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Wii U Release Day Thread

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Anyone else fighting the desire to buy more games then they can really afford in both money and time? Constantly reminding myself that I will not get a backlog with this system. The games aren't going anywhere. It's not my place to worry about helping contribute to good sales early on. Buy on your own time table when your ready for a new experience and have time for it. These are things I have to remind myself over and over again. Perhaps I shouldn't but I am.

Finally decided to just stick with my two launch games (ZombiU and Black Ops 2) and play them when they arrive in the mail. No more worrying about something else to play. In fact if Trine 2 Director's Cut is up on the eShop the first day that is what I'll get. $15 (I think that is how much it will cost or maybe $20) is significantly better then another $60 game that I might be getting just to get instead of a real huge desire to play. Have been really curious about Trine for a while now anyway.

All the games I'm passing on at launch can be gotten for a lower price in the months to come and even then more then likely will be taking a back seat to newer games I'm interested in like Lego City, Pikmin, Mario U (when I get the desire for 2D Mario. Never finished NSMB Wii and still have Donkey Kong to play. It's clearly not going anywhere.) Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, Monster Hunter, and hopefully something like Need for Speed and maybe Splinter Cell if they get released. Some won't be gotten even when they first launch though I'm sure. Looking at the other launch games as they simply didn't past the interest test to be bought first and before anything else. Only BO2 and ZombiU did and to a lesser degree Nintendo Land since that was a factor in me ultimately deciding on the Deluxe bundle.

This was bothering me for a few days not but seem calm about the purchasing decisions now.
Sure am. My orignal list was quite big but I've paired that down to two titles (plus Nintendo Land in the box). As you say they will still be there and might even get cheaper by the time I get around to playing them.


Sure am. My orignal list was quite big but I've paired that down to two titles (plus Nintendo Land in the box). As you say they will still be there and might even get cheaper by the time I get around to playing them.

Oh definitely. I'd say for me it has more to do with lack of time instead of money, but money for sure is a part as well. There are so many launch games I would love to experience but CoD is my top priority and I know that game can last me for months on end without having a need or want to play something else.

Right now I have 3 games for sure I'm getting, Cod, AC III and Nintendo land, but I am thinking about getting Mario as well now since I might not get Cod and ACIII for a few days due to Newegg and I don't know if Nintendo Land would be enough.


my BB order is still "in process" for a deluxe WiiU- which as far as i know is not opening @midnight OR opening Early on the 18th...they open at 11am :/

i sent an email to the manager asking if they were going to do either-no response as of yet

got AC3 via gamestop tuesday- used gift cards-cost 30 dollars

have a preorder for BLOPS2 from gamestop-might ditch that and just get @best buy.

getting zombiu via amazon using my amazon visa points redemption - had to pay 15 dollars for it after claiming my points.

getting nsmbu at toysrus via gift cards- will cost ~20 dollars.

have a 25 dollar gift card for target where i might nab one more game for my kids.
maybe the rabbids game or sonic racing....

wish rayman legends was a release title-it is on my must buy list

have to get a new wiimote or two & 2 nunchucks (wore them out) but that can wait, will just plug in our motion+ adaptors and use the old white wiimotes initially.

anyone know if the gamepad can do more than one component for the remote yet, only comments i have seen is "tv tv tv"
Anyone have a short list of Wii games they want now that the Wii U is coming out.

I had some of these previously but I think I'd like to get back into them.

Mario Kart
Tats vs. Cap (Where can I even find this)
Metroid Prime Trilogy (Dat price)
Super Smash Bros (meh, didn't love it but if I can find it for $19.99)


I have to work Sunday but I'm thinking about biting the bullet to see if I can work Saturday instead, that way I would have Sunday and Monday off at least to spend with the Wii U before I am brutally murdered by cannibalistic rednecks during my Black Friday shift at Wal-Mart.

I have to work this Sunday, I am going to pick up my Wii U after work..


