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UN: Marijuana-related health problems on rise in US

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THC's side effects can be split up in several categories:

Mental: Hallucinations, perception deficits, delirium, depersonalisation and agitation
Eyes/pupils: Dilated pupils (mydriasis), nystagmus
Cardiovascular: Tachycardia, hypertension, tachypnea and hyperthermia
Lungs: Hyperventilation
Rare: Rhabdomylosis

Yes, smoking marijuana can lead to acute myocardial infarction, as the drug also effects the heart and coronary arteries. If you increase oxygen usage by the heart by using drugs like marijuana (note I listed tachycardia), you can precipitate a heart attack in already clogged arteries. Americans, and let's just be honest here, don't have the healthiest cuisine or lifestyle. How anyone deny marijauna leading to myocardial infarction is beyond me.

There is also the impact of on the developing brain. It has to do with constant exposure to drug-induced stimuli to the brain which alters the threshold of neurons when responding to ANY stimilus. Then there are the risks with the method associated to take the drug, via smoking. You probably know the health risks of smoking so I'm not going to repeat it.

Source: Ellenhorn MJ. Ellenhorn’s Medical Toxicology. Diagnosis and treatment of human poisoning, 2nd edition. Williams & Wilkins; 210-23.

Please explain me how marijuana is harmless again?


THC's side effects can be split up in several categories:

Mental: Hallucinations, perception deficits, delirium, depersonalisation and agitation
Eyes/pupils: Dilated pupils (mydriasis), nystagmus
Cardiovascular: Tachycardia, hypertension, tachypnea and hyperthermia
Lungs: Hyperventilation
Rare: Rhabdomylosis

Yes, smoking marijuana can lead to acute myocardial infarction, as the drug also effects the heart and coronary arteries. If you increase oxygen usage by the heart by using drugs like marijuana (note I listed tachycardia), you can precipitate a heart attack in already clogged arteries. Americans, and let's just be honest here, don't have the healthiest cuisine or lifestyle. How anyone deny marijauna leading to myocardial infarction is beyond me.

There is also the impact of on the developing brain. It has to do with constant exposure to drug-induced stimuli to the brain which alters the threshold of neurons when responding to ANY stimilus. Then there are the risks with the method associated to take the drug, via smoking. You probably know the health risks of smoking so I'm not going to repeat it.

Source: Ellenhorn MJ. Ellenhorn’s Medical Toxicology. Diagnosis and treatment of human poisoning, 2nd edition. Williams & Wilkins; 210-23.

Please explain me how marijuana is harmless again?

No one has said that weed is harmless

in comparison to other legalized substances though, weed is less harmful to us then say Caffeine. We allow our kids to chug energy drinks, but don't allow our adults to smoke a joint. This is why people want marijuana legalized. It's just a substance that people can enjoy when they have off time. It has some medical benefits that can be awesome for said user, but it's also just nice to have. Ive known many with really strong, addictive behavior get into marijuana hardcore, but i'd much rather weed then alcohol or tobacco


I agree that the weed promotion goes too far. Not necessarily just on GAF which is quite tame, but all around the Internet. Reddit's "/r/trees" particularly annoys me in how it glorifies weed smoking as if it's some kind of magical herb that can do no wrong.

Sometimes people forget that it really is a vice that can potentially lead to side effects and health problems.

I've seen desperate weed dependency from poor people that cripples their already meager income. I've seen anxiety attacks. And not to mention all of the shit that you ingest every time you inhale all of that smoke and blacken your lungs.

Still think it should be 100% legalised, though. It's BS how killers like Alcohol and Tobacco that lead to crippling addictions, horrifying cancers, and many destroyed lives...are perfectly regulated and legalised.

But weed possession? All it seems to do is send innocent people---especially poor black men---to prison. For virtually harmless activities. It's reprehensible.

This article is designed to scare people with exaggerated claims and conclusions to try and suppress the drug's proliferation and maintain its illegality. The fact that it has an agenda to fuel the paranoia regarding the drug is the real annoying part. I HATE when science gets manipulated like this.

Oh god, this; I'm all for legalization, but it seems to me the very same people who jump to cling onto and upvote an out-of-context health benefit study due to some component of marijuana on /r/science are just as inclined to dismiss any sort of suggestion that partaking might have any sort of ill effect.


I think the next big health scare for marijuana is going to be the rise in the levels of THC linked to the rising numbers of kids with autism. I heard nurses talking about it when I had an unrelated training day. They were calling them "marijuana babies" similar to "crack babies".


