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Who is in the best position for the next gen: Sony or Microsoft?


"PC game sales don't impact their exclusives sales on Xbox" Trust me they do. Someone buying it on PC, is also 1 less person buying a XB to actually play those games...

I agree its not a dumb business move, but we can stop pretending them having games on more platforms means more people will suddenly like XB the console itself, it just doesn't make sense and its clear this move will cost them console sales on software and hardware.

I'm not buying a XB based on this move, I'm just buying those games on PC, thus...no I'm not buying their console, nor console games thus folks like me very much will make a dent in that already shrinking install base. They sold less units this gen then last gen, how many do you think they will move next gen when the very start of the generation they have this messaging of their games on "all devices"?

That doesn't scream buy a XB, that states to me, stay where you are at, we are coming to you. Great business move to move software, but hardware wise....XB is pretty much done. I expect them to move even less units just be default of this move. Good move for business though, helps MS make more money, but the relevance of XB as a platform will continue to shrink with this move.

They themselves have now questioned the relevance or purpose of them in hardware by this move.
Problem is for Xbox, consoles are extremely important as a 'one stop location' to get access to nearly all the important game releases. With all these different subscriptions and a confusing and fractured market, PlayStation will be the most efficient and least complicated way to play your games. Coupled with their exclusives that is a huge advantage.

Trophies give you a record of what you've done, there is nothing left of a game after you've played on stadia , no save or accomplishment , just a foggy and distant memory.

Kagey K

Console warz are over and there are no gens. (thread 2 billion on the same subject)

Microsoft is trying to make a Platform as a Service (PaaS) which will mean sacrificing even more Xbox as a Hardware sales. If people are not willing to buy or rent things from the Microsoft Store, than Microsoft will be basically be another big publisher at that point. So, either Microsoft is successful in getting people to buy into the Microsoft Store and xCloud and the big publishers, or the alternative is they will just be more of a traditional publisher.
Ok if I see this copypasta one more time.

What you hope to happen isn’t happening.

Stop sputtering this same bullshit even though time and again, you’ve been shown it’s not happening, and have adjusted your copypasta accordingly, but enough is enough.

Time to put up or shut up.
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Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
"PC game sales don't impact their exclusives sales on Xbox" Trust me they do. Someone buying it on PC, is also 1 less person buying a XB to actually play those games...

I agree its not a dumb business move, but we can stop pretending them having games on more platforms means more people will suddenly like XB the console itself, it just doesn't make sense and its clear this move will cost them console sales on software and hardware.

I'm not buying a XB based on this move, I'm just buying those games on PC, thus...no I'm not buying their console, nor console games thus folks like me very much will make a dent in that already shrinking install base. They sold less units this gen then last gen, how many do you think they will move next gen when the very start of the generation they have this messaging of their games on "all devices"?

That doesn't scream buy a XB, that states to me, stay where you are at, we are coming to you. Great business move to move software, but hardware wise....XB is pretty much done. I expect them to move even less units just be default of this move. Good move for business though, helps MS make more money, but the relevance of XB as a platform will continue to shrink with this move.

They themselves have now questioned the relevance or purpose of them in hardware by this move.
Are you just ignoring the fact that Microsoft is putting their software on other devices as well as steam, as a clue that Hardware sales isn't what they're really after? New hardware is just an option for those who want it.

Clearly they are very much about software and subs. Winning and loosing next gen won't be measured by hardware sales. GP subscriptions and software will be an extremely relevant gauge of success come next gen.


Ok if I see this copypasta one more time.

What you hope to happen isn’t happening.

Stop sputtering this same bullshit even though time and again, you’ve been shown it’s not happening, and have adjusted your copypasta accordingly, but enough is enough.

Time to put up or shut up.

It has nothing to do with hope, you haven't written anything for me to respond to. Funny you say my comments are copy and pasted but you have written nothing of interest. I have no idea why your panties are all twisted up to be honest.

Your post is of poor quality. The funny thing is, I'm not the one recycling the same thing in 2 billion new threads, maybe a Xbot will start thread 2,000,000,001th tread on the console war that no longer exists.


