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What we know so far about the Nintendo NX with sources

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If I recall correctly, Alberto's source said the same thing about Nintendo not making an intentionally weak system.

Yes i remember that too, but a statement as vague as this one can mean very different (heck, even opposite) things, i'll throw in a few examples:

1) After the Wii U's failure, Nintendo will never gimp specs again in order to prioritize small form factor and low power consumption/temps
2) Nintendo doesn't want to make a weak system again, but they're forced to do that because they want a 100% shared library with the portable
3) Nintendo doesn't want to make a weak system again, but they have to because the NX features a new, expensive gimmick and they want to meet a low price point and make money from D1
4) Heavy criticism from both the fanbase and potential customers got to Nintendo after the Wii U, and in order to satisfy them they decided to make a powerful console

It can mean any of these things or many, many others, and i honestly don't know what's more likely. Let's say it's 2 or 3: it would basically mean "sorry, we really want to make a powerful console but sadly we can't because this and that". What's the point in making that statement in private to an acquaintance? What are you trying to achieve by saying that? On the other hand, if it was 1 or 4 alberto probably wouldn't laugh everytime somebody says that the console will be somewhat powerful, and he's the one who reported that statement, so it wouldn't make sense either

Maybe (as it often happens) the truth lies somehwere in the middle, and it means something like the NX is a clear step forward compared to the Wii U, it sets a decent base for the future NX generations and it features the best hardware Nintendo could fit into a certain price point all things considered (new gimmick), but despite not being crap compared to the other two it still isn't quite like them.

Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Which means they'll make a weak system by mistake D:
That's an excellent number 5 lol
Well, I kind of combined quotes from two different sources myself, but they seem to agree. Liam Tamaki Robertson actually went into further detail on a podcast and made it pretty clear not to expect the hardware to match or exceed PS4.

Now, how strong does a console need to be in order to "compete"? That's open to interpretation.

I know he's managed to uncover some nice finds here and there such as Next Level's discarded Metroid designs, but is this kid really as seriously connected as he wants folks to believe? If he really is an industry level insider I'd assume obviously it'd be due heavily in part with whoever he's employed with and you'd think they wouldn't allow one of their employees to wink, air out dirty laundry and give support to leaks regarding their potential partners on a public twitter account rather freely. Doesn't seem anywhere near as subtle and carefully controlled as the confirmed insiders/sources we have who post here.

After Emily Rogers made the infamous Mother 3 tweet, he joined in with some tweets agreeing it's coming and then sometime after tweeted something to the effect that 'I have to be careful because after the Mother 3 tweets my employer yelled at me. Haha' So your boss yells at you that you agreed with someone who made a tweet regarding a possible future Virtual Console release but stuff like going on a podcast and possibly revealing insider info with far more serious implications about how competent NX hardware specs will be in comparison to PS4 isn't as big of a deal to management?
Basically whatever we think Nintendo are doing, they'll do the opposite. So if we believe they're doing the opposite, they won't do that.

Close the thread.


Junior Member
I know he's managed to uncover some nice finds here and there such as Next Level's discarded Metroid designs, but is this kid really as seriously connected as he wants folks to believe? If he really is an industry level insider I'd assume obviously it'd be due heavily in part with whoever he's employed with and you'd think they wouldn't allow one of their employees to wink, air out dirty laundry and give support to leaks regarding their potential partners on a public twitter account rather freely. Doesn't seem anywhere near as subtle and carefully controlled as the confirmed insiders/sources we have who post here.

After Emily Rogers made the infamous Mother 3 tweet, he joined in with some tweets agreeing it's coming and then sometime after tweeted something to the effect that 'I have to be careful because after the Mother 3 tweets my employer yelled at me. Haha' So your boss yells at you that you agreed with someone who made a tweet regarding a possible future Virtual Console release but stuff like going on a podcast and possibly revealing insider info with far more serious implications about how competent NX hardware specs will be in comparison to PS4 isn't as big of a deal to management?