The only thing i can throw into this weird discussion is i have been a hardcore pot user for around 5 years, I have taken time off here and there for various reason and i have to say pot is harmful to the lungs and cardio system. Eating and vaporizing is safer but its not the same high as smoking. It affects my memory and ability to concentrate, with work i have been able to combat the side effects but I'm not 100%, i took a month off and tell you what a difference it makes on your body, we have to look at things subjectively and also know everybody's different and has different side effects.


THC's side effects can be split up in several categories:

Mental: Hallucinations, perception deficits, delirium, depersonalisation and agitation
Eyes/pupils: Dilated pupils (mydriasis), nystagmus
Cardiovascular: Tachycardia, hypertension, tachypnea and hyperthermia
Lungs: Hyperventilation
Rare: Rhabdomylosis

Yes, smoking marijuana can lead to acute myocardial infarction, as the drug also effects the heart and coronary arteries. If you increase oxygen usage by the heart by using drugs like marijuana (note I listed tachycardia), you can precipitate a heart attack in already clogged arteries. Americans, and let's just be honest here, don't have the healthiest cuisine or lifestyle. How anyone deny marijauna leading to myocardial infarction is beyond me.

There is also the impact of on the developing brain. It has to do with constant exposure to drug-induced stimuli to the brain which alters the threshold of neurons when responding to ANY stimilus. Then there are the risks with the method associated to take the drug, via smoking. You probably know the health risks of smoking so I'm not going to repeat it.

Source: Ellenhorn MJ. Ellenhorn’s Medical Toxicology. Diagnosis and treatment of human poisoning, 2nd edition. Williams & Wilkins; 210-23.

Please explain me how marijuana is harmless again?

yo i better stop smoking before i do jiu jitsu. im gonna give my ass a heart attack!


You know what I've never seen or heard?

That a weed dealer tells his buyers that the product he sold has actually killed people that were otherwise healthy, that he is losing business because of those deaths, and that they should try to get money from the guy that sold him the deadly weed in bulk.

Now, compare that to commercials about vaginal meshes or drugs that were prescribed or on the market and caused people to have strokes or death. These commercials air everyday, and the lawsuit/drug changes over time.
THC's side effects can be split up in several categories:

Mental: Hallucinations, perception deficits, delirium, depersonalisation and agitation
Eyes/pupils: Dilated pupils (mydriasis), nystagmus
Cardiovascular: Tachycardia, hypertension, tachypnea and hyperthermia
Lungs: Hyperventilation
Rare: Rhabdomylosis

Yes, smoking marijuana can lead to acute myocardial infarction, as the drug also effects the heart and coronary arteries. If you increase oxygen usage by the heart by using drugs like marijuana (note I listed tachycardia), you can precipitate a heart attack in already clogged arteries. Americans, and let's just be honest here, don't have the healthiest cuisine or lifestyle. How anyone deny marijauna leading to myocardial infarction is beyond me.

Lead to a heart attack? No.

Be one of many contributing factors of ? Sure.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
THC's side effects can be split up in several categories:

Mental: Hallucinations, perception deficits, delirium, depersonalisation and agitation
Eyes/pupils: Dilated pupils (mydriasis), nystagmus
Cardiovascular: Tachycardia, hypertension, tachypnea and hyperthermia
Lungs: Hyperventilation
Rare: Rhabdomylosis

Yes, smoking marijuana can lead to acute myocardial infarction, as the drug also effects the heart and coronary arteries. If you increase oxygen usage by the heart by using drugs like marijuana (note I listed tachycardia), you can precipitate a heart attack in already clogged arteries. Americans, and let's just be honest here, don't have the healthiest cuisine or lifestyle. How anyone deny marijauna leading to myocardial infarction is beyond me.

There is also the impact of on the developing brain. It has to do with constant exposure to drug-induced stimuli to the brain which alters the threshold of neurons when responding to ANY stimilus. Then there are the risks with the method associated to take the drug, via smoking. You probably know the health risks of smoking so I'm not going to repeat it.

Source: Ellenhorn MJ. Ellenhorn’s Medical Toxicology. Diagnosis and treatment of human poisoning, 2nd edition. Williams & Wilkins; 210-23.

Please explain me how marijuana is harmless again?

Did you drink some coffee today? If you did then you took a potentially harmful drug that constricts blood flow, can cause anxiety and loss of fine motor control.

You could list side effects for any drug but that doesn't make them all 'harmful'. An excessive dose of any drug can be harmful.


