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Who is in the best position for the next gen: Sony or Microsoft?


Gold Member
ehm best gaming experience??? what does that even mean?
A made up term that you can't quantify with any metric besides "feelings".
- Solid first party line up with a wide variety of genres
- Great online and marketplace ecosystem
- Game Pass (and EA Access) subs. As long as someone doesn't care for playing the latest games on day one or certain games like R* or Call of Duty, many good games comes to GP or EA subs. Great value. Even better if some is a PC gamer too as GP PC is included free if someone does Game Pass Ultimate
- Home Sharing. Share digital games, GP, EA Access, Gold with a friend of fam member (like I do). It's basically cutting the costs in half. Even better for anyone who did it, the $1 GPU upgrade last month. I bought two more years of Gold so I have three (I had one year left). Got 3 years of GPU for $1 total for 3 years..... technically 50 cents if I split it. That's 3 years of GP games for $1
- Even more access to free games to play. Games with Gold is 4 games. PSN reduced it to 2
- Not a concern for me as I don't play anime games, but for all those gamers who like anime games with cleavage, MS doesn't care. Nintendo doesn't either. Sony does with big bright lights
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Microsoft has the better strategy: Game Pass, massively expand first-party Game Pass content via (ongoing) aggressive acquisition of talented studios and studio expansion, XCloud (Game Pass on any device, anywhere) with their enormous global Azure server capabilities, and only now for the first time ever is MS taking gaming seriously as a company and is opening their unrivaled war chest of wealth to support Xbox, MS promises the most power in Scarlett which will make it the hardcore's console by default (for 3rd party titles), and the XCloud streaming box is reportedly still coming for a low cost entry for casuals.

A new MS gaming division is making ready for war like they never have.


Gold Member
Microsoft has the better strategy: Game Pass, massively expand first-party Game Pass content via (ongoing) aggressive acquisition of talented studios and studio expansion, XCloud (Game Pass on any device, anywhere) with their enormous global Azure server capabilities, and only now for the first time ever is MS taking gaming seriously as a company and is opening their unrivaled war chest of wealth to support Xbox, MS promises the most power in Scarlett which will make it the hardcore's console by default (for 3rd party titles), and the XCloud streaming box is reportedly still coming for a low cost entry for casuals.

A new MS gaming division is making ready for war like they never have.
MS had the killer instinct with Xbox OG and 360, but killed themselves going after the motion control Wii gamer, which stretched from around 2010 to 2015. It killed their momentum. And so did ditching studios (which many had Kinect roots in them)... what a waste.

Good to see Kinect banished around 2015 and MS getting back to creating games, expanding studios and going after the most powerful systems like X (and maybe Scarlett). All the Game Pass and cloud stuff shows enhances the offering with more games and delivery.

If this was 2010, MS's idea of expanding gaming would be something like showing a Kinect bowling game like it's the greatest game coming soon.
Sony by a country mile, anyone saying otherwise is kidding themselves.

-Sony did an article with Wired, which generated more hype for PS5 then the scarlett reveal at this years E3.
-Nobody was talking about Microsoft's first party at this years E3, just about where is Sony. It didnt help that Gears 5 trailers were horrible.
-Gamepass is doing so well they need to do 1$ promotions for it pretty much every single month since it launched.
-With Sony confirming PS4 BC that means people wont swap easily cause they got a ton of games already on PS5.
-The quality of first party games is night and day between the 2 and people know this, why you think Days Gone sold so well while SOD2 pretty much left the charts after the first month.
-Playstation is a worldwide brand unlike Xbox, they stand no chance in Europe or the growing market in Asia.
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To me it's Sony 100% unless they just decide to go batshit insane (which they've done in the past but appear to have learned from). They're going to release a powerful console with state of the art games you can't play anywhere else. Full stop. And I LIKE a lot of XBox games but they're just not what they were in the 360 days.

With MS it feels like they're desperately snatching up mid-tier development teams in an effort to get cred in communities like these. Oh you bought the team that made that one critical darling game that sold like shit? Yay. Call me when you get Spider-Man or something like Last of Us.

I don't quite understand who GamePass is for exactly other than "family who just bought their first console for kids".

It's almost like a white flag to me with regards to their first party games being there Day 1, admitting "we can't sell these at 60 bucks but you can play it for just 6 bucks and hopefully forget to cancel your sub".

