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Wii U Release Day Thread

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I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Do we have any impressions (or even twitter hints) to the quality of Black Ops 2 and/or ACIII on the WiiU?

Right now I'm definitely getting the Deluxe with Nintendoland, NSMBU, and ZombiU.

I'd really like to get two more, but I don't want to spend that much $$. But, I was going to buy CODBLOPS2 and ASSCREE3, anyway, for PC next week. I could ditch the PC versions and get the WiiU versions. I don't expect them to be PC quality... but I'd like a little better than the X306/PS3 versions.


Maturity, bitches.
This will never happen, B&M customers are always priority (mostly due to the massive overhead of running a retail chain, I believe).

They'll allocate stock to both online orders and B&M locations, simultaneously. Regardless of pre orders fulfilled or to be fulfilled.

Well then Sainbury's better deliver or I may have to pop over to my local and swap some sandwiches around.


Is there more in it than just the fighting part of it?

I know this sounds odd, but I don't like getting fighting games for full price unless they have something like Tekken 6's beat 'em up mode or a super addicting single player like Virtua Fighter.

Tekken Ball should be fun. I haven't actually played the game so I'm not sure if it includes any other special modes.
So hyped for Sunday. Here's what I'm picking up:

- Wii U Deluxe
- Wii U Pro Controller
- Sonic All-Stars Racing

And then I'm renting BLOPS2, Darksiders 2 and Zombi U from Gamefly. Also picking up a $20 eShop card with my Wii U stuff at GameStop. I wonder what will be available on Sunday?
Doomed, Wii U is the first Nintendo system I won't buy at launch since Game Cube.

I'll be on a holiday trip. Will join the fun before March, just in time for Monsus Hungod 3 Ultimallah.

Rooting for Zombi U!


Doomed, Wii U is the first Nintendo system I won't buy at launch since Game Cube.

I'll be on a holiday trip. Will join the fun before March, just in time for Monsus Hungod 3 Ultimallah.

Rooting for Zombi U!

And nothing of value was lost

Have a safe trip sis *.*
So hyped for Sunday. Here's what I'm picking up:

- Wii U Deluxe
- Wii U Pro Controller
- Sonic All-Stars Racing

And then I'm renting BLOPS2, Darksiders 2 and Zombi U from Gamefly. Also picking up a $20 eShop card with my Wii U stuff at GameStop. I wonder what will be available on Sunday?

how are you getting three games at once from gamefly?
I'm just getting NSMB U and an eShop card in case there's any good indie games or VC titles to download day one. NSMB U will keep me busy for more than a few weeks while I try to 100% it. Plus I still have MP 3 Corruption, Epic Yarn and DKCR in my Wii backlog along with a few Wii Ware titles and VC games I still need to work on.


Not sure whether to keep conservative or go nuts once the U is out here. Nintendo Land (bundled) and NSMBU are locks, but I have quite a bit of cash in store credit. Not sure if I should be sensible and save that, or go nuts and add BLOPS 2, TTT2, Sonic Racing and ZombiU as well.

This thread is going to be brilliant but agonising reading for someone based in the UK over the next week.
Work is blocking IGN. Can anyone provide summaries?
Mario 9.1

It’s difficult to find freshness or brilliance in a 2D landscape. Mario’s world is now three decades old. That would seem to suggest new territory is scarce, and in some ways the formulaic New Mario series had come to reinforce that fear. But New Super Mario Bros. U demonstrates there’s not just life left in this type of game, but that it can be modern and nostalgic at the same time.

Nintendo’s approach here strikes a great balance in all areas, ranging from its difficulty to design to enemies and bosses. And for everything the basic Story Mode does right –and that’s a considerable amount – the Challenge Mode will be remembered as a key moment in the life of the New Mario series, where Nintendo realized it didn’t have to sacrifice the core gamer’s experience at the expense of a more casual audience. This is how Mario can and will appeal to everyone.

Nintendo Land 8.7

Nintendo Land is a brilliant show of what Nintendo’s new console and tablet controller are capable of, and has far more depth and content then you’d expect from a mini-game collection. The attractions are ridiculously fun and offer plenty of variety, whether you’re flying solo or entertaining a group. Throw in high scores to best, gold trophies to earn, stamp achievements to collect and tons of Plaza decorations to unlock, and what you’ve got is an experience that must not be missed, and probably the best show of Wii U available at launch.


