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VANQUISH |OT| Bullet Ballet performed by the London Awesome orchestra

Tricky I Shadow said:
So what is your favourite enemy in the game?

For me it’s definitely the Crystal Vipers......best enemy since the Regenerators!

Go up close with the shotgun and shattering it is the most satisfying thing ever!
Yeah. Either Crystal Viper or Bogey. I fucking love the clashing QTE for Bogey.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I still think Crystal Viper, visually, is cooler than Bogey. Also, TERRIFYING when he first appeared.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member


worship the ground these men walk on, particularly Akira Uchiyama.

So I finished the game. Fucking brilliant, start to finish. There wasn't a second of the five hours I didn't enjoy and don't want to play again.

So nice to have awesome boss fights in a TPS for once.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Tricky I Shadow said:
**google searchers** Eh, Bogey has nothing on the Crystal Vipers!
Completely agree.


I made Crystal Viper my bitch the first time I fought him (rocket launcher + shotgun > *), so I didn't see the counter until the 2nd fight. So sick.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Shurs said:
Even being stuck on small platforms for the majority of Chapter 3?
Chapter 3? You mean the bit where
I sniped a bunch of guys, boosted for my life up a rapidly falling highway, shot drills from a distance, made my way across a giant-battle field while overheating thanks to a massive robot, send rockets at like twenty robots on a mobile platform, infiltrated a robot bigger than a sky-skyscraper, watched some robots dance, fought a really, really cool boss (which scared the shit out of me in a way not since the RE4 chainsaw man when I realised he could charge me and one-hit me), boosted through tunnels that rapidly fill with plasma energy every couple of second, fight from the top of the big ass robot and use hooks to move between levels, take out - like - five enemy dropships from the top of said gargantuan robot and then unplug its power supply?

That was an amazing act! There was so much variety, it's hard for me not to love it. I can't remember whether the bit where you're on the rail and stop at a station briefly to plant two bombs was in that Act, but add that to the list of cool moments if it was.

My only major complaint was that I could never work out how to take out the drop-ship without alerting people during the quiet bit. Well, that and I died like ten times intentionally to fully-upgrade my sniper rifle.

I kind of see where you're coming from, but I actually feel like the sometimes smaller sections or sections where you had to shoot across a gap that showed up there worked pretty well as a way of mixing things up. Pacing and combat fatigue seem like cliches now, but next to what came before it and what came after it I really, really loved Act 3. Just thinking about it makes me want to play it again.

I didn't really hit my stride with the game until Act 2, but when I got it, I got it. I'll be interested to see whether Act 1 will stand up to the rest of them on repeat playthrough.


Rez said:
I kind of see where you're coming from, but I actually feel like the sometimes smaller sections or sections where you had to shoot across a gap that showed up there worked pretty well as a way of mixing things up. Pacing and combat fatigue seem like cliches now, but next to what came before it and what came after it I really, really loved Act 3. Just thinking about it makes me want to play it again.

What I love most about this game is the freedom you have to creatively kill your enemies. I have a feeling that when I play this again--which is a huge compliment to Vanquish, as I rarely ever replay games--I'll probably tackle these combat situations in a completely different manner than I did during my first playthrough.

My issue with Act 3 was the restrictive nature of a lot of it. I'm sure that was a purposeful design choice, but I love my freedom, man.

This game does large enemy encounters better than pretty much any game I can think of.
I love Shinji Mikami for the sole fact that his games always have you hit the ground running. There is no breathing room. You need to learn the game or your ass is toast. Obviously that sort of design philosophy is dying because gamers are complete fucking pussies now. What's this holding your hand bullshit, these days?

If a sequel is made
(Oh god, please. I will sacrifice 3,000 lambs for this to happen.)
, I hope the same design philosophy applies.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I'm kind of bummed that the lock-on laser and disk launcher became useless to me later on because I had focused on the other weapons during the early game.

I feel like using the weapons should have also helped upgrade them. I'd always get impatient and switch out the disk launcher or lock-on laser from my kit, because in order to upgrade them efficiently they always have to be at max ammo.

Oh well, something for repeat playthroughs I guess. The lock-on laser was still super useful as a quick way of dealing with an onslaught of grunts, like the act 4-1 wait for the elevator bit.
The powered-up LFE was a lot of fun. Glad I did it early on, nothing like sending it through three bits of cover and taking out a handful of enemies in one blow and knocking down the bigger guys.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Oh, and the lack of bonus content? Super disappointing. Not even a alternate costume? Not even a god-weapon? Not even a new-game with unlocked boost gauge?