I played through all the 360 games they have on there, I don't buy a console for BC, and while it's cool for people who never touched that shit before it feels like GAF isn't exactly the target market for this shit yet it's lauded as the greatest achievement in gaming around here. The vast majority of people don't give a fuck about playing Vanquish on 360 on their brand new console (as good a game as that is). This would have been a fucking game-changer at the XBox One launch but when they finally got around to announcing it it just felt like desperation and by then you're talking about games that might be upwards of 7-8 years old.

Sony already dropping the "PS5 will play PS4 games" is already the fucking nail in the coffin for that shit. Because now I know I can sell this machine and keep every game I bought for it and still play them, some games being less than 2 years old.


- Solid first party line up with a wide variety of genres
- Great online and marketplace ecosystem
- Game Pass (and EA Access) subs. As long as someone doesn't care for playing the latest games on day one or certain games like R* or Call of Duty, many good games comes to GP or EA subs. Great value. Even better if some is a PC gamer too as GP PC is included free if someone does Game Pass Ultimate
- Home Sharing. Share digital games, GP, EA Access, Gold with a friend of fam member (like I do). It's basically cutting the costs in half. Even better for anyone who did it, the $1 GPU upgrade last month. I bought two more years of Gold so I have three (I had one year left). Got 3 years of GPU for $1 total for 3 years..... technically 50 cents if I split it. That's 3 years of GP games for $1
- Even more access to free games to play. Games with Gold is 4 games. PSN reduced it to 2
- Not a concern for me as I don't play anime games, but for all those gamers who like anime games with cleavage, MS doesn't care. Nintendo doesn't either. Sony does with big bright lights
Everyone of those bullet points you wrote Sony has except for launching 1st party games on PSNow. So I don't see how that equates to a better "gaming experience" than the competition.
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Everyone of those bullet points you wrote Sony has except for launching 1st party games on their streaming option. So I don't see how that equates to a better "gaming experience" than the competition.
Game Pass is not a streaming service
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Microsoft are basically homeless. Sony kicked them out of the world console race mainly because in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Valve, GOG, humble, epic etc kicked them out of the PC market
They withdrew from smartphone market too.

The emperor is naked
improving, but still have so much more to prove. Halo/Gears just isn't gonna sell consoles like they used too,
I think this is circumstancial, if they release got material in any franchise it will be revived, the problem is that these franchises have not seen any really great game for close to 10 years now - the kids probably don't even know they exist!
The current leader is obviously always in a better position going forward. All they have to do is continue what they've been doing and not fuck up whereas the other guys have to really go all out if they want any chance at taking market share away from the leader. It's basically up to MS to convince people that they must own a Scarlett, even more so next gen with full backwards compatibility. It's really going to be an uphill battle for them.
Yeah but in almost every modern generation cycle the current leader failed to keep that lead going into the next gen. Lets see if Sony can buck the trend and hold on to the lead they have.
Then your logic is flawed. Research console history when you have a moment.

I don't need to research what I have lived first hand. Which example would you give me to prove otherwise? Anyway, we are talking "being in the best position" which means having an advantage, not actually "winning" in the end. And yes, it's simple logic that the one ALREADY with a big lead is in better position. Unless someone else introduces a disruptive technology that turns everything upside down.

Is that gonna happen? Nope.
Nintendo was in a tie with Sega during the SNES/Mega Drive era.

Nintendo lost to the PSX.

PS2 keep with the win, but PS3 lost to the Wii and it's a tie with Microsoft that started in first with the 360.

Nintendo lost with the Wii U, while Sony was starting momentum and won with the PS4 (it's not over, but everyone knows).

Nintendo launched the Switch and it's going strong.

Lots of wrongs in this post. I will make some corrections, at once replying to the previous one:

- Videogames are mainstream NOW. They were not in the past. Meaning that mindshare is a thing. Generations from old times don't count.

- Nintendo "lost" to PSX because they limited themselves with stupid cartridges instead of CDs. Sony used a disruptive tech, as I said in my previous post, that changed the industry standards. Nintendo would have demolished that gen if they had not been that stubborn.

- PS3 didn't lose to Wii. Wii (this argument again, my god) was sold AS A FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCT, NOT A VIDEOGAME CONSOLE. 85% of Wii buyers were not gamers, meaning that the console didn't compete with Sony or Microsoft.

- Nintendo Switch is a PORTABLE CONSOLE that doesn't compite with Sony or Microsoft, either. Nintendo went their own way after Gamecube.