Are you just ignoring the fact that Microsoft is putting their software on other devices as well as steam, as a clue that Hardware sales isn't what they're really after? New hardware is just an option for those who want it.

Clearly they are very much about software and subs. Winning and loosing next gen won't be measured by hardware sales. GP subscriptions and software will be an extremely relevant gauge of success come next gen.

Its very similar to Windows Phone guys, literally there is a few of the nutjobs still around talking about foldable Windows Phone or the Surface Phone. The whole time everyone at Microsoft has had iOS/Android devices for like 7-10 years. It was literally over a decade ago. 🍿
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Sony, since they will win by default everywhere except North America and the UK.

Just remember, the PS3 launched a year late, was expensive as fuck and arguably technically inferior to Xbox 360. Sony still won in most markets, often with a huge lead. I don't expect conditions to be nearly as unfavorable for Sony next gen, so they'd have to seriously (and I mean SERIOUSLY) fuck things up to not have this go their way.

Mass Shift

Justin9mm Justin9mm

If one of you could provide real-world examples where Windows PC sales have impacted Xbox exclusive software sales negatively I'd consider what you're saying. Because all I have ever seen are lop sided sales. And since most sales tracking charts only have retail sales it would be difficult to know how well or poorly a game is selling on any platform.

And I restate my point again. Microsoft's exclusives for Xbox that are simultaneously released on PC are software sales in theIr same ecosphere. When their more successful IPs sell 6 Million for Xbox, 2-3 Million for PC. It doesn't matter one way or another to Microsoft. They've made the sale.

Software sales IS the console business model. Always has been.


Gold Member
Justin9mm Justin9mm

If one of you could provide real-world examples where Windows PC sales have impacted Xbox exclusive software sales negatively I'd consider what you're saying. Because all I have ever seen are lop sided sales. And since most sales tracking charts only have retail sales it would be difficult to know how well or poorly a game is selling on any platform.

And I restate my point again. Microsoft's exclusives for Xbox that are simultaneously released on PC are software sales in theIr same ecosphere. When their more successful IPs sell 6 Million for Xbox, 2-3 Million for PC. It doesn't matter one way or another to Microsoft. They've made the sale.

Software sales IS the console business model. Always has been.

One Xbox/PC game sale is one less on PS too.

Everyone knows hardware sales doesn't make much profit. It's all in software, subs, microtrans and stuff like that. I don't think MS really cares that much where they get the sale, since they are the most open company out of the big three to have such a wide range of services, play anywhere and cross play. Even during the 360 days, some games like Halo and Gears and Fable came out for PC. MS bought Minecraft and they happy to keep selling it on all platforms.

MS is also the one open to anyone wanting cloud services. Again, even if t means a rival like Sony sucking it up and signing a deal, MS doesn't really care and I doubt anyone working there cares either.

But Nintendo and Sony and their gamers care with their traditional closed off garden. When SOny announced in an investors day powerpoint they were partnering with MS for cloud services, articles came out Sony internal employees didn't know and were upset.

What the hell? Such babies. They surely all use MS Windows, Office, Sharepoint, Skype and any other MS corporate software. Who cares.

But Sony doing a deal with MS instead of Amazon, Google, IBM or other big cloud providers shows.... MS has the best cloud services.
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I think they'll be on equal footing when they release. I can't emphasize enough how much a good looking halo game being a launch title for next gen will do for the system. Wouldn't surprise me if it did for the nextbox what BotW did for the switch. There I said it.


Writes a lot, says very little
Justin9mm Justin9mm

If one of you could provide real-world examples where Windows PC sales have impacted Xbox exclusive software sales negatively I'd consider what you're saying. Because all I have ever seen are lop sided sales. And since most sales tracking charts only have retail sales it would be difficult to know how well or poorly a game is selling on any platform.

And I restate my point again. Microsoft's exclusives for Xbox that are simultaneously released on PC are software sales in theIr same ecosphere. When their more successful IPs sell 6 Million for Xbox, 2-3 Million for PC. It doesn't matter one way or another to Microsoft. They've made the sale.

