Beer Monkey
I don't currently have WiiU component cables to try it out. Like I said, I can only speak for results of WiiU HDMI digital RGB output. Specifically fed into my Viera ST60, which features artifact free upscaling that is imediately apparent to be better that WiiU and framemeister upscaling.
The filtering you notice is probably limited to analogue output as HDMI appears crystal clear. In fact, on the WiiU dashboard I often forget when I'm in 480p instead of 1080p.
Also, are the 240p test patters you're using actually 480p or just 240p?
480p, of course. The 240p test suite has the ability to output 480p and 480i, even 576i.
Here's a snap.
Scaling artifacts on a checkerboard pattern. The CRT display does not scale. The Wii U is doing it. FYI you can easily install the RGB test suite in a softmodded vWii.