Yeah LR has always rubbed me as someone just looking for attention, but who knows, maybe he has some legit connections.


Didn't Tamaki followup his "underpowered console" remark? saying something like "yeah it could be interpreted different ways"
I know he's managed to uncover some nice finds here and there such as Next Level's discarded Metroid designs, but is this kid really as seriously connected as he wants folks to believe? If he really is an industry level insider I'd assume obviously it'd be due heavily in part with whoever he's employed with and you'd think they wouldn't allow one of their employees to wink, air out dirty laundry and give support to leaks regarding their potential partners on a public twitter account rather freely. Doesn't seem anywhere near as subtle and carefully controlled as the confirmed insiders/sources we have who post here.

After Emily Rogers made the infamous Mother 3 tweet, he joined in with some tweets agreeing it's coming and then sometime after tweeted something to the effect that 'I have to be careful because after the Mother 3 tweets my employer yelled at me. Haha' So your boss yells at you that you agreed with someone who made a tweet regarding a possible future Virtual Console release but stuff like going on a podcast and possibly revealing insider info with far more serious implications about how competent NX hardware specs will be in comparison to PS4 isn't as big of a deal to management?
The employer told Emily to ease off social media, not Tamaki.
Also, other people tell him these rumor so it's not a single reputable source and he reports on most things he sees like Shovel Knight in Smash.
All the star fox, Paper Mario, and Mother 3 stuff was told to me about a week or so in advance and we weren't supposed to talk about it.
I guess Emily went a bit overboard with the teasing on Mother 3 but didn't mean to confirm it while Tamaki outright blabbed it and the surveys from awhile back.
As for the power comment, it's so vague that it could mean everything and nothing so he'd be right no matter what so there's not much too it.
It could refer to the handheld, the console, or maybe an earlier version of the dev kit.


Junior Member
Didn't Tamaki followup his "underpowered console" remark? saying something like "yeah it could be interpreted different ways"

Yeah he sort of backed off it saying he had good news about what he said earlier about it being underpowered, but then later went on a podcast and basically said it's very unlikely it will be ps4 or even xb1 level iirc. So he doesn't seem to know much, or is hearing conflicting things.
The employer told Emily to ease off social media, not Tamaki.

Right, where did I say Tamaki's employer told him to back off social media in the same manner as Emily Rogers? If they did, he wouldn't be tweeting right now. This is the tweet I'm referring to, quote and link:



Emily sure likes to play around lol. My tweet wasn't nearly this explicit and I got told off for it!

Like I said, post about Mother 3 release in response to Emily Rogers = "lol My boss yelled at me for talking about the Mother 3 stuff, I'm such a scamp, oops!" but he can go on a podcast and drop possible info on NX specs in comparison to PS4 and that just kind of flies over the head of his management and somehow doesn't rate a reprimand from them? And I don't care if he walked back his comment and tried to be vague, that's not the point and if anything just makes him potentially look even less credible.
Yes? Where did I say Tamaki's employer told him to back off social media in the same manner as Emily Rogers? If they did, he wouldn't be tweeting right now. This is the tweet I'm referring to, quote and link:


Like I said, post about Mother 3 release in response to Emily Rogers = "lol My boss yelled at me for talking about the Mother 3 stuff, I'm such a scamp, oops!" but he can go on a podcast and drop possible info on NX specs in comparison to PS4 and that just kind of flies over the head of his management and somehow doesn't rate a reprimand from them? Ok.
Before leaving she mentioned some issues with her employer, I'm not sure Tamaki is referring to an employer "told him off". Maybe some fans upset that he leaked it


