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Who is in the best position for the next gen: Sony or Microsoft?


I think we are yet again seeing this mass hysteria about the end of consoles, the media, investors and games executives underestimating the importance of consoles and the strength of the industry.

There are PC gamers, they love gaming on PC. There are handheld gamers that love gaming on portable gaming devices (not mobile games) and there are console gamers, who love playing on console and do not want or enjoy other ways of playing as much.

In this sense I believe we will continue to see Sony and Nintendo succeeding from their loyalty and understanding of the industry and their fans.

I really don't know how Xbox will do, their plan seems so unclear and confusing. Expanding their exclusive studios was a great step but by putting them all on PC, it just negates all the building you're doing. It makes the XBox console less special to be able to access those games from other places.

I still think Sony should acquire some large publishers (not just studios) , if I were an investor I'd be pushing for acquisitions of Capcom and Square Enix.
The one leading always have the lead. It's simple logic.
Generations are typically the time to change the dynamics. However backward and forward compatibility may change it somewhat (I'm not even sure of this since we had backward compatibility before - ps2 could play ps1 games and the ps3 could play games from both ps1 and 2, Nintendo had backward compatibility between some Gameboy generations, the wii could run GameCube games, the Wii u could play wii games if I'm not mistaken, despite the former having the biggest install base it didn't seem to help)... Ouch that was long!

Anyway, we have too much contradictory signals to build a clear opinion about how the transition will turn out, being able to play with people who remain on the previous gen may be a pretty strong point for Sony (I don't play online, but I assume that starting with a good install base will be a strong incentive for people to remain in your ecosystem).

But the best part will be the shit posting, the flame wars and the ban hammer!



Microsoft is talking big, but honestly, every time they act like they're gonna pwn Sony or whatever, they embarrass themselves. That E3 showing just wasn't very good. Backwards compatibility is good, but you also need new games and they still can't seem to even remotely compete with Sony in this regard. They are greatly improving, but still have so much more to prove. Halo/Gears just isn't gonna sell consoles like they used too, and hell, I think Gears is good, but I still think it only got popular because of how bad PS3 bombed at the start and how many jumped ship to 360.

Sony has built up a loyal 100 million install base, with a loyal subset following their first party games, they built this up by making a video game console that put high quality games first at an affordable price, without a bloated UI/OS, and a nice mix of old franchises and new IP, all of which have turned out excellent except Days Gone, but even that sold well. The incredible popularity of the PS4 and it's exclusives will carry the PS5 into a great start. assuming we don't have a PS3/Xbox One level fuck up, which I don't see happening as Sony has continued to openly acknowledge the PS3's mistakes.


I think Sony is in the best position but that can be a curse or a blessing. Sony has a tendency to get complacent. I believe the PS4 was as good as it was because the PS3 was so bad out of the gate. Sony has the best first party outputs, the best third party relationships and a large number of gamers moved to the Playstation infrastructure with the PS4 so Microsoft will have to give them a strong enough reason to move back and their friends to move back. BUT Sony could also get lazy.
Microsoft has put in work lately, they have made acquisitions but still refuse to take advantage of franchises that they control. They have extended their first party base but to be honest the output has been lack luster. I think that they are in a strong position because they are hungry but in my opinion they are their worst enemy and tend to get in their own way. If they can set a solid roadmap and stick to it they can come strong out of the gate.


Generations are typically the time to change the dynamics.

That usually happens when someone fucks up badly. Like the N64, PS3, and XB1. None of those were bad consoles, but they fucked up enough with the hardware and/or marketing to let the competition take the lead. I don't think either Sony or MS will fuck up enough next gen, so it's possible it could be a tight race. Which is good when it comes to competition (price wars, more aggressive acquisitions of exclusives), but bad in terms of console wars here on NeoGAF.


Sony by a mile. MS needs to have a more powerful system it needs to have its games ready. Sony could release a system less powerful and still win.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member

Sony is best positioned to win the console hardware sales race, given the big lead they have, the strength of their exclusive (multiple over ten million sold) and BC next time making it more likely people stick with them.

MS is well positioned to make big profits and keep investors happy with a combination of Xbox hardware sales and selling games and Live subs there, selling games on PC and selling Gamepass and Xcloud subs on those and a variety of other devices.

