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Upscalers, CRTs, PVMs & RGB: Retro gaming done right!

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I have a LaCie Electron Blue IV, which uses the same tube. I'm looking forward to your impressions:

Nice, I got mine for 50€.

The seller told me someone wanted it to put it in an arcade. Such a waste. Apparently the buyer brought his whole setup to test the screen, but didn't buy it because he had problems with colours. I don't know if he was using some Jamma setup with a line doubler or a computer with emulators on it, but either he fucked up his RGB cable or he just didn't know how to calibrate the screen. The CRT was green tinted when I got it, but simply adjusting the brightness and contrast got rid of the tint. Either way I'm glad he was clueless about it.

I'll be posting more in the 90s PC thread, hopefully with cool pics.

Funky Papa

Nice, I got mine for 50€.

The seller told me someone wanted it to put it in an arcade. Such a waste. Apparently the buyer brought his whole setup to test the screen, but didn't buy it because he had problems with colours. I don't know if he was using some Jamma setup with a line doubler or a computer with emulators on it, but either he fucked up his RGB cable or he just didn't know how to calibrate the screen. The CRT was green tinted when I got it, but simply adjusting the brightness and contrast got rid of the tint. Either way I'm glad he was clueless about it.

I'll be posting more in the 90s PC thread, hopefully with cool pics.

The more I think about it the more I think I'll end up selling my LaCie cabinet once it's done. I just wasn't ready to deal with that KHz madness. Bless GroovyArcade.


My scart cables arrived today. Only had a chance to hook up the SNES to the framemeister but it sure is pretty :)

I'd like to pick up a mini at some point and RGB mod it.

I have an HD gen 1 Genesis is on the way, which will be replacing my crappier Genesis revision...as well as a Super Gameboy 2. It never stops @_@.


Did I just find that an old HS friend works at a repo firm specialised in medium to big businesses?

Why yes, yes I did.

Time to bug the F out him.

Having friends on "the inside." Reminds me of my car days. Damn good position to be in, assuming you really can hit it off with said friends in a mutually beneficial sense. They find stuff, you give them cold hard cash. lol


damn, was going through that dude's custom XRGB profiles and i can't seem to find the TG16 one, despite him having the logo for it up


So if I wanted to play some old rgb consoles on say an old lcd monitor 4:3 that supports 480p resolution, would a simple line doubler that has rgb in and vga out work?


Okay I've got my old PSP out to test and even in 480i I'm loving it. Was pleasantly surprised to hear it has a decent built in speaker too! Can't wait to get it set up properly and rock some 240p!


Well, I'm now the proud owner of an HP P1130 computer monitor! The beast is a 21 inches Trinitron, that can apparently go up to 2048 x 1536! I briefly looked at it at 1600 x 1200, and the picture is indeed glorious. The very high resolutions and plain background make the two damper wires more apparent but I'm cool with it, especially as I'll be using it for low res DOS stuff.

Currently installing MSDOS 6.22 on a spare CF, the definition is apparently 720 x 400 and the resolution is glorious. Lines are cleanly separated, subpixels merge nicely and don't bleed, I'm really liking it. The damper wires are invisible at this resolution.

The CRT was apparently made for photography professionals (a relative of the previous original owner still use it as such), and it shows. The options to configure the geometry are plentiful (yet the auto setup feature have it perfect already), and the colour calibration settings are impressive: I can set the contrast and brightness for each colour beam independently!

I don't know if I'll be using it as my main desktop display, as I remember my previous monitor giving me headaches at the end of the day, but I'm sure considering it!

[edit] and to answer my previous question yes, 320 x 200 DOS games are line doubled. Gloriously line doubled, but kind of make me want to try and make them display on a 15kHz CRT just for the sake of it.

forgot a link to specs http://www.cnet.com/products/hp-p1130-crt-monitor-21-series/specs/

Congrats on the PC CRT! The damper wires are something I hated back in the day but I hardly notice now after returning to a pc crt. It's amazing for 480p titles which I've had trouble getting to look decent. Hopefully pick up a Lacie one day, always like the colour of the case.

Nice, Peagles! Which JVC did you get? I love my 14" JVC, it's picture is nice and sharp with nice scanlines.


I got my Scart-BNC cable last week; the last remaining link to full RGB on my PVM. ...Of course it came the day houseguests arrived for a week, lol. So, I finally got to use it last night.

