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Wasteland 2 Kickstarter project by inXile entertainment [Ended, $3 Million Funded]


So they added slots to the 10k tier but they didn't do a single thing about the 2,500 tier that literally nobody is interested in? Modify that shit dudes.


So they added slots to the 10k tier but they didn't do a single thing about the 2,500k tier that literally nobody is interested in? Modify that shit dudes.

The rewards can't be edited after the kickstarter goes live. You can edit the number handed out but not their content. They could post a news update saying they will be giving out new stuff at the $2,500 level, but people would either not see it or be understandably weary of it not being "official."


Gold Member
The rewards can't be edited after the kickstarter goes live. You can edit the number handed out but not their content. You could make an update and say you will be giving new stuff out at the $2,500 level, but people would either not see it or be understandably weary of it not being "official."

I think you can actually edit rewards as long as no one has backed it on that particular level.
At minimum, all they need to do is put up pics of the statue or concept art.

If they want to see how far this can go over the next 32 days, they should be putting up loads of concept work with the thought-process behind them.


That's how most the kickstarters seem to work. Big spike in the first couple of days, then it slows down a lot but picks up a bit whenever there's an update, then another big spike at the end.

yeah the game is funded,next target is 1.25 which is achievable,maybe it tanks and don't go any higher but it will still be a success....


yeah the game is funded,next target is 1.25 which is achievable,maybe it tanks and don't go any higher but it will still be a success....

For example, they need $345,832 to reach 1.5 million. They have approximately 742 hours left. Do the math and that will require them to earn $466.08 an hour average for the rest of its duration. They are still on a pace way above $466.08 an hour, so something closer to 2 million+ isn't completely out of the question.


For example, they need $345,832 to reach 1.5 million. They have approximately 742 hours left. Do the math and that will require them to earn $466.08 an hour average for the rest of its duration. They are still on a pace way above $466.08 an hour, so something closer to 2 million+ isn't completely out of the question.

And there always is a big push at the end as well.


I really want to see them shatter the goal, because games like this are better the more expansive their worlds are, but they'll need to hire additional help to create the amount of content needed to fill a big world full of stuff. Having a couple guys doing nothing but designing missions, scripting and writing content would go a long way.


So they added slots to the 10k tier but they didn't do a single thing about the 2,500 tier that literally nobody is interested in? Modify that shit dudes.

They did. Admittedly, *what* they did is they put the BLOOD SAUSAGE in big letters in the later tiers.

Actually, at first I didn't realise that they'd upped the number of places available in the $10k party. My first thought was that spaces had opened up because several people had dropped out... at the same time it became clear to them that the blood sausage was in that package.
I'd chip in for a tier with a ranger figurine. I bought the LE edition Infamous2 for the cole figurine.


how to + write up on this page. http://www.infamousthegame.com/en_US/infamous2/community/blog/article-6.html
registered on the inxile forums. wanted to bring the dialogue over. same userid. come over and talk about it there. would be more useful then here as there, at least the discussion gets tabled.

I just shot down the "randomly generated map" thread.

and down voted this.



One of the funnier parts in Fallout 2 is to get a brother and sister to marry each other after their farther discovers them doing nasty stuff
how much is WL2 going to be like fallout I wonder.

Reading the forums, already stuff like

item repair

have surfaced as major threads+talking points. I'm actually thinking WL2 will be fallout3ish.

The fallout series had its odd sense of humour - what with the ghoul and the tree in its head - and we know how that turned out late in the 3DFPS fallouts.


Nothing wrong with weight limits and item repair. I wouldn't mind some primary needs either. I think it adds a lot in a game were clean and water is supposedly hard to come by.
From the ixile forums.

ADuck said:
Anyone around here bought this magazine? For a long time it was my favorite C64 mag and still in my top3 best gaming mags/sites ever made. For those of us who bought it but don't have the issues anymore or those that never read it, here's the Zzap!64 review of the original Wasteland. Let the memories flood in.


Damn, it was that long ago...



and down voted this.


Hmmm. I wouldn't be so quick to turn down 'owning a house', because there's quite a few valid and interesting quests that I wouldn't want to be shot down because they skirt too close to that.

F'rinstance, if you help rebuilding a colony and therefore have some attachment to it, could that be construed as owning a house? You've put some effort into it, presumably the inhabitants would regard you favourably and you'd probably get some benefits when staying there. In gameplay terms, how would that actually differ from 'owning a house'?

Ultimately, in game terms, 'owning a house' is merely a way of *presenting* what amounts to owning a specific form of gameplay asset.


Signed up for the wasteland forums just so I could vote against some of the horrible ideas.