About GP, it is incompatible with first-party big titles. It's just not profitable so in the end if people want great games they will have to look elsewhere. GP or BC are nice features, but they have never granted any victory. Never will. Unique and awesome experiences do. And that is tied to Sony and Nintendo, nowadays.

Can that change? Sure, but it will take a massive flop by the current leader to turn tables. The best position today is Sony's.

Deleted member 738976

Unconfirmed Member
- PS3 didn't lose to Wii. Wii (this argument again, my god) was sold AS A FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCT, NOT A VIDEOGAME CONSOLE. 85% of Wii buyers were not gamers, meaning that the console didn't compete with Sony or Microsoft.
"The Wii is a home video game console released by Nintendo on November 19, 2006."

Nintendo's Wii video game console brings gaming to people of all ages. Discover Wii games, Wii accessories, and the benefits of connecting your Wii online."

Were PS2 owners mostly DVD users and PS3 / PS4 owners mostly Blu-ray users that don't buy games? Why don't we call those home entertainment systems / media players instead of video game consoles meaning they don't count in console wars. That seems a bit unfair now doesn't it?

But okay let's say the Wii doesn't compete with the PS3 even though it played video games and only video games. I don't think losing billions of dollars with the PS3 could be considered a success for them. Also for a console you claim didn't compete with the Wii it sure loved desperately copying stuff from it.



All companies including Sony can't win them all and downplaying success of any kind is a petty sore loser thing to do just because you don't like that the numbers of one system beat your favorite system.
I don't need to research what I have lived first hand. Which example would you give me to prove otherwise? Anyway, we are talking "being in the best position" which means having an advantage, not actually "winning" in the end. And yes, it's simple logic that the one ALREADY with a big lead is in better position. Unless someone else introduces a disruptive technology that turns everything upside down.

Is that gonna happen? Nope.
But you said the leader will always have that lead and history proves that not to be true. I won't do the research for you, but you cannot prove me wrong once you do. The one leading can indeed lose that position, they do not always lead.
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Console warz are over and there are no gens. (thread 2 billion on the same subject)

Microsoft is trying to make a Platform as a Service (PaaS) which will mean sacrificing even more Xbox as a Hardware sales. If people are not willing to buy or rent things from the Microsoft Store, than Microsoft will be basically be another big publisher at that point. So, either Microsoft is successful in getting people to buy into the Microsoft Store and xCloud and the big publishers, or the alternative is they will just be more of a traditional publisher.
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Console warz are over and there are no gens. (thread 2 billion on the same subject)

Microsoft is trying to make a Platform as a Service (PaaS) which will mean sacrificing even more Xbox as a Hardware sales. If people are not willing to buy or rent things from the Microsoft Store, than Microsoft will be basically another big publisher at this point.


King Snowflake
I am not really sure what this means, total sale of consoles? For me I can play MS published games on my PC so I don't need an MS Console. I will be tempted to get a PS5 once the big Sony exclusives hit, but as of this gen, I only really got into GOW and UC. Horizon was nice. All major 3rd party games were on PC. Last gen I was day 1 on both systems because for the first time in my life I could afford it.

Sony might get me to buy a system. MS won't. But will likely have more games I could buy up front and if they are good I will get them. Obsidian was a good acquisition for them. I am just not sure what else they have that is in the must play category. I would love it if Sony would sell a dongle or something that would let me play a few of their digital PS5 games without making me buy a 500 dollar system or some kind of a la carte streaming service akin to stadia. Maybe i'll just pass and buy my kid a PS6 when he is 10 and get all the "classics".

For the broader market I think Sony will win unless MS has a gimmick/ enticing value. Their game pass might do it if they market it well, but Sony has been delivering solid first party games/exclusives for the last 4 generations.
I am not really sure what this means, total sale of consoles? For me I can play MS published games on my PC so I don't need an MS Console. I will be tempted to get a PS5 once the big Sony exclusives hit, but as of this gen, I only really got into GOW and UC. Horizon was nice. All major 3rd party games were on PC. Last gen I was day 1 on both systems because for the first time in my life I could afford it.

Sony might get me to buy a system. MS won't. But will likely have more games I could buy up front and if they are good I will get them. Obsidian was a good acquisition for them. I am just not sure what else they have that is in the must play category. I would love it if Sony would sell a dongle or something that would let me play a few of their digital PS5 games without making me buy a 500 dollar system or some kind of a la carte streaming service akin to stadia. Maybe i'll just pass and buy my kid a PS6 when he is 10 and get all the "classics".