With a big enough installbase, I imagine SE, and a lot of major 3rd parties would attempt to make something for the platform. I'd like to discuss downgrading or porting to the handheld for a bit. I'm not sure if anyone could provide an example of the same game running on the same engine looking considerably better on one platform than another but it's interesting to think about.
If the porting of assets and engines is easy enough, even if the Wii U is weaker than the X1 maybe developers would put more work into NX in order to get the portable ports up and running. And no, I'm not suggesting that the devs be forced to make a portable port, but how easy/hard would it be.
I know Treyarch recreated a lot of CoD games for the Wii since it sold so well, maybe they could do the same for the NX or port the multiplatfrom version to the console and downgrade the assets to run at a decent clip on the portable.
They never ported anything to the 3DS despite its large installbase (it's around the size of PS4+X1+WiiU, or at least was at one point last year) but if this shared ecosystems could facilitate that it could provide a big incentive to. Maybe that's why SE is more positive about NX than they were with NX where the only ported one game (a wii game) and didn't even consider Tomb Raider.
Kingdom Hearts a very sizable audience on Nintendo platforms, handhelds specifically. I imagine downporting it to there would be somewhat doable and would be a big benefit. Dragon Quest XI HD on the portable would be great as well, would give the massive portable audience a reason to double dip when they get the NX.
Tecmo likely wants to bring more titles to a 3DS like installbase in japan but there isn't one that can run their titles properly if Hyrule Warriors Legends is any indication.
So am I off in thinking that being able to port assets easily would facilitate in creating these portable versions?
What games do you guys think would benefit (sales-wise) from a port while being realistically doable?

with enough work you can downgrade most games to run on almost anything, sure.
Games that come to mind are PlayStation All Stars, Sonic Transformed, and Resogun. The PS3 games ported well to the Vita (notably the first two I listed). The launch PS4 game, resogun, is quoted as being almost a different game on vita because a lot of concessions were made. So if the NX handheld is supposed to be a vita+, I doubt you're gonna get downports of AAA games.

Also, a lot of those Wii CoD games and other AAA franchises that got Wii ports will built from the ground up for Wii or used the PS2 versions and built from there.
Which means they'll make a weak system by mistake D:
This made me laugh harder than I should have.
Übermatik;195693605 said:
This isn't an attack against SA. For what's it worth I trust him, but the tone and delivery of his (on occasions) and other's replies to these 'external' rumours often reeks of petty arrogance, for want of a better phrase.

Put it this way, I'd rather take "hmh" or whatever it was, and that's saying something.
You're not the first to say this. If you're gonna laugh at the NX is powerful posts, at least explain it. Are you laughing because you heard something we didn't or is it just your opinion that it won't be powerful?

That being said he is reliable.
Yes i remember that too, but a statement as vague as this one can mean very different (heck, even opposite) things, i'll throw in a few examples:

1) After the Wii U's failure, Nintendo will never gimp specs again in order to prioritize small form factor and low power consumption/temps
2) Nintendo doesn't want to make a weak system again, but they're forced to do that because they want a 100% shared library with the portable
3) Nintendo doesn't want to make a weak system again, but they have to because the NX features a new, expensive gimmick and they want to meet a low price point and make money from D1
4) Heavy criticism from both the fanbase and potential customers got to Nintendo after the Wii U, and in order to satisfy them they decided to make a powerful console

It can mean any of these things or many, many others, and i honestly don't know what's more likely. Let's say it's 2 or 3: it would basically mean "sorry, we really want to make a powerful console but sadly we can't because this and that". What's the point in making that statement in private to an acquaintance? What are you trying to achieve by saying that? On the other hand, if it was 1 or 4 alberto probably wouldn't laugh everytime somebody says that the console will be somewhat powerful, and he's the one who reported that statement, so it wouldn't make sense either

Maybe (as it often happens) the truth lies somehwere in the middle, and it means something like the NX is a clear step forward compared to the Wii U, it sets a decent base for the future NX generations and it features the best hardware Nintendo could fit into a certain price point all things considered (new gimmick), but despite not being crap compared to the other two it still isn't quite like them.

Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That's an excellent number 5 lol
I want it to be number 4 but it's gonna be a combo of 2 and 3.

