Yaass, looking forward to Euron
That's not Daario.
He looks like Loras and Theon fused.
That guy is way not what I expected for Euron, but I guess it makes sense considering how they shifted the look of Theon and Asha. The Greyjoys may actually have the strongest family resemblances of any of the show houses, even though none of them look anything like their book counterparts. And without the younger uncles, I guess there's really no issue with making him the way, way younger brother of Balon.
I'm honestly really surprised they seem to be filming this large of a Kingsmoot scene though. I thought it would be gone for sure in the name of speeding things up. I hope we get a cool CGI whale skeleton.
That guy is way not what I expected for Euron, but I guess it makes sense considering how they shifted the look of Theon and Asha. The Greyjoys may actually have the strongest family resemblances of any of the show houses, even though none of them look anything like their book counterparts. And without the younger uncles, I guess there's really no issue with making him the way, way younger brother of Balon.
I'm honestly really surprised they seem to be filming this large of a Kingsmoot scene though. I thought it would be gone for sure in the name of speeding things up. I hope we get a cool CGI whale skeleton.
Sources say that the Kingsmoot was at least partially filmed today. The scene was very visible from the cliff paths nearby. Yara was present for the scene, as expected.There was no Victarion, as we’ve also been predicting for some time.
Our source did see someone who appeared to be Aeron, playing the Drowned Priest’s role in leading the Kingsmoot and speaking often. They didn’t think it was the same actor from season 2 who appeared as a Drowned Priest, or anyone they recognized but it was difficult to tell for certain in this case.
Hopefully we see him in full costume soon.
Euron Greyjoy:
That's not Daario.
I'm surprised we haven't seen kingsmoot set pics already.If the speculation that he's going to be in a large-scale battle at Oldtown is true, I would think we'll get some pics eventually on the streets in Girona.
Isn't Euron supposed to be in his like mid thirties?
Isn't Euron supposed to be in his like mid thirties?
I'm surprised we haven't seen kingsmoot set pics already.
WTF I'm way more attractive than thisEuron Greyjoy:
I'm impressed that Balon's mother had children 40 years apart.
I like how they are hiding who they cast for Victarion so people go crazy when he shows up.
Wait what is this aboutThe recent decisions regarding S6 doesn't bode well for the show, me thinks:
- Show watchers will logically view the last minute inclusion of the Greyjoys as a Deus Ex Machina since they have been absent for one entire season and have no attachment to them outside of Theon whatsoever
- Including previously deleted plots such as Griff or the Ironborn council rather than make the plot advance would kill the main advantage that the show have over the books (less bloat)
- Not to mention that If they keep delaying Daenerys landing in order to introduce even more plots rather than solving the already introduced ones, it will only help to increase frustration to absolutely outrageous levels
This is shaping up to be an absolute clusterfuck of a season. I really would like to be proven wrong, tought :/
Wondering how they'll do Euron. Have him sail to Mereen instead of his brother, then?
he looks a bit too nice but I can still see it.
still wanted mikkelsen ;(
maybe they'll make him balon's son. not sure if anything about they greyjoy family was mentioned in the show, but I don't see them having a problem with a retcon like that
I think he posted something on social media about being in a hotel in ballintoy.I know I'm a random internet guy and you don't need to trust me at all, but my friend was at Ballintoy Harbor today to visit and sawAlfie Allen settle into a place for lunch. Considering they've used the Harbor to film scenes in the Iron Islands, I wonder if they intend to have him go back?
But who can say, could also be for something entirely different. Just speculating on my part.
- Show watchers will logically view the last minute inclusion of the Greyjoys as a Deus Ex Machina since they have been absent for one entire season and have no attachment to them outside of Theon whatsoever
A Deus Ex Machina? I don't think that means what you think it means
Why is Michael Shannon doing a Loras Tyrell cosplay?
The recent decisions regarding S6 doesn't bode well for the show, me thinks:
This is shaping up to be an absolute clusterfuck of a season. I really would like to be proven wrong, tought :/
Why is Michael Shannon doing a Loras Tyrell cosplay?
Lack of stoneheart and the complete bastardization of the dorne plotline were definitely two things I hated about season 5. I'm glad they're picking the greyjoy plotline back up. I wonder if any other cut plotlines will appear then too.I wish I never read the books. Or I wish that I waited until all the HBO seasons were done and then started reading the books.
I started consuming Game of Thrones media by first watching the first four seasons of the show, which I absolutely loved. Then I read the first four books and loved them all. I got bored and couldn't start book 5 (I plan to start it some day).
Then I started season 5 of the show, and I was so turned off and disappointed that I might be turned off the whole series now. Looking back I'm so deeply disappointed that the show makers decided to never have a faithful, significant focus on the Kingsguard roster. My favourite chapter so far has been the chapter in either book 3 or 4 where Jaime Lannister, as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, has a sit-down meeting with all of the Kingsguard (minus Arys Oakheart, who's in Dorne), and one by one interviews them. It's just incredible/beautiful. I love exposition in media. I love to watch/listen/read about fascinating conversations between characters. And in that chapter Jaime interviews essentially the whole Kingsguard roster one by one, first with Ser Boros, Ser Meryn, Ser Osmund (the pieces of shit first), then Ser Balon and Ser Loras (actual decent members of the Kingsguard). You cannot pull a scene like that off in the show when the show likes to pretend that half the Kingsguard doesn't exist.
Other changes like what they did with Brienne and Lady Stoneheart don't sit well with me... to be fair, I'll go ahead and say I haven't read book 5 yet, so I could be talking about of my butt, but in book 4 Brienne spends 1000 pages walking around failing to find either Arya or Sansa and then she gets hanged by Lady Stoneheart. In the show they instead have Brienne find both Stark girls and looks like the show runners have no intention at all of having Zombie Catelyn Stark hang Brienne. =/
And the whole Dorne sub-plot was disappointing too. The Dorne plot is supposed to be about the seven Sand Snakes fuming for revenge! About Arianne Martell and her torid love affair with Ser Arys Oakheart! Their attempt to CROWN Myrcella! Not to kill her, but to actually crown her. That subject was not discussed at all by the characters in Dorne in the show.
And instead of sending Jaime Lannister to Riverrun to parlay with Brynden Tully (like in Book 4), he gets sent off with Bronn of all people to have a wacky adventure in Dorne. Another of my favourite parts in the whole book series is Jaime's mezmerizing dialogue with Brynden Tully outside of the Tully stronghold in book 4... I got goosebumps reading the negotiations between Jaime and Brynden, especially when Brynden says something like "Why not have a single combat against me?"
is victarion greyjoy going to be in S6?