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Windows Phone 8.1 |OT| Update 1

I have a white one and like it a lot. Its about the same size/weight as a 920 but with a larger screen. Looks fantastic - not as in your face as the 920, but really nicely engineered. The LCD screen feels like it is really floating on the curved glass, and the slight increase in size and significant bump in resolution makes the three column layout work well.

Honestly I had a 920 with 8.1 dev preview on so it isn't a massive leap - still the same OS under the hood. But everything just feels more solid.

I find the 930 very bulky compare to the 920. I am still at a lost as to why this phone doesn't have At&t LTE band support, it's almost as if Verizons demand it to be that way for exclusive.

Funky Papa

VLC for Windows Phone 8.1 won't be out soon

There's good news and bad news for fans of the popular free VLC media player. The good news is that the long awaited Windows 8.1 version could be out as soon as today. The bad news is that the long promised VLC port for Windows Phone 8.1 could take much longer to be released than first thought.

In a chat on Twitter with one of its developers Thomas Nigro, he told us that the Windows 8.1 update could be published in the Windows Store today, but added, " ... But as I already said this like a billion time(s) I should not say it one more time." In other words, it sounds like it's really close but don't be surprised if it doesn't arrive today.

And what about the Windows Phone 8.1 port? Unfortunately, it sounds like the development team has hit a bit of a wall on that front. Nigro says there are "Problems with the ARM compiler. Microsoft doesn't have one. We have to make it ourselves. And it's very high level of engineering."



Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
I'm not that disappointed in the iPhone specs. I'm slightly disappointed hearing iphone fans thinking certain features are the second coming when other phones have had them for years (5" screens, curved glass displays etc), but they are good specs.

But then that makes me annoyed at those complaining about no new WP flagship because the icon/930 either hits or exceeds most of the iphone specs (it's basically an iPhone 6 plus in a thicker iphone 6 form factor)
yea that is annoying. I remember when iphone finally got copy and paste, apple even had a commercial for it, i was like really? I could do that on my blackberry years ago.

It's old. Just a rebranded icon. Shit battery life, same hot to touch problem as the 920, and finally no glance.

Screw it.
its amazing that this is where we're at in society. The Icon came out in February and its already "old" and the 930 came out this summer overseas.
How often does MS need to release a new high end phone? Once a quarter? Once every six months?
Its unreasonable to expect this, imo.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
The Icon was "old" because it already came out with an older, less efficient SoC than the one used by the competition. The phone is fine, but a Snapdragon 800 is just not cutting it.

Edit: http://www.anandtech.com/show/7846/...-snapdragon-800-and-801-clearing-up-confusion

yea i started to read that and i realized I really just don't care.

If you want to call the phone old or not high end because it didnt include a processor that was released after the phone itself came out, fine. The specs are still the similar or better than the brand new iphone.

I really dont care though, i'm thoroughly enjoying my Icon have had zero issues with it, other than the fact that Verizon can suck a dick for not releasing updates.


The Icon was "old" because it already came out with an older, less efficient SoC than the one used by the competition. The phone is fine, but a Snapdragon 800 is just not cutting it.

Edit: http://www.anandtech.com/show/7846/...-snapdragon-800-and-801-clearing-up-confusion

Can't we use the same argument they are using for the iPhone only having 1GB? You can't compare specs directly without understanding how the different architectures use the available power. Thye lumia 800 did really well wih a crappy single core processor. WP is pretty efficient. I've not noticed my 930 feeling slow.

Funky Papa

Can't we use the same argument they are using for the iPhone only having 1GB? You can't compare specs directly without understanding how the different architectures use the available power. Thye lumia 800 did really well wih a crappy single core processor. WP is pretty efficient. I've not noticed my 930 feeling slow.

Efficency means energy consumption, not power. The old Snapdragon 800 is a real juicer.


MicroSD recommendations? Looking to max out the memory of the 1520. The AT&T 16gb model is paltry, are there any particular brands/sizes that work well?

Pretty much anything really.

Go for the 128GB if you want the max atm.

If you want fast speed, you can get the Samsung that reads at like 90MB/s max.

The 128GB caps at 48MB/s.


Looks like a dev preview update may come out this week for some phones.


Wish we knew which phones exactly. Would be great for MS to push Cyan to the Icon since Verizon is taking so long.

Efficency means energy consumption, not power. The old Snapdragon 800 is a real juicer.