Right, where did I say Tamaki's employer told him to back off social media in the same manner as Emily Rogers? If they did, he wouldn't be tweeting right now. This is the tweet I'm referring to, quote and link:


Like I said, post about Mother 3 release in response to Emily Rogers = "lol My boss yelled at me for talking about the Mother 3 stuff, I'm such a scamp, oops!" but he can go on a podcast and drop possible info on NX specs in comparison to PS4 and that just kind of flies over the head of his management and somehow doesn't rate a reprimand from them? And I don't care if he walked back his comment and tried to be vague, that's not the point and if anything just makes him potentially look even less credible.

Before leaving she mentioned some issues with her employer, I'm not sure Tamaki is referring to an employer "told him off". Maybe some fans upset that he leaked it

So much drama over a 10 year old RPG coming to VC lol. You'd think Emily leaked Metroid Prime 4 for NX or Zelda being confirmed for NX and Wii U.
Games that come to mind are PlayStation All Stars, Sonic Transformed, and Resogun. The PS3 games ported well to the Vita (notably the first two I listed). The launch PS4 game, resogun, is quoted as being almost a different game on vita because a lot of concessions were made. So if the NX handheld is supposed to be a vita+, I doubt you're gonna get downports of AAA games.

Also, a lot of those Wii CoD games and other AAA franchises that got Wii ports will built from the ground up for Wii or used the PS2 versions and built from there.
but again, if you can get the engine up and running without much hassle, is it easier?
Or would they need to remake the games for it to work?
I guess I could see them remaking a CoD game if the console isn't up to snuff or what they did with Sonic Unleashed.
Before leaving she mentioned some issues with her employer, I'm not sure Tamaki is referring to an employer "told him off". Maybe some fans upset that he leaked it

Eh, maybe. That's not how I read it at all given the circumstances at that time since a lot of those tweets of his were directly in response to the situation surrounding Emily being asked to step away from social media.


Miyamoto said this back in June 2015 about Nintendo's approach to hardware design:

What we are always striving to do is to find a way to take novel technology that we can take and offer it to people at a price that everybody can afford. And in addition to that, rather than going after the high-end tech spec race and trying to create the most powerful console , really what we want to do is try to find a console that has the best balance of features with the best interface that anyone can use.

And the reason for that is that, No. 1, we like to do things that are unique and different from other companies, but we also don't want to just end up in a race to have the highest-tech specs in a competition to try to find how we get these expensive tech specs to the lowest price of the other systems.And so there's different ways that we can approach it, and sometimes we look at it just from the sense of offering a system that consumes less power and makes less noise and generates less heat, or sometimes we may look at the size of the media and the size of the system and where it fits within the home.

But really what's most important to us is, how do we create a system that is both unique and affordable so that everyone can afford it and everyone can enjoy it.

As we all know, NX has been in R&D for a while now as of 2015. Iwata said last year that NX is a brand new concept, and I doubt he was just referring to the use of integrated architecture. Secondly, earlier this year, Tatsuya Kimishima confirmed NX is a unique and different kind of console.


Miyamoto said this back in June 2015 about Nintendo's approach to hardware design:

As we all know, NX has been in R&D for a while now as of 2015. Iwata said last year that NX is a brand new concept, and I doubt he was just referring to the use of integrated architecture. Secondly, earlier this year, Tatsuya Kimishima confirmed NX is a unique and different kind of console.

Sure but what's the novel idea if not VR? Haptic feedback? Does that change the way we play games?


Donut screeeeeenssssss

Or maybe that interchangeable button thing.

So it'll be a glorified Xbox Elite controller, not exactly something so innovative that you need airtight NDA's for lol. Any type of free form screen will be cool, but it's not an input method, it's an aethestic design.
So it'll be a glorified Xbox Elite controller, not exactly something so innovative that you need airtight NDA's for lol. Any type of free form screen will be cool, but it's not an input method, it's an aethestic design.

Yeah we have no fucking clue what they are referring too

Not that i care


I really hope NX is a big success but I still worry its a Miyamoto and group ideological device and that has been problematic.