Pretty bad assertion man. If you read up on anything having to do with drug culture or counter culture you'd know weed in the United States has been a long standing thing. Not to mention tons of older people (35, 45, 55 +) smoke weed on a regular basis.

Sounds like you lack perspective.

I don't understand how that negates my point of american teenagers being lazier and more apathetic than ever... it was their parents that messed them up, the 35, 45, 55+ counter-culture demographic.
yea i developed an anxiety disorder after smoking

now i'm thinking back on all the legalization talks and wondering if it's a good idea.
No one has said that weed is harmless

in comparison to other legalized substances though, weed is less harmful to us then say Caffeine. We allow our kids to chug energy drinks, but don't allow our adults to smoke a joint. This is why people want marijuana legalized. It's just a substance that people can enjoy when they have off time. It has some medical benefits that can be awesome for said user, but it's also just nice to have. Ive known many with really strong, addictive behavior get into marijuana hardcore, but i'd much rather weed then alcohol or tobacco
Medical cannabis usage has only been approved in certain countries for severe arthritis as far as I know, so what medical benefits are you talking about? I'm not making any statement on having it either allowed or forbidden, I'm just saying everyone underestimates the usage of marijuana. I do agree that either tobacco or alcohol are much more harmful but that's another discussion.


I don't understand how that negates my point of american teenagers being lazier and more apathetic than ever... it was their parents that messed them up, the 35, 45, 55+ counter-culture demographic.

please lkink to any study that shows that not only are teens more "apathetic" but also that this "apathy" is being affected by marijuana.

maybe they are apathetic because they are stuck in a system that if you don't go to college you're fucked, and if you do go to college you're going to be in debt for years to come. Maybe that concept causes apathy, but it's prolly the weed
Did you drink some coffee today? If you did then you took a potentially harmful drug that constricts blood flow, can cause anxiety and loss of fine motor control.

You could list side effects for any drug but that doesn't make them all 'harmful'. An excessive dose of any drug can be harmful.
No I haven't drank any coffee today. I occasionally drink tea but that's about it. I have never smoked (tobacco), did (any kind of) drugs or drank alcohol ever in my life if you're question me on any substance use.


Medical cannabis usage has only been approved in certain countries for severe arthritis as far as I know, so what medical benefits are you talking about? I'm not making any statement on having it either allowed or forbidden, I'm just saying everyone underestimates the usage of marijuana. I do agree that either tobacco or alcohol are much more harmful but that's another discussion.

Cannibinoids in marijuana have been given for extreme pain situatiuons such as old age, and cancer patients, certain strains can be used to fight seizures. Weed can also help certain patients with anxiety, it can also help regulate people with IBS, Crohns, or other bowel issues. It also helps people with insomnia

It has a lot more uses too, things im probably not aware of, but the main reason it's not used in other countries is because the UN has a hissy fit over pot and there can be sanctions for said legalization of pot.

No I haven't drank any coffee today. I occasionally drink tea but that's about it. I have never smoked (tobacco), did (any kind of) drugs or drank alcohol ever in my life if you're question me on any substance use.

have you ever used mild pain killers such as motrin? those are way more harmful then weed

most medications that people take are way more unhealthy then pot, hell, most food that people consume is generally more unhealthy then pot.

It's a humorous counter to the other strawman that has come up, which is to immediately explain that legal things can cause harm, implying the person mentioning negative things about pot is against legalization.

you're really adding to this thread!


I don't understand how that negates my point of american teenagers being lazier and more apathetic than ever... it was their parents that messed them up, the 35, 45, 55+ counter-culture demographic.

Do you have any insight on these assertions you have or do you loathe teenagers for a reason you made up in your head?


Cannibinoids in marijuana have been given for extreme pain situatiuons such as old age, and cancer patients, certain strains can be used to fight seizures. Weed can also help certain patients with anxiety, it can also help regulate people with IBS, Crohns, or other bowel issues. It also helps people with insomnia

It has a lot more uses too, things im probably not aware of, but the main reason it's not used in other countries is because the UN has a hissy fit over pot and there can be sanctions for said legalization of pot.

It's great for treating the side effects of chemotherapy.


This strawman keeps coming up in a thread where no one has actually said this.