Software sales IS the console business model. Always has been.

"If one of you could provide real-world examples where Windows PC sales have impacted Xbox exclusive software sales negatively I'd consider what you're saying"

Easy, I'm not buying a XB to play their games, I'm keeping my PC to play their games instead of buying a XB...... sooooooo I believe I'm not alone in this bud, I know 100% lots clearly might be in that exact same boat. I don't need 2 things doing the same thing, I just don't have money like that and I imagine most don't have money like that to be having a gaming PC and then a XB, both of which are getting the same games by MS....it begs to question the reason to buy a XB in the first place. So If I'm keeping my PC to play Halo Infinite, logically I'm not alone. It would be mathematically impossible for me to be alone. It would be like EA making a console, yet still putting games on PC or PS or XB etc.

Logically...someone can keep their system to get the same game, thus....you'd see a decrease in those console sales as the value and reasoning to own the system is lessor then lets say a Switch or PS. I MUST own a PS4 to play God Of War, I MUST OWN a Switch to play Smash Ultimate. When I can either own a PC or a XB to play a MS title and I already own a PC, why would I then spend more money to buy something to play something I can already play? So no, I'm not buying a Switch to play PS4 titles, I'm not buying a XB to play MS titles as I already own a PC etc. It just makes no sense.

I don't even get the point of someone arguing against the concept of exclusives, it isn't that hard. I buy Nintendo handhelds and Playstation consoles for those exclusives, if MS is giving them on PC, a platform I already own....thanks, guess I'm not buying a XB.

ie lost sale bud. I likely would have bought a XB for Halo Infinite if it was good, but its easier when I already own PC. So no XB sale for MS, they still get money for Halo sale on PC, I still get a copy of Halo. I don't get how you can't see how that clearly is a lost XB sale bud.

"sales IS the console business model" ok who said it wasn't? Again, its a lost XB console sale by MS and a lost sale on their XB console software. I'm just buying it on PC, for all you know I'm finding other..."ways" to obtain it that doesn't even see MS getting that sale.

Great business model /s

I think they'll be on equal footing when they release. I can't emphasize enough how much a good looking halo game being a launch title for next gen will do for the system. Wouldn't surprise me if it did for the nextbox what BotW did for the switch. There I said it.

"I think they'll be on equal footing when they release." Very unlikely. The damage from this gen will carry over even to the next, it will be a while until many trust that publisher. "good looking halo game being a launch title for next gen will do for the system" How? I'm buying it on PC, I have zero plans to buy a XB, this gen or next gen. Even me "buying" it is up in the air, I could get it other ways, so not sure how that will do well for their system with putting games on other platforms, thus giving them even more outs to not even buy the platform.
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It's always been Sony's game to lose. Globally Microsoft is still pretty hated. Europe doesn't like them, the Japanese are xenophobic and prefer their own, and the United States doesn't give a shit either way and just goes where the games and value are.

No one even wanted to support the 360. Microsoft only pulled ahead for a little while because Sony so completely fucked up the PS3 launch. As Sony lowered the price and started getting some games out, they immediately caught up.

Essentially, only two things can happen next gen: Sony doesn't completely fuck up the PS5 and wins by a landslide like this generation, or Sony completely botches it and it becomes an actual race.


MS needs to do what Sony did with PS4, launch a console with more power for less money, if it wants any chance of getting close to that ~40-50% share of the market it had with 360 (not including Nintendo). But it also needs to have more quality 1st party exclusives, which it won't.

If MS is smart they'll ensure they have a much more attractive price than PS5 at launch. The people that buy a new console a year or more after launch tend to buy what their friends have to play online together and it just snowballs from there all gen.


Gold Member
Sony if you care about games, microsoft if you care about services and streaming.

Nintendo if you care about 2 gen old performance.

