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Watch_Dogs PC Performance Thread


Don't mean to troll, but I say GTA IV ENB is WAY better than this game.

With everything on Ultra etc., this POS still gets around 40 FPS AND stuttering out the wazoo w/ 4x GTX-Titan Black SC.

I can play GTA IV on 4K Surround (6480x3840) w/ ENB (max settings) and get around 30 FPS.

GTA IV ENB @ 4K Surround:

That doesn't look aesthetically pleasing at all comparitively.


Back to max everything and 2560x1600. Just the AA is temporal SMAA. 30-35 fps (capped at 30). No stutterring. A bit of slowdown sometimes (not below 30) when driving fast.

4770K 4.4GHz, 780ti SC


Don't mean to troll, but I say GTA IV ENB is WAY better than this game.

With everything on Ultra etc., this POS still gets around 40 FPS AND stuttering out the wazoo w/ 4x GTX-Titan Black SC.

I can play GTA IV on 4K Surround (6480x3840) w/ ENB (max settings) and get around 30 FPS.

GTA IV ENB @ 4K Surround:

That looks like shit. Even more so when compared to this:


Suddenly I'm getting Display driver crashes every 5 minutes now. Using the latest nvidia beta drivers. Is it worth trying the older ones?

Edit - also it takes far too long to find any online hacking or tailing.

Why are you using beta drivers? Nvidia just released the 337.88 WHQL certified drivers for the release of the game. You should be using those.


2-frame vsync is so weird on my PC.

With the monitor at 50hz it gives me 25fps, but with the monitor at 60hz it gives me 20fps. 1-frame vsync at 60hz gives me locked 30fps but not that console-style "smooth" 30fps; it's jerky and inconsistent and basically nasty.

It turns out running my monitor at 70hz has 2-frame vsync give me a smooth and consistent 35fps with no drops or jerkiness, and I'm finally happy with the performance.

borderless window borderless window borderless window borderless window

The Cowboy

This shot just made me realise we can do the Blues Brothers cop chase!!!.
Kinda happy with my GTX480 at the moment, running everything on ultra and textures at medium with the framerate locked at 30, plays quite well and i only really get drops during the cut scenes.


Only if you took it out of a PS4, and put it in a PC, where it would not be able to benefit from the unified memory, and would be more limited by all that lovely PC stuff relating to the OS, drivers, and infinite combinations of hardware that the consoles don't have to deal with.

But to answer your original question, it appears to be 'no'. There are people complaining of stutters on high-end PCs at lower settings than the PS4 version, so while in theory a mid-range GPU might be able to run Watch Dogs on high at 1080p, most users appear to be getting performance problems. The PS4 version is stable and a decent effort considering the problems that are occurring on PC.

According to this article the R7 265 (comparable to the PS4 GPU) can run 1920 x 1080 in high settings with an average of 44 fps.

Ignoring the stuttering issues, I still feel like they could have pushed for 1080p on the PS4, especially when you take performance from a comparable pc into account.


How would this game run with an i7 4770k at stock speed with an R9 280x?

I have 3 setups at home:

1) 780 SLI (2x Galaxy HOFs) + 4770k (All Stock)
2) 680 (Non SLI) + 4670k (All Stock)
3) 280x (Non CF) = 3770 (non-K) (All Stock)

1) The 780 SLIs run the game at 1440p (90hz) max everything (Ultra) really well, except when getting into a car and the system loads up the rest of the world. Other than that, it's butter. (27" inch LED display)
2) The 680 is running it at 1080p (60hz) on High is also butter except for the car thing again. No Ultra quality textures / shadows. It gets 50-60fps no problem. The game looks great on a 48 inch TV.
3) The 280x is at 1600x900 (60hz) on a 20 inch display. The game is butter at that resolution with a 3GB card on Ultra.

Everything above is running with Vsync off. I am now testing with Vsync on and it's not going too well, can't get it to 60 fps consistently so it locks itself at 30...There is a nice bit of tearing with Vsync off.
Over all, the game scales well. The link posted in the reply above (Techspot) shows a 660ti running it at 45fps on High at 1920x1200. Overall a good experience but the stuttering needs a patch.
Now...is it actually a good game? I don't know yet. I'm still playing with the hardware...


Is there any general video setting that could cause my rig to use more vram than necessary? In WD I dialed textures and LOD back to high and Afterburner is still showing 100% VRAM usage all the time (780 with 3GB). :(


Why aren't people overclocking their K processors? :p

It's my case, and for people that never done an overclock, it's simply the afraid of the unknown :p
But I think i'm going to jump soon or later.

I'm back to put my final spec here with a "decent" PC :

I5 2500K @ 3.3GHz
560 GTX 2GB

These are my "optimum" config, at least it gives me the best "quality/framerate" ratio :

For display :
Texture : High
AA : Temporal SMAA
VSync Off
For graphics quality : Everything on high except :
Détails, Ultra
Water, Ultra
Ambiant Occulusion : Ultra (I don't remember the exact name, HBAO+ ?)
Motion Blur : Off

I get this at 30FPS, drops to 25 sometimes :

http://goo.gl/PZkruA ("strange" colors are due to SweetFX, which make the game more .... "alive" for me, but it's my personal opinion)

I'm pretty happy to see my "old" 560 GTX still strongly stending after many years of good and loyal services :)
Do you think my FPS will really improves if I OC my 2500K ? Seems like my graphic cards is the main struggle here so...
It's not. My frame times are much, much more in line with what I'd expect from this game with the SLI bits Maldo just posted. Using them, the rendering is broken on most lighting and associated effects, but it shows that Watch_Dogs just has bugs. Extrapolating based on a single game is silly. Extrapolating based on a Ubisoft open-world game is insanity.