On the marriage/house issue, I voted for owning something if it had a gameplay purpose. Definitely don't want shitty romance in my game.
So they added slots to the 10k tier but they didn't do a single thing about the 2,500 tier that literally nobody is interested in? Modify that shit dudes.

They should add some heavy stuff to that tier to make it desirable.
$1500 for a figurine (+5 five more copies over the previous tier) is out of this world. Heck, I think there are some numbered serigraphies made by famous artists that cost less than that.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I always wondered: wasn't Fallout pretty much considered Wasteland 2 when it released? And did Fargo lead it or just supervise?


I said I would go for romance if it's a minor fling that didn't affect the plot much. Travelling along with your wife or something is something I'm not interested in for this game. Now sleeping with a lusty barmaid who gives you a few interesting quests, and afterwards, discounted supplies, is something else entirely. In Wasteland, I remember trying to get into Laurie's pants, but I don't think it worked out that way.
I said I would go for romance if it's a minor fling that didn't affect the plot much. Travelling along with your wife or something is something I'm not interested in for this game. Now sleeping with a lusty barmaid who gives you a few interesting quests, and afterwards, discounted supplies, is something else entirely. In Wasteland, I remember trying to get into Laurie's pants, but I don't think it worked out that way.

You were trying to hook up with the girl in the wheelchair? Did she use her rockets on you? I've never tried CHA/CHR on her before in all my playthroughs.


I said I would go for romance if it's a minor fling that didn't affect the plot much. Travelling along with your wife or something is something I'm not interested in for this game. Now sleeping with a lusty barmaid who gives you a few interesting quests, and afterwards, discounted supplies, is something else entirely. In Wasteland, I remember trying to get into Laurie's pants, but I don't think it worked out that way.

Except the player isn't playing a *character*, they're playing a team, whereas romance is really a single-character thing (well, in *general*).

I have to say, I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to a 'seduction' skill. Does that count as romance? It certainly feels Wastelandy enough.
It was very wastelandish for the setting, the combat and lots of it had a similar tone. The joystiq interview has a writeup on how fallout came to be - they basically didn't make money off WL and had to go to a new "product" to ensure they got paid. Its a spiritual successor for a reason.


article here. do read. :)

Except the player isn't playing a *character*, they're playing a team, whereas romance is really a single-character thing (well, in *general*).

I have to say, I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to a 'seduction' skill. Does that count as romance? It certainly feels Wastelandy enough.


the skill + attribute base fallout I'd say inherited from WL... so it'd feel back to WL again and feel like its from fallout. :p chicken/egg


Haman Discharged... she smells nice
One of the funnier parts in Fallout 2 is to get a brother and sister to marry each other after their farther discovers them doing nasty stuff

You're confusing the Modoc siblings shotgun marriage "quest". If you had the stats and slept with either one, their father would burst in and force you into a shotgun marriage unless you passed a certain skillcheck. Your spouse is also in the running for Worst-NPC-Companion in the game, but at least you can sell them off or make them a part-time fluffer.

Edit: I'm seeing a lot of "make it more like Fallout"-type comments. While I'm a huge fan of Fallout 1 and 2, I hope Fargo doesn't forget that most of us put in money because we were promised a Wasteland sequel.

or get them to carry shit.

but like someone said; fallout was about 1 character - the vault dweller. I'd like to see how they do a team dynamic.

Tell us about the game. How true to the original do you plan to make it?

I want this game to be comfortable for either a Wasteland of Fallout 1/2 player to be able to step into like a comfortable pair of shoes. Obviously the graphics need to be updated, and it will have different combat systems, etc., but there is a tone, stats, and interface that come with the RPGs from that era. People are very clear about wanting that experience and none of this "re-imagining" business. The game will initially take place in the (American) southwest as you are controlling a band of desert rangers like in the first game. The game will have scope and scale like both Wasteland and Fallout; it will be open-world in the sense that we don't lead you around by the nose; it will have multiple approaches to most things to avoid the moralistic "right" solution; it will be skill-based; NPCs will join the group and not always behave like you want; and it will not require hand-eye coordination. Oh, and there will be tons of weapons so people can shoot their way through situations instead of charming anyone.

Welp, my wallet is dead. This paragraph just netted this project $100 from me.


You're confusing the Modoc siblings shotgun marriage "quest". If you had the stats and slept with either one, their father would burst in and force you into a shotgun marriage unless you passed a certain skillcheck. Your spouse is also in the running for Worst-NPC-Companion in the game, but at least you can sell them off or make them a part-time fluffer.

Edit: I'm seeing a lot of "make it more like Fallout"-type comments. While I'm a huge fan of Fallout 1 and 2, I hope Fargo doesn't forget that most of us put in money because we were promised a Wasteland sequel.

nope, you can get them to do each other


Owning a house and getting married? What is this, The Sims?