Come on now!


fight was tough for me but not more then fighting
burns, now THAT was more challenging to me then the bogeys. For the bogeys i used the disk launcher a LOT i love that weapon mang.
Yeah, I'm gonna take a break before I go insane. The worst part is the grunts seemingly infinitely spawn, so getting into that door is a fucking nightmare.
Rez said:
My only major complaint was that I could never work out how to take out the drop-ship without alerting people during the quiet bit. Well, that and I died like ten times intentionally to fully-upgrade my sniper rifle.

Just headshot the driver with the rifle.

thetrin said:
Completely agree.

Pft, fail.

Double Bogey outclasses any boss fight in the game.

Burns reacts too slowly(he's only kinda troubling when you're too busy concentrating on his minions to see what he's doing), Crystal Viper's counter is exploitable, the regular Bogey fight is too easy, Buzzard is even easier, Argus is a bullet sponge.


Unconfirmed Member
Is there any reference for what a weapon upgrades at what level?

and what weapon combinations have people been playing with?

I just completed my first run on normal. Died a few times but I was pretty casual with it just figuring out what happens in each act and going from trophies. I had a little over 50% of them by the end.

I used the machine guns for the majority of the game(AR, HMG, Boost) and disk launcher when I could to work toward 100 melee kills trophy. I really want to branch out my weapon selection in my next playthrough.

Gonna start a no death normal run before moving onto hard.

Just to echo what everyone else is saying, this game is brilliant and I'm addicted.
Tricky I Shadow said:
So what is your favourite enemy in the game?

For me it’s definitely the Crystal Vipers......best enemy since the Regenerators!


I got the same vibe when I first laid eyes on him.

With all the surprises the game was throwing at me, that boss was one I didn't see coming.
Just like the regenerators when I laid eyes on him I was like HOLY SHIT what the hell is that!

I guess because I got used to seeing all the crazy robot designs, when they showed me a robot that resembled the body of human, it freaked me the hell out.
I'm definitely getting Vanquish, but I have no idea when. I'm still playing Reach, and I bought NBA 2K11 and Dead Rising 2 which I am playing here and there. I'll keep my eye open for any Vanquish deals or sales and hopefully pick it up before the end of the year.


If i may, why are crystal vipers your favorite? I didnt notice anything very special about the fight (other then the QTE)

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
oh, and going into first person and showing overlays was a really cool way of dealing with the Gears of War 'finger to ear, now you walk' thing. Nice to see a Japanese game do it right.

This game also had something I keep mentioning on here, and that's the giant unified environment that you mostly navigate on foot, not via cutscene (for the most part). I was worried it would all be samey, and in a way it kind of was, but every area felt unique enough to me. Looking up on either end and seeing the giant laser pole things on either side was so cool, every time.

There were moment where the colour scheme would change on the fly that just triggered that geek-chills feeling.

This game doesn't get heaps of praise for its visuals, but man, talk about getting the most out of an idea. It's a really great looking game.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
game is fucking unbelievable, gaming media embarrassed yet again

wilhelm scream is in the game, 10/10
Chopperman said:
and what weapon combinations have people been playing with?

During my first playthrough I was maining Assault Rifle and Disk Launcher, with my third slot being used for anything I could see on the battlefield.

Playing through the challenges I've become more liberal with weapon switching. Just make sure to grab an Assault Rifle on the way out of a given scenario; it's pretty much the main weapon after all.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Fimbulvetr said:
During my first playthrough I was maining Assault Rifle and Disk Launcher, with my third slot being used for anything I could see on the battlefield.

Playing through the challenges I've become more liberal with weapon switching. Just make sure to grab an Assault Rifle on the way out of a given scenario; it's pretty much the main weapon after all.
I played through almost the whole game with the Heavy Machine Gun. Had it maxed out by the end of 2-1.
Y2Kev said:
game is fucking unbelievable, gaming media embarrassed yet again

wilhelm scream is in the game, 10/10
Haha. Yeah. I forgot to mention that.

Linkzg said:
btw, what happened to the gamestop bonus / dlc weapons?
Anti-armor pistol is the best one out of all of them, in my opinion.

yencid said:
If i may, why are crystal vipers your favorite? I didnt notice anything very special about the fight (other then the QTE)
Yeah. I didn't find them particularly challenging, but the QTE for them is wicked as Hell. The last Bogey fight has the best set of QTEs, I think.

