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Wii U Release Day Thread

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You guys mentioned a few pages back the WiiU GamePad Tech article from Polygon

This one:

I am a bit late I didn't had time to point out again to those who didn't notice in speculation threads:

But polygon got the exclusive interview with Broadcom that's why they got so much details.

The best news is, confirmation that repeaters are possible, this should be estatic most best news ever about. I hope it'll be possible to do with DD-WRT on a consumer router, like I have here WRT320N for example, you guys just make sure it's

But I don't know how the signal will be detected if it really is supported, i hope there won't need to be much work, but I will have contact with DD-WRT staff and (one of them is from the same country as me :D) and propose the idea of trying to make this work in next versions if it's not already possible.

Well the tech support's it but we do not yet know if nintendo may want to disallow it by purposelly encrypting the signal. I don't know for true repeaters (difference?) i only know for operational mode Repeater in DD-WRT where you need to know the SSID and Full Security settings (key and type too)

Also: This got my hype meter to the max: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkaYNtD55-I - best thing ever ever ever !!!!!!!!
I'm curious about the ZombiU review, because I haven't been a Gamespot reader since that crap with Jeff Gerstmann, but how prolific is this Maxwell fellow? Has he worked there long? Written a lot of reviews? Because if not, I'm wondering if he's just rattling his cage to draw attention to himself. To be "that guy" who shat all over the Wii U's (arguably) most anticipated title, to keep himself in a spotlight of notoriety.

With almost every preview/hands-on write up for ZombiU being generally positive, I wonder. As others have said, he seems to be criticizing the game for being what it's supposed to: survival horror. Of course we need to see more reviews, but I think people are being a bit quick to write off ZombiU because of one review.


Wonder if I should go to toysrus and take advantage of there sale, or wait and buy downloadable versions of the games I want. Just wish I knew what was going to be available to download tomorrow.


I'm curious about the ZombiU review, because I haven't been a Gamespot reader since that crap with Jeff Gerstmann, but how prolific is this Maxwell fellow? Has he worked there long? Written a lot of reviews? Because if not, I'm wondering if he's just rattling his cage to draw attention to himself. To be "that guy" who shat all over the Wii U's (arguably) most anticipated title, to keep himself in a spotlight of notoriety.

With almost every preview/hands-on write up for ZombiU being generally positive, I wonder. As others have said, he seems to be criticizing the game for being what it's supposed to: survival horror. Of course we need to see more reviews, but I think people are being a bit quick to write off ZombiU because of one review.

All games he's reviewed at Gamespot:

ZombiU is his equal lowest score he's given, alongside Naruto Shippuden: Shinobi Rumble for the DS.


Iwata might not always be the best on execution (handling the software droughts of previous sytems as an example) but he definitely doesn't have his head in the sand when it comes to identifying Nintendo's faults (including those times where Nintendo doesn't execute well on something they said they would) and future challenges.

But yes they actually learn something, nobody's perfect. And it actually isn't up all to him, while he is involved it's a lot of people that actually desing it from ground up.

I have contacted FamousQuotes.com to add this one to the list.

One of the things I did not agree with one of the WiiU chat developers is that they wanted to make it forcefully simple without offering advanced options or even buttons on screen for more control variety - that is not how nintendo ought to be.


I'm curious about the ZombiU review, because I haven't been a Gamespot reader since that crap with Jeff Gerstmann, but how prolific is this Maxwell fellow? Has he worked there long? Written a lot of reviews? Because if not, I'm wondering if he's just rattling his cage to draw attention to himself. To be "that guy" who shat all over the Wii U's (arguably) most anticipated title, to keep himself in a spotlight of notoriety.
These conspiracy theories that always accompany low reviews for anticipated games are always terrible to read.

Agree with his points or not - and some are more debatable than others - he targeted a ton of what would be level criticisms at the game if they're true. Stuff about pacing, immersion etc. are debatable and subjective. One mans trash another mans treasure.
Bad AI, poor melee combat system, useless puzzles, mediocre story, lack of variety etc. are objectively bad if true. One can only hope his experience isn't representative of what most players will experience.
All games he's reviewed at Gamespot:

ZombiU is his equal lowest score he's given, alongside Naruto Shippuden: Shinobi Rumble for the DS.

Thanks for the link, it sheds some light on things! Looking at that list, he reviews a LOT of fighting and faster paced games, so maybe slower/methodical gameplay isn't his thing. But again, can't say for sure 'til the game is in our hands and we get more reviews!


My source is my ass!
By chance, is there an amurikan rich enough to trade an additional Wii U he will buy tomorrow for some french delicacies ?

C'mon, after having generated so much buzz around this system, i have to endure witnessing millions of people playing it "for real" (not in a showroom) while i'll be left alone, with my many failed attempts at cooking caramelized pop-corns like those on theater while i know 5x more intricate recipes ? ><

Where are the "âmes charitables" nowadays ><


I'm curious about the ZombiU review, because I haven't been a Gamespot reader since that crap with Jeff Gerstmann, but how prolific is this Maxwell fellow? Has he worked there long? Written a lot of reviews? Because if not, I'm wondering if he's just rattling his cage to draw attention to himself. To be "that guy" who shat all over the Wii U's (arguably) most anticipated title, to keep himself in a spotlight of notoriety.