The image is amazing but I noticed it is angled, like the picture is rotated. It's much more noticeable on the Genesis compared to SNES but I think that is mostly due to the overscan area. I grabbed one picture (Sonic is a much better example of it and I'll try to grab that one tonight). The left side of the screen has the increasing overscan area as you move from top to bottom. It is also noticeable at the top as you can see the lines above St Louis but they start to disappear as you move over above Chicago.

Is this something that can be corrected via 240p test suite and adjusting in the service menu? I don't recall this happening on SNES via S-Video (will test soon) so this leads me to believe it could be the RGB hardware/circuitry and/or cable issues. The SCART out cables were from retro_console_accessories and the Scart-BNC is from retrogamingcables.co.uk so they should be good. I am going to test S-Video and composite connections tonight but thought I would check with the more knowledgeable people in here, thanks!



Is this something that can be corrected via 240p test suite and adjusting in the service menu? I don't recall this happening on SNES via S-Video (will test soon) so this leads me to believe it could be the RGB hardware/circuitry and/or cable issues. The SCART out cables were from retro_console_accessories and the Scart-BNC is from retrogamingcables.co.uk so they should be good. I am going to test S-Video and composite connections tonight but thought I would check with the more knowledgeable people in here, thanks!

Pivot your CRT, or there should be a tilt option in the (service?) menu.


Pivot your CRT, or there should be a tilt option in the (service?) menu.

lol smh. Thanks! I'll look into it. I have not been in the service menu yet. I didn't see anything in the regular menu but I didn't look closely.

edit, Upon further inspection I am an idiot. I had the fucking thing on top of my subwoofer (a large magnet). I'm sure it is shielded to some degree but geez what a moron. smh more. I'll test out not having it on a large magnet next, lol.

evidence of my idocy. It looks so cute in the corner though! I still need to arrange my entertainment center too.


I got my Scart-BNC cable last week; the last remaining link to full RGB on my PVM. ...Of course it came the day houseguests arrived for a week, lol. So, I finally got to use it last night.

The image is amazing but I noticed it is angled, like the picture is rotated. It's much more noticeable on the Genesis compared to SNES but I think that is mostly due to the overscan area. I grabbed one picture (Sonic is a much better example of it and I'll try to grab that one tonight). The left side of the screen has the increasing overscan area as you move from top to bottom. It is also noticeable at the top as you can see the lines above St Louis but they start to disappear as you move over above Chicago.

Is this something that can be corrected via 240p test suite and adjusting in the service menu? I don't recall this happening on SNES via S-Video (will test soon) so this leads me to believe it could be the RGB hardware/circuitry and/or cable issues. The SCART out cables were from retro_console_accessories and the Scart-BNC is from retrogamingcables.co.uk so they should be good. I am going to test S-Video and composite connections tonight but thought I would check with the more knowledgeable people in here, thanks!
Holy nostalgia! Is tha NLPA Hockey 93 for Genesis? That was my first-ever EA Sports title.


Holy nostalgia! Is tha NLPA Hockey 93 for Genesis? That was my first-ever EA Sports title.

NHL '94. Although I have NHL (the original) and NHLPA '93 as well for Genesis. Most people prefer '94, which is probably the better hockey game, but I actually prefer '93. Fighting and making little Wayne's head bleed are preferred over having the licensed teams IMO.

dat intro music


Stupid Windows 10. I tried my new monitor on it but the resolution configuration, is stupid. Windows always uses the resolution it deemed optimal (1600 x 1200) and draws lower resolutions in a black box in the middle of the screen. I didn't have this problem with Windows 7.

And Dosbox is giving me a headache. If I select native resolution with aspect correction, It switches correctly to 640x480 (but with uneven lines), but when I deselect the aspect correction to get the correct resolution of 640x400, then the game displays in a tiny window in the center of a 1600x1200 black box.

Further cementing that I need to build a real old PC instead of trying to rely on forever imperfect emulation. Same thing that drove me back to real consoles tbh.


Congrats on the PC CRT! The damper wires are something I hated back in the day but I hardly notice now after returning to a pc crt. It's amazing for 480p titles which I've had trouble getting to look decent. Hopefully pick up a Lacie one day, always like the colour of the case.