I've said this several times in this thread but how on Earth do these things get passed QC? These are not minor isolated issues. I find it hard to believe that Ubisoft didn't know about some of these issues on PC. They need to answer for this shit. People are spending real money.
My report:

cpu: i7 3770
ram 12 gigs
video: Nvidia GTX 660 oem 2 gigs 192 bit memory
Windows 7

Running FRAPS to determine frame rate

Texture : medium
shadows: medium
AA : off
VSync Off
motion blur: off
Depth of Field: on
Détails, Ultra
Water, Ultra
Ambient Occlusion : off

No stuttering, never dips below 45 fps


I guess I'm getting entirely predictable results.

i54670K @ 4.0ghz
Gtx780 @ stock

I'm playing at ultra locked to 30fps. The stuttering is there but I don't have it as bad as I've seen in some other folks videos. I decided to lock at 30, I found the fluctuating 35-60 fps felt far too jerky.

I'm installing it on my laptop to see if it will even run on low . It's a 2011 dell xps i7 @ 2.2ghz and a gt555m. It handles 360/ps3 ports at medium/high with ease so I'm interested to see if this is the first game that won't run at all.


Did you return your PC version? Hope you didn't pay Ubisoft twice for effing it up.

Nah, hadn't bought the PC version yet. I'm running an SLI setup and based on everything I've read, I have zero confidence in it working (acceptably) for me.

The PS4 version looks okay, but it certainly doesn't look anywhere near as good as some of the screenshots in this thread. Again, a shame.


It's also not fair because thats not at all how gta4 looks like out of the box, on top of the fact that photo has complete ass everything. enb is hiding all the technical aspects that are weaker than watch dogs


Yes. But keep in mind that even the Steam version uses Uplay. But you can configure it to just minimize, auto-log in and auto-boot the game easily and you never have to look at it again. That is what I do and I can boot it straight through Steam in Big Picture mode using just controller and no mouse or keyboard

How do you do that? I am assuming you are talking about UPlay.


I really hope they will fix those texture issues, because I can't stand to play the game with medium textures when my rig should be able to withstand high textures. SLI GTX 670 2Gb should be able right?

I'm running the same card setup as you and using high textures without issue.


You know... It's been three years already (as of last week) since I built this computer and I never did OC my 2500k and never really felt it was needed, I probably should start considering it though, probably do it after I receive a new fan for my heat sink.

I have a 2500K as well, would love to know how to OC it without fucking up everything


Neo Member
I'm running the same card setup as you and using high textures without issue.
What are your other settings? I tried almost everything but I still get that damn stuttering with high textures, even if I put everything else in medium...

My rig is:
- cpu: i7 4770K@4.4Ghz
- ram 8Gb 2133Mhz
- video: Asus GTX 670 2Gb DCU II SLI
- Windows 7

It can run butter smooth with these settings:
Borderless window
Texture : medium
Shadows: ultra
VSync: off
Motion blur: on
Depth of Field: on
Details: ultra
Water: ultra
Ambient Occlusion : HBAO+


i5 2500k @ 4.2ghz
Zotac Amp Ed 670 slightly overclocked (+50)
8 gigs Crosair Vengeance
Ample PSU
etc, etc...

Managed to get the game "stable" at 50-60fps with:

All Settings High
Everything else Max
Aside from:
No Vsync
And motion blur off (hate the effect).

It turns my Pc into a jet engine at times, even if I turn everything down to low and off it seems to be being pushed a little too hard.



I'm not such a big fan of that guide.
It tells people to increase to a specific voltage (1.33V). I find that to be problematic as different chips require different voltages to be stable. A safer approach is to find out what the chips default Vcore voltage is and work up from there.
It tells people to immediately start testing from the highest speed the PC can boot at, but to me this seems like the path to pain. A more sensible approach is to gain stability at a smaller overclock and then work up. Some chips won't be stable at very high speeds no matter what voltage you pump into them. This goes hand in hand with adjusting the voltage up from its default value.
Also, the Intel Burn Test produces insane load that no game will ever match. Temperatures peaking over 80C are not cause for panic while running that test.
When I launch Watch_Dogs it defaults to borderless window even though I have changed it to full screen in settings, is this happening to anyone else?


I'm not such a big fan of that guide.
It tells people to increase to a specific voltage (1.33V). I find that to be problematic as different chips require different voltages to be stable. A safer approach is to find out what the chips default Vcore voltage is and work up from there.
It tells people to immediately start testing from the highest speed the PC can boot at, but to me this seems like the path to pain. A more sensible approach is to gain stability at a smaller overclock and then work up. Some chips won't be stable at very high speeds no matter what voltage you pump into them. This goes hand in hand with adjusting the voltage up from its default value.
Also, the Intel Burn Test produces insane load that no game will ever match. Temperatures peaking over 80C are not cause for panic while running that test.

Yeah looking at it again it's not as good as 'proper' ones on OCN


Will edit my post!
So, when's this patch coming? Will this game be playable anytime soon or will it be another 2-3 months before it works properly? Judging by Ubi's history it will probably be months.

If any Ubisoft people are watching this thread, I will buy the season pass if they announce the patch releasing soon.. uwu


guys, can i rely on a i5 4670k with a R9 280x for the next years to come or just get the i7 4777k?

You probably shouldn't buy new hardware just because a shitty Ubisoft PC port runs like crap (if that's your background for the question). Noticed such reactions multiple times now.
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