's just been decriminalized, so they can't do much about the dangerous THC-levels without actually legalizing it, which they don't want to do for a lot of political reasons (mostly related to relations with other EU-nations). Sure, you can come up with comparisons to alcohol or smoking or gambling or whatever, but that's not what this discussion is about. This isn't about how society views these issues, it's about actual scientific fact. No one is trying to judge you or your hobby personally. It'd be fairly interesting to actually have an honest discussion about this on Gaf, but this just isn't the place for it apparently. I know from experience that it's almost impossible to have an adult discussion about this stuff with someone who uses and enjoys smoking weed, but a stance like that is just insulting to people who did suffer some serious consequences.

Source: I was heavily dependent when I was going through some very tough years myself. It made me apathetic to the real world to the point where I contemplated suicide, tried and failed two times. I still suffer from serious memory problems after two years of being sober, it's much harder for me to pay attention to something for long periods of time compared to before I started doing drugs, and I still can have paranoid(bordering on schizophrenic) anxiety attacks during stressful periods at work. Sure, you could argue that that's just because I was weak myself and probably had some latent psychological issues that enabled themselves through my drug use, and I wouldn't argue with that conclusion. But doesn't the fact that that can happen mean that a healthy, non-judgmental discussion about this topic is essential? I visited a bunch of Narcotics Anonymous meetings, and I met a lot of people (who in their everyday lives would come across as very normal and well adjusted people) who were of far worse than me. Even after everything that happened I'm pro-legalization for a variety of reasons, and I'm sure that people can enjoy it without destroying their lives like I did. But some people can't, and the way in which some people who enjoy pot react when you cast even a slight bit of doubt at the claim that pot is not harmful - reacting with incredulity/anger/disdain to the notion - is just more than a bit sad. Legalisation is great, but that really needs to come with a proper level of education about what you're actually doing to your body.

But hey, this is Gaf, so this will probably just fall on deaf ears.

nobody in here is saying that marijuana is harmless. It's a matter of how harmful it really is. We really dont have a clear answer as to how "harmful" marijuana is.

It's amazing to me really... like american teens couldn't get any lazier, and be less competitive worldwide, they need the apathy Marijuana provides. The fact that gay marriage and marijuana legalization seem to be the height of young peoples political priorities just shows how unserious of a people the next generation of americans will be.

Fun fact, before I started smoking I was working security and failing in college due to apathy of school

After marijuana I was actually able to complete a semester of college with really good grades. (I know that's not saying much, but it is important to me)

Of course, also generalizing that the only thing teens care about are legalizing marijuana and legalizing gay marriage is very dismissive as there is a whole slew of issues that teens care about. It's hard to have an opinion on the economy when you don't have an income and taxes to pay


It's amazing to me really... like american teens couldn't get any lazier, and be less competitive worldwide, they need the apathy Marijuana provides. The fact that gay marriage and marijuana legalization seem to be the height of young peoples political priorities just shows how unserious of a people the next generation of americans will be.

Pretty bad assertion man. If you read up on anything having to do with drug culture or counter culture you'd know weed in the United States has been a long standing thing. Not to mention tons of older people (35, 45, 55 +) smoke weed on a regular basis.

Sounds like you lack perspective.


Dangerous THC levels? Lol

What is that? At what level do they become dangerous? What happens to the body at these "dangerous" levels?

Why even use that word?

Besides never having encountered an allergic reaction to weed, you know what else the ER doc (and the EMT who was also present) told me? They have never encountered a marijuana overdose. In fact, I think the words "not possible" were used. But I'll leave it at they'd never encountered one since I can't be 100% sure about the other statement.


Besides never having encountered an allergic reaction to weed, you know what else the ER doc (and the EMT who was also present) told me? They have never encountered a marijuana overdose. In fact, I think the words "not possible" were used. But I'll leave it at they'd never encountered one since I can't be 100% sure about the other statement.

The point of overdose is getting a sugar headache because you ate two bowls of icecream with tons of other shit piled on after eating two peanut butter sandwiches.


Besides never having encountered an allergic reaction to weed, you know what else the ER doc (and the EMT who was also present) told me? They have never encountered a marijuana overdose. In fact, I think the words "not possible" were used. But I'll leave it at they'd never encountered one since I can't be 100% sure about the other statement.

you can not physically OD from marijuana, the amount of THC you'd have to intake would be astronomical to even come close to OD'ing.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I don't get your point. Are you saying these things should be illegal, as well? Or, that because they are legal and bad for you, all things that are bad for your health should be legal as well?

I'm saying that people can do whatever they want. Even if this bullshit about marijuana was true why does it matter? It will never be as harmful as some of the drugs that are perfectly legal and responsible for millions of deaths every year.

As long as you know what you're taking then knock yourself out.
Man, some of the reactions in here. I get it, weed is great, and you're not going to die from a joint. But the stance that there are no negative effects to the drugs at all (the increase in THC is well known and has been the centre of a lot of political debate in my country for years, although the problem is that pot has never been legalised, it's just been decriminalized, so they can't do much about the dangerous THC-levels without actually legalizing it, which they don't want to do for a lot of political reasons (mostly related to relations with other EU-nations). Sure, you can come up with comparisons to alcohol or smoking or gambling or whatever, but that's not what this discussion is about. This isn't about how society views these issues, it's about actual scientific fact. No one is trying to judge you or your hobby personally. It'd be fairly interesting to actually have an honest discussion about this on Gaf, but this just isn't the place for it apparently. I know from experience that it's almost impossible to have an adult discussion about this stuff with someone who uses and enjoys smoking weed, but a stance like that is just insulting to people who did suffer some serious consequences.

Source: I was heavily dependent when I was going through some very tough years myself. It made me apathetic to the real world to the point where I contemplated suicide, tried and failed two times. I still suffer from serious memory problems after two years of being sober, it's much harder for me to pay attention to something for long periods of time compared to before I started doing drugs, and I still can have paranoid(bordering on schizophrenic) anxiety attacks during stressful periods at work. Sure, you could argue that that's just because I was weak myself and probably had some latent psychological issues that enabled themselves through my drug use, and I wouldn't argue with that conclusion. But doesn't the fact that that can happen mean that a healthy, non-judgmental discussion about this topic is essential? I visited a bunch of Narcotics Anonymous meetings, and I met a lot of people (who in their everyday lives would come across as very normal and well adjusted people) who were of far worse than me. Even after everything that happened I'm pro-legalization for a variety of reasons, and I'm sure that people can enjoy it without destroying their lives like I did. But some people can't, and the way in which some people who enjoy pot react when you cast even a slight bit of doubt at the claim that pot is not harmful - reacting with incredulity/anger/disdain to the notion - is just more than a bit sad. Legalisation is great, but that really needs to come with a proper level of education about what you're actually doing to your body.

But hey, this is Gaf, so this will probably just fall on deaf ears.
Who are you talking to? I saw only one post where a guy said weed is great and has no harmful effects, and it seemed pretty jokey.

Every time I've posted something like that it was either ignored to make way for more stories about how great using weed is and how old fashioned and ignorant people who are even a little bit concerned about that attitude are, or I've been ridiculed for it, outside of a couple of nice PM's from people who experienced something similar with themselves or a loved one. The fact that out of everything I posted you just decided to try and scare me with a possible ban because of something silly kind of proves my point.
I guess you're just really on the lookout.
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