For that matter, Nintendo is also well positioned to keep making nice profits from their niche of diehard fans, portable gamers, nostalgic adults who grew up with their games and kids/families who want to keep their young ones away from CoD, GTA etc and want more than mobile games. Especially given the crazy high attach rates of their first party games.

As much as the console warriors/fanboys want it to be so, it’s not a zero sum game. Winning the console hardware race isn’t the only way to make big profits and keep investors happy.

Gaming is great right now precisely because all three consoles, PC and the indie space are thriving. I’ve been gaming seriously since NES and I’ve never been drowning in more great games I want to play.

I wish more would revel in that and spend less time with console warrior crap and worrying about who’s selling more of what. None of these corporations are our friends. Have no loyalty and enjoy as many games as you can on as many platforms as you can afford and make time for!
I mean its Sony and it isn't even close. There's zero way to make Microsoft sound like they're going in with an advantage.
I disagree. Sony will sell more consoles, definitely. They're gonna do well and are not going anywhere for a while. But Xbox is casting a much bigger net. We'll see how cloud technology turns out, but xCloud is a thing, and Sony doesn't have an equivalent. Xbox has Game Pass. Xbox is also flirting with other companies like Valve and Nintendo. Measured in boxes sold, Sony is clearly ahead. In amount of potential dollars to be made, I don't know, but Xbox is sure as hell competitive. They're attacking on all fronts.


Well, to me its clear that its Sony, but by no means i see them have such a huge advantage as everyone here is saying. Sony will sell more Hardware, but with the new Studios MS set themselves up for a good next gen, PC Gamers will probably play their games on PC, sure, but there's many people that play only on consoles. And if you consider Halo MCC was the number one game wishlisted on Steam, i can see their games selling pretty well too. It all depends if the new studios can deliver.
MS with studio acquisitions. But that doesnt mean they will win. They definitely has studio portfolio advantage. They might screw up by not making good games


but xCloud is a thing, and Sony doesn't have an equivalent.
Remote play?
Xbox has Game Pass.
PS Now?
In amount of potential dollars to be made, I don't know, but Xbox is sure as hell competitive. They're attacking on all fronts.
Well, right now apparently PS Now makes the most money. I don't quite get this myth that MS is launching all of this revolutionary stuff leaving Sony in the dust whilst in reality Sony has actually already been doing this stuff for years (both Remote play & Now launched last gen on PS3). MS are literally playing catch up being a whole gen late.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Remote play?

PS Now?

Well, right now apparently PS Now makes the most money. I don't quite get this myth that MS is launching all of this revolutionary stuff leaving Sony in the dust whilst in reality Sony has actually already been doing this stuff for years (both Remote play & Now launched last gen on PS3). MS are literally playing catch up being a whole gen late.

The big differentiator is Gamepass gets the first party exclusives day 1. I’ll buy a month or two of Gamepass this fall to play Gears 5 and checkout some other things. I can’t buy a month or two of PS Now and play Death Stranding this fall.

Now whether that’s good business for them remains to be seen. I’d have bought Gears 5 for more then I’ll spend on a month or two of Gamepass, so they’re losing money on me. But how many will subscribe for reasons like that who would have not bought the game?

The balance there is what will determine its success as a profit maker. Much like gyms, Netflix etc the profit comes from people who stay subbed and use it very lightly, not the heavy users.


Remote play?

PS Now?

Well, right now apparently PS Now makes the most money. I don't quite get this myth that MS is launching all of this revolutionary stuff leaving Sony in the dust whilst in reality Sony has actually already been doing this stuff for years (both Remote play & Now launched last gen on PS3). MS are literally playing catch up being a whole gen late.
Cool things have names starting with "X", every one knows that!
PS now is a lame name and people forget it exists!
Remote play?

PS Now?

Well, right now apparently PS Now makes the most money. I don't quite get this myth that MS is launching all of this revolutionary stuff leaving Sony in the dust whilst in reality Sony has actually already been doing this stuff for years (both Remote play & Now launched last gen on PS3). MS are literally playing catch up being a whole gen late.
I really didn't mean they are leaving sony in the dust by any means (nor did I write that), I said they were competitive.

