So is the Lumia 920 the best Lumia?
I have to say, as much as I love the design of the Lumia phones, their branding and naming scheme is a mess. I'm all fine with throwing numbers ahead of names, but when you have 720, 920, and 928, you just have to think "Well what the hell is this?"
EDIT: Just watched the Verge video review of the 920; cameras are cool, but that's not really what I care about the most. Is the 920 like clearly the best-hardwaret/fastest of the Lumia phones, or what?

unlocked price: 520 < 620 < 720 < 820 < 920
So it all depends on how much you're willing to spend, and what the lowest specs you're willing to settle for are.
The two I'd recommend right now are the 920 (flagship phone, amazing camera, builtin wireless charging, etc) and the 620 (best bang for your buck IMO).