For the broader market I think Sony will win unless MS has a gimmick/ enticing value. Their game pass might do it if they market it well, but Sony has been delivering solid first party games/exclusives for the last 4 generations.
Who really wins if Sony sells more consoles and MS makes more money? How do we then decide the winner, I think the rules are going to change with this subscription service and streaming model added into the mix. Just my opinion.
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Sony is in the best position. Some of their best studios are either working on sequels to some of the highest rated IPs of all time or new IPs. Microsoft is spiting out the same Gears, Halo, Forza combo for the past 10 years with the promise of new stuff down the line. Assuming they don't cancel them before their finished.
First time ever I've heard this angle before.

It's studied as such at business schools. Nintendo found what is called "blue ocean" a market segment where there is no competition. But the problem with that strategy was leaning too much on people who were not loyal customers and would not buy them another console after Wii. The proof of what I am saying is that having sold 100 million consoles, sales declined by 85% with Wii U, when they tried to build on Wii's success. The attach ratio was that poor because most people that bought Wii were not "traditional gamers". There is a reason why they went from 100 to 15 million units sold.

Another evidence is that both Sony and Microsoft failed miserably when they tried to replicate Wii's model. Their customers (the real ones) showed them the finger.

In any case, I didn't mean that the one leading will win next gen (that's absurd) but only that they got a very good position to keep leading unless they screw it up. For example, what Sony did with PS3 after PS2 dominance was a royal fuckup and that's why they lost the advantage to Microsoft, which were doing things right.

Right now, the 3 big brands have a very clear market positioning and I cannot foresee any major factor that could change things dramatically for one or the other. If both Sony and Microsoft launch consoles at same price and similar power, thing will keep as they are Today. Games will be again the deciding factor.


Lots of wrongs in this post. I will make some corrections, at once replying to the previous one:

- Videogames are mainstream NOW. They were not in the past. Meaning that mindshare is a thing. Generations from old times don't count.

- Nintendo "lost" to PSX because they limited themselves with stupid cartridges instead of CDs. Sony used a disruptive tech, as I said in my previous post, that changed the industry standards. Nintendo would have demolished that gen if they had not been that stubborn.

- PS3 didn't lose to Wii. Wii (this argument again, my god) was sold AS A FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCT, NOT A VIDEOGAME CONSOLE. 85% of Wii buyers were not gamers, meaning that the console didn't compete with Sony or Microsoft.

- Nintendo Switch is a PORTABLE CONSOLE that doesn't compite with Sony or Microsoft, either. Nintendo went their own way after Gamecube.

About GP, it is incompatible with first-party big titles. It's just not profitable so in the end if people want great games they will have to look elsewhere. GP or BC are nice features, but they have never granted any victory. Never will. Unique and awesome experiences do. And that is tied to Sony and Nintendo, nowadays.

Can that change? Sure, but it will take a massive flop by the current leader to turn tables. The best position today is Sony's.

Whilst I get the point you’re making, I wouldn’t quite put it like that.

The Wii absolutely did win the generation. But it did it on the back of being a fad for a couple of years and it had completely ran out of steam by the end of the gen. Equally despite a really strong first half of the generation the Xbox 360 also ran out of steam, the third party exclusives stopped and the first party also largely dried up.

By contrast, as we approached the new generation all the momentum was with the PS3. They had sorted out pricing, got the slim models out there, revamped PSN and were cranking out the first party exclusives. That’s not a win as such, but you could see how they were well set for the current generation.

Texas Pride

I think it's simple. MS has no real exclusive games anymore due to their strategy. And for a company that wasn't outselling it's competitors before that choice was made it's going to be even tougher convincing masses to buy your next box. Sony has the momentum atm and that could change but I don't think its likely.


Gold Member
No. No they don’t.

Each company has a user base, a portfolio of content, and they have varying degrees of momentum and these things are important. And this is even more true as we make the new generational transition and people are tied to an ecosystem for their digital content.

As we went into this generation people were writing off PlayStation due to Sony Corp's financial situation. They missed that despite their launch missteps PlayStation had all the momentum at the end of the generation. They hit the ground running, didn’t fuck it up and are still going strong.