Rez said:
oh, and going into first person and showing overlays was a really cool way of dealing with the Gears of War 'finger to ear, now you walk' thing. Nice to see a Japanese game do it right.

This game also had something I keep mentioning on here, and that's the giant unified environment that you mostly navigate on foot, not via cutscene (for the most part). I was worried it would all be samey, and in a way it kind of was, but every area felt unique enough to me. Looking up on either end and seeing the giant laser pole things on either side was so cool, every time.

There were moment where the colour scheme would change on the fly that just triggered that geek-chills feeling.

This game doesn't get heaps of praise for its visuals, but man, talk about getting the most out of an idea. It's a really great looking game.
Agreed. I would love for PG to push the engine even further.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Linkzg said:
btw, what happened to the gamestop bonus / dlc weapons?

What a about 'em?

Boost Machine Gun is basically like a Heavy Machine Gun with a faster fire rate. Pretty damn amazing for Argus bosses, but they have a low drop rate so you'll still wind up using the HMG more.

Anti-Armor pistol is pretty boss. It's super strong and has a real good fire rate. It'd make the sniper rifle useless if it spawned more often.

The Laser weapon has infinite ammo, but using it drains your AR gauge instead. It might have been more useful if you upgraded it, but otherwise seemed pretty weak.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I forgot about those bonus weapons. That really pisses me off. Back in my day, I'd have unlocked them for beating the game, or a challenge. :|
Anti-armor pistol is the best one out of all of them, in my opinion.

ZealousD said:
What a about 'em?

Boost Machine Gun is basically like a Heavy Machine Gun with a faster fire rate. Pretty damn amazing for Argus bosses, but they have a low drop rate so you'll still wind up using the HMG more.

Anti-Armor pistol is pretty boss. It's super strong and has a real good fire rate. It'd make the sniper rifle useless if it spawned more often.

The Laser weapon has infinite ammo, but using it drains your AR gauge instead. It might have been more useful if you upgraded it, but otherwise seemed pretty weak.


yeah, I just didn't see anyone talking about them and it made me remember that there were three weapons I haven't tried.

I assumed the pistol would be the best since it sounds like the sniper rifle without the scope, which is what I hate about the sniper rifle! the scope view is too disorientating to be used when dashing around all crazy like.

Rez said:
I forgot about those bonus weapons. That really pisses me off. Back in my day, I'd have unlocked them for beating the game, or a challenge. :|

if it makes you feel better, collecting 112 statues would have probably given something worthwhile too!

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
the trick is the centre the screen on the enemy before aiming, or aiming with another gun in AR mode and then switching.

edit: and good point :lol
Rez said:
the trick is the centre the screen on the enemy before aiming, or aiming with another gun in AR mode and then switching.

edit: and good point :lol

Getting headshots with the Assault Rifle is much quicker than using the Sniper Rifle anyway.
Rez said:
the trick is the centre the screen on the enemy before aiming, or aiming with another gun in AR mode and then switching.

edit: and good point :lol

oooh I haven't thought of that. That might really help now that I'm trying to upgrade the sniper rifle. I just hope the fire rate increase with upgrades.


The only thing I'm not liking are cutscenes where radical action shit is happening and I'm not pressing buttons making the radness myself.

Oh, and I have one fucking statue, but have been making zero effort in hunting them down. Would slow down the pace IMO.
I don't know. I never have trouble using the sniper rifle.

Bernbaum said:
The only thing I'm not liking are cutscenes where radical action shit is happening and I'm not pressing buttons making the radness myself.
Thankfully, this is kept to a minimum.


Unconfirmed Member
The worst thing about Boost machine gun is its clip size. I think it has the fastest firing rate though, and might do more damage than HMG.

AA pistol is yeah, sniper with no scope. I didn't use it much on my run though

Laser I didn't really try since it seemed to have short range and burned meter.

I think the most disappointing thing about the weapons was that they reused melee attacks from other weapons for them.(not sure about laser, but AA pistol and boost gun had the same attacks as other weapons.)


So in every other action shooter game with a cover mechanic that existed before Vanquish, I saw low cover-providing objects as a barrier to hide behind and cry like a vagina.

Now, my eye picks out low cover as a 'launching pad' for jumping over so I can get a better angle to rape the enemies' faces off with a flurry of bullets.
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