Whatever is after NX will be the first true device created under the new brain trust that has Miyamoto staying back from hardware involvement etc. . I mean if they make NX and it can't even catch upto XBO/PS4 then its going to basically be a Wii U all over again
I really hope NX is a big success but I still worry its a Miyamoto and group ideological device and that has been problematic.

Whatever is after NX will be the first true device created under the new brain trust that has Miyamoto staying back from hardware involvement etc. . I mean if they make NX and it can't even catch upto XBO/PS4 then its going to basically be a Wii U all over again

Actually he said he's taking a step back from the NX this time.

Hey guess what? It's in the OP! :p

Topic 14:

“I’ve pulled myself back out of some of the hardware section and I’m really focused on some of the software that I’m involved in—for example, the new Starfox game,” he says. “Of course I am observing and looking at the hardware, but I am not actively participating and making decisions.”


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Sure but what's the novel idea if not VR? Haptic feedback? Does that change the way we play games?

I still say vitality sensor is built into the controller.


You guys are comical if you think third parties will have a home on NX. The only thing we can "hope" for is it has an appeal so unique it sweeps the masses like Wii did (which I doubt). In relation to third parties all it will take is one failure release and we know the support will end from there. Sorry to sound negative but trying to be a realist if anything.


Sorry to sound so negative to your negativity.
You guys are comical if you think third parties will have a home on NX. The only thing we can "hope" for is it has an appeal so unique it sweeps the masses like Wii did (which I doubt). In relation to third parties all it will take is one failure release and we know the support will end from there. Sorry to sound negative but trying to be a realist if anything.

If by home you mean the only place for developers to go, then of course not, but development cost versus sales of the ports could easily equal enough revenue for a developer to port over games to the NX regularly. The NX might not get every single Third Party game, but I can see Gamecube type support with most of the bigger AAA titles.


All I will say is that developer interest is far higher in NX than Wii U was at this stage,

Anything >0 is far higher if you work to a certain scale.

And the ONLY way I see Nintendo making a powerful console is if they implement the SCD design. That way they can have their cake and eat it too. That is, sell a $199 unit to casuals with reasonable graphics and functionality and then sell a $300-$400-$700-$1000 set of components for nerds like us who might want more POWA.

If Nintendo make a PS4 level machine, I think they've shot themselves in the foot as it won't offer much different to what's established.
If they make something that's 2xWii U it'll be another joke that people won't bother with
If they make a PS4x2,3,4 they may get some hardcore nerds but most people won't bother because the price will be insane.
If by home you mean the only place for developers to go, then of course not, but development cost versus sales of the ports could easily equal enough revenue for a developer to port over games to the NX regularly. The NX might not get every single Third Party game, but I can see Gamecube type support with most of the bigger AAA titles.

I'll see you in a year when no third party gives a shit about NX.


What's the point in ending a generation early if they plan to launch another console which is the weakest of the bunch?

It makes no sense. The third party support would either be horrible because the console is too weak to run the games or the games will get quick downports and nobody will buy them, yet again. And the console would be laughed at once Sony and MS unveils their plans for PS5 and XB2 in 2-3 years.

Seriously, I know they're still following Iwatas road map, but the way things are right now, what would they gain from launching such a console?
Is it a stop gap console only made to last til PS5 and XB2 are out?


I'll see you in a year when no third party gives a shit about NX.
Mmh if the Wii was able to support modern HD engines it would have gotten AAA third party support. Publishers don't ignore install bases. If the NX is selling decently its first year it'll get third party support.


What's the point in ending a generation early if they plan to launch another console which is the weakest of the bunch?

It makes no sense. The third party support would either be horrible because the console is too weak to run the games or the games will get quick downports and nobody will buy them, yet again. And the console would be laughed at once Sony and MS unveils their plans for PS5 and XB2 in 2-3 years.

Seriously, I know they're still following Iwatas road map, but the way things are right now, what would they gain from launching such a console?
Is it a stop gap console only made to last til PS5 and XB2 are out?

Um. You really think the PS5 and XB2 are coming out in 2-3 years? You realize how long the last generation lasted? 7-8 years.