Going into the next generation Sony has all the momentum, double the user base and a portfolio of studios that have been knocking it out the park the last few years.
You must have forgotten that the PS3 happened.
It's pretty same scenario on last gen on this time....Xbox started to lose foothold on being a console manufacturer due they are now supporting Windows as part of gaming platform adding that Xbox game pass to make notice on users and make it's a success concept to gain more members to play Xbox but on bad side of its customers started to lose hope due lack of content,exclusives that makes a good investment to play on it(yup their new halo or something new games that they acquired studios for it) but on this E3 result is abysmal to get hype for next gen(if they want success then do a XBox X019 event as Games that exclusive reveal + gameplay that been announced on E3 if they want Xbox to be success

In Sony it's simple fix on it a successful state of play, a good tgs2019 performance and Sony Xperience Event on December

This things are good hypes for next gen meanwhile on nintendo for their switch well games that's all to counter it
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Wii was an anomaly. It had sales and potential to be the leader, but it was not unanimous. Sony was the only one to really have leadership in the market. PS1, PS2 and PS4 had the most sales in their gen and even if you added up the sales of competitors it was still lower than playstation sales.

So, people who summon the past to give MS a possible upperhand should be aware of this. Nothing is written in stone, but Sony knows better than MS when we talk about this industry.


Sony certainly have the upper hand as far as next gen sales go, but that is due to brand loyalty more than anything.

Overall, I think MS will provide the better gaming experience going forward. Sony dominates in the Single player cinematic 1st party games, but those games are beginning to look and play more and more alike as time goes by. Sony is outdone everywhere else by it's competitors.


Sony, no doubt. But MS isn't going to hand it to them like the current gen. Sony is going to need to work a bit harder in 2020 to keep their market share.
Sony certainly have the upper hand as far as next gen sales go, but that is due to brand loyalty more than anything.

Overall, I think MS will provide the better gaming experience going forward. Sony dominates in the Single player cinematic 1st party games, but those games are beginning to look and play more and more alike as time goes by. Sony is outdone everywhere else by it's competitors.
Very well put.


Even as an Xbox fan I can't see how Sony doesn't have a huge advantage going into next gen. If the Xbox releases a year earlier and Microsoft can work magic they have an opportunity to take control of the generation early. It would require a lot.


Sony no question, more exclusives and more fresh ways to game like PSVR, not to mention they won this generation by a landslide and that really helps going forward.


This thread is a bit early. We don't know pricing. We don't know all of the features. It's possible that Sony could fuck it up by putting psvr2 into it and forcing people to buy into it like what Microsoft did with Kinect and charging an extra $100.

As of now the games are what's important and Sony has the advantage


Sony, no doubt. But MS isn't going to hand it to them like the current gen. Sony is going to need to work a bit harder in 2020 to keep their market share.
How exactly is MS going to try to rival Sony in Europe?
Only a huge fuck up from Sony would make Xbox popular in Europe.


Probably Sony, I believe all new Xbox exclusives will be also on PC, so I’ll just stick mainly to PC/switch with a dab on Ps4/5

Gavon West

Spread's Cheeks for Intrusive Ads
Sony. I actually wouldn't be surprised if MS slide further behind next gen quite honestly.

Streaming just isn't going to work for most people, and likely never will. I see it as yet another 'console killer' like the dozens of obsolete products or at the very best separate, irrelevant markets that cater to an entirely different audience like mobile, and I very much doubt it'll ever be as cheap or easy to access as the latter .

Purely as a console, Xbox is almost nonexistent globally, and offers the same experience as Playstation but with a poorer selection of first party titles. This might change in future, but theres no reason to expect that, and it would be at least not until 10th gen that we'd see any possibility of pay off.

Then there's gamepass, which yes, offers great value for money, but ultimately devalues the games on it, especially first party titles, and risks creating a mobile like market with casual players, while putting off core players due to titles being removed without warning, as we've already seen start happening.

Saying that, I am expecting them to do better in 9th gen, but to say they're in a position to be anything other than a distant third place again, only even really known of or cared about in a few countries, seems incredibly naive.
Bruh....I mean, if you're gonna dream in a vaccum after apparently living under a rock from 2016 to next gen 2020 - this is the way you do it! Well done!


Microsoft shot themselves in the foot allowing exclusives on PC. Good for PC Gamers but from a business perspective, that was a dumb move that they cannot retract. I think they know this but won't admit it.

