Anyone in the UK looking for a broadcast RGB monitor? I may be selling my JVC.
Good for anyone who will pick that up, it looks amazing. If I lived in UK instead of Italy, I'd grab your JVC in a millisecond.
Anyone in the UK looking for a broadcast RGB monitor? I may be selling my JVC.
Lack of space really...I need to use the spare room for my daughter now that she's getting older, and I think the xrgb route is the way to go.
That was short lived. She must've grown a lot in the last month or so
In all seriousness, XRGB mini is a decent alternative but I would try to view one in person before jumping to purchase it. I think it gives off an image that is a bit of a letdown after seeing a high quality broadcast monitor.
That's not the Mini's fault by the way. Pro-grade CRT's simply have ridiculous color accuracy compared to consumer fixed pixel displays. Nothing (not even OLED) really compares with them in my opinion.
Actually, color anomalies are partly, if not entirely, the FM's fault. Plasmas already exceeded pro HDCRT color gamut coordinates.
Supposedly (and I know I sound like a broken record talking about the OSSC), the OSSC's color accuracy is better. Scroll down on this page for more on that:
Actually, color anomalies are partly, if not entirely, the FM's fault. Plasmas already exceeded pro HDCRT color gamut coordinates.
Supposedly (and I know I sound like a broken record talking about the OSSC), the OSSC's color accuracy is better. Scroll down on this page for more on that:
For lack of a decent camera I figured at least a picture of the serial number would suffice as proof that I have joined the 1Chip club. Might consider getting the RGB Amp Bypass later in the future, but as for more current goals I'm hoping to snag some HD Retrovision SNES component cables when they become available again in August.
No way. We need as much info on the OSSC as possible. It's new so the more conversation about it, the better.
For lack of a decent camera I figured at least a picture of the serial number would suffice as proof that I have joined the 1Chip club. Might consider getting the RGB Amp Bypass later in the future, but as for more current goals I'm hoping to snag some HD Retrovision SNES component cables when they become available again in August.
Have you opened up it up to double check?
Not yet, the seller was nice enough to include security bits, so I can check whenever I want, but I'm a bit worried I'll be dumb enough to damage it somehow. Maybe when I'm feeling a bit more bold I'll open 'er up. The seller even had a picture of the motherboard with the SNS 1CHIP 01 marking, so I'm inclined to believe it's genuine. The picture looks really great on my CRT even with composite cables.
EDIT: Just opened 'er up. Definitely a 1CHIP. Had the SNS 1CHIP 01 marking on the motherboard.
You end up modding that SNES mini?
That was short lived. She must've grown a lot in the last month or so
In all seriousness, XRGB mini is a decent alternative but I would try to view one in person before jumping to purchase it. I think it gives off an image that is a bit of a letdown after seeing a high quality broadcast monitor.
That's not the Mini's fault by the way. Pro-grade CRT's simply have ridiculous color accuracy compared to consumer fixed pixel displays. Nothing (not even OLED) really compares with them in my opinion.
I used to own an xrgb...I loved it. I know exactly what to expect
I took this photo via it back in the day:
Lack of space really...I need to use the spare room for my daughter now that she's getting older, and I think the xrgb route is the way to go.
Keep a 13" PVM in a corner. If you're okay with S-Video, the JVC TM-A13SU is incredibly compact and has significantly shorter depth than even the PVMs. It takes up hardly any space.
So I've been on the lookout for a new CRT and I came across this:
It's a Sony WEGA KV-32HS500. Has anyone here had experience with one of these (or any 4:3 HD CRT for that matter)? I'm currently on the fence about it, and I'm not too torn up about not being able to use light guns with it.
Very much a noob here with a framemeister conundrum.
So I've been looking at the profiles from the implantgames youtube videos and I noticed that when I go to adjust the brightness setting there are black bars to the left and right of the image that become a washed out black as I increase the brightness. I tried adjusting the zoom settings based on the profile videos but then I lose quite a bit off the top and bottom of the image, and the image feels squished.
Am I missing something super simple here?
Thanks in advance!
Very much a noob here with a framemeister conundrum.
So I've been looking at the profiles from the implantgames youtube videos and I noticed that when I go to adjust the brightness setting there are black bars to the left and right of the image that become a washed out black as I increase the brightness. I tried adjusting the zoom settings based on the profile videos but then I lose quite a bit off the top and bottom of the image, and the image feels squished.
Am I missing something super simple here?
Thanks in advance!
So I've been on the lookout for a new CRT and I came across this:
It's a Sony WEGA KV-32HS500. Has anyone here had experience with one of these (or any 4:3 HD CRT for that matter)? I'm currently on the fence about it, and I'm not too torn up about not being able to use light guns with it.
You'd be better off with any old ass Trinitron in decent shape, as long as it had an s-video port. Don't bother with the HD sets. They don't excel in anything and are full of compromises. I've owned 3 and really only liked one of them, but the SD sets are still better for gaming.
Look for the Trinitron set that looks similar to the one you posted minus the front Memory Stick slot. It'll most likely be a KV-##FV300 or 310 which is the last and possibly best SD CRT Sony made. Although I'd still not sold on flat fronts. I'm looking for a FV300 to evaluate more closely.
Thanks guys, I guess I'll hold off for now and try searching some thrift shops this weekend. I mainly plan on using it for 6th gen and older. Right now I'm running a Dynex DX-R20TR, and while it does the job fine, I'm looking for a larger screen (preferably 27-32") as well as something with S-video and dedicated component inputs so I don't have to sacrifice using one of the composite's audio jacks.Your mileage may vary with HD CRTs. Both of the ones I owned had observable input lag and geometry issues, although the picture quality otherwise was immaculate for gen 6/7. Not ideal at all for 240p content though. If you play a lot of gen 6/7 and can put up with a bit of input lag, then an HD CRT would be a good fit for you.