Mass Shift

"If one of you could provide real-world examples where Windows PC sales have impacted Xbox exclusive software sales negatively I'd consider what you're saying"

Easy, I'm not buying a XB to play their games, I'm keeping my PC to play their games instead of buying a XB...... sooooooo I believe I'm not alone in this bud, I know 100% lots clearly might be in that exact same boat. I don't need 2 things doing the same thing, I just don't have money like that and I imagine most don't have money like that to be having a gaming PC and then a XB, both of which are getting the same games by MS....it begs to question the reason to buy a XB in the first place. So If I'm keeping my PC to play Halo Infinite, logically I'm not alone. It would be mathematically impossible for me to be alone. It would be like EA making a console, yet still putting games on PC or PS or XB etc.

Logically...someone can keep their system to get the same game, thus....you'd see a decrease in those console sales as the value and reasoning to own the system is lessor then lets say a Switch or PS. I MUST own a PS4 to play God Of War, I MUST OWN a Switch to play Smash Ultimate. When I can either own a PC or a XB to play a MS title and I already own a PC, why would I then spend more money to buy something to play something I can already play? So no, I'm not buying a Switch to play PS4 titles, I'm not buying a XB to play MS titles as I already own a PC etc. It just makes no sense.

I don't even get the point of someone arguing against the concept of exclusives, it isn't that hard. I buy Nintendo handhelds and Playstation consoles for those exclusives, if MS is giving them on PC, a platform I already own....thanks, guess I'm not buying a XB.

ie lost sale bud. I likely would have bought a XB for Halo Infinite if it was good, but its easier when I already own PC. So no XB sale for MS, they still get money for Halo sale on PC, I still get a copy of Halo. I don't get how you can't see how that clearly is a lost XB sale bud.

The proof I was actually referring to was documented sales. But lets be honest, you're not going to find any. PC game sales, specifically Microsoft exclusives DO NOT suppress game sales for Xbox consoles. This is just a fact. The sales have always been lop-sided in favor of the console version. The sales of the PC versions have remained virtually unchanged for at least 3 generations.

One major contributing factor for this that has nothing to do with exclusivity is that PC has far more distribution options, which makes it advantageous to wait longer than console gamers for those lower priced options.

Even mobile games which makes up the lion's share of all gaming sales doesn't suppress PC, or console sales because it's a different space in the industry. You're simply not giving each unique space in the industry enough respect to hold the interest of it's own demographic. You're tying everything to platform exclusive convenience, and also assuming that because of that convenience every PC purchase of a MS exclusive is a lost Xbox hardware sale.

How are you able to quantify that? There are millions of PC gamers who simply have no interest in investing in any game console Xbox, PS or Nintendo. They'd rather their fingers rot before playing anything with a game pad. That's not going to change. And they're patient, they'll wait years to play Reach or Gears long after Xbox gamers have moved on.

And gaming on multiple devices is not the cost prohibitive wall you're making it out to be. There are mid-range PC rigs that offer great performance on an affordable budget. And we're certainly late enough in this generation where you can get an X1X or a Pro for pretty cheap. Hell it's even Prime Day on Amazon, go see what kind of deals you can get on a second console.


Gold Member
Microsoft - they have nothing to lose and can do whatever they want to gain anything back. they dont have to come in first. they just need to regain a strong foothold. and they have a lot more avenues to get their xbox brand into than sony.

i see it as, where sony is apple, MS can be google/android.

gates already regrets relinquishing the phone market to android, i doubt theyre gonna let the same happen for gaming.
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MS needs to do what Sony did with PS4, launch a console with more power for less money, if it wants any chance of getting close to that ~40-50% share of the market it had with 360 (not including Nintendo). But it also needs to have more quality 1st party exclusives, which it won't.

If MS is smart they'll ensure they have a much more attractive price than PS5 at launch. The people that buy a new console a year or more after launch tend to buy what their friends have to play online together and it just snowballs from there all gen.

What a weird way of expressing it. They had a 31% market share* (Nintendo - 37%, Sony - 32%) in the Wii/PS360 generation.

Current market share* is Sony - 56%, Microsoft -24%, Nintendo - 20%

* - based on Wikipedia numbers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_game_consoles
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Writes a lot, says very little
The proof I was actually referring to was documented sales. But lets be honest, you're not going to find any. PC game sales, specifically Microsoft exclusives DO NOT suppress game sales for Xbox consoles. This is just a fact. The sales have always been lop-sided in favor of the console version. The sales of the PC versions have remained virtually unchanged for at least 3 generations.