I wouldn't ever download just any title. For the most part, I'll stick with only buying first party Nintendo titles, and only the big boys of that bunch. I bought NSMB2 on my 3DS, and I'll buy NSMBU on day one with the Wii U. I have never, EVER, resold a game like that during the life of a console. Once I buy a major first party title, it remains with me until at the very earliest the end of a console. I replay them all the time, especially Mario games, and it will be very handy to have those on my systems already.

I'm gonna do the same thing. First-party titles that I know have replay value (to me) I'm planning on downloading. Nintendo games don't get discounted quickly as well, so it's not like I'll miss out on some amazing half-price day-one deal. NSMBU definetly fits the bill of a download game. As for going all-digital it definetly won't happen right now, but I'll pick my spots with first-party games.
my BB order is still "in process" for a deluxe WiiU- which as far as i know is not opening @midnight OR opening Early on the 18th...they open at 11am :/

i sent an email to the manager asking if they were going to do either-no response as of yet

got AC3 via gamestop tuesday- used gift cards-cost 30 dollars

have a preorder for BLOPS2 from gamestop-might ditch that and just get @best buy.

getting zombiu via amazon using my amazon visa points redemption - had to pay 15 dollars for it after claiming my points.

getting nsmbu at toysrus via gift cards- will cost ~20 dollars.

have a 25 dollar gift card for target where i might nab one more game for my kids.
maybe the rabbids game or sonic racing....

wish rayman legends was a release title-it is on my must buy list

have to get a new wiimote or two & 2 nunchucks (wore them out) but that can wait, will just plug in our motion+ adaptors and use the old white wiimotes initially.

anyone know if the gamepad can do more than one component for the remote yet, only comments i have seen is "tv tv tv"

My Basic Wii U is still in process too at BB, but they have at least completed the step in their check list of "validating payment". I assume nothing is going to change with the status until the open Sunday morning.


Oh definitely. I'd say for me it has more to do with lack of time instead of money, but money for sure is a part as well. There are so many launch games I would love to experience but CoD is my top priority and I know that game can last me for months on end without having a need or want to play something else.

Right now I have 3 games for sure I'm getting, Cod, AC III and Nintendo land, but I am thinking about getting Mario as well now since I might not get Cod and ACIII for a few days due to Newegg and I don't know if Nintendo Land would be enough.

I'm in the same boat. I'll be going with the Nintendoland bundle and ZombiU on launch day, as I can't really justify throwing down over €400 on games at the moment. To be honest I'm much better off with only two games, any more would just get thrown into the bottomless pit that is my backlog. This way I can pick up NSMBU, AC3, Blops2, etc. when I actually have time to play them (and perhaps they've come down in price a bit).


So I know voice chat is unavailable if you use the pro controller but do you still need a headset if you use the pad?


So I revised what I plan on getting and came up with my final list. I don't want to buy any more game than I can play.

  1. NSMB U
  2. ZombiU
  3. TTT2
  4. Sonic's Allstar Racing Something Something

I want to get the Pro controller, but I don't think I'll have enough monies.


love on your sleeve
Anyone have a short list of Wii games they want now that the Wii U is coming out.

I had some of these previously but I think I'd like to get back into them.

Mario Kart
Tats vs. Cap (Where can I even find this)
Metroid Prime Trilogy (Dat price)
Super Smash Bros (meh, didn't love it but if I can find it for $19.99)

I have a short list.

Skyward Sword
Super Mario Galaxy 2
The Last Story
Sin & Punishment

Already purchased Skyward Sword to play on launch day. For right now I'm more interested in the Wii software than Wii U.
Walmart still isn't charging my preorder, and they moved the release date of my Pro Controller from November 18th to December 18th, but the release date and expected delivery for the Wii U and my game is still the same.

I am getting worried that I won't be getting my Wii U until late December.
I'm gonna do the same. I got my GS pre-order, but I'll go to Walmart to see if they got any at midnight. It works out well for me beause my brother wasn't able to get a pre-order, so one can go to him, or if he gets one first I could always return/sell the GS one.

Also, I should add that I don't think you can pre-order anymore. I went to Walmart last week to see if they were still putting any in layaway and they said that they (Walmart) weren't taking anymore, but that there should be other stock to sell. So, I would say if you want to try to get one at Walmart before GS opens, you should just go around midnight and see what they got.