Nice, Peagles! Which JVC did you get? I love my 14" JVC, it's picture is nice and sharp with nice scanlines.

It's called a TM-H1950CG. It doesn't come with RGB/component built it but has one of those input cards. JVC calls it a broadcast monitor but it's somewhere in between with 750 TVL. Manufactured in 2004 so fairly new in the grand scheme of things. It's out in our lounge while my setup's in the games room, but since I'll be moving my setup to make room for the bassinet I'll set it up properly when I move the other stuff.

Might give the Gamecube a go in the morning, I'm off sick with a nasty cold so need something to amuse me hehe.


It's called a TM-H1950CG. It doesn't come with RGB/component built it but has one of those input cards. JVC calls it a broadcast monitor but it's somewhere in between with 750 TVL. Manufactured in 2004 so fairly new in the grand scheme of things. It's out in our lounge while my setup's in the games room, but since I'll be moving my setup to make room for the bassinet I'll set it up properly when I move the other stuff.

Might give the Gamecube a go in the morning, I'm off sick with a nasty cold so need something to amuse me hehe.

That sounds like a good monitor, I think the one I have has around the same TVLs. Does it support 480p?


That sounds like a good monitor, I think the one I have has around the same TVLs. Does it support 480p?

Unfortunately no 480p support. That's gonna be my last hurdle with a PVM/BVM, they show up frequently here but never any that do 480p. Been looking 3 years already!

Well I did find a 20-L5 once but they are wanted $600 for it and I ain't that cash. I asked them if they would go lower and they said nah they were happy to keep it if it didn't sell. I've got alerts about their listings since then and they've never relisted it so yeh, boo.

Our plasma scales 480p really nicely though so there is that I guess.


Okay I've got my old PSP out to test and even in 480i I'm loving it. Was pleasantly surprised to hear it has a decent built in speaker too! Can't wait to get it set up properly and rock some 240p!

How about some PSP at 480p?

I need to get a Pro Duo MicroSD adapter, mod this thing and throw a bunch of games on it. The UMD drive is iffy and of the dozen+ used games I recently bought... a surprising number are falling apart or barely/don't work. Shockingly poor physical media overall.


How about some PSP at 480p?

I need to get a Pro Duo MicroSD adapter, mod this thing and throw a bunch of games on it. The UMD drive is iffy and of the dozen+ used games I recently bought... a surprising number are falling apart or barely/don't work. Shockingly poor physical media overall.

Don't have a monitor that does 480p! I could use my FM though I guess.


Bit of redecorating going on, so I had to move the consoles back into the living room (JVC monitor has had to go into the porch area). Decided to give my N64 a go, plugged directly into the RGB SCART port on the back of my 55" LG HDTV. Didn't have high hopes because of how terrible SNES looked on it before...

...it looks good?!


Bit of checkerboard effect but other than that the image is great, and there's no lag I can notice. Tried SNES and it was fine. Tried Saturn:


Looks alright! Not as good as the N64 but serviceable. SNES was about the same - must not have had the scart cable fully plugged in before (it's a bitch to get in with the TV being wall mounted)

Anyhow. Decided to move everything over. Sorry modern consoles, I've put them in a side cabinet. Apart from the Wii U. We love the Wii U. And my PC is just to the left next to the speaker barely visible in the pic with the TV as the main display


Anyhow. I'll probably keep it all here until I get the framemeister.
okay, so it's not just me - hopefully soon then! ive made it look great with other profiles, but i'm always down for better options

Personally I'm waiting on ImplantGames to do a TG16 profile. There is a dude on on the shumps forum that's done 2 TG16 profiles (i can upload them tomorrow if you want).


The Chuck Norris of Peace
One thing i really like with implantgames is that he kinda explains his choices, and by letting you imput them yourself, you also get a better understanding of what the settings does, instetad of just loading some premade profiles. That way it is easier to adjust the settings to my own tv as well.


That looks amazing, what game is that?

Looks like one of the Crash Bandicoot games on PSX. And yes, Peagles, that's looking real purdy!

Yeh it's Crash 3. I'm very happy with this new monitor! Now I just need to find a service menu to do some minor tweaks. Also keep in mind my silly phone camera mutes colours like crazy, that pic looks completely drained compared to how it looks in real life.

