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Wii U Release Day Thread

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Membero Americo
And this:


Looks like someone was able to nag one early. (Wal-Mart)


was there any reason why the wiiu can't play wii games in HD like an emulator that has been out for years can?

I skipped the wii, and would like to get Galaxy 1 and 2, but I want it in HD. I have a feeling Nintendo will sell HD versions compatible with the wiiu controller. They did put out a few "New Play Control" gamecube games for the Wii.

The Wii U doesn't use emulation, all the backwards compatibility is hardware-based. Which is the most reliable method, but largely prevents things like rendering at a higher resolution.


So did we ever find out what the deal with Nintendo Network ID is? Is it going to be like XBL/PSN (where names are unique) or Steam (where your non-unique nickname is used for everything)?


I have one pre-ordered online as a backup, which I should receive on Monday, but I'm going to attempt to pick up a Deluxe tomorrow at midnight at a 24h store that might sell them. It was advertised in the flyer but their inventory of electronics is really hit of miss. There's no guarantee they'll have any, so I'm hoping.


So did we ever find out what the deal with Nintendo Network ID is? Is it going to be like XBL/PSN (where names are unique) or Steam (where your non-unique nickname is used for everything)?

According to Iwata, players will make a seperate usere account ID (I assume that's the nickname), used for save game settings, save data, pre-installed software and Wii U games to the console.The account will also allow users to save bookmark's for the console's internet browser and save play history. Some games will allow you to share save data among multiple users. This ID will be used when the console is first turned on, to select a user. With the Nintendo Network ID creation,(I assume it' a randomly generated #) you're asked to input a password, your date of birth, gender, location and e-mail address. It is used for Miiverse, eShop purchases, and video chat. You'll be able to register friends using this ID and determine which account on your Wii U as well as which account bough which downloadable games. DLC and downloadable games can be accessed from any other Wii U account registered to your console. Nintendo Network will also be compatible with different network services from other game developers. You'll use your Nintendo Network ID to sign on to each third-party network's service.

I don't think any other major details on Nintendo Network have been mentioned yet.

I'm one of those old physical copy-loving dinosaurs, but I may just make a digital download exception for NSMBU. It's probably the only way to get that game at a discount (using the Deluxe) anytime soon.


Anyone pre-order online at Toys R Us, get the ship date as 11/15 then not get any update yet? What the hell :(

I called and the automated response said the product was backordered? Really lame, Toys R Us..


For the first time I'm really feeling the hype. Tomorrow is going to be a long day though as I'm not doing anything at all other then for a few hours in the early morning. Guess I'll try to working out a little. Haven't had much time to do that in the last few weeks. Especailly with Thanksgiving coming up I need to get ahead of the weight I might put on as I'm still trying to lose now. Maybe do more cleaning. I also have some more reading for work I guess I could finally finish as well.

Can't wait to get this thing home and to mess around with all the features.
My target preorder from their initial batch still hasn't.. Did you get Sunday delivery?

I selected the Premium option which was Monday delivery, however I got an email after ordering saying my delivery was pushed back to Wednesday, so we'll see when it actually arrives. I've got UPS tracking so it seems that this is happening.


Regarding Wal Mart, I have a feeling I'm going to be able to get one at midnight even though I didn't layaway. I talked to the layaway manager tonight, and there were only like 5 pre orders but she seemed to think they had 30 coming. She wasn't exactly an expert on the whole situation so I'm not super confident. She of course thought it was "some thing for the Wii?" I somehow doubt there are only 5 pre orders though.

After that I went to the Gamestop where I was the second person to pre order/pay off. I just wanted to make sure that I'd be able to get my full $400+ refund back if I can get one the night before.

My gamestop isn't doing a pre order because they only had 15 pre orders, but they also said that was all they were getting, and that if I were to pre order on now, it wouldn't be here till march.

I can't really get a read on whether it's worth it to sell one on Craigslist or whatever if I am able to get 2.


Just called GameStop to confirm that my wii U will be held for me since I can't make it in until 4 pm and he said I'm good :D

Hopefully my best buy order goes through fine since that is a present for my family.


Neo Member
Regarding Wal Mart, I have a feeling I'm going to be able to get one at midnight even though I didn't layaway. I talked to the layaway manager tonight, and there were only like 5 pre orders but she seemed to think they had 30 coming. She wasn't exactly an expert on the whole situation so I'm not super confident. She of course thought it was "some thing for the Wii?" I somehow doubt there are only 5 pre orders though.

There are only 6 at mine. I was by there earlier just to confirm a midnight launch since it's in layaway. One sales associate confirmed that there would be someone back there as she had been there when they first started.

Anyways they had the names of the people who had one and all that under the counter in a little box (I think your name goes on a sticker they put on your wii u or just tape it to it). They said 6 and when they showed me my receipt/name sticker there couldn't have been many more in it.
Why does that NewEgg bundle pack Nintendo Land in with the Basic set? The whole point of buying the Basic set is to not pay for Nintendo Land.


Yikes. Looks like they really want to get that attach rate up.

Newegg is playing the we got what you cant get elsewhere so bendover and go lubeless route. They are at least picking games people would be interested instead of shoving in your shape 13 or other crap


Strap on your hooker ...
Having not preordered at Walmart would I be able to go in at midnight and pick one up?
They only took preorders for Deluxe sets, so even if they only have enough to fulfill preorders on those, they'll still have all the Basic sets they recieve to sell.

Its hard to say. Even though many Walmarts are getting excess they may decide to hold onto it for Black Friday. Console launches this time of the year the stores love because they can hold hostage inventory until then and have a big door buster
Walmart certainly isn't going to have any problem getting people in their doors. They'll have more than enough chaos on their hands trying to distribute the stuff that's actually in their BF ad, why would they pile on another potential riot for something that's not?


Regarding Wal Mart, I have a feeling I'm going to be able to get one at midnight even though I didn't layaway. I talked to the layaway manager tonight, and there were only like 5 pre orders but she seemed to think they had 30 coming. She wasn't exactly an expert on the whole situation so I'm not super confident. She of course thought it was "some thing for the Wii?" I somehow doubt there are only 5 pre orders though.

After that I went to the Gamestop where I was the second person to pre order/pay off. I just wanted to make sure that I'd be able to get my full $400+ refund back if I can get one the night before.

My gamestop isn't doing a pre order because they only had 15 pre orders, but they also said that was all they were getting, and that if I were to pre order on now, it wouldn't be here till march.

I can't really get a read on whether it's worth it to sell one on Craigslist or whatever if I am able to get 2.

That's what I'll be doing. I'll check Wal-Mart at midnight, if they turn me away I'll fall back on my GS pre-order. My brother needs one, so if I can get one at Wal-Mart it will go to him unless he finds one first. In that case, if I have two, I'll sell or take back the GS one.
Why does that NewEgg bundle pack Nintendo Land in with the Basic set? The whole point of buying the Basic set is to not pay for Nintendo Land.

It doesn't. It's referring to the fact that there are four games total with the bundle.

If you look at the price, you're paying for three games @59.99 each and the WiiU @349.99.
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