GamePass has been a bit of a saviour for them. I have an X and Pro and I think I will most likely keep my X, sell my Pro and buy a PS5. I think the X will keep up with the next gen for at least the next couple years until that generation truly gets underway and by then the new Xbox console will be slightly cheaper for me to buy.


I think Sony, because in 3 of their 4th previous generations dominated the market and are in a great position now. Their current console achieved many records, their games sell better than ever and they pioneered in console cloud gaming subscription and modern VR, so this experience may help them to dominate also these submarkets due to their existing catalog and expertise.

Specially the catalog: top AAA and indie support, a great amount of top quality exclusives and tons of gems from previous generations. And now that 100M+ (counting PS4, PS3 and Vita here) people have PSN accounts with many games I think it's going to be difficult for many of them to switch to another platforms having BC.

With PS3 (which had a very bad start but ended with around 85-90M sold, close to 360 and Wii) they had many mistakes but learnt from them for Vita and PS4. If they don't repeat them again I'm pretty sure they will have again a substantial market lead.

I think MS is going to continue their trend of moving their gaming business to outside Xbox hardware, Nintendo will continue their own path not competing directly and I think Stadia will fail due to exclusive catalog comparision, data caps, not having the option to play offline/locally/etc. But Sony will continue being king of the consoles.
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Writes a lot, says very little
Sony easily, they don't need to convince you of what they will do, they've been doing it since PS1. So no question or doubt if you'll get a new series, new IP in the future, they've never NOT done it. Its even harder for MS to convince folks to buy a NextBox if all the games will just be on PC too, MS going into next gen has even less reasons to own their console then going into this gen. The start of this gen MS wasn't going around telling folks they plan to have games on ALL DEVICES, yet that is the messaging they are doing for their next system.

The fact that Minecraft Dungeons is coming to all platforms should very much hint to folks that MS isn't playing around with this concept, it isn't just a bluff, they indeed are seeking to put games out on many systems as to why even the all mighty Halo Infinite is coming to PC day and date. So MS has less reasons for you to buy their console next gen, Sony has MORE reasons to buy a PS5 as they are firm about exclusives and delivering new IP.

Sony's messaging is pretty much buy a PS5 to get their games, vs "all devices"

Mass Shift

Microsoft shot themselves in the foot allowing exclusives on PC. Good for PC Gamers but from a business perspective, that was a dumb move that they cannot retract. I think they know this but won't admit it.

PC game sales don't impact their exclusives sales on Xbox. The numbers are often so lop sided you have wonder why this particular point keeps coming up. Why do you think Sony is dipping their toes in the same water? There's money to be made and it's not going to hurt PlayStation game sales either. It's just two demographics, with specific preferences when it comes to the way they game. Software sales IS the game.

And dumb from a business perspective? Not at all. They NEVER lose when it comes to PC gaming. Windows gaming is THEIR ecosphere, any gamer who plays on PC already contributes to it. The PC gaming space earns them billions, from dev tools, game sales, and even hardware sales where unique licenses apply.

Why would they need to retract from that?
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- Solid first party line up with a wide variety of genres
- Great online and marketplace ecosystem
- Game Pass (and EA Access) subs. As long as someone doesn't care for playing the latest games on day one or certain games like R* or Call of Duty, many good games comes to GP or EA subs. Great value. Even better if some is a PC gamer too as GP PC is included free if someone does Game Pass Ultimate
- Home Sharing. Share digital games, GP, EA Access, Gold with a friend of fam member (like I do). It's basically cutting the costs in half. Even better for anyone who did it, the $1 GPU upgrade last month. I bought two more years of Gold so I have three (I had one year left). Got 3 years of GPU for $1 total for 3 years..... technically 50 cents if I split it. That's 3 years of GP games for $1
- Even more access to free games to play. Games with Gold is 4 games. PSN reduced it to 2
- Not a concern for me as I don't play anime games, but for all those gamers who like anime games with cleavage, MS doesn't care. Nintendo doesn't either. Sony does with big bright lights

Is this part satire? Don't get me wrong I respect Gears. But when it comes to exclusive games, Sony is on a whole different level for a decade now. That's been one of the main criticism for Xbox.
Also the best place to play multiplats this gen was the base PS4, not Xbox One. Yes the Xbox one X came out 4 years later, but the damage was done.