One major contributing factor for this that has nothing to do with exclusivity is that PC has far more distribution options, which makes it advantageous to wait longer than console gamers for those lower priced options.

Even mobile games which makes up the lion's share of all gaming sales doesn't suppress PC, or console sales because it's a different space in the industry. You're simply not giving each unique space in the industry enough respect to hold the interest of it's own demographic. You're tying everything to platform exclusive convenience, and also assuming that because of that convenience every PC purchase of a MS exclusive is a lost Xbox hardware sale.

How are you able to quantify that? There are millions of PC gamers who simply have no interest in investing in any game console Xbox, PS or Nintendo. They'd rather their fingers rot before playing anything with a game pad. That's not going to change. And they're patient, they'll wait years to play Reach or Gears long after Xbox gamers have moved on.

And gaming on multiple devices is not the cost prohibitive wall you're making it out to be. There are mid-range PC rigs that offer great performance on an affordable budget. And we're certainly late enough in this generation where you can get an X1X or a Pro for pretty cheap. Hell it's even Prime Day on Amazon, go see what kind of deals you can get on a second console.

Thats nice.

I own a PC, I own a PS4, will buy PS5, will buy a Switch. I have no reason to buy a XB, I'm still getting the games.

Its called logic. Thus MS is losing a console sale. Very simple logic. You going to tell me what to do with my money now? My existence must be some stunt or something? I'm not the only one in this boat bud. MS sold less units this gen then last gen, yet this gen is the gen the are putting all their games on PC, but hey, I guess thats a massive coincidence..... because we all know people like to buy hardware for no reason and to play content they can already play on platforms they already own /s

Mass Shift

Thats nice.

I own a PC, I own a PS4, will buy PS5, will buy a Switch. I have no reason to buy a XB, I'm still getting the games.

Its called logic. Thus MS is losing a console sale. Very simple logic. You going to tell me what to do with my money now? My existence must be some stunt or something? I'm not the only one in this boat bud. MS sold less units this gen then last gen, yet this gen is the gen the are putting all their games on PC, but hey, I guess thats a massive coincidence..... because we all know people like to buy hardware for no reason and to play content they can already play on platforms they already own /s

What do you mean coincidence THIS generation? MS has been a game publisher for PC long before the Xbox platforms ever came into existence. This is nothing new. Xbox was originally planned as a lower end extension of Windows gaming called Direct X Box. An entry level platform named after MS' own Direct X gaming component suite for Windows during a time when the average PC was well over $1000USD.

Every MGS published game has been on PC since the very beginning. Absolutely nothing has changed about that.
Do you know how many MS Studios games NEVER made it to Xbox even after it debuted? Would it surprise you to know that it's close to 100 titles? Xbox at the time couldn't run a lot of those games anyway. It was never meant as a replacement for PC.

Now here's where this argument gets turned on its head.

MS and Sony don't make much money on their hardware anyway. Certainly not for the better part of a generation. It's mostly a break even to get to the most cost effective slim.

And yet despite the sheer dominance of PC gaming with its superior hardware and vastly larger install base, console game sales still overtook it's software sales numbers. As I mentioned before, there are specific factors driving that, cheaper closed box hardware , multiple distribution options for PC, lower game costs, PC player preferences etc. Things that have nothing to do with exclusivity.

Here's another point. Even if you're in the never Xbox category, combined PC and Xbox software sales dwarf everything else. Again, that Windows PC game you bought that MS published is a sale in their ecosphere. That's still demand for their product. And they didn't have to sell a console at a loss to get it to you either. And every time this happens they increase their distribution foot print and the value of their ecosystem.

In order to appreciate the financial efficiency that comes from the synergy of this business model you have to let go of outdated perceptions of exclusivity as it relates to one console platform. The more delivery systems you have, the better.