I know PSNow is doing super well, but it is not the same as game pass. The difference being in the future you might have gamepass on the switch. You surely will on your phone, amd pretty much every device that allows it. In many ways, MS is circumventing the console businesd in terms of competition.

I'm sure sony will do great too.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
I really didn't mean they are leaving sony in the dust by any means (nor did I write that), I said they were competitive.

I know PSNow is doing super well, but it is not the same as game pass. The difference being in the future you might have gamepass on the switch. You surely will on your phone, amd pretty much every device that allows it. In many ways, MS is circumventing the console businesd in terms of competition.

I'm sure sony will do great too.

That’s not a huge difference as PS Now streaming can also be on whatever devices Sony wants to put it on. Having day one downloads of AAA first party games is the main, and huge, benefit of Game Pass over PS Now.

I doubt Sony will do that as so many of their games are one and done single player titles (I love them), while more of Microsoft’s titles are online MP games where they can sell MTs and DLCs to people playing via Gamepass.
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The big differentiator is Gamepass gets the first party exclusives day 1.
This sounds like a big deal... In till you look at the very real fact that MS' first party output is very low and the quality tends to be questionable. Whilst Gears 5 might interest people, the rest tends not to.

But how many will subscribe for reasons like that who would have not bought the game?
Yet with Games Pass being so cheap it seems pretty irrelevant anyway. People pay low, get on the service then will no doubt just not resub if they can't get it for as cheap next time. As you say:
Much like gyms, Netflix etc the profit comes from people who stay subbed and use it very lightly, not the heavy users.
And yet light user or heavy user, MS are barely getting any money. They seem more interested in artificially bolstering their numbers than actually making money.

I know PSNow is doing super well, but it is not the same as game pass. The difference being in the future you might have gamepass on the switch. You surely will on your phone, amd pretty much every device that allows it.
Sony have announced Now for phones and whilst I'm all for MS going third party (hell, maybe they'll also put Games Pass on PS5), the topic at hand is position for next gen. All of MS' exclusive games being available on other platforms doesn't seem like a massive advantage for the Scarlett.
In many ways, MS is circumventing the console businesd in terms of competition.
Yeah, just like Sega did when they also went third party. I reckon this'll be the last gen for MS. If their next system doesn't become the best selling one, they'll just go full third party, multi plat sub service. They already seem to be laying the groundwork for this.
Sony, if their mind on censorship changes is a plus common factor for success
meanwhile on Microsoft better relation on games what to be release on their platforms + more francishes or games genres to play on thier exclusivty than stuck halogearsforza rotation
I think it's hard to tell right now. Microsoft is being more open about their approach but Sony is kinda just keeping quiet. I mean, as far as next gen is concerned Sony only really done that interview where they spoke about the PS5 and that's about it...didn't even go to E3. Microsoft on the other hand were at E3 and spoke about their next console and they have been sharing a lot of stuff they're working on. Makes sense since Sony is destroying MS this gen with PS4 so they are happy and just enjoying the success. MS has to come out and talk about stuff because they are behind and have the most to prove.

It could go either way if you're so concerned about who "wins" next gen. I'm just happy that Sony is doing well and MS have turned things around. I don't care who starts off strongest or sells the most consoles. Competition is good.

if i were to bet then I'd say Sony will "win" but I guess as a consumer I want MS to "win" because it'll keep Sony on their toes and not let them get too cocky.
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The nicest person on this forum
The question is if MS gets "best position"does that mean they release the games I want? if not then I don't care, same goes with Nintendo and Sony.


First Gen I am not too excited for yet (but that could change the moment they get announced fully with dates, names, prices & games), I think they both have a chance and am cautious to see who does what within the 1st year and a half.

I mean with the next Xbox having 3 Gens of Backwards comparability giving four Generations on one System is kind of a big deal to me, especially if they keep working on expanding the old games list and continuing to update them with newer patches. It will be interesting to see what they come out with gamewise 1st party, they should know they have to go big.