Thanks for the advice. The customer service lady was actually very nice and apologetic about not being able to take preorders anymore and encouraged me to show up anyways as she insisted they would start selling the systems at midnight regardless. Hopefully she's right and there isn't something like "Sorry, the systems are still in back, since they're not on shelves yet you will need a preorder card/layaway slip to buy one."
I'm incredibly curious how Nintendo's network will handle things starting midnight Sunday. I wonder if it'll even be UP at midnight.


Heres mine: WiiU Black
Mario U
Zombie U
Sonic Racing (Newegg better ship on time)

And maybe...just maybe Tekken Tag. I'm still undecided on this one. The rest will just be me finishing my Wii backlog.

I guess I'll use the 3DS version of my Mii since it looks closer than my Wii version.


Sure am. My orignal list was quite big but I've paired that down to two titles (plus Nintendo Land in the box). As you say they will still be there and might even get cheaper by the time I get around to playing them.

I'm at three: Nintendoland (bundled), NSMBU and Sonic. But I've been tempted by ZombiU all along, and my titles do seem a little saccharin so some balance might be nice. Just too expensive and the expectation of a price drop will make me try and hold off.


I wonder if there's any way to transfer Wii saved games to wiiu.

Gave my Wii away to a friend and still have the sd card with my unfinished playthrough of a few games on it.

and my monster hunter 3 save.

Looks like I'll pick up
Sonic Racing

I think that's it.

Maybe Epic Mickey based on reviews.


I don't know if I'd buy a Pro Controller right now. I have a sneaking suspicion Nintendo is going to add a microphone slot to a future revision. Unless you don't care about that, then you might as well get one now.

In a strange way, I feel like buying a Pro Controller defeats the purpose of owning this system.

I really wish we knew what is going to be day one digital.


aka Mannny
I wonder if there's any way to transfer Wii saved games to wiiu.

Gave my Wii away to a friend and still have the sd card with my unfinished playthrough of a few games on it.

and my monster hunter 3 save.

Looks like I'll pick up
Sonic Racing

I think that's it.

Maybe Epic Mickey based on reviews.
You may need your original wii to do it.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm buying 3 games at launch other than the one included in the box, which was one more than I planned. There's four or five other games (all PS360 ports) I'm hoping to pick up for ~$20 in the next few months, but I definitely won't drop full price on them.
In a strange way, I feel like buying a Pro Controller defeats the purpose of owning this system.

I know what you mean. I hope to want to play most games with the gamepad but there's no way I'm playing stuff like Bayonetta 2 on anything but the Pro Controller.
Deluxe /w Nintendoland
Scribblenauts for the girlfriend

That should be good for awhile. ZombiU can wait, but i'll eventually pick it up. Maybe use some giftcards to take care of that around Christmas.

Can't wait for MadCatz to unleash the details on the Wii U arcade stick. I really hope it's "Wii Mode" (for WiiVC) compatible, and wired.

As for the pro controller, everything I want out of the pro controller (dual analogs, triggers) seems to be right there on the gamepad, so I am going to hold off on one, and see how single player traditional games play.


I wonder if there's any way to transfer Wii saved games to wiiu.

Gave my Wii away to a friend and still have the sd card with my unfinished playthrough of a few games on it.

and my monster hunter 3 save.

Looks like I'll pick up
Sonic Racing

I think that's it.

Maybe Epic Mickey based on reviews.

you NEED the wii to xfer the saves & a SD card
step 1 make sure all your wiiware/vc games are ON the wii.
step 2 insert sd card into wiiu- select the xfer option in game settings or where ever it is
-it installs something on the sd card
step 3 take sd card out of wiiu- insert into wii
download the xfer app from the wii store (or something like this)
run said app it copies everything on the wii -gamesaves and games- to the sd card
remove sd card from wii

place in wiiu
finish running the xfer app on wiiu
all games and saves are xferred to the wiiu (or stored on the sd card but usable on the wiiu able to move to the wiiu)
OK, that makes sense. Thus we should expect some press info on the online stuff on Saturday-ish?