To address your last point. If MS had sold more consoles then I don't think those exclusive sales would have impacted PC. MS exclusives game sales for PC are roughly the same as the 360 era when MS sold significantly more consoles. Imagine with the poor console sales that they had this gen, allowing their exclusives only on Xbox?

Console gamers were already disenchanted with MS, what makes you think PC gamers would have shown MS appreciation for locking them out of exclusives?


Sony i think will really kick on this next generation, The new consoles i think will be very hard to distinguish in terms of raw performance and besides a zoomed in digital foundry pixel count of a tree 2 miles telling me what difference i am looking at, the multiplats will look brilliant on both. Having the worlds most powerful console and plays best on these i think are two major selling points for Ms atm and i personally think that's gone next gen.

So it all boils down to games, and i know looking thinking about next gen titles the new ps5 line up gets me really excited.

I just don't know how ms set up their sales tent vs the likes of god of war 2, spider man 2 and new Horizon zero dawn. Chuck in bloodborne 2 which i reckon is secretly being worked, games matter.
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The proof I was actually referring to was documented sales. But lets be honest, you're not going to find any. PC game sales, specifically Microsoft exclusives DO NOT suppress game sales for Xbox consoles. This is just a fact. The sales have always been lop-sided in favor of the console version. The sales of the PC versions have remained virtually unchanged for at least 3 generations.

One major contributing factor for this that has nothing to do with exclusivity is that PC has far more distribution options, which makes it advantageous to wait longer than console gamers for those lower priced options.

Even mobile games which makes up the lion's share of all gaming sales doesn't suppress PC, or console sales because it's a different space in the industry. You're simply not giving each unique space in the industry enough respect to hold the interest of it's own demographic. You're tying everything to platform exclusive convenience, and also assuming that because of that convenience every PC purchase of a MS exclusive is a lost Xbox hardware sale.

How are you able to quantify that? There are millions of PC gamers who simply have no interest in investing in any game console Xbox, PS or Nintendo. They'd rather their fingers rot before playing anything with a game pad. That's not going to change. And they're patient, they'll wait years to play Reach or Gears long after Xbox gamers have moved on.

And gaming on multiple devices is not the cost prohibitive wall you're making it out to be. There are mid-range PC rigs that offer great performance on an affordable budget. And we're certainly late enough in this generation where you can get an X1X or a Pro for pretty cheap. Hell it's even Prime Day on Amazon, go see what kind of deals you can get on a second console.
Have you heard of pirating? Do you know how easy it is to download and play a pirated game on PC? Do you know how easy it is to download and pirate a game on Xbox?

Put it this way, I have a PC, hypothetically, if I did not have an Xbox, I still don't need to pay to play most Xbox games! And you're going to say this also has no impact? There are millions of PC gamers out there that play on PC because they don't need to essentially buy a game. Tell me now that does not affect Microsoft's profit? You're kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Thats nice.

I own a PC, I own a PS4, will buy PS5, will buy a Switch. I have no reason to buy a XB, I'm still getting the games.

Its called logic. Thus MS is losing a console sale. Very simple logic. You going to tell me what to do with my money now? My existence must be some stunt or something? I'm not the only one in this boat bud. MS sold less units this gen then last gen, yet this gen is the gen the are putting all their games on PC, but hey, I guess thats a massive coincidence..... because we all know people like to buy hardware for no reason and to play content they can already play on platforms they already own /s
Not for nothing man, but you keep touting this hardware shit and missing the god damn boat. Jesus!

Hardware sales arent as important to MS as it is to fanboys. They don't make a boatload of cash on hardware anyway. And next gen is clearly going to be about subscriptions and cloud streaming to multiple devices outside of static boxes. MS doesn't care if you don't buy their box so long as you buy their games on PC and play wherever.

Now of next gen was still all about hardware sales, I'd be inclined to agree with you. Sony might take it next gen. But that's not where this is heading. Static boxes are truly one small piece of the pie. The platform is one big, huge umbrella of devices and Gp. You literally have to have selective sight or blind not to see it.

Mass Shift

Have you heard of pirating? Do you know how easy it is to download and play a pirated game on PC? Do you know how easy it is to download and pirate a game on Xbox?