With Sony I feel the first batch of games are probably going to be Last of US 2, Cyberpunk 2077, Death Stranding etc updated exactly like they did at the start of the PS4 lifecycle and they will probably add PS4 Backwards compatibility for the rest of games too but they won’t have the same polish though i’m not sure and then the rest of BC games on the updated version of PSNOW which they will keep to compete with stadia.

I want to see Spider-Man 2 Teased ASAP and the rest of their 1st party games Teased, improved ps+ not just lumped in PSNOW, and how the online is.

I will probably end up both consoles again like I did this Gen & last, they both win with people like me who end up buying each console.
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Microsoft. By far. It’s not even a competition.
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Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
This sounds like a big deal... In till you look at the very real fact that MS' first party output is very low and the quality tends to be questionable. Whilst Gears 5 might interest people, the rest tends not to.

Yet with Games Pass being so cheap it seems pretty irrelevant anyway. People pay low, get on the service then will no doubt just not resub if they can't get it for as cheap next time. As you say:

And yet light user or heavy user, MS are barely getting any money. They seem more interested in artificially bolstering their numbers than actually making money.

The point of it is really down to "How much money do the get from people via Gamepass and Xcloud that they wouldn't get other wise?"

That's what their success and failure will come down to. How many people buy months or years of these services to play games (keeping in mind it's not just their first party stuff, there's some big multiplats on Gamepass and presumably the same will be true for Xcloud) who were never going to buy an Xbox console nor buy their games on PC.

If that's a big number, it will be a boon for them. If it's a small number, and it's mostly people like me who would otherwise buy many of the games and instead use Gamepass to be frugal, it will backfire. I think it's more likely to fall somewhere in the middle and increase their profit, but not by huge amounts.


One has best controller of ever, one still uses bad controllers.

So sony wins, as it have always won


ChatGPT 0.1
SONY is the favorite each year, and it's lopsided. You put Microsoft who is still putting together a catalog of games 10+ years into the game, and Nintendo's ego is all about keeping families together. We know who SONY is at this point, a GAMING company, with impressive titles like God of War, Horizon etc.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
That usually happens when someone fucks up badly. Like the N64, PS3, and XB1. None of those were bad consoles, but they fucked up enough with the hardware and/or marketing to let the competition take the lead. I don't think either Sony or MS will fuck up enough next gen, so it's possible it could be a tight race. Which is good when it comes to competition (price wars, more aggressive acquisitions of exclusives), but bad in terms of console wars here on NeoGAF.

Definitely true for me and switching my "main" and from what I've seen with friends the past couple of generations.

We were NES and the SNES only growing up (had no say in the matter and we weren't that well off and didn't even get those near launch). Saved up and got an N64 as my first console as an adult, but sticking with carts and pissing off third parties was a big fuck up and I ended up playing PS1 way more the latter part of that generation.

The next two generations were kind of odd for me. Despite playing so much PS1 I ended up with a Gamecube first as Rogue Leader and some other games sold me (well, technically had a Dreamcast first due to Soul Calibur, always forget it as it died so early). Eventually got a PS2 and later on an Xbox mostly for KOTOR. I'm honestly not sure which of those I ended up playing more between GC and PS2.

Then the next gen I really wanted an Xbox as the PS3 was so stupid expensive for a grad student scraping by in the DC area, but the 360 was still out of my budget. So I ended up getting a Wii. I kind of enjoyed it for a year and a half or so, but hit a huge dry spell after Metroid Prime 3, Galaxy 1 etc. Finally got an Xbox once there were some great sales and mained that most of the generation.

However, late gen I got hit by those Russian account thieves who hacked a bunch of Xbox Live accounts and migrated them to Russia. I had a 4+ month crazy ordeal of fighting with Xbox support to get my account (and access to my saves) back. Bought a PS3 at that point and barely touched my 360 the rest of the generation as I had so many exclusives to catch up on, while the 360 got hardly anything with them focusing so much on Kinect and Gears Judgement sucking etc.. Then MS botched the Xbox One reveal, reversed somethings I hated, but still came it a $100 more with Kinect (which I hated) forced in for a less powerful machine. Thus PS4 was an easy decision for me and my friends, and we haven't looked back.