I wonder how much better the battery usage is in the 801 chip. It doesn't look to perform much better but maybe you're right that much of the efficiencies are in the power consumption.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Looks like a dev preview update may come out this week for some phones.


Wish we knew which phones exactly. Would be great for MS to push Cyan to the Icon since Verizon is taking so long.

I wonder how much better the battery usage is in the 801 chip. It doesn't look to perform much better but maybe you're right that much of the efficiencies are in the power consumption.
looks like they are pushing Cyan out to dev preview users...


So, first things first: today we're releasing the Lumia Cyan update for another chunk of Preview for Developer devices. We'll be closely monitoring the success of this update on those phones. So, let us know if you are offered the update and if you have any issues! If all goes well, expect broader communication for the availability of even more phones (lots more!) over the next few days. Thanks for holding tight folks -- we're almost there.

but yea, like you said it seems kind of random as to who's going to get it and who isnt.


How do you like it? I'm still thinking of picking one up. I don't use glance so that's not a problem. Did you have 920 previously, and if so how does the size and weight compare? Thanks

Really enjoy it. Went from a white 920 and it feels lighter and thinner.
Also the screen is fantastic.


Unconfirmed Member
Thanks for the impressions. Hopefully I will pick one up in Nov unless there are some other announcements. I know its "old", but that stuff doesn't bother me.


With Nokia now part of MS, there really shouldn't be any reason they couldn't do this.

No more carrier exclusivity please.

Why doesn't anyone take note of this? Look how hard the Amazon Fire phone flopped. Probably the same occurred for the Lumia Icon.


Office Lens is just... awesome.

I no longer need to scan stuff. I just take a pic, upload it to OneNote or do OCR if i need to copy something from a textbook.


Unconfirmed Member
Only in some kind of alternate universe will Windows Phone print money. Not that it matters, as they are still the kind of phone OS that I like.

Yep. It may not be 60 million, but still having millions and like and use what you make is a good thing.


Anyone else having issues with lock screen notifications not going away when you swipe them away from the notification center? This worked up until a few weeks ago, I see a notification icon on the lock screen, open notification center, see that it's some sort of spam, swipe it away from the notification center, and it was also gone from the lock screen, lately, I still see the icon on the lock screen.

Any fix?


I wonder what % of marketshare does WP need before it becomes a default platform to bring apps to? I.e you don't have to pay/persuade/beg developers, they'll just do it naturally?

Anyone else having issues with lock screen notifications not going away when you swipe them away from the notification center? This worked up until a few weeks ago, I see a notification icon on the lock screen, open notification center, see that it's some sort of spam, swipe it away from the notification center, and it was also gone from the lock screen, lately, I still see the icon on the lock screen.

Any fix?

Don't think I have is, but I have noticed my lock screen calendar telling me yesterday's appointments
I wonder what % of marketshare does WP need before it becomes a default platform to bring apps to? I.e you don't have to pay/persuade/beg developers, they'll just do it naturally?

Don't think I have is, but I have noticed my lock screen calendar telling me yesterday's appointments

Probably until "becomes second place globally".


I wonder what % of marketshare does WP need before it becomes a default platform to bring apps to? I.e you don't have to pay/persuade/beg developers, they'll just do it naturally?

It is already sort of happening in certain regions - UK, India etc. where there are only a few more holdouts.

I would say the magic number is 15% (with iOS at c.20%).


Whoa, so, my wife is obsessed with Clash of Clans, so I played it on my Nexus a couple days ago to check it out. Neat concept, but not my cup of tea. At least not since I can't play on my phone.

Just checked out Age of Empires: Castle Siege, wholly cloned, Batman!

The buttons are in the same place and everything! There's some tweaks to the formula but it's mostly the same damned game.

So, uh, is there a NeoGAF alliance?


Whoa, so, my wife is obsessed with Clash of Clans, so I played it on my Nexus a couple days ago to check it out. Neat concept, but not my cup of tea. At least not since I can't play on my phone.

Just checked out Age of Empires: Castle Siege, wholly cloned, Batman!

The buttons are in the same place and everything! There's some tweaks to the formula but it's mostly the same damned game.

So, uh, is there a NeoGAF alliance?