Put it this way, I have a PC, hypothetically, if I did not have an Xbox, I still don't need to pay to play most Xbox games! And you're going to say this also has no impact? There are millions of PC gamers out there that play on PC because they don't need to essentially buy a game. Tell me now that does not affect Microsoft's profit? You're kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

I know piracy most certainly has an impact, but how would we begin to quantify how much a negative impact it's having? Gamers with pirated copies aren't going to report in and state their intentions to purchase a console version if a PC version wasn't available. And I stated before, the sales of Microsoft's exclusives that are released on PC haven't changed from the last generation. They're buying the same amount. The static for MS exclusives is typically 2-3 million for PC. Virtually unchanged, even with the abysmal hardware sales of the Xbox One.

There's really nothing more to add to this. If the numbers were different then I would say, "yeah, PC sales are savaging exclusive sales for Xbox" But that's not what's happening this generation.

The closest thing I could point to where a Microsoft IP that sold on other platforms would potentially diminish Xbox sales is Minecraft. The PS4 version out sells the Xbox One version by about 2 million units, and the PC version sells the least after console and pocket editions.

That's the only real-world example I could find

It's hard to make the argument for platform exclusive with Minecraft when Microsoft would have missed out on millions of sales across multiple platforms. MS owns Mojang and the IP but doesn't treat it as an exclusive at all. But so far since MS took ownership of the franchise (2016) it increased it's sales by 50 million and MS studios sales revenue by at least $367 million a year since the acquisition.

Dont ask me why console sales don't blitz across the board, I don't know why. Look at Sony, they have a 100 million install base and yet their most critically acclaimed exclusives only sell to fractions of that base.

Console industry is in desperate need of growth.


It's not even close, Sony have all the momentum Microsoft have none. Next gen will be a massive uphill battle that they won't even come close to winning. Next Xbox will be the last Xbox.


Who ever drops the best launch lineup will win. Sony has the proven studios. Microsoft is still looking for their games.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Not for nothing man, but you keep touting this hardware shit and missing the god damn boat. Jesus!

Hardware sales arent as important to MS as it is to fanboys. They don't make a boatload of cash on hardware anyway. And next gen is clearly going to be about subscriptions and cloud streaming to multiple devices outside of static boxes. MS doesn't care if you don't buy their box so long as you buy their games on PC and play wherever.

Now of next gen was still all about hardware sales, I'd be inclined to agree with you. Sony might take it next gen. But that's not where this is heading. Static boxes are truly one small piece of the pie. The platform is one big, huge umbrella of devices and Gp. You literally have to have selective sight or blind not to see it.

You need to stop hyping MS products because it's likely not going to turn out the way you think within the next 8 years

Streaming will most likely still be niche even after next generation is over and those static boxes will still be very important next generation.

You think it's as easy as just playing on another device without a static box when it's not. Data caps, internet access, latency etc. will all big a huge factor that will not.
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Sony by far. This current gen was extremely important for long term customer retention given the importance of friend networks as well as a greater importance on maintaining digital libraries and being able to continue your gaming profile indefinitely, as people, especially online players, get attached to their gaming "self". For some, to switch console would be like having to switch from Steam to something else but also not being able to play your steam games unless you switched on your old PC (were a comparable service available in the PC space). This gen was supremely important for Sony and MS as the PS4/XBX launch was the first gen that a lot of people primarily based their console decision on what their friend/relative had so they can play online together instead of a particular launch game or upcoming exclusive. The most popular games by far are multiplats, even TLOU was played by only a fraction of the PS3 and PS4 install base. Sony built so many friend clusters that would would simply assume to upgrade to a PS5 as they play on PS4 already. Particularly considering that a lot of the most popular online games won't prevent PS4 players from playing with PS5 players enabling people to upgrade as able without any disruption to their gaming networks.