Next gen a PS5 is a given for us given how much we've loved Sony's exclusives this generation and how it seems like neither them or MS are going to screw up this time and will both likely put out fairly similar, gaming focused consoles for probably the same price. For me, there's zero chance of getting an Xbox as I'd rather put that cash toward a new GPU for my PC since I can play their games there.

All the above neglected to mention Nintendo post Wii, but I did have a Wii U and enjoyed it and love my Switch. As long as they have mostly traditional controls, they'll always be there along side my PlayStation and PC (or Xbox if I ever go back to them and away from PC).

Both systems are going to offer BC. Both systems are going to be compatible with the existing monthly subscriptions.

It stands to reason that the system that sold best this generation would have a leg up during the transition to the next one as long as they don't flub the basics.



Unless they totally fuck up next generation, they have the largest international fan base and largest consumer awareness that will lead to fast adoption of their next hardware platform.

XBOX is going to have to do more. Outside North America and UK, AUS, and NZ, nobody cares about XBOX.


Sony. The only way a new Xbox comes out of the gate with any chance of being ahead, is if it launches sooner, cheaper, and more powerful than the PS5, and Halo is a GotY contender.

Right on the money. XBOX fumbled to badly this generation that their image is going to take a long time to repair.

Iced Arcade

Depends on who prices what lower. I expect next gen to be more close in terms of specs that its going to have list warriors raving about random ass shit.


MS, at least on paper.

Both companies are going to release similar products as they have since the PS2/Xbox days. MS is willing to diversify and convert its platform to an all-digital service that is device agnostic, while Sony doesn’t have that luxury. Consoles are the “AA” of hardware and technology is either going to swipe the rug out from underneath them or force them to move in one direction or the other.

I can't shake the feeling that Sony doesn't really understand why the PlayStation 4 was so successful. It wasn't because it was some uber powerful console (Even when it launched, it really wasn't that powerful). It succeeded because it had a diverse library of games for everyone, as well as a successful marketing campaign that capitalized on Microsoft's failings.

With the PS5, I feel like Sony is going in with a misguided approach, thinking PlayStation is some niche hardcore brand when it's really not, by prioritizing AAA developers, and expecting smaller teams to just follow them like Sheep. I'd like to be proven wrong, but I think Sony's mentality next gen has a chace at backfiring.
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GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
I can't shake the feeling that Sony doesn't really understand why the PlayStation 4 was so successful. It wasn't because it was some uber powerful console (Even when it launched, it really wasn't that powerful). It succeeded because it had a diverse library of games for everyone, as well as a successful marketing campaign that capitalized on Microsoft's failings.

With the PS5, I feel like Sony is going in with a misguided approach, thinking PlayStation is some niche hardcore brand when it's really not, by prioritizing AAA developers, and expecting smaller teams to just follow them like Sheep. I'd like to be proven wrong, but I think Sony's mentality next gen has a chace at backfiring.
I don't get this it all. I feel the last impression anyone should get from Sony is that they care less about their diverse library of games.

The Alien

Better position?
Sony by far. They killed it this past gen

Who's more interesting to watch?
Microsoft. How will they answer? How will the new studios perform? How will a hungry Microaoft strike back after such a crappy start to last gen?

Mass Shift

I don't get this it all. I feel the last impression anyone should get from Sony is that they care less about their diverse library of games.

There's still room for improvement. I love Sony's exclusives but they are primarily designed to be played alone. Single player experiences is what Sony does best but there's no reason why they shouldn't at least try to get a few new games with MP together and not just rely on the multi-platformers to fill that gap.

it's interesting because MS gets criticized heavily for not having more 1P/SP campaign driven games even though multiplayer and cooperatives games are really their strengths. Sony doesn't endure the same criticisms over MP.


I don't get this it all. I feel the last impression anyone should get from Sony is that they care less about their diverse library of games.
It's not that it won't have a diverse library of games. Rather, Sony is falsely assuming PlayStation is some niche hardcore gamers brand, when that simply isn't true. It's one of the most recognizable names in gaming, even people who don't play games on consoles know what PlayStation is. I feel Sony's going into next gen with too limited of a focus, and that could bite them in the ass, especially with Indies. Sony says they'll come aboard because of the strength of PlayStation as a brand. But we heard that song and dance from Nintendo back in the GameCube and Wii U days, and look how well that turned out. I don't think they're in for a PS3 level disaster, but they could end up with a product that's too niche to be truly a success.