Also, there is literally no information about the power/specs of the NX so lets not jump to such conclusions like the one you made.


Um. You really think the PS5 and XB2 are coming out in 2-3 years? You realize how long the last generation lasted? 7-8 years.

Also, there is literally no information about the power/specs of the NX so lets not jump to such conclusions like the one you made.

The Last Generation was an anomaly that was forced to happen to try and get out of the red. PS3 shitted away all the money PS1 and PS2 ever made Sony so yeah Sony was going to ride that until the wheels fell off.

The simple reality for Nintendo is they have a shrinking window of opportunity. They need to be competitively priced and within the ballpark power wise if they want to sell more then the Wii U. The window shrinks as each month goes by as well because Sony and Microsoft have their established systems that if they feel the urge can cut the price and cause even more damage to the NX before it even hits the market.
The Last Generation was an anomaly that was forced to happen to try and get out of the red. PS3 shitted away all the money PS1 and PS2 ever made Sony so yeah Sony was going to ride that until the wheels fell off.

The simple reality for Nintendo is they have a shrinking window of opportunity. They need to be competitively priced and within the ballpark power wise if they want to sell more then the Wii U. The window shrinks as each month goes by as well because Sony and Microsoft have their established systems that if they feel the urge can cut the price and cause even more damage to the NX before it even hits the market.
Most major 3rd parties haven't released a major mainline title on XB1/PS4. All of these studios are not developing new engines and big budget new entries to abandon it all and start working on the next one for the next system. This gen will likely last longer than PS3/360 life cycle.
What's the point in ending a generation early if they plan to launch another console which is the weakest of the bunch?

It makes no sense. The third party support would either be horrible because the console is too weak to run the games or the games will get quick downports and nobody will buy them, yet again. And the console would be laughed at once Sony and MS unveils their plans for PS5 and XB2 in 2-3 years.

Seriously, I know they're still following Iwatas road map, but the way things are right now, what would they gain from launching such a console?
Is it a stop gap console only made to last til PS5 and XB2 are out?

Because last time their weakest console was not really cheap compared to others and used different architecture which caused problems for 3rd party to port, and also they want NX as both portable and console hybrid. Only way they can get success from NX if its cheaper than other consoles with reasonable specs needed for downports and next gen versions of their exclusives. Don't expect a big success like Wii or PS4, but they will be profitable just like Xbox one with a smaller user base in the long term.

The Last Generation was an anomaly that was forced to happen to try and get out of the red. PS3 shitted away all the money PS1 and PS2 ever made Sony so yeah Sony was going to ride that until the wheels fell off.

The simple reality for Nintendo is they have a shrinking window of opportunity. They need to be competitively priced and within the ballpark power wise if they want to sell more then the Wii U. The window shrinks as each month goes by as well because Sony and Microsoft have their established systems that if they feel the urge can cut the price and cause even more damage to the NX before it even hits the market.



The Last Generation was an anomaly that was forced to happen to try and get out of the red. PS3 shitted away all the money PS1 and PS2 ever made Sony so yeah Sony was going to ride that until the wheels fell off.

The simple reality for Nintendo is they have a shrinking window of opportunity. They need to be competitively priced and within the ballpark power wise if they want to sell more then the Wii U. The window shrinks as each month goes by as well because Sony and Microsoft have their established systems that if they feel the urge can cut the price and cause even more damage to the NX before it even hits the market.

Maybe it was an anomaly. Maybe it was the beginning of a trend. My point is that we don't know how long this generation will be and he was speaking in certainty. Also, for what it is worth it sorta seems like this gen is just getting started. Seems to me we are moving away from remasters and ports and to "actual games" like Uncharted 4 and Quantum Break. I dont think I'm the only one feeling this gen got off to a late start even though the PS4 is selling amazingly which, as a PS4 owner, kinda baffles me lol.

I'm not disagreeing about the window of opportunity which is why I just don't see a release of a home console coming in 2017. I think if it's coming this year it's gonna have to be on par with the PS4, maybe better, and competitively priced at $299 or so.