Xbox is in an interesting position. I skipped the Xbox One generation entirely, but I am curious how they will handle their next console. If they keep going all-in on backward compatibility, the idea of owning an Xbox console that can play the original, 360, One, and next-gen games is tempting. Or maybe I just miss Halo and I'm having high hopes for the next one to be a must-have.

The biggest controversy right before the PS4 and Xbox One was revealed was "which system would support used games" and everyone looked at Sony like they were a knight in shining armor. Lately, Microsoft has been looking more like the "good guy".

Hopefully, Sony is taking notes from Microsoft, and they might surprise everyone with a generous backward compatible offering of their own. Probably wishful thinking though, because Sony has been very stingy with allowing people to play something as basic as the PS1 on the PS4.


They have everything in place to have a succesful Gen again.

And i wish people could stop with the "sony has the best exclusive" bs.
Its a matter of taste, thats the fact and not one of the current playstation exclusives interests me. They all share the same 3rd person over the shoulder gameplay, they all share the same serious/depressing storytelling style, etc...
Doesnt get that boring after so many years?

And like someone said, all this games are a one and done thing. With Microsofts games, i always hop back in to play a new gamemode, a new map and other new content. I can play almost every MS exclusive in Coop. Which is a big selling point to me and it never killed the Story (like coop hater always claim).

I really dont wanna see the same style of boring Singleplayer games like Sony is producing from Microsoft. If i want a pure singleplayer game, 3rd party Devs and Publishers will still exist.

Microsofts strength in their exclusives is to bring a big package of value to the player. Singleplayer Story, PvE Modes and Competitive PvP,
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Writes a lot, says very little
PC game sales don't impact their exclusives sales on Xbox. The numbers are often so lop sided you have wonder why this particular point keeps coming up. Why do you think Sony is dipping their toes in the same water? There's money to be made and it's not going to hurt PlayStation game sales either. It's just two demographics, with specific preferences when it comes to the way they game. Software sales IS the game.

And dumb from a business perspective? Not at all. They NEVER lose when it comes to PC gaming. Windows gaming is THEIR ecosphere, any gamer who plays on PC already contributes to it. The PC gaming space earns them billions, from dev tools, game sales, and even hardware sales where unique licenses apply.

Why would they need to retract from that?

"PC game sales don't impact their exclusives sales on Xbox" Trust me they do. Someone buying it on PC, is also 1 less person buying a XB to actually play those games...

I agree its not a dumb business move, but we can stop pretending them having games on more platforms means more people will suddenly like XB the console itself, it just doesn't make sense and its clear this move will cost them console sales on software and hardware.

I'm not buying a XB based on this move, I'm just buying those games on PC, thus...no I'm not buying their console, nor console games thus folks like me very much will make a dent in that already shrinking install base. They sold less units this gen then last gen, how many do you think they will move next gen when the very start of the generation they have this messaging of their games on "all devices"?

That doesn't scream buy a XB, that states to me, stay where you are at, we are coming to you. Great business move to move software, but hardware wise....XB is pretty much done. I expect them to move even less units just be default of this move. Good move for business though, helps MS make more money, but the relevance of XB as a platform will continue to shrink with this move.

They themselves have now questioned the relevance or purpose of them in hardware by this move.


PC game sales don't impact their exclusives sales on Xbox. The numbers are often so lop sided you have wonder why this particular point keeps coming up. Why do you think Sony is dipping their toes in the same water? There's money to be made and it's not going to hurt PlayStation game sales either. It's just two demographics, with specific preferences when it comes to the way they game. Software sales IS the game.

And dumb from a business perspective? Not at all. They NEVER lose when it comes to PC gaming. Windows gaming is THEIR ecosphere, any gamer who plays on PC already contributes to it. The PC gaming space earns them billions, from dev tools, game sales, and even hardware sales where unique licenses apply.

Why would they need to retract from that?
I agree with what EDMIX said above and I believe your statement and information is false.

Yes, it's not dumb from a business perspective as far as game sales. But it is dumb from a business perspective regarding the success of Xbox console sales. This is what I meant by being dumb and shooting themselves in the foot.


I agree with what EDMIX said above and I believe your statement and information is false.

Yes, it's not dumb from a business perspective as far as game sales. But it is dumb from a business perspective regarding the success of Xbox console sales. This is what I meant by being dumb and shooting themselves in the foot.

Yeah, factoring in Gamepass as well people can pay just $10 a year and play all their big exclusives within a single month on PC.

Great deal for gamers tho.
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