The other cool thing is, while I've got it set up on the floor in the lounge for testing, I've been relying on the internal speaker, and it's pretty damn good! Way better than my Sony one. Still only mono, but it cranks!
So I have a quick question hopefully someone here might be able to answer.

I'm playing my old games on a Sony Trinitron CRT TV, and have done for the last few years. Absolutely loving it and would advise nothing else when it comes to retro gaming.

However, I'm noticing a strange issue. When playing some (not all) games, the picture is somewhat "warped" or rather, slightly rotated, not aligned to the TV - causing there to be a sloped black bar at the bottom of the screen which is more prominent on one side. It's as if the image is rotated anticlockwise by a few degrees.

I'm primarily a PS1 gamer, but despite this issue - when I first boot up the system and I see the initial start up logos, the screen seems aligned and oriented just fine. Games like Tomb Raider play perfectly "straight" whereas Parasite Eve, for example, appear slightly off kilter. It's not a HUGE deal, but it's one of those things that once you notice it - it's hard not to focus on it. What's strange though is that during FMV's for Parasite Eve, the game takes up the full screen. It's only during gameplay that it's not aligned.

I noticed it was doing it to Resident Evil Zero on Gamecube too, but The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker appeared fine. The original Xbox seems to be fine also. There doesn't appear to be any rhyme or reason on what games cause it.

What causes it, and is there anything I can do about it? (short of hoping for some kind of screen adjusting options in the game's menus)

For what it's worth, I'm playing my PS1 via S-Video, and all my other consoles via composite through a switcher box.

Thank you in advance to anyone who can shed some light on this.
Have you tried playing those games through another PS1? It's possible your console is dying.

I have 3 other consoles I can try the games on I suppose. But my primary one is modded to allow the playing of imports/backups.

I just don't understand how in Parasite Eve's case, FMV's and some games are fine, but during others - it's tilted. I booted up Doom on PS1 last night. The main menu's and everything appeared perfectly, but the moment gameplay loaded in - it tilted a few degrees. Again, it's not too bad - but I just wish I never noticed it haha! Same applies to other consoles too. I doubt it's the console in all honesty, but I'll try swapping it out this evening.

As for playing the other games on composite - yeah yeah I know, but I really don't have much choice. I have one S-Video input and 2 composites (one of which is hooked up to a switcher box) I'm fine with it, quite honestly. It looks like it did when I was growing up and I think the image looks just fine. Much better than on an HD display, that's for sure. To tell you the truth, I'd argue some of my PS1 games look WORSE when played through S-Video due to how sharp everything looks. Sure, I can turn down the sharpness - but I lose the clarity on text that makes it so appealing.

It's a vicious cycle, my friend.


So I have a quick question hopefully someone here might be able to answer.

I'm playing my old games on a Sony Trinitron CRT TV, and have done for the last few years. Absolutely loving it and would advise nothing else when it comes to retro gaming.

However, I'm noticing a strange issue. When playing some (not all) games, the picture is somewhat "warped" or rather, slightly rotated, not aligned to the TV - causing there to be a sloped black bar at the bottom of the screen which is more prominent on one side. It's as if the image is rotated anticlockwise by a few degrees.

I'm primarily a PS1 gamer, but despite this issue - when I first boot up the system and I see the initial start up logos, the screen seems aligned and oriented just fine. Games like Tomb Raider play perfectly "straight" whereas Parasite Eve, for example, appear slightly off kilter. It's not a HUGE deal, but it's one of those things that once you notice it - it's hard not to focus on it. What's strange though is that during FMV's for Parasite Eve, the game takes up the full screen. It's only during gameplay that it's not aligned.

I noticed it was doing it to Resident Evil Zero on Gamecube too, but The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker appeared fine. The original Xbox seems to be fine also. There doesn't appear to be any rhyme or reason on what games cause it.

What causes it, and is there anything I can do about it? (short of hoping for some kind of screen adjusting options in the game's menus)

For what it's worth, I'm playing my PS1 via S-Video, and all my other consoles via composite through a switcher box.

Thank you in advance to anyone who can shed some light on this.

My guess is that it's the tv, see if you can get to the service menu to sort it out. Some games might look fine since they render into the overscan but those that are a little under where you can see the horizontal edge are actually showing you that the geometry of the tv is off.