If the home console is coming next year I would think the above would not work and the system would have to really surpass the PS4 in terms of specs.

Now if the system is a handheld this conversation about the PS4 and XB1 is fairly pointless.
Most major 3rd parties haven't released a major mainline title on XB1/PS4. All of these studios are not developing new engines and big budget new entries to abandon it all and start working on the next one for the next system. This gen will likely last longer than PS3/360 life cycle.

This gen consoles may stay longer but their successors will be released very soon. They used PC architecture for a reason, so they can offer backwards compatibility like PC with the successors. Hardcore base will update their systems to catch up with VR/Next gen graphics and mainstream will keep using PS4/Xbone because 3rd party will release both versions of their games and might convert to PS5/XBOX2 slowly depending on the games.


Well the word is we're getting a portable.

Now if the system is a handheld this conversation about the PS4 and XB1 is fairly pointless.

I don't think we have a reason to seriously entertain NX being portable only. There's already rumblings about PS4 ports.

Übermatik;195693605 said:
This isn't an attack against SA. For what's it worth I trust him, but the tone and delivery of his (on occasions) and other's replies to these 'external' rumours often reeks of petty arrogance, for want of a better phrase.

Put it this way, I'd rather take "hmh" or whatever it was, and that's saying something.

I pretty much agree with this.


I don't think we have a reason to seriously entertain NX being portable only. There's already rumblings about PS4 ports.

I agree we're not only getting a portable. But people are asking "what's the point of hardware less capable than current gen leaders?". And part of the answer is, the point is the NX is (also) portable and the portable is likely to launch first. If NX is a family of portable and console systems then it makes a ton of sense to not be more powerful than the PS4.


True true. Even if they dont get to 1TF they can have other improvements like CPU and better RAM set ups. I just can't get behind the idea of an ultra cheap, ultra weak console. I just don't see any demand in the market for that.

PS4 delivered at least twice the amount of ram people expected. I doubt we're going to get any more than that on NX. Both PS4 and XB1 are using large die APUs and unless Nintendo are going 14/16nm (too aggressive for them IMO) then they aren't going to be more powerful. At best they'd be similarly powered at a similar BOM cost.

Magic APIs won't suddenly make it better - Vulkan isn't going to do anything for NX that it couldn't do for the other two, and improvements there won't be dramatic anyway. And while we complain about weak CPUs in the other consoles, I don't think you need major increases there - and if you do, you'd be potentially using up GPU dis space which you don't want to do.

We'll see. My minimum hope is for NX to scrape enough performance, support the major middleware engines, have a standard controller setup, and provide decent enough tools and dev support, to at least be a low enough opportunity cost port platform to be a blip on third party publisher radars

Literally anything more than that would be a welcome surprise.

The risk with barely scraping enough power to be considered for sloppy thirds, is that they are releasing 3 years into the generation. If they're behind in power already and then Sony/MS release successor machines 2-3 years later, the development target could shift and drop NX quickly. Ideally Nintendo would be forward looking enough to try and avoid that.

Or just accept that it's them + indies and carry on regardless.
PS4 delivered at least twice the amount of ram people expected. I doubt we're going to get any more than that on NX. Both PS4 and XB1 are using large die APUs and unless Nintendo are going 14/16nm (too aggressive for them IMO) then they aren't going to be more powerful. At best they'd be similarly powered at a similar BOM cost.

Magic APIs won't suddenly make it better - Vulkan isn't going to do anything for NX that it couldn't do for the other two, and improvements there won't be dramatic anyway. And while we complain about weak CPUs in the other consoles, I don't think you need major increases there - and if you do, you'd be potentially using up GPU dis space which you don't want to do.

We'll see. My minimum hope is for NX to scrape enough performance, support the major middleware engines, have a standard controller setup, and provide decent enough tools and DC support, to at least be a low enough opportunity cost port platform to be a blip on third party publisher radars

Literally anything more than that would be a welcome surprise.

These are my thoughts as well.
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