I'm so CONFLICTED as to what games I want besides NSMBU, before I wanted that, ZombiU, and Ninja Gaiden.

Now I cut it back down to NSMBU -___-


For those planning to use the Gamepad in bed, have you used tablets or portable gaming systems in bed? In particular I'm curious about the long term weight strain after playing for more than a few minutes.

Reference weights:

Wavebird: 210 grams / 0.46 pounds
PSP/Vita: 280 grams / 0.62 pounds
3DS XL: 336 grams / 0.74 pounds
Kindle Fire: 413 grams / 0.91 pounds
Wii U Gamepad: 500 grams / 1.1 pounds
Xbox Controller: 544 grams / 1.2 pounds
iPad 2: 601 grams / 1.3 pounds
3rd iPad: 650 grams / 1.4 pounds
iPad: 680 grams / 1.5 pounds
Now I cut it back down to NSMBU -___-

Frankly I'm too nervous to put the cash down on any other game besides Mario. Hopefully we get more reviews and impressions by Sunday to tell us what exactly we can expect out of stuff like Black Ops 2, Ninja Gaiden, AC3, etc.


Frankly I'm too nervous to put the cash down on any other game besides Mario. Hopefully we get more reviews and impressions by Sunday to tell us what exactly we can expect out of stuff like Black Ops 2, Ninja Gaiden, AC3, etc.

Yeah! I feel like if I just buy it because I need games I might get burned. I guess the games aren't going anywhere huh? Lol :)


GameStop contacted me to say that my pre-order for Mario U was declined. Contact my credit card company to see what's up and they have no record of any transaction from GameStop. Call them back today and it goes through fine.

I'm hoping this doesn't happen when they try to put through the payment for the WiiU itself since it's my girlfriends Christmas present. Hold me GAF, I'm scared!

Last Sunday, AmEx fraud protection decided to decline my charge for my Wii U pre-order with Gamestop online. Called and resolved with Amex, then sent the required email to Gamestop. Everything *looks* okay now, but I'm a little jumpy about it. Will feel better when I see the status change to "processing" and "shipping."


Neo Member
Is there more in it than just the fighting part of it?

I know this sounds odd, but I don't like getting fighting games for full price unless they have something like Tekken 6's beat 'em up mode or a super addicting single player like Virtua Fighter.

You can play Ghost Battle mode to unlock different attire and customers for each fighter (there is a lot). Also, the new Combot mode is a mode that basically teaches you how to play, but giving you different challenges in the process. The made appeal to this mode is the ability to create your own fighter by giving the Combot any modes from the game and leveling up.

If you don't want to fight competitively, there is also an online practice mode you and someone can practice in. :)
The collection of six single-player amusements are the best collection of attractions in Nintendo Land, and they're also the most essential. I've heard Solitaire was included in Windows to teach PC newcomers to use a mouse. These six games will teach you how to use a Wii U.

First review that I've seen that praises the single player games over the multi. There is hope.
GameStop contacted me to say that my pre-order for Mario U was declined. Contact my credit card company to see what's up and they have no record of any transaction from GameStop. Call them back today and it goes through fine.

I'm hoping this doesn't happen when they try to put through the payment for the WiiU itself since it's my girlfriends Christmas present. Hold me GAF, I'm scared!

GameStop already charged my card and according to customer support my Wii U is already packaged and ready to ship. My order status hasn't changed from "open" on my account page though.
No one has access to the Nintendo Network yet. I just asked RichIGN if he had access to Miiverse and he said no.

What is Nintendo hiding? I'm kinda worried this thing is not ready or they have something they don't want the press to report on the eShop.

Would be nice if they had a little surprise up there but I think this is damn strange



What's with that terrible new IGN review layout? Not that the old one was much better.

Unexpectedly high score for Nintendoland, although as it's packed in with the Wii U I'll be trying it out anyway soon. Definitely looking forward to some local multiplayer fun - so sorely lacking on PS3/360.
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