Yeh it's Crash 3. I'm very happy with this new monitor! Now I just need to find a service menu to do some minor tweaks. Also keep in mind my silly phone camera mutes colours like crazy, that pic looks completely drained compared to how it looks in real life.

The other cool thing is, while I've got it set up on the floor in the lounge for testing, I've been relying on the internal speaker, and it's pretty damn good! Way better than my Sony one. Still only mono, but it cranks!

Wow, Crash 3 looks really good, the smoothness made me think it might have been a n64 game with one of those blur hacks. Game looks like it has some anti aliasing!
My guess is that it's the tv, see if you can get to the service menu to sort it out. Some games might look fine since they render into the overscan but those that are a little under where you can see the horizontal edge are actually showing you that the geometry of the tv is off.

Interesting. Funny an older game like Tomb Raider renders just fine, but yet newer games (like Parasite Eve, and on GameCube - Resident Evil Zero) do not. I suppose it's all down to the individual game.

Let me ask you this though, is it something that will progressively get worse over time, or does it simply need calibrating?

I understand that my TV MIGHT have a service menu, but I'm worried about messing up the whole set. Is it a relatively easy fix, do you think? I don't have the original remote. I use my modern Sony Bravia TV remote to access the menus and adjust volume etc.


Barfing out a bunch of thoughts and recent purchase decisions on CRT's...

1. I just realized my family's 1989 27" RCA set (I took it to college across the country in 06, power supply finally died in 08) had a SCART input despite being sold in California. It must've been high end at the time because it always looked amazing with s-video until the day it died. Thomson, a French company, had the rights to produce RCA sets starting in 1988 after RCA's 1985 bankruptcy and their first batch of high end sets must not have had the SCART removed yet. I wish I had known about the port back in the 00's, but I always just wondered what the hell that thing was. Wish I could get another.

2. I got two professional monitors, a 13" JVC with 800 lines and component support and a PVM-14n6u. The JVC looks amazing with 240p content but 480i through component doesn't really do it for me. Even Wii "240p" through retroarch and component wasn't blowing my mind. And then the PVM has an annoying issue where everything on screen is shifted to the left by a considerable amount via Saturn's RGB (much lesser degree with s-video via SNES). I cannot find any info anywhere on how to access the service menu of an n6u, there is no degauss button on the monitor. I've heard Saturn RGB tends to scan the image to the left due to the sync over composite nature of the signal. I don't think the improvement of RGB over s-video compensates for the entire screen positioning being out of whack so it's an RGB fail for me. I've got cables coming for SNES and Genesis so maybe those will fare better?

3. I've been looking into larger consumer CRT sets now that the PVM and JVC haven't satisfied my needs (I'm not unloading them, they still have their time and place). I'm picking up a Trinitron 36-FV310 today, supposedly the best consumer SDTV ever made. We'll see how that does with s-video and I'll probably look into converting RGB to component if the set ends up impressing. I'm slightly scared to take on the 225 pound beast but it's only going from their garage to its home in my garage so it shouldn't be so bad. I have hopes after messing about unsuccessfully with a few 32" XBR400's; since then I've sworn off 4:3 HDTV's. They suck for SD content, have tons of geometry issues, and honestly aren't good at 16:9 either. I can't think of a single 4:3 HD source. They're useless.

4. I've got a possible lead on a 34xbr960 as well. I believe I can cram this into my garage alongside the other Trinitron. That'll give me side-by-side the *supposedly* two best consumer CRT displays ever made, one as the best SD and one as the best HD. I figure I can use the Xbr960 for Wii, Xbox, 360 and a Steam link should I want to game PC on it. Of course with both of these sets there is a good chance they're trashed from 10+ years of abuse. Also I'm thinking an 8th gen Kuro might be a better bet. Certainly easier to get rid of.

5. I've got a PVM source who got me my last set after just two weeks with instructions to call should a 19"+ PVM or BVM show up. This would be fantastic and I'm hoping it's just a matter of time. If he doesn't call they get trashed. Tragic, I know.

I'll probably regret everything in 3 months when I'm stuck with 600+ lbs of CRT's. Hopefully some of y'all live close.


I got my Scart-BNC cable last week; the last remaining link to full RGB on my PVM. ...Of course it came the day houseguests arrived for a week, lol. So, I finally got to use it last night.