Thanks guys, I guess I'll hold off for now and try searching some thrift shops this weekend. I mainly plan on using it for 6th gen and older. Right now I'm running a Dynex DX-R20TR, and while it does the job fine, I'm looking for a larger screen (preferably 27-32") as well as something with S-video and dedicated component inputs so I don't have to sacrifice using one of the composite's audio jacks.
On another matter, has anyone here got their hands on those HD Retrovision SNES or Genesis cables yet? I'm curious as to how they perform.
On another matter, has anyone here got their hands on those HD Retrovision SNES or Genesis cables yet? I'm curious as to how they perform.
I have both sets of cables, and they work wonderfully.
I grew up playing these consoles using RF or composite cables, and the difference with component is mind-blowing. The clarity is so much better. I have to get a little used to the color differences, but the component cables look so much more natural (albeit slightly subdued). The composite cable produces an image with, I think, over-saturation, color bleeding, blurriness, etc.
Very happy with my purchases.
These will be going in a CRT, so that shouldn't be an issue, right?They give you flawless RGB.
You may want to use a separate encoder if you plan on having several consoles, the cables logistics may be easier that way. But for a single console setup it's definitely the right choice.
These will be going in a CRT, so that shouldn't be an issue, right?
That's great to hear. Up until I got my Wii in 2007, every console I owned was hooked up through RF (The TV I had at home until then was made in '88 and had no A/V jacks). I didn't even get a TV with composite jacks in my room until 2009, so this will be a welcome upgrade. I just wish they weren't so expensive so I could get both at once.
Been looking for a PVM monitor but had no luck. I came across a free 27" Sony WEGA on Kijiji the other day. I'm gonna grab it. Better than nothing.
Am I the only one who forgets to turn the xrgb off? There should be a setting to power off after 5 minutes when there is no input detected. If hooking the wrong scart didn't burn it out, forgetting to shut it off certainly will.
It appears I stand corrected.
No way. We need as much info on the OSSC as possible. It's new so the more conversation about it, the better.
The scanlines are serviceable
And you can even rotate them
With the moire if almost looks like a picture taken from a crt (nope)
Doesn't do Midway Wolf Unit hardware though (who would have thunk?), or to be more precise, my monitor doesn't.
Wonderful. The morons at USPS decided that the quickest way to deliver a package from Kent, WA to Seattle was to send it to San Francisco first. They really need to begin mandating at least a 6th grade education for their employees. Washington rednecks at their best.
So no OSSC today. Just a lot of salt. With a little luck, I won't have to wait until Monday.
Found a free download of the manual if you'd like to get more familiarized with it.
For some reason that link isn't working for me anymore. I get message from the site that's in a language I can't understand (german maybe?).
Do you remember offhand if this TV has a menu in it, or if it's supposed to come with a remote? Mine doesn't have a remote, and I'd like to adjust geometry and other video stuff eventually.
It was the PVM1271Q. I tried googling and got junk results.
For some reason that link isn't working for me anymore. I get message from the site that's in a language I can't understand (german maybe?).
Wonderful. The morons at USPS decided that the quickest way to deliver a package from Kent, WA to Seattle was to send it to San Francisco first. They really need to begin mandating at least a 6th grade education for their employees. Washington rednecks at their best.
So no OSSC today. Just a lot of salt. With a little luck, I won't have to wait until Monday.
Just FYI. The first batch of cables sold out in a matter of minutes. So, you may want to consider biting the bullet and getting both. Who knows if these guys will ever put up the money to make another batch.
I had that happen a couple of times. Once it was even more irritating because they sent a package to a USPS office across the city and it stayed there for a week for no clear reason. I lost it when my Duo-R from Japan went missing for a couple of days on a truck and they tried blaming it on poor labeling on Doujindance's part, made me run back and forth with empty promises I could get it "later", etc. It finally turned up and it was packaged flawlessly.
In the middle of that, I called the USPS number to complain about recent fuckups, my local post office leaving their phone permanently off the hook on purpose to avoid answering calls (a Yelp reviewer even mentions this), and the grumpy old asshole mailman who I CAUGHT on multiple occasions fake ringing my doorbell and leaving Missed Delivery notices. The rep on the line became irate with me because I was badmouthing the beloved company she and her husband, a retired mailman, had spent years working for, and she didn't wanna hear that a mailman in my area was consciously doing an awful job. Yeah, fuck my totally valid complaints... your pride and blind loyalty to a soulless government agency is more important.
UPS is another one that will neither bring up a heavy package and will also destroy it in transit. They damaged almost every CRT I got with them as the delivery service.
Fed Ex is the best. I got a new 15" JVC CRT yesterday and it arrived intact, placed on my front door on the 4th floor. The box hardly had a scratch on it.
For some reason that link isn't working for me anymore. I get message from the site that's in a language I can't understand (german maybe?).
Do you remember offhand if this TV has a menu in it, or if it's supposed to come with a remote? Mine doesn't have a remote, and I'd like to adjust geometry and other video stuff eventually.
It was the PVM1271Q. I tried googling and got junk results.
Just pulled the trigger on an OSSC. Gonna give it a whirl on my plasma with my Dreamcast, Naomi, Saturn and Mega Drive.
I'll post impressions/screens at some point.