I actually don't mind romance if they're done right (see BG2 and PS:T for example), and I'll love for the option to be in Wastland 2 if it's not mandatory, or in your face, or something like that. It's just one more aspect of interacting with your party members - I mean, you're traveling a desolate wasteland with some guys - surly getting intimate shouldn't be out of the question. Now, potentially this could result in marriage, and I could be fine with it, but that's kind of pushing it.
Owning a house and getting married? What is this, The Sims?

I actually don't mind romance if they're done right (see BG2 and PS:T for example), and I'll love for the option to be in Wastland 2 if it's not mandatory, or in your face, or something like that. It's just one more aspect of interacting with your party members - I mean, you're traveling a desolate wasteland with some guys - surly getting intimate shouldn't be out of the question. Now, potentially this could result in marriage, and I could be fine with it, but that's kind of pushing it.

You can see the avatar's penis via the romance in ultima VII. tee hee.


Seduction I don't mind, marriage/house owning they can leave out. If romance comes out as a decent RPG mechanic during development then they can present their case for it, but I don't want to see it shoehorned in because everybody else is doing it.

Still, we can't forget that the other end of the spectrum still exists.



Can someone tell them that they should never, ever, no matter what, include these sort of "Lorrie +1 respect gain". I mean, we should effect the party and there should probably be parameters for that, but never let us now when that happen. It's just so stupid, like it's some skill you need to get better at "oh yeah, I need 5 more respect for Bob for his special quest man".
I hated this shit in NWN2.
@ pic hahahahahahah

Damn, I missed wasteland. Part of the charm was the written description. How can anything animated match that?!

btw some clown is asking for MP in wasteland2. Goddamn dregs.


@ pic hahahahahahah

Damn, I missed wasteland. Part of the charm was the written description. How can anything animated match that?!

btw some clown is asking for MP in wasteland2. Goddamn dregs.

Fallout stuff comes close. I never got tired of seeing those brutal death animations.
Can someone tell them that they should never, ever, no matter what, include these sort of "Lorrie +1 respect gain". I mean, we should effect the party and there should probably be parameters for that, but never let us now when that happen. It's just so stupid, like it's some skill you need to get better at "oh yeah, I need 5 more respect for Bob for his special quest man".
I hated this shit in NWN2.
I do think it's just a matter of prioritizing the tone and establishing some rules in the language used for a more natural effect, like updating the player through text-based observations of the NPC conveyed in the very same style that the combat is described, sans the numbers, of course.
That said, I want an optional look at all checks and number crunching within the combat/event log, preferably through a toggle key to show/hide extra rule-based data.

On marriage or 'relationships', I think WL2 ought to stay away from anything that doesn't directly deal with those themes of or directly relating to classic pulp adventure. WL1 is about a group of, at least, four combat-driven characters. No time for love in the Wasteland.


Fallout stuff comes close. I never got tired of seeing those brutal death animations.

Yeah, that, coupled with the text in the log would be enough for me, Fallout did this really well.

It was always hard picking traits because you always wanted to keep "Bloody Mess".


I always wondered: wasn't Fallout pretty much considered Wasteland 2 when it released? And did Fargo lead it or just supervise?

To your first question - no. Not even close. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Fallout 1, but it was, to me, quite, quite different from Wasteland. I much prefer Wasteland's setting and atmosphere over Fallout's.

Brian Fargo didn't have much creative input into Fallout actually. He was more the studio boss during the time. Unlike with Fallout, which he did have direct design input into.


Brian Fargo honestly has done very little strictly in terms of design over the past two decades. He's credited as producer or executive producer on almost everything he's done since the early 90s.

Him producing Castles II: Siege & Conquest, one of my favorite strategy games of all time, is enough to make me throw money at him, though.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Brian Fargo honestly has done very little strictly in terms of design over the past two decades. He's credited as producer or executive producer on almost everything he's done since the early 90s.

Him producing Castles II: Siege & Conquest, one of my favorite strategy games of all time, is enough to make me throw money at him, though.

By founding interplay and funding some of the most incredible gaming experiences I've ever had in my life (Fallouts, Infinity Engine series, Freespace, Descent, and on and on) he is directly responsible for hundreds if not thousands of hours of joy in my life.

For that I kicked in to this. I owe him that much at least.
Why the hell is the green guy shouting? Aren't they hiding? And this girl is wide open, at least a fourth of her is outside the door! And she's with her back to the danger.

They're going to get killed in like 5 minutes.

Completely agree. The girl holding the stop sign is miles ahead of any current design. Reminds me of the girl in new Naughty Dog game.

The one holding the sword? Ugh no.
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