Everyone starts at zero.

No. No they don’t.

Each company has a user base, a portfolio of content, and they have varying degrees of momentum and these things are important. And this is even more true as we make the new generational transition and people are tied to an ecosystem for their digital content.

As we went into this generation people were writing off PlayStation due to Sony Corp's financial situation. They missed that despite their launch missteps PlayStation had all the momentum at the end of the generation. They hit the ground running, didn’t fuck it up and are still going strong.

Going into the next generation Sony has all the momentum, double the user base and a portfolio of studios that have been knocking it out the park the last few years.
On paper, Microsoft seems to be in the best position for next generation. They've cleaned house on the mess made of the early Xbox One days, made important acquisitions to solve its first party drought problems, and has grand ambitions for putting Xbox all screens. Sony seems to be following a "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality, and doubling down on its core audience. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it could make them look stagnant and stuffy once the battle starts. Next generation is going to be an interesting creature for sure. We've got two main console makers fighting for dominance, a successful hybrid system, and our upcoming streaming overlords, all competing for your attention.

well, even if true (which i'm not really seeing), 'on paper', the war in afghanistan was over 12 years ago. so, there's that...


It's not that it won't have a diverse library of games. Rather, Sony is falsely assuming PlayStation is some niche hardcore gamers brand, when that simply isn't true. It's one of the most recognizable names in gaming, even people who don't play games on consoles know what PlayStation is. I feel Sony's going into next gen with too limited of a focus, and that could bite them in the ass, especially with Indies. Sony says they'll come aboard because of the strength of PlayStation as a brand. But we heard that song and dance from Nintendo back in the GameCube and Wii U days, and look how well that turned out. I don't think they're in for a PS3 level disaster, but they could end up with a product that's too niche to be truly a success.

Sony is a far stronger brand and has never had issues getting third party games on their consoles. They can do pretty much whatever they want and third parties will be putting their games on PS5. This was proven back with the PS3.

EDIT: Let's make this real simple. Every generation Microsoft has been in the console race.

Xbox - beaten by PS2
Xbox 360 - beaten by PS3 (and this was with Microsoft starting the gen with their best possible foot forward and Sony shooting themselves in both feet with the worst start possible)
Xbox One - beaten by PS4.

I think we see a pattern here. This isn't even a rivalry.
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Xbox - beaten by PS2
Xbox 360 - beaten by PS3 (and this was with Microsoft starting the gen with their best possible foot forward and Sony shooting themselves in both feet with the worst start possible)
Xbox One - beaten by PS4.

Sure, in the end, the PS3 barely outsold the 360. But at the beginning of the generation, the Xbox 360 actually had superior 3rd party support, with both exclusives, and the better versions of multi-platform titles. Contrastly, many early PS3 multi-platform games looked and ran poorly compared to their 360 counterparts, and Sony's exclusive dibs on several third party franchises also vanished, with games like Tekken and Final Fantasy also coming to the 360.

Sony eventually turned things arround like I said, but there was a time when Xbox was the dominant brand instead of PlayStation. What I'm saying is that the same can happen again but to a lesser degree. I don't think Sony will have run into a scenario as disastrous as the early PS3 days, but they are showing signs of complacency that can hurt them depending on what Microsoft does with Scarlett. I want Sony to do well next gen, but I have a funny feeling they're going to stumble next gen.


Sony. But I also think their hubris is going to lead them to do something stupid early on that will cause a lot of backlash.

As far as MS I don't know where their console stuff will be halfway through the gen. With Gamepass on PC, xcloud, relationship with Nintendo, playing 1st party MS games might end being possible on all kinds of devices in 3-4 years from now.

Sony will sell PlayStations its what they do. I think it would be better for the industry if MS came out on top of Sony early on, but I don't see it happening. Both will sell decently in the US with Sony taking a lead, and worldwide belongs to Sony.


Sony for being so ahead this generation has a large margin of advantage and mindshare. They could get cocky and pulla PS3 again though.
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