The image is amazing but I noticed it is angled, like the picture is rotated. It's much more noticeable on the Genesis compared to SNES but I think that is mostly due to the overscan area. I grabbed one picture (Sonic is a much better example of it and I'll try to grab that one tonight). The left side of the screen has the increasing overscan area as you move from top to bottom. It is also noticeable at the top as you can see the lines above St Louis but they start to disappear as you move over above Chicago.

Is this something that can be corrected via 240p test suite and adjusting in the service menu? I don't recall this happening on SNES via S-Video (will test soon) so this leads me to believe it could be the RGB hardware/circuitry and/or cable issues. The SCART out cables were from retro_console_accessories and the Scart-BNC is from retrogamingcables.co.uk so they should be good. I am going to test S-Video and composite connections tonight but thought I would check with the more knowledgeable people in here, thanks!

This is exactly what's happening on my PVM14-n6u and to a lesser extent my JVC except it is going to the other side. It looks like Genesis shifts to the right, Saturn to the left and some people have worked on some mods to correct. I can't get into the service menu on either of my sets and it's ruining RGB for me.


Interesting. Funny an older game like Tomb Raider renders just fine, but yet newer games (like Parasite Eve, and on GameCube - Resident Evil Zero) do not. I suppose it's all down to the individual game.

Let me ask you this though, is it something that will progressively get worse over time, or does it simply need calibrating?

I understand that my TV MIGHT have a service menu, but I'm worried about messing up the whole set. Is it a relatively easy fix, do you think? I don't have the original remote. I use my modern Sony Bravia TV remote to access the menus and adjust volume etc.

If it is simply a case of your tv's geometry being off then I don't think it'll get worse as in it will continue to rotate even more, CRTs over time will get worse with wear in general though.

I think how much is rendered into overscan is somewhat down to the devs, at least with the xbox some games are rendering a lot more than the 640x480 needed for 4:3 where as some don't.

See if you can get a hold of the 240p suite, you'll be able to tell with the grid to see how things are looking.

It shouldn't be an issue to play around with the service menu of a tv, just don't go randomly testing things!
If it is simply a case of your tv's geometry being off then I don't think it'll get worse as in it will continue to rotate even more, CRTs over time will get worse with wear in general though.

I think how much is rendered into overscan is somewhat down to the devs, at least with the xbox some games are rendering a lot more than the 640x480 needed for 4:3 where as some don't.

See if you can get a hold of the 240p suite, you'll be able to tell with the grid to see how things are looking.

It shouldn't be an issue to play around with the service menu of a tv, just don't go randomly testing things!

Thank you for the heads up. I should be able to snag the Dreamcast version if SourceForge wasn't currently offline. I guess I'm only interested in the overscan and positioning settings.

I don't think it'll require much tweaking, just a couple of pixels/degrees rotation should do the trick.

Thank you so much for the advice though. Any other pointers you can suggest?




It's called a TM-H1950CG. It doesn't come with RGB/component built it but has one of those input cards. JVC calls it a broadcast monitor but it's somewhere in between with 750 TVL. Manufactured in 2004 so fairly new in the grand scheme of things. It's out in our lounge while my setup's in the games room, but since I'll be moving my setup to make room for the bassinet I'll set it up properly when I move the other stuff.

Might give the Gamecube a go in the morning, I'm off sick with a nasty cold so need something to amuse me hehe.

Your new monitor looks nice.

But as you know, HD BVMs and PVMs can be prohibitively expensive. Since you have the input card keep an eye out for these HD monitors:

DT-V1700CG, DT-V1710CG
DT-V1900CG, DT-V1910CG

Panasonic BT-H1700

Ikegami HTM1700R

This is exactly what's happening on my PVM14-n6u and to a lesser extent my JVC except it is going to the other side. It looks like Genesis shifts to the right, Saturn to the left and some people have worked on some mods to correct. I can't get into the service menu on either of my sets and it's ruining RGB for me.

The horizontal shift is normal and expected (Genesis and PC Engine shift to the right for me too). It's not a problem like the image rotation issue hat Vespa is having. All you need to do is find the H Size and H Center options and tweak them to achieve a good compromise for all your systems and games, unless you wish to go into the service menu each time you play a different game.

edit: sometimes H Center has a different name like H Phase. Have a look around.
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