Cable Gaf.
I bought a used RGB Modded N64. It was from the early line of N64s so I assume its the original RGB mod not the new one that doesn't care which N64 you have. I tried using my SNES Scart cables to hook it to my pvm. It didn't work. I don't want to buy the wrong cable. Does anyone know if the scart cables are different between the two N64 mods?
I bought a used RGB Modded N64. It was from the early line of N64s so I assume its the original RGB mod not the new one that doesn't care which N64 you have. I tried using my SNES Scart cables to hook it to my pvm. It didn't work. I don't want to buy the wrong cable. Does anyone know if the scart cables are different between the two N64 mods?