With almost every preview/hands-on write up for ZombiU being generally positive, I wonder. As others have said, he seems to be criticizing the game for being what it's supposed to: survival horror. Of course we need to see more reviews, but I think people are being a bit quick to write off ZombiU because of one review.

After looking at what he's reviewed in the past (predominantly fighting games) and the kinds of complaints he raises (more varied combat because it's boring as it is now while also saying the best way to play is by killing all the enemies...) I feel comfortable in almost completely dismissing his opinion on the game. The only objective issue seems to be the narrative dissonance with the prepper not accounting for changing characters.


Question for anybody that has had next day delivery. My Wii U will be delivered on Monday(sitting in Raleigh now like just a few mins away) They can only say between the hours of 9am -7pm. I don't want to take the day off(we are too too busy) for that. What's my solution?


I am so hype that I've ended up on the site you Go to for Nintendo news. I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO SEND HELP WITH ALTERNATIVES, PLEASE.


Question for anybody that has had next day delivery. My Wii U will be delivered on Monday(sitting in Raleigh now like just a few mins away) They can only say between the hours of 9am -7pm. I don't want to take the day off(we are too too busy) for that. What's my solution?

What time do you get off? Is signature required for it?
Went to WalMart last night to try and snag a Wii U.

I waited for 30 minutes while they ran around looking for a Wii U after convincing them that today was the 18th. They finally find one and bring it back. As they are checking it out, the register stops them. A manager comes over to bypass it but then some fat bitch in a power chair tells him its not the 18th and I walk away empty handed.

So close. :(

Not one aspect of this sounds like something that would actually happen.


Just got an email from target that my order won't arrive tomorrow.. New date "12/03/2012 - 12/19/2012"

Preordered on 10/31

How are people who ordered yesterday getting shipping notices?
Question for anybody that has had next day delivery. My Wii U will be delivered on Monday(sitting in Raleigh now like just a few mins away) They can only say between the hours of 9am -7pm. I don't want to take the day off(we are too too busy) for that. What's my solution?
Have it be held at the nearest drop off. And pick it up


informing for eurolaunch gaffers: There's a good deal on Spain (El Corte Inglés) where you get 15% back as in-store credit to be used from January 7th. That's 52€ back from the Deluxe. It ends tomorrow.


Wii U 32 GB Deluxe shipped from Walmart.com.

Won't be here until the 27th, but I don't care. I'm just happy it fucking shipped.


Neo Member
So, I ordered my WII U from walmart.com.. I didn't even bother checking for its shipment because when I ordered it stated it would arrive 3-4 weeks after launch. Just looked, and its out for delivery, which means it should arrive within 2 hours :) SO happY!


Does anyone in Canada know if Wal-Mart's are on Holiday hours yet (open 24/7)? My store didn't get deluxe models so I'm on the hunt for one now. I'm hoping to go there at break (12am) and pick one up, but I can always wait until they normally open after my night shift is over. Hopefully they have a few spare deluxe units in for people who didn't pre-order.
I work for a Sams and can't imagine why Walmart would even have them when we're expecting ours today.

There's that, but there's also just more illogical suggestions. First, how does one "convince" someone of what day it is. Usually, when I'm out somewhere dating a document and there's any confusion as to the date, a calendar, or a phone, or a computer is consulted. And even if they just decided to take the word of a confident customer who sounded like he knew his dates, the computer denying the sale would have been the end of it.

I know people like to joke about Wal-Mart employees being incompetent, but they're not so radically incompetent that they'd take the word of a customer on a fact that's so easily verifiable over the Point of Sale system they're completely reliant on ("Hmm... the computer must be wrong about what day it is, because that happens all the time"). And even if they are just that incompetent, surely a manager isn't going to step in and go along for the ride.

I know this is way too many words for this, but come on.


There's that, but there's also just more illogical suggestions. First, how does one "convince" someone of what day it is. Usually, when I'm out somewhere dating a document and there's any confusion as to the date, a calendar, or a phone, or a computer is consulted. And even if they just decided to take the word of a confident customer who sounded like he knew his dates, the computer denying the sale would have been the end of it.

I know people like to joke about Wal-Mart employees being incompetent, but they're not so radically incompetent that they'd take the word of a customer on a fact that's so easily verifiable over the Point of Sale system they're completely reliant on ("Hmm... the computer must be wrong about what day it is, because that happens all the time"). And even if they are just that incompetent, surely a manager isn't going to step in and go along for the ride.

I know this is way too many words for this, but come on.

When I say 'convince', there wasn't any type of argument over the day. I strolled up to the counter and began speaking with an old african american lady. I asked for the Wii U console that was "supposed to come out tonight at midnight". I then showed her that they already had the games out for sale. This was enough for her to not question it, because she had no idea what I was talking about.

She then asked a manager to find one for me in the back. The manager took the word of his employee, not mine. When the lady in the power chair said "Those don't come out until the 18th, that's why the computer isn't taking it," the manager literally said "Oh, I thought today was the 18th."