It's a humorous counter to the other strawman that has come up, which is to immediately explain that legal things can cause harm, implying the person mentioning negative things about pot is against legalization.
My point, bolding what you said, was to say basically that it sounds like something a conspiracy theorist would say. As if peer reviewed articles from cancer institutes, or really anything that's widely regarded as a decent source of scientific information is in someone's pockets is a way to think. The word "possibly" is a the word you want used when it comes to data. There's always variables. better to err on the side of caution, no? Of course I think the drug policies in place are a failure, but you pretending like anything online is full of shit concerning research seems a little goofy to me.

For good reason though. You know the study referenced to show that pot kills brain cells during the Reagan years was bunk? They forced some large number of joints via mask into monkeys without increasing oxygen in the lines and the claimed it was the weed killing brain cells and not the lack of oxygen.

I'm skeptical of anything I read online when it comes to pot. There's lots of agendas to push and a ton of misinformation being spread.


Well alcohol content and even nicotine content are regulated.

Maybe do the same for THC content?

I am sorry but I had to come in...regulated?

Who cares if alcohol content is regulated, when it is customary in youths (and sometimes well into "adulthood" ) to basically drink till you black out. And if you have a friend circle like that, it is *very* hard to not drink, unless you handle peer pressure well. Does not matter what regulations are placed on the bottles if you can always just go straight for an absinthe or an 50%+ alcohol.
Cannibinoids in marijuana have been given for extreme pain situatiuons such as old age, and cancer patients, certain strains can be used to fight seizures. Weed can also help certain patients with anxiety, it can also help regulate people with IBS, Crohns, or other bowel issues. It also helps people with insomnia

It has a lot more uses too, things im probably not aware of, but the main reason it's not used in other countries is because the UN has a hissy fit over pot and there can be sanctions for said legalization of pot.

Chemotherapy is good for combating cancer, but I wouldn't recommend it as a drug of choice.

The medical benefits of weed are irrelevant really.
have you ever used mild pain killers such as motrin? those are way more harmful then weed

most medications that people take are way more unhealthy then pot, hell, most food that people consume is generally more unhealthy then pot.
No I've never gone above paracetemol and maybe ibuprofen once. What exactly are you trying to say, "there is more harmful stuff out there, weed should be legal!!!"? Did you forget the method of which the drug is taken to oneself? Inhalation of smoke and tar particles along with it?


Chemotherapy is good for combating cancer, but I wouldn't recommend it as a drug of choice.

The medical benefits of weed are irrelevant really.

yeah, really good argument

there wouldn't be medical marijuana if it did nothing medically.

No I've never gone above paracetemol and maybe ibuprofen once. What exactly are you trying to say, "there is more harmful stuff out there, weed should be legal!!!"? Did you forget the method of which the drug is taken to oneself? Inhalation of smoke and tar particles along with it?

Marijuana can be ingested a number of ways including "vaping" and ingestion through eating. While most people do "smoke it," it's silly to say that "smoking" is the only to take in THC

Yes it can alleviate pain, along with a hundreds of other painkilling or modulating substances that don't require you to burn and inhale it. It's not a treatment of choice.

read my earlier post about some of the uses for medical marijuana!
yeah, really good argument

there wouldn't be medical marijuana if it did nothing medically.
Yes it can alleviate pain, along with a hundreds of other painkilling or modulating substances that don't require you to burn and inhale it. It's not a treatment of choice.


THC's side effects can be split up in several categories:

Mental: Hallucinations, perception deficits, delirium, depersonalisation and agitation
Eyes/pupils: Dilated pupils (mydriasis), nystagmus
Cardiovascular: Tachycardia, hypertension, tachypnea and hyperthermia
Lungs: Hyperventilation
Rare: Rhabdomylosis

Yes, smoking marijuana can lead to acute myocardial infarction, as the drug also effects the heart and coronary arteries. If you increase oxygen usage by the heart by using drugs like marijuana (note I listed tachycardia), you can precipitate a heart attack in already clogged arteries. Americans, and let's just be honest here, don't have the healthiest cuisine or lifestyle. How anyone deny marijauna leading to myocardial infarction is beyond me.

There is also the impact of on the developing brain. It has to do with constant exposure to drug-induced stimuli to the brain which alters the threshold of neurons when responding to ANY stimilus. Then there are the risks with the method associated to take the drug, via smoking. You probably know the health risks of smoking so I'm not going to repeat it.

Source: Ellenhorn MJ. Ellenhorn’s Medical Toxicology. Diagnosis and treatment of human poisoning, 2nd edition. Williams & Wilkins; 210-23.