Not that Sony is insurmountable, and its advantage could also be its weakness. If people now tend to buy what their friends/relatives have to play together, MS just needs to convince them that they would enjoy playing together more on xbox and they could all upgrade faster. So essentially more/equal power for less money would make Xbox very compelling for the people that only really play online shooters/sports games. Which is likely the majority of console sales. But they have to convince people that switching is worth potentially breaking up the gaming buddies group and make it so as many people can upgrade as soon as possible so the disruption is minimized and worth it for the better experience. That's my two cents.
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Not Banned from OT
Sony of course House and crew built a juggernaut. They dispatched one rival and are a repeat generation from dispatching the other. In 7 years time there is a 80% chance they have a monopoly in the home console business. They have mindshare and great studios. No matter what they do the Sony firewall wall will purchase the product. That is a situation you really can't lose no matter how bad the new suits try to mess it up to make it theirs.


Sony the market Leader that basically outsold their direct competitor 2:1 has the advantage and customer mind share.

XGS and Xbox have an uphill battle all next gen while Sony fights a downhill battle.

It's like they say in boxing, to beat the champ you've got to knock em the f out.
Sony the market Leader that basically outsold their direct competitor 2:1 has the advantage and customer mind share.

XGS and Xbox have an uphill battle all next gen while Sony fights a downhill battle.

It's like they say in boxing, to beat the champ you've got to knock em the f out.

Little strange how 2 SKUs didn't help Microsoft get close to the PS5.

Are they surpassing the X1 at least?


Little strange how 2 SKUs didn't help Microsoft get close to the PS5.

Are they surpassing the X1 at least?
I suspect they will surpass XB1 sales with the Series consoles but that's just my guess. In the past you needed an XB console to play some of their exclusives but now everything releases on PC as well.
Right now I can't find an XSX anywhere while XB1 was readily available in December of the launch year.
I suspect they will surpass XB1 sales with the Series consoles but that's just my guess. In the past you needed an XB console to play some of their exclusives but now everything releases on PC as well.
Right now I can't find an XSX anywhere while XB1 was readily available in December of the launch year.

Not being able to find a console isn't an indication that they are selling a lot of them. Same goes for Sony.

We had the pandemic hit the factories hard last year so it's hard to determine how many they actually produced.

I've seen the XSS in several places though but no PS5 (both SKUs) or XSX though.


Whoever creates new IP and has the best exclusives. Sony could easily create a gamepass clone of their own but MS can't just instantly create a dozen exclusives.

MS completely wasted gen 4 because they should have been buying and creating new IPs three or four years ago. Now they have a situation on launch where they will have nothing meaningful for what? 2 to 3 years?


Little strange how 2 SKUs didn't help Microsoft get close to the PS5.

Are they surpassing the X1 at least?

They could have 17 SKUs and that wouldn't change anything in sales because they don't have the best games, since they're exclusives to the other console. Console sales are all about games and price.


Gold Member
Majority of Xbox customers are a fickle bunch. Sony folks are borderline sycophants. So I'm gonna go with Sony on this one.

Doesn't mean they are the better console or have the best offerings. It's kinda like Apple. People who buy Apple pray to it before dinner. Apple has been releasing basically the same shit for years though.

Sony just has a firmer grasp on it's fanbase. I wouldn't go as far as I do with Apple as far as them rehashing shit just to put a shiny new bow on it, it's clear that a lot of people feel Sony can do no wrong.
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Sony the market Leader that basically outsold their direct competitor 2:1 has the advantage and customer mind share.

XGS and Xbox have an uphill battle all next gen while Sony fights a downhill battle.

It's like they say in boxing, to beat the champ you've got to knock em the f out.
Things looked a lot better before the launch when it seemed like all games would run better on Xbox than Playstation.
Now they have to sell the console(s) by releasing awesome games. Looks bad right now even if Gamepass gets lots of love, but once 23 1st party studios start pouring out games the future should look brighter.

Little strange how 2 SKUs didn't help Microsoft get close to the PS5.

Are they surpassing the X1 at least?
Right now you can’t draw any conclusion how Series X is selling compared to PS5, both are sold out so you would essentially compare the manufacturing process. I assume both are selling worse than their predecessor since they’re impossible to buy, unless scalpers are sitting on a mountain of consoles.
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