I could still see it being under embargo until after midnight on Saturday night. I think the main reason to push it out to them early is just to test the update servers and make sure everything works as planned and so it's ready to go for anybody that gets the system at midnight.
I know what you mean. I hope to want to play most games with the gamepad but there's no way I'm playing stuff like Bayonetta 2 on anything but the Pro Controller.

I had the same thought about Bayo 2, but I think I'll wait and see how they implement the gamepad. At the very least, it'll be nice to be able to play it in bed...
as of right now, the gamestop where I preorderdd still doesn't know if they are doing an early open
if they open at 11, I have somewhere I have to be at noon, so I won't be able to pick up until at least after 4:00 pm.
really hope they early open, as I don't trust them to hold on to my wii u. If I didn't already have it paid off, I would just go wait in line at walmart.


you NEED the wii to xfer the saves & a SD card
step 1 make sure all your wiiware/vc games are ON the wii.
step 2 insert sd card into wiiu- select the xfer option in game settings or where ever it is
-it installs something on the sd card
step 3 take sd card out of wiiu- insert into wii
download the xfer app from the wii store (or something like this)
run said app it copies everything on the wii -gamesaves and games- to the sd card
remove sd card from wii

place in wiiu
finish running the xfer app on wiiu
all games and saves are xferred to the wiiu (or stored on the sd card but usable on the wiiu able to move to the wiiu)

Awesome thanks for the info!


Unlike the Wii I'm not buying this day 1, but I am actually quite interested to hear impressions on Black Ops 2, of all things.

That will really show us if the Wii U hardware is closer to a modern PC from a practical performance standpoint, or 360/PS3.

Is it bad I'm super excited for this, but won't own one until at least a year from now?
Anyone else fighting the desire to buy more games then they can really afford in both money and time?


I took part in the Target Buy 2 get 1 for free sale two weeks ago, purchasing Mario Kart 3DS, Professor Layton, and some other game I can't remember. But anyway, I returned all 3 the next day upon re-familiarizing myself with my present financial situation, my goals for the rest of the year, and my existing backlog. It was a very sombering situation.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Deluxe W/ NintendoLand
Pro Controller
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
Sonic Racing Transformed
Scribblenauts Unlimited (already bought)
Assassin's Creed 3 (already bought)

Sounds like a lot, but I really believe that each of these well be good/great games.
I'm a sucker for launches.
So assuming my Deluxe ships from Walmart.com one day, so far I have these to look forward to for launch:

New Super Mario Bros. U
Nintendo Land
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Darksiders 2
Zombi U
Ass Creed III

Anything else I might be missing out on?
Sure am. My orignal list was quite big but I've paired that down to two titles (plus Nintendo Land in the box). As you say they will still be there and might even get cheaper by the time I get around to playing them.
I'm only getting NSMB (besides Nintendoland). Then I wait for HD remakes of Sunshine, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess.

When are they gonna start announcing those?? You'd think they'd have one lined up for launch.


So assuming my Deluxe ships from Walmart.com one day, so far I have these to look forward to for launch:

New Super Mario Bros. U
Nintendo Land
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Darksiders 2
Zombi U
Ass Creed III

Anything else I might be missing out on?

Tekken Swag Tournament 2
GameStop contacted me to say that my pre-order for Mario U was declined. Contact my credit card company to see what's up and they have no record of any transaction from GameStop. Call them back today and it goes through fine.

I'm hoping this doesn't happen when they try to put through the payment for the WiiU itself since it's my girlfriends Christmas present. Hold me GAF, I'm scared!


I think all I'll be doing on the 18th is getting the WiiU Deluxe console and playing Nintendo Land. Then I'll just toy around with the UI of the WiiU. I am interesting in hearing about how ACIII performs on the console since the PS3/360 version doesn't seem to be running so well on those consoles. Kind of wish an Animal Crossing game was ready for the WiiU for lauch but I guess that will come later after the 3DS version.
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