Please explain me how marijuana is harmless again?

nobody is saying pot is harmless. but using this to say that marijuana can lead to heart attacks in people predisposed to them is like saying that soda definitively causes kidney failure because people with diabetes can get kidney failure from drinking soda. Just because THC acts as an agonist on a condition on a subset of people does not mean you can classify it as a cause of x issue when the thing that THC acts on is the actual primary cause


Yes it can alleviate pain, along with a hundreds of other painkilling or modulating substances that don't require you to burn and inhale it. It's not a treatment of choice.

Any other medication will surely have a long death count.You also can't set the dose nearly as well, which is a huge plus with weed.


After reading the bullshit OP article, and the points of many posts in this thread (many of which are valid regarding potential harms of MJ) there is still not a single logical reason to justify marijuana being illegal to the point where possession leads to criminal charges.


I see no facts in that articles, only vague declaration with 0 backup on them. Surge of what? The only studies i've seen until now on the increase of usage of Marj in the US were about the fact that car incidents decreased around dispensers:


The funny things is that you can find a lot of article reporting on car accidents done by smokers, but no one of them actually report any data on the statistics or correlations, just post image of death people and little kids. All this scaremongering is disgusting. Whose lobby is promoting this? Fucking corporation money and their propaganda.
nobody is saying pot is harmless. but using this to say that marijuana can lead to heart attacks in people predisposed to them is like saying that soda definitively causes kidney failure because people with diabetes can get kidney failure from drinking soda. Just because THC acts as an agonist on a condition on a subset of people does not mean you can classify it as a cause of x issue when the thing that THC acts on is the actual primary cause
You're missing the point, a lot of people doing pot are already predisposed due to life-style choices. Drinking a single soda won't give you kidney failure, whilst doing pot just once might trigger an infarction. It's a false equivalency.


did you know that going to concerts is a gateway to using drugs

we should ban all concerts

it's a gateway to long naps and an empty fridge.

I've smoked a bit, once in the past three months, by no means a pot head, and i've never had any desire to try harder drugs.

You're missing the point, a lot of people doing pot are already predisposed due to life-style choices. Drinking a single soda won't give you kidney failure, whilst doing pot just once might trigger an infarction. It's a false equivalency.

i think you're missing the point. I've smoked before and I'm basically in perfect health. But there are always outliers, which is what your argument is relying upon. Someone with diabetes could have a devastating insulin spike after drinking a single soda which could kill them. but it doesn't mean that soda causes kidney/liver/pancreas failure.


For good reason though. You know the study referenced to show that pot kills brain cells during the Reagan years was bunk? They forced some large number of joints via mask into monkeys without increasing oxygen in the lines and the claimed it was the weed killing brain cells and not the lack of oxygen.

I'm skeptical of anything I read online when it comes to pot. There's lots of agendas to push and a ton of misinformation being spread.

I have no doubt there has been misinformation in the past, but c'mon, man. It can't all be that way. There's plenty of good people out there doing research for research sake. I'm with you on the failed drug policy stuff, though.
You're missing the point, a lot of people doing pot are already predisposed due to life-style choices. Drinking a single soda won't give you kidney failure, whilst doing pot just once might trigger an infarction. It's a false equivalency.

As I pointed out earlier, this is incorrect. There is no direct link between marijuana and heart attacks.

Please stop repeating this as a fact.
Yes it can alleviate pain, along with a hundreds of other painkilling or modulating substances that don't require you to burn and inhale it. It's not a treatment of choice.

What? Is that what weed does?

Edit: I see you're kinda getting piled on here, so don't bother replying to my post. I think some of the other posters here both know more and have better points, so if you're going to spend time, spend it answering them instead.


Weed is a plant that grows in the ground. If god didn't want us to have it, it wouldn't be around.
Plants evolved toxins since they're immobile to defend from herbivores.

This from the earth bs has to stop.

That said I don't feel weed is more harmful than tobacco and way less worse than antidepressants.


Medical cannabis usage has only been approved in certain countries for severe arthritis as far as I know, so what medical benefits are you talking about? I'm not making any statement on having it either allowed or forbidden, I'm just saying everyone underestimates the usage of marijuana. I do agree that either tobacco or alcohol are much more harmful but that's another discussion.

You obviously don't know much then, as in the US alone it is prescribed medicinally for far more things than simply severe arthritis.
I have no doubt there has been misinformation in the past, but c'mon, man. It can't all be that way. There's plenty of good people out there doing research for research sake. I'm with you on the failed drug policy stuff, though.
So you posted "Sure, let's just go with your word on it. I'm sure we'll all be better off." because "it can't all be that way" and you assume there are people doing research?
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