Agree for the most part but it has one very crucial feature that changes the entire game.... the ability to control your units in battle. So amazingly stupid (and people take advantage of this now in clash of clans) that you can't do anything with your units once you place them. Castle Siege allowing you to do that really makes it feel more like an age of empires game.


Pardon my rather lengthy write-up, but I would appreciate to hear either agreement or tips on how to improve things or at least a positive outlook in regards to my issues.

I recently used a Samsung Galaxy S3 with Cyanogen Mod. I would have liked a better camera, and am rather fond of Windows 8 Metro interface on my tablet. I thought, hey, a Windows phone should be nice. In fact, having a whole eco system where I only have to log in and have everything set up and synchronized would be awesome.

But, now after 5 days with my Lumia 1020 and WP8.1, I don’t think I like Windows Phone all that much. I guess I went into it with wrong expectations, chief among them that it would be much like Windows 8 Metro.

I thought with my Windows 8 Microsoft account the phone would automatically have everything set up for me. I expected the same level of integration as I have between different PCs that run Windows 8 desktop. Like in steam, no matter on what hardware I log myself in, it downloads my preferred settings and other things from the cloud. I expected more convergence than there is.

I am not a big app-user on Android, so naturally I thought I wouldn’T be bothered by the lack of apps on WP. And truthfully, if the provided ones allowed me a bit of freedom and functionality I wouldn’t miss the few apps I used much.
But that’s the point. I miss functionality. I want to scrobble my recently played tracks to last.fm from within my audio player. I want my audio player to remember what it played last and resume from where it stopped playing last (granted, MixRadio appears to at least remember where I stopped playback last, but that Xbox Music – which I guess would be the default music player? - doesn’t seems… odd). And I really like to convenience of just plugging my headphones in and having music playback start without me touching anything else. AstroPlayer on Android does that. On WP? Nothing :( It also seems that in order to skip a track forward/backward I have to use the screen and can’t simply use one of the hardware buttons (i.e. long press on volume+/- to change track forward/backward).

I had a slight hope, that NFC tags might provide me a solution to this inconvenience. But no, WP only allows NFC tags to open up settings pages or some apps. But to actually change or do anything I still have to touch the screen. And, at least with the Nokia NFC Writer I can only write one “open setting” command per tag? That is cumbersome and much less functionality than I have read is possible on Android. Why can’t I program an NFC tag to actually start playing music? Or turning off the WLAN, or turning it on, if it was turned off? I guess (After reading so) security concerns or something, but still… I don’t care. I want convenience, not intricateness.

I knew about the limits of the Lumia 1020 camera (as in start up time) beforehand, what I did not realize was that the pro cam too does not remember my last settings or allow me to set up certain parameters within which the auto-settings shall work. As is it is –again- rather cumbersome to do certain things I do, like photographing the information display of my car to keep track of fuel consumption/distance etc. At night time, the shutter speed automatically sets itself up to a level where I can’t hold my hand steadily enough for the small text to be readable. Using flash is obviously no option because it just introduces a bunch of mirroring to the picture to make it illegible as well. So as far (and as of yet that was just once for 20 minutes) as I tried I have to use the pro-cam and set shutter time automatically to get something useful. Again… that is much more work than I had to do with my Android phone, where simply disabling the flash got me solid results.

And also, the charging cover for the 1020 feels bad. Especially the crease on the side is rather unappealing to the touch. :(
On that note: Why does my Lumia 1020 occasionally beep when it’s on the charging mat? Is it to tell me it now starts charging? Is it to tell me it’s already full of charge? Is it something else that has nothing to do with it lying on the charging mat?

It’s possible that playing around a bit might help me find a solution to some things, but as of now, after 5 days I’m rather disappointed and kind of consider going back to my SGS3.
No more carrier exclusivity please.

Why doesn't anyone take note of this? Look how hard the Amazon Fire phone flopped. Probably the same occurred for the Lumia Icon.
You make it sound like this is a feasible choice.

Why would at&t or verizon want to spend money on marketing a Nokia when they have the iPhone and S5? The answer is unfortunately exclusivity and/or other incentives.


I thought with my Windows 8 Microsoft account the phone would automatically have everything set up for me. I expected the same level of integration as I have between different PCs that run Windows 8 desktop. Like in steam, no matter on what hardware I log myself in, it downloads my preferred settings and other things from the cloud. I expected more convergence than there is.
I think that this comes with the next version of Windows which is 9. I believe a developer can have an app that will run on any Windows. Personally, I didn't notice this point and it didn't bother me.