I'm not sure what your local WalMart Point of Sale systems look like, but mine are dinky cash registers from the 1980's with credit card machines hooked up to them. The only words it could fit on it's tiny marquee were "SALE NOT ALLOWED". No date specifics at all.

Sheesh, you people.
Does anyone in Canada know if Wal-Mart's are on Holiday hours yet (open 24/7)? My store didn't get deluxe models so I'm on the hunt for one now. I'm hoping to go there at break (12am) and pick one up, but I can always wait until they normally open after my night shift is over. Hopefully they have a few spare deluxe units in for people who didn't pre-order.

Don't know about hours but the Wal-Mart I spoke to was very unsure about having any extras. Still, I'd check it out.

What store didn't get any Deluxe?
Would sure be nice to get some COD impressions before tomorrow as that's what I would like to get along with Mario, but it's looking like I'm just going to get Mario until I've read impressions/reviews and am comfortable with buying something else. I simply don't trust any ports.
Holy sh--.... release is tonight isn't it? I forgot for a the last couple days... Hmm... going to need a nap if I'm going to stay up all night.
Just watched the Gamespot Nintendo Land review. My god, Zelda, Metroid, and Takamaru looked especially clean and beautiful, as did the plaza. Also, hadn't seen footage of the little 8-bit art rooms/lobbies for each game. Dunno if I can wait another 3 weeks.


Has anyone found out if you may use your Wii U account on another Wii U system yet? Like if it breaks/explodes and you buy a new one?
So they are too smart at my local Walmart :|

I got clued in the Electronics department by going to the Wii glass case... All the Wii games on the bottom shelves and 3 Wii U shelves on top EMPTY - Layaway does not open for another hour.

I looked at the very bottom of the case there are a few new Wii U branded Motion plus boxes and chucks but only see white :(

So I wait awhile and asked one of the guys that work in the electronic department to sell me a motion plus in black he opens the case and there were no blacks :(

Asked him why is this shelf empty he said all the Wii U games were out there before but one of the sales people took them to the back because he saw a message that one game should not be sold before the 18th so took them all off to the back. I said to him I have Mass Effect 3 at home right now and many of the games came have been sold since the 13th.

He agrees that other shops are selling the games and said he can go to the back and get me one.

:D Hell yeah making progress.

So I told him a copy of Blops 2 and one of those Motion Plus in Black and a Pro in Black

no blacks no pros he says just the consoles and the games in the back.

Consoles? Hell Yeah. XD

I like this guy already very knowledgable.

So we go to the register there is a girl running it. He tells her to charge me for the items while he goes to the back to get them.

She clicks a few buttons and says the computer will not allow checkout until the 18th for Black Ops 2.

I complain that other stores are selling this already.

She says that if they are Nintendo has some huge fines for breaking the date so nothing gets sold in this store until midnight but this store is closed at that time so tomorrow morning I can buy what I need.

what FINES?

damn this store is too smart.

So I pay for the motion plus. No Pro are in. I can return the white remote within 14 days if they ever get the black ones in.

So Mission FAILED T_T

still 40 minutes before layaway opens, I walk to the back and that same guy is there at the layaway desk. I ask if they are opened. He tells me no but gives me good news.

43 Wii U Deluxe are back here
only 4 of them are not reserved and none can be sold until tomorrow morning.

My reserve is safe :)

oh well hope I can find out what games are on eShop DD by midnight tonight and tomorrow I know I'll have my Wii U :D


Don't know about hours but the Wal-Mart I spoke to was very unsure about having any extras. Still, I'd check it out.

What store didn't get any Deluxe?
My local game store (not a chain or anything). Nintendo apparently prioritized getting all the black units to bigger stores and left the store I pre-ordered at with white units only. Now I either have to find one without a pre-order or deal with a white unit. Apparently they had 11 preordered for the deluxe model too. Sucks to be the person who made all of those phone calls.

I'm kind of pissed though cause my whole TV setup is black so having a white console will ruin it. Plus all my Wii accessories are black. Now I have to buy NintendoLand separately too and spend even more money than I was going to (and I'll be getting good less memory and no charging cradle).


So, the only noteworthy games (In my opinion, of course.) in the entire launch window (Several months?) that would make the system desirable are ZombiU, The Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3 and to a far lesser extent, New Super Mario Bros U? The rest of the WiiU exclusive games do not currently seem interesting.

This launch seems bizarre -- I'm sure they will sell a bunch, but the levels of hype and excitement typically surrounding a new console release "seem" to be incredibly low.



Wii Deluxe with Madden 2013 and Just Dance 4
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Assassin's Creed 3
Darksiders 2
Tekken Tag Tournment
You need a preorder though?

Some stores will have extra stock but that sounds rare at this point. It's all really hit or miss. I have a preorder at Toys R Us and some of the stuff they said yesterday about not even having the consoles in has me worried. I'm still probably going to lineup at least an hour before.


Gold Member
Really worried about Call of duty black ops 2 on the Wii U seeing how all the other ports are getting hammered as having some major issues and lack of quality.
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