I knew about the limits of the Lumia 1020 camera (as in start up time) beforehand, what I did not realize was that the pro cam too does not remember my last settings or allow me to set up certain parameters within which the auto-settings shall work. As is it is –again- rather cumbersome to do certain things I do, like photographing the information display of my car to keep track of fuel consumption/distance etc. At night time, the shutter speed automatically sets itself up to a level where I can’t hold my hand steadily enough for the small text to be readable. Using flash is obviously no option because it just introduces a bunch of mirroring to the picture to make it illegible as well. So as far (and as of yet that was just once for 20 minutes) as I tried I have to use the pro-cam and set shutter time automatically to get something useful. Again… that is much more work than I had to do with my Android phone, where simply disabling the flash got me solid results.
Which lens are you using? I believe I'm using the Nokia camera and I see shutter speed, flash and 4-5 other settings on the right side. So to disable the flash, I just hit auto to off. Most of my settings are auto by default but I do have instant access to change some settings. I guess you're not seeing this.

And also, the charging cover for the 1020 feels bad. Especially the crease on the side is rather unappealing to the touch. :(

I can't imagine myself putting a charging cover or any cover for that matter on my 1020. It takes away the looks and the form factor. Wireless charging does not have that big of an appeal to me. I'll wait for it to be built into the phone.


Which lens are you using? I believe I'm using the Nokia camera and I see shutter speed, flash and 4-5 other settings on the right side. So to disable the flash, I just hit auto to off. Most of my settings are auto by default but I do have instant access to change some settings. I guess you're not seeing this.

I see all of that, but the pro camera does not remember for instance that I last set it to manually shoot at ISO 800 with a shutter time of 1/25s. When I reopen it, it's back to auto on ISO and auto on the shutter time. It does however remember my desired flash state (that being "off"). I wouldn't necessary mind that either, as long as I could set certain threshold values that are not crossed (e.g. minimum shutter time 1/25 and max ISO 1600) when it is set to auto. But as is, that's not possible. And my car-info-display-photographing is made a bit more difficult by this than I'd like it too. But perhaps using a different "lens" for just that purpose might do the trick. Though I don't think the ones provided by MS/Nokia are good for that specific task?

I can't imagine myself putting a charging cover or any cover for that matter on my 1020. It takes away the looks and the form factor. Wireless charging does not have that big of an appeal to me. I'll wait for it to be built into the phone.

It absolutely does take away from the look and more importantly (for me) the feel. I wish I did not have to use it. But one thing I really have grown to hate is plugging in wires. Especially if I have to do that on a more or less daily basis. At least if I want to have the convenience of leaving most settings always on, since WP doesn't allow me to easily switch them off (by using NFC tags).


You can skip tracks if you have an inline remote on your headphones. Even just an answer button will play/pause with a single press or skip tracks with a double press


You can skip tracks if you have an inline remote on your headphones. Even just an answer button will play/pause with a single press or skip tracks with a double press

My Headphones/cable to my car stereo doesn't have a remote on it. Are there wired remotes that are compatible and that I kind plug in between the plug on the phone and the headphone connector?


My Headphones/cable to my car stereo doesn't have a remote on it. Are there wired remotes that are compatible and that I kind plug in between the plug on the phone and the headphone connector?
The Nokia headphones that came with my 1020 have the inline remote on it, and I've used some other one button inline remotes that work as well. I'm not sure if you can get an adapter though.



There are plenty of other options that should work

Xbox music app can change tracks by swiping up/down on the album art. Or swipetunes app will do what it sounds like

Should as in "I (heard from people who) tried it" or "there's no technical reason why it shouldn't work but in practice it hasn't been tested"? Especially concerning the track skipping it sounds (amazon.co.uk q&a) like the track skipping would not work.

Also I would like to skip tracks without turning the screen on.


Technically it should just be recreating the 4-pole setup that a normal in-line remote uses. But I haven't tested such an accessory. I do know that normal headphone remotes work on windows phone - just tried both android and iPhone cables and boy support skipping by double tapping the call answer button (and obviously WP ones do too)


Age of Empires - Castle Siege
"NeoGAF League" <--- Open invite alliance for us WP gaffers and friends/family.

Note: you need to type the whole name to make the alliance appear. Must not be using Bing...
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